Thursday, January 9, 2014


Last Sunday I put together a quick Soup Buffet after Church. Right before our small group arrived, I snapped a few pictures.

This table was not intended to be a blog post but I thought it would be fun to show you how I set up a easy to execute tablescape and luncheon... a real life... not edited for publication table...

I'm getting better, but still am recovering from surgery... so lunch was very simple and easy!

I used our round breakfast room table as the buffet table. I often set up a buffet on this table, especially when we are having an informal gathering. I'm a big fan of buffets!

I had a black and white runner on the table so I kept it on and used my white dishes along with a few black and white dishes I had on hand.

Here's a big tip... Collect and buy white! I love love love white dishes. They go with EVERYTHING!

I have a huge crush on ruffly little carnations... I prefer them over roses any day! 

I found two bunches at the grocery store. I also found a bunch of bright green hypericum berries in the sale bin... so, for less than $10.00 I fashioned a cheery bouquet. These flowers will last more than 2 weeks!

They look pretty with the black and white theme.

Steamy hot HAM AND BEAN SOUP was served from a white ironstone soup tureen.

I collect white soup tureens, but this simple one is my favorite.

I got this heavy and handsome ladle from Pottery Barn Outlet.

Putting flatware in small pitchers is a pretty way to keep things tidy. We only needed soup spoons for lunch!

This is my favorite way to serve soup. Aren't these soup cups and stands great?

I got these at World Market several years ago. 

Can you tell I really like white dishes!

I served a box mix (oh horrors... yes, I did!) cornbread because it was easy! No one knew it was not from scratch!

Cornbread is best served warm with butter and jam.

I chose a pomegranate pepper jelly for a little spicy sweet taste and boysenberry jam... just because I love it!  Did you notice that I wrote the jelly flavors with magic marker on the plate.  FUN! No worries, it scrubs off with soap and water.

Store bought cookies and clementines make a very easy dessert. I served the cookies on a cake plate to make them look extra nice. You can just see the cute black and white dessert plates.

Drinks were self serve too. Bottled sodas in a big white bowl ...

And a white pitcher filled with water... all ready for my lunch bunch!

So easy-peasy and quick to put together! 

Having friends over doesn't have to be fancy or homemade... just welcoming and warm!

SLOW COOKER HAM AND BEAN SOUP (one of my first blog posts-yikes!)
Corn Bread
Butter and Jellies
Assorted Sodas and Water

Remember to 

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  1. Hi Yvonne, I just clicked over to visit your bean soup recipe and it does sound delicious on this frigid morning! I also collect white dishes to use as a backdrop for my tables! Each pattern adds a different flair and shade to the table, so we always need more. I love your black and white accents and those soup bowls and the pop of pink from the carnations! Even the bright green bottles add to the bright and happy table. I also made a box corn bread this weekend, although I was not pleased with the results. Hungry guests in from the cold devoured them, however, along with an entire pot of chili! I'm so happy to see a table from you Yvonne! I was one of the commenters on your survey who asked for more! So excited to see your new blog look soon. Stay warm! Linda

  2. This looks so cozy and inviting, especially on this cold winter day! (Makes me wish I was part of your small group coming over for lunch!) I just recently discovered the "blog world" and yours is my favorite! I now want to collect white dishes too after seeing all your beautiful ways of using them. I love how you create such a welcoming table setting. I am wondering where I would store extra dishes and fun items like soup tureens. My home is small and storage space is smaller. (I have no closets except for the ones in the bedrooms and no attic.) Yvonne, do you or any of your readers have a suggestion on how to store these "occasional" decorations? Suggestions appreciated! Thanks!
    N Joy

    1. I store my white dishes in my kitchen cupboards. And converted a hall closet to a dish closet. I have some blogging friends that store extra dishes under their beds in plastic bins. Hope this helps.

    2. I have recently started collecting white soup tureens and have them displayed on top of the kitchen cabinets. I love how they look and it's a great place to "store" them!

    3. If you have any of those inexpensive cardboard round tables that you use with a round tablecloth, I have things stored under them too. I also collect big baskets and store things in them too. Hope this helps!!!

    4. If you have space between the top of your kitchen cabinets and ceiling, you could display them there.

  3. I love your Monday menus. I enjoy them so much that I plan my menu after reading yours on Mondays. All recipes have been great. My family loves them. And that's a very big compliment.

  4. It's all just beautiful Yvonne. I do the same try to buy lots of white pieces that can be mixed and matched. Your table is just perfect.

  5. I can't believe you do as much as you do while recovering still. I love those soup cups and stands. The carnations mixed with the green berries are beautiful.

  6. I have long been a fan of World Market's stackable mugs, but never realized how great they would be for soup. I hope they're still available!

  7. I am planning a birthday luncheon later in the month, this will be perfect! Thank you for sharing. Now, if I can just get my hands on those stackable soup mugs;)

  8. Glad to hear you are recovering nicely and feel better! I have some of the same items on your table already so I may just have to make soup today!lol Hubby knows never bring me roses...just carnations and I purchase them as well; I have loved them always!! I must check World Market for those cups/holders. I have been needing something like that for my coffee station.

  9. Your soup sounds so yummy!! I love doing brunches myself! Thank you for all your wonderful tips!~~Angela

  10. I love those stackable mugs! We do soup for our book club dinners quite often, and these would store easily. I just got a ten dollar coupon yesterday from World Market -- hope they still carry those. Glad to hear you are recovering.

  11. Everything looks wonderful Yvonne! It must be the cold weather because I have been in soup mode this week as well. I love your soup cup stand...what a fabulous find!!! All the pretty white with the hot pink carnations look so cherry on your table, love it paired with the black and white. I am sure your church friends enjoyed their meal and time spent visiting in your lovely home. Glad to know you are on the mend after surgery!
    XO Barbara

  12. Your soup sounds delish and your pretty buffet looks so inviting! The mini carnations add a sweet pop of happiness to your arrangement! I hope you're recovering nicely, best wishes and a warm hug,

  13. It's so pretty and I'm happy to here that you're doing well. I love your tureen and I think it's time I retrieved mine from it's hiding place. I might even embellish it with a bit of ribbon, thanks for the inspiration!

  14. LOVED this post, Yvonne. Quick and Easy is the name of the game (well, elaborate is nice on occasion), but we are quite informal 99% of the time, so this is perfect!

    I see a 'run' coming on stackable soup bowls at World Market! Looks like all of us love them! ha!

    P.S. I LOVE the idea of the under the bed storage idea for occasionally used pieces.

  15. ~Yvonne~
    lOVELY, wish I was coming over too, :) and so refreshing while we are all so looking forward to spring days!!
    I purchased the flatware set from PB with the words on them, put them in the dishwasher and what a surprise to see how tarnish they were :( but PB sent me another 20pcs sent and I will hand wash them now !
    so glad to hear you are doing better

  16. Your soup buffet looks so warm and inviting. Im sure your small group felt the love. I have a question.....
    I want to start collecting white dishes. I already have a few pieces. BUT, Ive discovered that there are SOOO many variations in color when looking at white dishes. There is a creamy white, bright white, etc.. Im sure you already know that. Is it OK to mix those various shades of white? WIll it still look good if I do? HELP!! Thanks,

    1. Mixing whites is certainly okay ... and it really gives depth to an all white table. I say mix away!

  17. Love this post! Soup is a cold weather favorite at our house. Your table is beautiful! Do you have a trick to keeping the soup hot when serving it in the tureen? With family, I keep it on the stove in the pot but would love to use my tureen. Also, a trick to cleaning the Sharpie off your dishes...write over the Sharpie with a dry erase marker, let it dry (about 30 seconds), then simply wipe off and wash without having to scrub. This trick works for removing Sharpie from most any slick or glossy surface! Thanks for sharing with us!

  18. So pretty, and I love the extra touches of the bow on the tureen and the marker labeled tray!

  19. This kind of get together is right up my alley! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos and serving ideas. I have a great little crockpot that I've chalkboard painted and I write the name of what I'm serving on it - it would be perfect for a soup buffet like this and I'm always looking for excuses to use it!

    1. Oh my gosh Jen! I love the chalkboard crock pot idea!!!! I'm going to give that a try!! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Very pretty! I love the soup bowls with the stand! I see a trip to World Market in the near future! They would work well with my gumbo, too! Great idea on the labeled tray! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Gorgeous as only you can do Yvonne, talk about an inviting table.....hope your 2014 is off to a great start!

  22. Your table and lunch look great! You have such an elegant style and make it all look so easy. I love carnations too and don't understand why they get such a bad rap.

  23. I've just been thinking about having a few people over for lunch after church on Sunday and wondering if I could do it as there is little time from getting in the door yourself until everyone arrives. Thanks so much for showing me a "real life" version that looks easy and very pretty! One forgets that its okay to serve some store-bought items along with homemade and you are right, the important part is welcoming guests into your home and being relaxed. Loved seeing this!


  24. It looks like a very inviting buffet table! Those stacked mugs are great- especially for a large group. In one of her books Bunny Williams said something to the effect that even if you buy a store bought pot pie serve them in your fine china- it just makes it that much nicer for your company. Those carnations are so sweet- love them! I hope by spring your knees will be feeling good enough to do all the things you love.

  25. Just beautiful! What a great Idea! I collect blue and white & red and white, I have a few white pieces, but need more. I really need a soup tourine, I only have a pumpkin one! Thanks for the great I deas.

  26. Gorgeous!!! Your tables are ALWAYS so beautiful!! I, too, LOVE white dishes and have collected many pieces over the years. I'm intrigued by the words written in marker on the plate, though. Did you use a Sharpie? If not, what kind will wash off with soap and water, I've never done that before.

    1. I just used a sharpie, Susan. Look at Angie's comment for an easier way to get sharpie ink off of dishes.

  27. What a great party. Your presentation is superb. I can't believe you managed all this when you are still in recovery mode. I don't know anyone that would not like an invitation to your gathering.

  28. Yvonne,
    Your blog is one of my favorites! Your posts are always so amazing and inspiring. It's also good to hear that you are "on the mend." I really enjoyed this post because I have a "thing" for your black and white checkered dishes. If you do not mind sharing, where did you purchase them? Thank you & take care!


    1. Hi Paula, Most of my black and white dishes came from HomeGoods. What a great source for all things for the table. I also have seen black and white dishes at Target.

    2. Hi Yvonne,
      Thanks for sharing & trust me I will be on the hunt at HomeGoods and at Target for beautiful black & white dishes (as well as anything else that ALWAYS seems to catch my eye). ;>)


  29. I am glad to mm hear you are recovering as I look forward to your posts. As soon as I learn howcto add a pix I will. Until then I am anonymous. Karen from Visalia Ca

  30. Very pretty and it sounds so yummy. I'll have to go check out the recipe. I've made several of your recipes and they are always very good. Your table looks beautiful and I'm sure your guests were thrilled with your efforts.

  31. Your table looks beautiful Yvonne and your lunch sounds so yummy!! That's the perfect lunch for these cold days!

  32. First, I want to say Happy New Year and I hope that you are well on the road to recovery.
    Your buffet table looks amazing and a perfect lunch for your cold weather you are having.
    Stay warm.... Love the black and white dishes.

  33. Everything looks so welcoming, not to mention delicious :)
    Happy New Year!

  34. I read through your comments and saw an answer to one of my questions. I was curious how you store all your dishes. :-) Would love to see a post on your kitchen organizing tips. You have such beautiful things!

    1. Here's a post I did awhile back about where I keep all my dishes. I hope you enjoy it!

    2. Wow! Amazing! Thanks for the link. :-)

  35. I love this Yvonne! Pinning for later.

  36. Wish I had been there, it sounds delicious and inspires me to have a soup group:):) What a fun idea for winter! I also am THRILLED that you used the boxed cornbread! Makes me feel better:) Have always loved those cups in the stands. XOXO

  37. I'm totally with you on the carnation vs rose thing! And they last soooooo much longer!

    Yesterday I was doing some packing (yes, we have to move AGAIN! UGH), and came across some white dishes that although I never, ever use, I couldn't bring myself to put them in the 'donate' box, but instead put them in the 'storage' box. We will probably have to rent a storage unit and they'll go in there.

    I love soup! It's my favorite thing ever to eat, especially in the winter. Your table looks beautiful, but what else is new?! ;)

  38. It looks great Yvonne and I totally agree with your last statement. Hospitality = welcoming and warm. Glad you are coming along after your surgery. Take care of yourself. Blessings, Pamela

  39. I have another storage idea I have used. Instead of the cardboard-type round tables that use tablecloths, try using a brand new round plastic trash can. They are the perfect height for sofas and between chairs. The lumber stores and sometimes hardware stores will carry pressed wood rounds in different sizes. Plop one on top and cover with a table skirt. Wa La…...a very clever way to store many things. I used this idea in my home and when I moved my mom to a senior type apartment, used one at the end of her sofa. They hold a lot. Hope you like and can use this idea.

  40. Beautiful, delicious and efficient with your signature style Yvonne! The pop of pink ruffles from the carnations against the black & white is so welcoming and cheery!

  41. You are so brave to put such an amazing buffet while recovering from surgery. The food, the displays, the flowers are all beautiful.

  42. Thanks Yvonne. So pretty! So practical!

  43. Yvonne, Your table is charming and your menu. Who wouldn't love to be a guest!!!

  44. Are these stacking bowls (they list them as large mugs)

  45. My kind of winter get-together! From the presentation to the menu...totally the way to go! I've never eaten cornbread with jelly of any kind. I'll have to give it a try. I'm always up for making standards a little bit different. Hope you're enjoying the New Year!

  46. I just love how you display everything for a buffet or tablescape...such talent. Come link up to centerpiece Wednesday and share your ideas with us

  47. I loved this tablescape..and you gave me such inspiration that a tablescape can be simple without a lot of fancy dishes. I'm going to have to make a trip to World market to see if I can find some of those soup bowls/cups. That holder and the fact that they are stackable makes it so much easier to store. I make cornbread from a box mix too. Don't have a soup tureen and not sure I'd use one much so will not buy that. Love those black and white you know the pattern and who made them..(usually noted on bottom of dishes). How long ago did you purchased the black&white dishes. Gosh, I just might have to make a detour into Home Goods today after hubby's Dr. appt. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  48. I thought I commented yesterday on this lovely tablescape..I have the Gibson white dishes, but love the black and white plates and have to have those soup mugs/cups that are stackable..would be great to serve soup and sandwich to a friend or friends for lunch. Just think of all the possibilities for those black/white plates..You've given me lots of inspiration in this tablescape..While you have used pink carnations, think of the stunning effect red carnations or roses would go with the white dishes. I have a lace tablecloth and I could use a red plastic tablecloth or cloth tablecloth underneath the lace tablecloth with red flowers/red cloth napkins. Love the idea of the white pitcher, and other accessories..Can you look under the bottom of those black/white dishes and see what pattern it is or what brand of dishes. Will be on the look out for some of these or something similar. Love this entire tablescape. Now you've got my mind wandering this morning. Thanks for sharing this beautiful tablescape. I would have never thought to add clementines in a bowl or basket. Love 'em too!

    1. Betty, I got those black and white dishes years ago at HomeGood... no markings on the back.
