Thursday, January 2, 2014


January feels like "organizing" to me! After taking down the Christmas decorations I am ready to sweep the house clean of clutter and get organized!

My bookshelves are a constant frustration! They can be seen from the kitchen and breakfast room and always look busy and cluttered!  There is so much going on in my other rooms, I wanted my eye to "rest" when it looked at this end of the family room!

So, I filled the bookshelves with identical chunky baskets (Pottery Barn Outlet) sporting number tags ...

Very streamlined and very utilitarian... with spiffy numbers, of course!  

Baskets 1 through 6 hold my decorating books and some much loved cookbooks. Basket 7 is for Bobby! The rule is... I don't touch his basket unless it overflows! So far... so good!

I love how these Pottery Barn inspired NUMBERED TAGS brought an organized look to the bookshelves.  They were very easy to make. 

You can see the LARGE NUMBER TAGS DIY and how I made them by clicking HERE.

Now I'm organizing the other side of the bookself the same way... the side that has the television and bose radio in it. I'll show you soon!

How do you like the newly organized bookshelves? 

Just wait till we get hardwood floors installed and a new rug... hopefully the end of the month. 

Remember to

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  1. Happy New Year, Yvonne! I love the system you have in place on your bookshelves….looks great!

  2. This looks great! My house is in desperate need of a good cleaning out followed by very strict organizing and this looks like a good place to start! Thanks for the idea!

  3. I love the tags...and can think of all kinds of places and ways they can be used! Thanks for sharing!
    Happy New Year!

  4. I feel the same way about January! I love your baskets and the numbers add a wonderful touch!

    Happy New Year!
    Angela @ Number Fifty-Three

  5. love it love it love it! Have to make use of this idea of yours! Love the numbers too. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Happy New ear Yvonne! You newly organized shelves look wonderful. Luv the tags!

  7. Your book shelves look great I love the chunky baskets. I pined the tags yesterday as a reminder to make some.

  8. My bloglovin' feed was slow - so I'm happy to see this now! It looks great! I could sit in that little corner and read for hours. The numbers give it such a nice custom touch.

  9. Unless it overflows . . . . hee hee! I think it would only take Maurie about 3 days before I had to intervene :) Good idea!!

  10. ~Yvonne~
    Good Idea!! I have a storage closet I am working on.Feels great to get rid of items not being used.
    By the way I love that blue/white little lamp, love it !!


  11. Thanks for the inspiration, Yvonne. I'm packing up the Christmas things today, then it's on to more organizing for me too. Great idea to use the baskets on the shelves. I did the same with baskets under a long table in my office. Happy New Year to you and happy organizing……...

  12. Looks amazing, I love the baskets. Hugs, marty

  13. What a darling idea!!! I adore baskets for storage and the numbers make them feel extra special! I am with you Yvonne, January has always been my month for getting things organized!
    XO Barbara

  14. Love the baskets in the book case. It looks so nice and
    organized. Wish I could get organized like that but I would
    be the one that needed the intervention.

    My husband cleaned out a book case in the hallway
    upstairs on Saturday and had a lot of books and
    old magazines thst we wanted to get rid of. My husband
    took them to our local library. While he was bringing in the
    last of the books the librarian was already putting the
    old magazines on the shelf as you walk into the library.
    Anyone can take whatever magazines they would like.

    Glad to see that you are up and feeling better.


  15. I feel the same way when Christmas is over, I NEED to organize. BUT, yesterday I told Joe I wanted to start taking down Christmas and he does NOT. I am feeling a bit frazzled cause I am going away to Fl. with friends from 1/13 to 1/17 and he wants to WAIT TIL I GET BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OY!!!! It will be Feb. before I can get organized. BLECH!!! Love the baskets and tags. XOXO

  16. I love organizing in January, too. Your shelves are dreamy.


  17. I love your newly organized shelves Yvonne! This looks great and keeps everything out of sight. I Love the numbers too. I do the same thing, January is my clean out and organize month. Your home is so full of inspiration for me.

    Happy New Year Yvonne!
    The French Hutch

  18. Yvonne I feel the same way about January...I've spent the last two days putting all the Christmas decorations away. The only thing left is our real tree in the family room, hubby wanted to leave it up until "Little" Christmas. I love the look of the baskets on your built-ins!

  19. What I absolutely LOVE is the texture of it with the blue and white. It looks so fabulous and inviting, like I would have to go to those shelves and touch those baskets. I'm inspired ;-), my book case could use that kind of look. Happy New Year!

  20. They look great and such a "clutter free" look…January always seems like a great time to organize as we all want to start off the New Year with a "clean slate"…Now, if I can just get the decorations away, I can start on organizing!…:)…Love the baskets and the numbered tags are terrific!..Looking forward to seeing the other side!

  21. Hi lovely lady.
    Your great Idea looks Beautiful and so organized on your shelves!! You did a Beautiful job putting this all together for us. Thanks so much for posting.

  22. The bookshelf looks great! Are your Christmas decorations down already? If so, you work fast! Can't wait to use the organizing tip you shared when I am ready to put mine away. Mine clear containers are lined up! Yvonne, I love the leather chair and ottoman in front of your shelves! Where did you find them?
    Happy New Year!

    1. All of my decor is down and put away. Bobby helped me so it went twice as fast. He's been great since I'm still recovering from knee surgery.

  23. Your are the organizing queen extraordinaire! Love the baskets … Happy New Year!

  24. Hi Yvonne, I'm surprised to see your Christmas decor down! Ours stays up for the 12 Days of Christmas which usually corresponds with the time everyone leaves to go back to school. Then I can do it all in peace! I hope your knees are coming along nicely. Happy New Year! Linda

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    1. Look on my sidebar under my "followers" ... look for the grey/blue box that says...STAY IN TOUCH I'd love love love to have you follow!

  26. A great alternative to the typical clutter of mismatched books. The very best for 2014! Maryanne

  27. I love the transformation you made. The way you organized things. Now I am also going to clean my house by organizing the closets.
