Monday, December 16, 2013


Welcome back to The Scoop

The weekly linky party featuring the scoop on the
best posts from around the web!

The Scoop

More exposure + less time = win win! 

 We are 

and Barb from The Everyday Home 

Yvonne from Stone Gable ...

 Suzy from Worthing Court 

Our host this week is Yvonne at StoneGable.

Hi Everyone! Hope you are decking your halls and Fa-la-la-ing as you work like busy little elves to get ready for Christmas... and in all the frenzy I hope you stop and take time to remember the reason for the season!

This week at StoneGable I'll be putting final touches on all things Christmas and setting my Christmas Brunch table and filling up the coffee bar... I want to be ready for my very favorite day of the year... Christmas EVE!!!

I love the calm of that morning and the bustle of family coming home in the afternoon and going to a candlelit service in the evening, and giving all the kids (who are way too grown up, but oh well) their night-before-Christmas-pajamas under the lit tree and staying up late to watch It's A Wonderful Life with my hubby, Bobby!  Yes, Christmas Eve has been my favorite day of the year for decades!

Make sure you stop by StoneGable this week for all the fun Christmas posts!

Here's what you can expect this week at StoneGable...

I'm so thrilled to introduce our guest host this week... the talented Kristen from


Kristen has a beautiful blog, filled with gorgeous images and lots and lots of creative and brilliant ideas.

SOPHIA'S DECOR is loaded with ways to live and create beautifully without spending a fortune... it only looks like she did! I have been following SOPHIA'S DECOR since it started and I always leave so inspired! I hope you will too!

Now let's meet Kristen...

Hi everyone!  I'm Kristen from Sophia's Decor and I'm so excited to be here guest hosting "The Scoop" this week!


I'm a farm girl from Washington State and now a mother to three girls.  I started re-habbing/painting furniture and selling my creations and vintage goods at local shows about seven years ago, but began blogging about two years ago after relocating to North Carolina.  I blog about decorating on a budget as well as sharing furniture painting tips to jewelry-making.  I'd love to have you stop by and say "hello"! It's getting closer to Christmas and if you are still looking for decorating or baking ideas, there is so much inspiration and talent out there.  

I can honestly say that it was very difficult to pick 5-6 favorites from hundreds of great ideas and beautiful projects from last week!  I hope that you find inspiration from some of these features that caught my eye.  

First up, take a look at Mallori's Christmas Home Tour from Vintage Finds. I love the fresh greenery and classy look that she's added to her home for the holidays.

Next up, these adorable Gingerbread Cookie Trees from Maria at Shopgirl make me want to get baking!  What a creative way to use a set of stacking star cookie cutters!

Need an idea for a small gift for co-workers, teachers, or friends?  Shannah from Just us Four shared her recipe for Scents of the Season made from various dried fruits, etc that can be packaged up for the perfect little gift.  I can almost smell it through the computer screen...

Leslie at Gwen Moss shared her beautiful "White Christmas with Red Accents" and it is stunning!  I love her attention to detail and all the little touches she incorporated into decorating her dining room for Christmas.  She has a beautiful blog and I plan to spend some more time exploring it!

Another Christmas home tour that knocked my socks off was from Doreen at Hymns and Verses...  Every room (from her kitchen to her porch) is perfection!  Make sure you visit this one...

Lastly, Mary from Home is Where the Boat is has the most wonderful potting shed that she decorates for the seasons.  Check out how she "Decked the Halls" of her potting shed this year...beautiful!

It's been fun being part of "The Scoop" this week!  It's been an honor to select features from such talent!

Thanks so much for hosting with us this week, Kristen!

Please read the guidelines before participating:
  • Follow and/or subscribe to your host blog.
  • Be sure to include THE SCOOP button or text link to in your linked post...mandatory to be featured!
  • By linking up you are agreeing that the photos are yours or that you have permission to use them, that we may use those photos to feature your project on a blog post, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter with a link back to your blog, of course.
  • Please go to the source of a photo to pin it to Pinterest so that the originator of the post gets the credit.


  1. Thanks for hosting, Yvonne!


  2. Thank you for hosting, Yvonne. Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year as well. Hope you're healing and feeling well this week. Melinda

  3. Thank you for hosting Yvonne, I was so touched to read Kristen's kind words about my post. I always love stopping by here and meeting new blogger friends.

  4. Thanks for hosting, have a great week.

  5. Beautiful features! thanks so much for hosting.

  6. I bet it is so hard to pick the features. They are all beautiful!
    Thanks for hosting. Looks like a busy week ahead on your blog!

  7. Hello Yvonne!!
    Thanks so much for hosting this lovely party :-)

  8. Thanks so much for featuring my gingerbread tree :) I love all the other features too!

  9. Thank you for hosting Yvonne! Such great features this week. Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  10. Thank you for featuring my Christmas Home Tour this week! Wishing you a Merry Christmas.

  11. Yvonne, it is so much appreciated that you host your parties year round, much less during this crazy time of year and I thank you and wish you a wonderful celebration in your beautiful home!

  12. Thank you so much for the party!!! Merry Christmas!

  13. Thank you for hosting a fabulous party! Such inspiration and I love the features! Looking forward to checking it all out! Merry Christmas!

  14. Thanks, Yvonne, for a beautiful party. There is so many wonderful ideas here. Merry Christmas to you! Linda

  15. Awesome features this week - always a delight to join your party! I appreciate you all hosting,
