Monday, January 6, 2014


Welcome to 


We are celebrating our 100TH LINKY PARTY!

Before, we begin the party I just want to remind you of some of StoneGable's upcoming posts (See above)!
And remember to read about all RESULTS of the StoneGable Reader's Survey by clicking HERE.

Welcome back to The Scoop

The weekly linky party featuring the scoop on the best posts from around the web!  

The Scoop

More exposure + less time = win win!

We are:
  Anita from Cedar Hill Farmhouse 
Debbie from Confessions Of A Plate Addict 
Barb from The Everyday Home
Yvonne from Stone Gable
Suzy from Worthing Court 

Happy New Year, everyone!

It's my pleasure to be your host for The Scoop Link Party #100!  How appropriate that this 100th party is the first one of the new year.

To celebrate this milestone with us, Decor Steals is giving away $100 worth of product!  Decor Steals features daily home decor and vintage reproduction sales events of up to 80% off retail.  Sign up to receive their daily emails so that you don't miss a thing!

You'll find the entry form and requirements down below.

A lot of my time last week was spent looking back at popular DIY Tutorials, Makeover Reveals and Recipes.  
And I also spent some time planning for 2014.  
I can't wait to share all that I'll be doing in the coming year!

Worthing Court's Most Popular Posts from 2013

I'm pleased to introduce Dria, who is our guest host this week.  Dria blogs at DIO Home Improvements, a blog filled with DIY projects, crafts and home improvements.
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Hi! My name is Dria and I blog over at Dio Home Improvements! It is such an honor to be here today especially with it being the 100th scoop!!! The scoop about me is I'm a home improvement, craft and DIY junkie. I love molding and currently have only two rooms left in my house that I haven't added some sort of wall molding to! My favorite part of DIY is finding ways to get the look I want with the least amount of money spent!

Here are my favorite pics from the 99th scoop!
 It wasn't easy to limit my favorites that's for sure!

Christina from Remodelando la casa what she's done with her kitchen is outstanding and my style all the way!

Next up is Hymns & Verses This door has been displayed in so many different ways it's stunning!!


I Love how Faded Charm Cottage decorates and this entry way is so beautiful! Makes me wish I had a real entry way, that's for sure!


Create Inspire Me did an amazing job on this vanity. I would Love to put this in my bedroom!


These DIY Signs by The Turquoise Home are awesome. I am definitely keeping these in mind for this summer!

And last but not least is Uncommon Designs. These candle holders are so elegant and how easy to do! I Love easy projects!!

Thank you so much for inviting me to be the Guest Host this week. It is a fantastic way to start my year off!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thank you for hosting with us this week Dria!

 Before we get on to the party, you'll want to take time to enter the $100 giveaway from DECOR STEALS

 This giveaway is open to residents of the contiguous 48 states of the USA. Each of the below actions will gain you 1 entry.
  A Rafflecopter giveaway


   Please read the guidelines before participating:    
Follow and/or subscribe to your host's blog.
Be sure to include THE SCOOP button or text link in your linked post...mandatory to be featured!
By linking up you are agreeing that the photos are yours or that you have permission to use them, that we may use those photos to feature your project on a blog post, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter with a link back to your blog, of course.
Please go to the source of a photo to pin it to Pinterest so that the originator of the post gets the credit.          


  1. That's for hosting and for the giveaway!

  2. Such a great party! I wanted to ask Yvonne if you will be sharing more of your poll results. I would be interested in what your readers wanted as I have a feeling many of my readers are also your readers. :)

    1. Hi Laura, Yes, I'll try sharing my poll results tomorrow. VERY interesting. It really helped me in developing a plan for 2014.

  3. Thanks so much for hosting! Enjoy your week.

  4. Decor Steals offers so many items you can't always find elsewhere...

  5. Love this party! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway too.

  6. I've never seen Decor Steals before - love their country/prairie style products.

  7. Thank you so much for the feature, Yvonne! Have a great week!

  8. hi Yvonne! Happy New Year, I hope your knees are recovering, you sure sound like you're back to normal! thanks for the Scoop party and all the wonderful creativity!

  9. Happy 100th Scoop! Thanks for the party. I love Decor Steals, esp. their found items. I even love and re-use their packaging materials!

  10. Hi Yvonne! Happy New Year! I hope you are feeling better! Thank you for hosting this wonderful party, I always find so many great ideas.

    Have a great week!

  11. Happy New Year, Yvonne!

    Thanks so much for hosting and have a lovely week!


  12. Through this blog you can see some different ideas wedding venues.

  13. Great little giveaway. I like to much of decor steals!

  14. (And remember to read about all RESULTS of the StoneGable Reader's Survey by clicking HERE) it does not work. this is what i got Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.

  15. i love decor steals and i would so love to win. ang

  16. Thanks you so much for hosting. I was so happy to read on FB that you were able to get out and about to shop. I'm glad that you are recovering and getting mobile in 2014.

  17. Thank you for the opportunity to win at Decor Steals!

  18. Always a great party…having trouble linking up for some reason..will try again soon…Love that vanity makeover!
    Stay warm Yvonne!

  19. I love that Decor Steals has fun items at such great prices and that there is something new every day!

  20. Hello and a good day to you . It's a bitter cold day here along Lake Ontario in NY ,but I'm cozy and warm and enjoying your blog. Birds and squirrels are feasting on seeds at the feeders ,my 2 goldens are right by my side and I feel so blessed to be a homemaker. Thanks for all the work you put into your blog to encourage homemakers to enjoy and bless their households with good meals ,cozy and charming décor ,entertaining, and feeding our souls. I would just love to know the titles of some of the bible studies you do and some of your favorite Christian authors. Would you please share ? Have a blessed day in the kingdom .

  21. Happy New Year! Thanks for hosting another fun party.

  22. Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway! Love Decor Steals!

  23. I love Décor Steals....I have purchased several items from them and was very pleased with the quality and the price of each item!

  24. I have not heard of Decor Steals so I am excited to receive their emails and possibly find some fun things! Yvonne, I could not find the results to your blog survey when I click the link...... I will keep checking back.
