Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I have a very very fun project for you!

Large numbered tags!

They will  help you ORGANIZE your home, and if you are like me I sure need that!

These sturdy tags look very Pottery Barn-ish and would look great as a decorative and/or organizing detail on almost anything...

I made these big updated number tags for about $3.00... for 10!

I saw a set of wooden number tags on Etsy for $77.00 ... for 10! YIKES!

The fun tags are going to look great on the baskets in our bookshelves... I'll show tomorrow!

Here's how I made...

Large Number Tags

10  3 inch wooden discs
white and black craft paint
small piece of brown paper bag
printed numbers
stylus or pen
thin paintbrush

1. 10 discs and my drill. I got the discs at AC Moore.

2. Drill a hole near the top of each disc. I used a 15/64" drill bit so the twine will fit through the hole.

Paint the discs with 2 coats of white craft paint

3. Here's a FABULOUS painting secret... Tear off a small piece of brown paper bag and fold it so it handles easily. Rub (medium pressure) the bag over each disc. This will knock down the nap of the wood, making the surface much smoother and easier to paint on.

4. Print out numbers 1 to 10 and cut them out. See below for numbers.

To print these numbers, right click on the numbers and click "save image as". Save it to your desktop or a file.

Then you can open desktop or the file and print out the numbers to fit an 8x10 (portrait) area.

The printed numbers will fit a 3 inch disc.

Sorry, I don't know how to make a pdf file yet. But it's on my to-do list.

5. Turn each number over and rub the graphite of a pencil over it to cover the number.

Here's another great tip... buy graphite paper and you will never have to do this step. I ran out of it. You should be able to get graphite or transfer paper at almost any craft store.

6. Turn the number up and tape it in place on your painted disc. Use a stylus or ball point pen and trace around the number. 

7. Paint the numbers in black craft paint, let dry and add twine through holes of the tags.


Think of all the possibilities! Square, oval, any fun shapes, different colors, distressed and chippy, clean and crisp, words, ABC'S, symbols...

I also made some chalkboard paint tags I'll be showing you next week.

Stop back tomorrow and see what I did with all these tags!

Remember to

Pin It


  1. Super cute! Thank you for the nicely detailed tutorial. Happy New Year Yvonne!

  2. Perfect, I love them and thanks for the printable :) Happy New Year, Yvonne!

  3. Happy New Year….thanks for the continuous inspiration!

  4. These are really cute! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Those are so nice. Now all I need is a wireless printer. Happy New Year, Yvonne!

  6. Very Nice Yvonne...and I agree with Sharon about the "nicely detailed tutorial". Happy New Year too!

  7. Love these! I need to get a new printer for my crafting projects what would you recommend.
    I also want to tell you that I love your blog. It makes my day getting an email from Stone Gable. Have a blessed New Year!

    1. Callie, thanks for the sweet comment! It makes my day when I know that a reader is enjoying StoneGable! I really don't have a preference when it comes to printers. I will say, I have a wireless printer and I just love that feature. My best advice is to get a user friendly printer! Hope this helps!

  8. Cute idea! Can't wait to see how you'll use them. How are those new knees doing?

    1. Knees are s-l-o-w-l-y getting better! It's going to be a process. But I am thankful that by summer I should be able to garden on my knees. Thanks for asking!

  9. I guess I am not very crafty since I am a little confused about the last 2 seps but I think I would need words on mine anyway:):) HAPPY New Year and hope to see you soon!!!! XOXO

  10. Hi lovely lady.
    Thanks so much for this great Idea. Hoping you have a wonderful 2014 New Year with your family.

  11. Yvonne, I love the tags! Thank you for sharing. I wanted to wish you and your family a very happy New Year! I always enjoy your blog and your wonderful recipes!

    Flora Doora

  12. Love it and PINNING!!! Chrisitne from Little Brags

  13. You make this look so simple! And what a steady painting hand you have! I have a math aversion, so I think I'll try ABC's instead of 123's!
    Can't wait to see how you use them.

  14. These numbers will be so useful, and they look snazzy! Thanks so much!

  15. Love these Yvonne! I have number tracing templates that I use for crafts with the grandkids...going to use them! I love projects like these that you can share with the grandkids and keep them busy on a rainy day at Grandma's!
    Have a Happy and healthy New Year!

  16. DEFINITELY making these!!! Thanx for making it so easy!!!

  17. Yvonne...thanks so much for this great tutorial. Just tried to pin it and it came back that there was nothing to pin on this page. HELP.

  18. Maybe I missed it, but where do you buy the discs? Thanks.

    1. The discs came from AC MOORE. The were nothing special. Just some thin wooden discs.

  19. These are fabulous Yvonne! Shared on FB and Pinning :) xo

  20. These are so cool! I actually have some of these large numbers in glass though. I think that tags are just so cute!
