Thursday, February 20, 2014


It doesn't matter that there is a foot of snow still on the ground... my internal clock is ready for Spring!

How about you?

Here's a little spring nest inspiration to hold us over until the snow melts...

Nest are a sure sign of Spring... and most of us need Spring NOW!

Let's all think Spring by getting creative with nests...

This little nest was such a plain Jane when I bought it. I added sweet little twigs of cherry blossoms, moss and small real eggs.

Don't tell the other nests... this one is my very favorite!

Birds don't have to make nest... this one was made from a tiny wire basket and some soft moss. These tiny spotted quail eggs fit perfectly!

Nest make the prettiest table decorations. I put willow balls in this nest to give it a brambly organic feel... a great look for early Spring.

Did you notice the charger looks like a nest?

When something works, I tend to keep repeating it! 

I love love love to put nests in cups and saucers! They can be tucked in cupboards and bookcases and even on night stands! And they are a breath of springtime on a table!

The rustic look of a nest is so beautiful against shiny, lustrous silver! I pair the two together often!


This is one time to polish up the silver... and let it shine!

Now, this is elevating a nest!  Putting little nests on big tall candles looks darling... and dramatic! I added an extra layer of  "fluff" between for an extra wild look!

Nest make fabulous pictures too!

I created this nest picture for a guest bedroom.  To see an easy  DIY click HERE

This little "nest" was made by adding a bits of straw to a large blue and white egg cup!

So easy with lots of Springtime sass!

Since we are on the subject of egg cups... look at this tiny, tiny nest perched on a trio of creamy egg cups.

Recently I made an herb box using a vintage 7 up crate. I tucked moss inside one of the spaces and added a few feathers and an egg. It looks like a little bird found a delightful place to nest!

Now... this is not a nest but it has all the elements. Sticks, twigs and an egg!

I filled an eggshell with a pansy and put it in an egg cup. Then I added a little willow wreath to the base of the cup.

Isn't it adorable?

To see how I made them click HERE

Nest are very easy to make.  I made this little nest last year as a part of my Spring decor. And here's the best part... it cost me noting to make!

To see a DIY click HERE

The snow will be melting sometime soon here at StoneGable, and in just a few weeks we should be seeing our first Robin. 

Remember to

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  1. So sweet…Spring is just around the corner!

  2. Yvonne, I think that tucking these homemade tiny nests into cupboards and into dishes is a wonderful idea. That is exactly how we find nests in the wild--tucked here and there into little spaces. I just wouldn't use a real nest in my dishes after seeing the condition those mama birds leave them in! All of yours are so creative and I especially love the ones on the egg cups! There have been so many robins during the last two weeks gathering around my feeders and holly trees during the snow storms!! They are usually the sign of spring, but not this year! I can't wait to see the daffodils popping up. Linda

  3. Every one is so delicate and beautiful, you do a wonderful job putting them together. We are still buried in snow and Spring is no where near hear in my neck of the woods. I am ready to plant a garden but it will be July at this rate before the snow melts.

  4. Absolutely lovely ! I am going to make some nests for spring ! Could you share with me if you know where I can currently find those lovely Holly and berry rimmed white plates? I have searched all over and do not see them anywhere .

    1. Patty, So sorry to tell you... I have not seen them in years!

    2. Oh, darn...thanks for letting me know though !

  5. On a week like we have had, with temperatures in the high 70's , it is so easy to think Spring is here... but this roller coaster weather we luv and enjoy here in North Central Florida teaches us to wait. Let's see how it goes. I am sooooo ready for the weather to level out and flowers to appear!
    Your nests make me hopeful!

  6. Yes, my eternal clock says spring, too. Love all your little nests displays.

  7. LOVE all your nest inspirations! Happy to see someone else likes nests for décor as much as I do!

  8. As always, I love your decorating ideas! You make me want to get out my Grandmother's antique silver and display it, instead of keeping it stored, and also I want to collect more white dishes! I have two sets, but love how you mix-n-match. You're right that Home Goods, TJ Maxx & Marshall's are great stores to scout for items to mix in with what you already own. I'd love to visit your beautiful home and have a cup of tea! Good day!

  9. All very cute displays...and subtle. Love the pansy in the egg cup!

  10. Love this, not much longer to wait my friend. I invite you to share at my hop today Hugs!

  11. Love all your nests! I love to place them all around as well. To me it's just enough spring before we get into the full bunny and Easter look! Beautiful displays.~~Angela

  12. I love nests, too, Yvonne! I seem to have quite a few and I tuck them in wherever they will fit.

  13. Your nests are so lovely and they are a nice touch for Easter decor too! The egg cup ones are adorable.Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. These nests are adorable and I have many of the components. Thanks for all the ideas.

  15. Your nests decor have always been a incredible inspiration to me!...they are magnificent!

  16. Your nests inspired me years ago to add them to my decor too. I am slowly getting them out and placing them arund here. I HAVE seen my first Robin, it flew right up to our back door last week and I got a picture of it!!! In the snow!!!! XOXO

  17. So much gorgeous spring inspiration! It is so not anywhere near spring here so I especially love what you've done!

    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  18. I love them all,wonderful ideas and so beautifully photographed !

  19. Your inspiration has put me in a good mood this morning. I love your Paul Revere bowl and nest the best!

  20. They're so pretty and perfect to warm up a house come Spring time...or now!

  21. Oh I do those those nests. I had two blow out of trees last week. I will put them to good use.
    Hugs Kay

  22. Love your little nests! They are so cheerful and warm these long winter days.

  23. These are just precious. I have some little nests we have gathered from our yard. I don't have the heart to throw them away, they are so cute and the little mama bird worked so hard for her feather-babies. One mama has built over our front door for the last 3 years and it makes such a mess.....and the little babies have some lungs on them and just chirp...chirp....chirp (luv it). Where do you get the little eggs, please? Everything in your home looks beautiful.

  24. All of the nests are so sweet and lovely. I love that you make them, too. And you gave me an idea for an empty urn I have. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  25. Loving all your nesting inspiration! You've given me the inspiration I've needed to nest. Well bird nesting that, since I've been nesting this very cold, snowy winter.

  26. Oh yes with this horrific weather it is indeed time to nest

  27. Yvonne,
    Great "nesting" inspirations, dear friend!!!
    I've been making a few "nests" for our Spring Booth.
    Thank you for showing us how easy it is to make a nest with last year's tutorial. . .
    I may never purchase a nest, again!
    I adore the nest in the stacked cups and saucers and within the silver!!!

  28. Ok, a nest is now on my to do list! Wonderful creations Yvonne!

  29. Yvonne, could you tell us the name of the manufacturer of the holly/berry plates from the back of the plate (as well as the pattern if it's there)? Perhaps it's available through Replacements, Ltd.

    1. June, these are a real favorite. The marking on the back are a B in a stylized circle. That's all! I have looked everywhere for them! I got them at HomeGoods a few years ago. If you find out any info, please let me know. Thanks!

    2. Yvonne, offers a free service if you send them some information about the plate. You need to send a photo of the back and front and the measurements of the dinner plate. They will notify you in 7 days of the manufacturer, pattern, and whether they have any in stock. I'm sure we'd all like to know! Simply go to their website. Good luck.

  30. Love all your little nests displays!! Yes My internal clock says spring!

  31. What beautiful nest displays! I'm ready for spring too. Fortunately it has warmed up here and I even have some daffodils that are popping up!

  32. Hi Yvonne I posted about spring today and just had to link to this pretty post. I features included one of the photos too.

  33. I love nests, as well. I love walking our property and looking for them -- after the birds are finished, that is. I love those tiny nests you have perched on the egg cups. So sweet.

    And wherever did you find those chargers? Or are they really grapevine wreaths? Do tell.

    It sure looks like spring at StoneGable, even though I know you're still mired in winter weather. Everything is so pretty.

  34. You've shared some great nesting ideas. Thanks!

  35. Yvonne,
    All the bird's nests and eggs are beautiful. Each is a special design all its own just like in the wild. Your posts never disappoint! Each is a delight to the senses and inspiration for me.

