Monday, December 16, 2013


Everyday now our mailbox at StoneGable is filled with Christmas cards! We LOVE getting them! 

But what do you do with all of them. We want to cherish and remember all the friends and family that thought about us this Christmas season and shared their love and Holiday wishes through the mail.

Here's a pretty and creative way to display and do something nice for everyone that sends a Christmas card your way...

Why not collect them in a pretty bowl? As Christmas cards flood in, I tuck them in a large round dough bowl filled with faux greens and Christmas balls and keep them displayed where they can be seen and shuffled through.

Easy and pretty and meaningful!

My family loves to see who is sending cards or pictures and we all want to catch up on any "news"!

But what do you do with them after Christmas?  Here's a wonderful idea I got from  Victoria my WONDERFUL daughter-in-laws mother...

Victoria keeps all the cards she receives and each night after Christmas before dinner a card is picked and everyone at the table prays for that family! I love this idea! What a wonderful "gift" to give back!

Her whole family can enjoy a Christmas card all over again... even if it's May... and remember the sender in prayer!

Here at StoneGable, we are adopting and adapting this idea! I'm going to start keeping all cards, not just Christmas ones and letters too... and they are all going in the bowl after Christmas.

How about you? Maybe we can start a new Christmas card tradition...

Want to join in?

Remember to


  1. LOVE this idea, Yvonne. And love your idea for displaying the cards too. I never know what to do with mine.

  2. What a lovely tradition to have. . I keep mine in a Santa holder and when I have coffee in the mornings I pick a few out to read again.

  3. I would love to join in that idea. That is a beautiful tradition. We say our prayers before dinner but this way you can also specify someone special in your sphere. Marisa

  4. I am pretty new to your site and have certainly enjoyed my time here. I thank you for sharing great ideas, beautiful pictures and interesting articles. I find your site beautifully displayed with different fonts and graphics. Please share with me where you find all of your wonderful fonts and graphics for your site? I would so appreciate it. May God's grace cover you. Linda

    1. Thanks for such a lovely comment, Linda!
      I use picmonkey for most of my fonts and Christmas graphics. Here's the link...

  5. Dear Yvonne I love the holiday tradition of praying for families who sent who have sent cards, lovely...
    Scalamandre Giveaway!

  6. ~Yvonne~
    I keep my Christmas cards in my reindeer antlers. My dad made all of us (6 families) these 3 feet tall reindeer, the face he traced by using his boot, and the antlers he count slits into and this is where the cards go, he painted them brown and put a red nose on them. My dad passed away in his sleep in 1999, and we all have our reindeer that we will treasure always!
    Have a blessed day

  7. That is a wonderful tradition....thank you for sharing!

  8. This is a WONDERFUL idea. Thank you. I've shared it with all my Facebook friends. Merry Christmas.

  9. What a fabulous idea. I love it. Hugs, Marty

  10. I love the idea of praying everyday for a card sender. I have sent my used cards, whether they be Christmas, get well cards, or birthday cards to the St. Jude's Children's Ranch. I just cut the top page off and send it on. I usually wait until I have a box full of them and then send them off. The children at the ranch use the tops to make new cards and then sell them 10 for $10. The ranch is in Boulder City, Nevada. I just checked the website and they have enough cards to last them until June. For those who are procrastinators like me it'll take that long to get mine off to them! Here is their link:

    1. On behalf of everyone at St. Jude's Ranch for Children - thank you so much for sending your cards to our kids! :)

  11. That is a fabulous idea!!! Thanks for passing that on, to pray for the people we get cards from. I keep our cards on a Santa basket, that I have hanf=ging on the end of the counter. Everyone can see them there too. XO

  12. That is a very sweet idea Yvonne! I love it.

  13. What a wonderful idea! I used to hang my cards around doorways but the last few years I have been just putting them all into a basket.

  14. Oh what a wonderful idea .. a great new tradition.

  15. Yvonne, I am always looking for family traditions to pass on to my grandchildren and this is one of the best! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful idea...and thank your friend too!

  16. This is a beautiful idea, I love it! You never know who all is praying for you. Thanks for sharing. Dawn

  17. Yvonne, I like to hang my Christmas cards up on my sunroom French doors that are always open. Everyone likes to see them. I put the letters in a basket that hangs on the door handle. Then after Christmas I also put them in a bowl and pull 2 or 3 a day to pray for them and read the card again. I then place all the picture cards in my photo album. The cards I cut down to make gift tags and notes for next years Christmas gifts. I am enjoying your creative ideas, Yvonne. I am praying that you take care and get well soon. Love Ya,
