Friday, December 20, 2013


It's been one month and one day since my double knee cap surgery... and I can't say "time flies"! It's been quite an uphill battle!

Hi friends, today I'm sharing a quick update on my knees!  I've gotten lots and lots of emails asking..."How are you doing"... 

And I know so many of you are praying for me... I really appreciate that more than you know!

So here's an update... the good, bad and ugly...

This is how I looked one week post surgery...

And here's how I look now...

* First of all, I must have been CRAZY to have both of my arthritic knee caps fixed at one time!!!!  

We had been trying to have the robotic assisted surgery approved for over 3 years. Insurance wanted me to have a total knee replacement.  I did NOT need a knee replacement. My knees are just fine, it was my KNEE CAPS that were full of arthritis and giving me the problem.   

When insurance FINALLY approved the knee cap surgery, they approved both knees. So a decision was made to go ahead and fix both since we had no idea how long a second knee cap surgery would take to be approved if we did one at a time.

I'm still regretting that decision... but everyone tells me I'll be happy about it in a couple of months. I'm choosing to believe them.

* I'm no longer in pj's all day long... I have progressed to sweat pants. I'm really thankful for that!

I still can't comfortably wear jeans or slacks... my knees still look like balloons. But the swelling and bruising is subsiding weekly.

* I'm not using a walker anymore ( I knew it was time to give it up when I was carrying it around more than leaning on it)... I'm now walking with a cane.  But on the rare occasion I go out, I still use a wheel chair because I cannot sit down and stand up yet from a normal chair height.

* My physical therapy is in full swing...

Miraculously, I have full flexibility in both knees. This has astounded all the professionals taking care of me.

My physical therapist says I have the flexibility of an 18 year old! Yea, baby... someone's been a good girl doing her physical therapy everyday!

* My legs still have a mechanical feel. but other than bone pain and healing pain, I have no arthritis pain in my knees... I a THRILLED about this! 

* I have gained a whole lot of overall strength back. I can stay awake all day now. But, by 9:00 pm I'm ready for bed!

* I can walk around the house for about 1/2 hour now. Then I have to put up my feet for an hour or so.

I can walk up and down stairs, but it still takes a lot out of me!

* I can't cook yet. That is really driving me CRAZY! However, Bobby and I have had so many luscious and generous meals from friends. I am very very thankful for the outpouring of food-love by my friends!

We are having Costco chicken pie for Christmas dinner. It is seriously good! One of my friend's brought us some for dinner and I thought it was homemade! I'm not stressing about Christmas AT ALL! I'm going to enjoy my family and celebrate my Savior's birth! Nothing like a major surgery to put life into perspective!

* Right now I'm just doing enough blogging to get by.  I have been setting our Christmas brunch table for two days now... doing anything is very slow!!!! I'll share it with you tomorrow!

I am so so thankful for my wonderful blogging friends. They have been so patient and kind and concerned and helpful and understanding of my situation! I have had lots of emails and several phone calls!  One sweet and fabulous blogging friend has called me regularly and listened to me complain when I was having a really bad day! You are such a joy! You know who you are! Thanks to everyone... your are genuinely THE BEST!

* I'm off all pain meds and have been since I came home from the hospital. Let's just say I was horribly sick (a BIG understatement) from them!

* I should be able to drive again right after the New Year. Oh, I can't wait!!!!!

* My spirits are good and I look forward to a spring of GARDENING ON MY KNEES... something I have not been able to do in years!

* My prognosis is excellent, what a blessing!

* I have a very new outlook on the simple things in life and how I used to take them for granted! Just sitting down in a chair and being able to get back up is huge for me. Something I can't do yet! But I look forward to being able to do it in the next month!

So there you have it!  

I am so thankful for the outpouring of concern, prayers and love from everyone! Keep praying for me... and thank God for how well I am actually doing!



  1. Have a beautiful day and thank you for the update! So happy to hear you are doing better everyday :)

  2. I am a faithful reader of your blog, delight in your decor of your home, and love your recipes. But the finest is you and your strong faith. God bless you and carry you through your recovery. Merry Christmas.

  3. It's hard to keep the end goal in mind, when you have to work at it little by little, but ..... a year from now, you'll look back! I wonder what you will say!! God bless, love your site, you are so gifted!

  4. It's so good to hear such great news!! It sounds like you're coming along so well, but still a ways to go and things just take time. I totally get what you're saying about a new outlook on the simple and important things in life. I'm sending lot's of love and hugs, and blessings for a wonderful Christmas!!

  5. Sounds like you've worked hard and come a long way! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a very healthy and happy new year!

  6. Take many improvements!Blessings for certain.
    Bravo...That is great news indeed.

  7. Congratulations on your progress!

  8. I have been praying for you, returning your prayers. Your family and friend's love, are blessings. I had total knee replacement on my right knee 15 months ago, I was there last holiday season. Your posts are wonderful, I look forward to receiving them.

  9. Thanks for the update. I know how important physical therapy can be and am not surprised that the professionals don't believe in determination from their patients. Hard work pays off in more ways than they can imagine.
    Have a Wonderful Christmas and enjoy the New Year. Keep up with the therapy even when you loose the cane, it will make a difference. We don't want to start over again.

  10. are on the mend. The worst is behind you and both are done. Keep up the great work in PT! It matters. I watched my MIL recover from a badly broken leg and surgery this summer and she did like you.....exercised every day. She'll leave before the end of the year on a mission trip to Peru. Soon you'll be back to normal....but better. :-)

  11. Hi Yvonne, it is good to know you are progressing.....I am amazed at how you have been able to keep your blog going and your positive attitude. I watch with interest because I too am recovering from total knee replacement, just one. I am almost two weeks out and they say doing well, but a little frustrated that my progress is not faster. This morning I was able to shower, dress and do my hair in about the same amount of time as usual and that is good except that my body was telling me that it had taken twice that long.....the stamina returning is slow it seems. I wish you a complete and wonderful recovery quickly so you can return to doing the things you love. You are so right, things like this really bring into view what is truly important in our lives, family and relationships and our relationship with the newborn King. Merry Christmas, Linda

    1. Linda, I know exactly where you are! Just getting myself cleaned up and ready for the day took two hours and then I went back to bed! I had some very frustrating days!One day soon, you will wake up and say to yourself, "I think I'm actually doing better"! I remember that day! Prayers to you!

  12. Keep up the good work and have a blessed holiday

  13. So happy to read about your progress! I'll need the knee replacement surgery soon so I'm very interested in your comments. Best wishes for continued improvement and Merry Christmas!

    1. Do it! I had my knee replaced right before last Christmas. I love it! I had so much pain before I had surgery. The surgery was less painful and less difficult than I anticipated. Just make sure you have an EXCELLENT surgeon.

  14. Thanks for the update Yvonne. Keep up the good work. Praying for a complete and quick recovery. I'm so enjoying my Paperwhites thanks to you! God Bless you and yours. Have a very Merry Christmas.

    Melissa in North Carolina

  15. Glad you are recovering. Have a great holiday and you might want to keep that I-can't-cook-thing going on for awhile LOL. I work in healthcare and no one regrets having both done at once in the long term. That going back for the second one is hard once you really know what it's like.

  16. Thanks for the update and history on your knees. I'm glad you pushed for just the kneecaps and not a full knee replacement. Sometimes I wonder where the insurance companies brains are. It's almost a shock when the little things like getting up and sitting down are now big things that we took for granted. Enjoy your Christmas and do what you feel is right. Many times the patient knows better than the doctor.

  17. Imagine in another month how wonderful you will feel! Take care, Janis Stufflebean

  18. I must be brain dead.....had no idea that you had had such serious surgery!l I read your blog everyday, but not the comments. Your beautiful pages had me believing that you were up and a ball of fire with the decorations, tutorials and food ideas.....WOW!
    You seem to be coming along fine and hope send best wishes and prayers for continued recovery.

    Thanks for brightening my life with your post and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  19. My goodness! I just recently started following your blog and had no idea you were dealing with knee cap surgery!
    Glad you are doing well in your recovery. I had a crazy wake up call with a gout attack in my knee and pseudogout in my shoulder last Nothing like a bout with illness to make one very grateful for one's good health.....especially this time of year! Best wishes for your continued recovery and a very Merry Christmas to you and your family....

  20. I am so glad you are feeling better. Your outlook is great and I am sure that has helped your healing. I had to smile because it reminds me of when I had surgery on both of my feet the same day! Ugh...I felt your pain on that one. However, I had not heard of having just the kneecaps replaced. I am excited to read about your gardening next spring! God bless you and yours Yvonne. Merry Christmas.

  21. Thank you for the update, Yvonne! I'm so glad to hear you are doing better and by the sounds of it, the New Year looks to be an active one for you! It's also so good to hear that you aren't stressing over the holidays! Have a wonderful time with your family and enjoy that Costco chicken pie (I've looked at them for a long time wondering if they were any good - I'm going there to get one for tomorrow so I don't have to cook!!!) Merry Christmas, dear friend!

  22. I am so glad to hear of your great progress. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas.

  23. So glad that you are well on the road to recovery. It takes time so take it easy, but it sounds like you are doing all the right things. I will be looking forward to your gardening come spring.
    God bless you and your and have a Very Merry Christmas.

  24. Had a hip replacement a couple of years ago, so I can imagine how you feel. I cried like a spoil child at one point, because I was so over being an invalid due to the recovery. Now I'm happy I did it.

  25. You have a wonderful time of year to spend time for yourself to recover! A little more TLC and you will be well on your way! Healing blessings and a Merry Christmas.

  26. You have such a positive outlook! Happy Holidays.

  27. Amazing and wonderful post! I hope that you continue to progress at rapid speed. My Daddy always said, attitude is everything. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.

    From Virginia

  28. Thanks for the update. Merry Christmas to you and your healing knee caps. Reminds me of a childhood memory. When singing O Holy Night, when it came to the "fall on your knees" (in worship), my sister always sang "fall on your knee caps." Glad yours are mending.


  29. Two friends just had double knee surgery this week -- and it's tough for them as apparently it was for you. I hear from others you will be happy down the road, but it's making me think twice about contemplating such a thing. Hope you all have a quiet and happy Christmas!

  30. Oh my goodness dear Ivonne! I will have to have them one day soon, I can just see it! Hope your knees mend l soon, as you have a great Outlook on things, my friend, I know YOU must be feeling so useless and unconfortable, specially this time of year.
    Have a lovely C'mas anyway, along with your family.

  31. Thank you for the update! Prayers that you continue to improve and have a very Merry Christmas celebrating our Lord's birth!

  32. Dear Yvonne,
    Dear, I have been thinking of you and praying that you are off and running soon!
    It takes a great deal of strength to go through this kind of trauma and you are a Wonder Woman.
    Love and Hugs always,

  33. Yvonne, I am so glad to hear this progress. I have rheumatoid arthritis and struggle with pain in major joints daily. I am thrilled that you will get to garden as you want to. I will pray for you to continue to heal, Olive

  34. So glad you are on your way. My eyes teared up while reading this - you are very brave. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  35. So glad you are doing great post-surgery. Will continue to send prayers and positivity your way. xo

  36. So happy to hear that your recovery is progessing well, no doubt though that doing your exercises is key. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas (and relaxing too.)

  37. Thinking of you! Best wishes for a speed recovery!
    Christmas blessings,
    Monica xoxo

  38. Thinking of you! Hoping for a speedy recovery and that you get to enjoy Christmas and New Year festivities. x

  39. You can't keep a good woman down! You're doing great, and in a couple of months you'll be playing soccer with the best of 'em :).

  40. Yvonne,
    Praise the Lord!!!
    Recovery can be exhausting, dear friend!!!
    Take good care of yourself! Take time to heal!
    EnJOY your family as we celebrate our Savior's birth!!!
    I'll be continuing my prayers on your behalf and watching your progress in anticapation!!!

  41. Yvonne: So glad that you are seeing progress in your recovery.
    I paray every day that you will get stronger and soon be up and
    about like before. God Bless you and Thanks for taking the time
    to update us on your progress.

    Denise Lamb

  42. I had a hip replacement last year and I do believe my spirit was humbled for many reasons....just to name a few: to appreciate my husband, family, and friends more. I thanked God everyday for His healing power and for whoever invented a walker, cane, therapists and especially the elevated potty thing! What creations we can enjoy in this day and time. My prayer for you will be continued strength, progress in your therapy, and the ability to enjoy every moment of peace and quiet you can enjoy while you are recovering. Merry Christmas friend...I am so glad to have happened upon your blog, you truly inspire me in so many ways. May God bless you and your sweet family. --Marti

  43. It's only fitting that you be cared for, encouraged and prayed for. You have been such a blessing to all of us. I look forward to each and every post with excitement, wondering what you will share each day. Much love, thanks, and prayers. Terri

  44. Yvonne it is wonderful to hear that you are recovering and feeling better every day! Your faith and positive attitude are surely getting you through this. Kudos to you for sticking with the physical therapy - I've heard that makes a big impact on a successful healing and recovery. Facing total knee replacement of both knees, I wonder now if I should bite the bullet and have them done at the same time also. Your bravery truly impresses me and I'm praying for your continued successful recovery.
    Thank you for the update and please have a blessed and joyous Christmas with your family!

  45. Praying that you have a speedy recovery. I didn't know you were having surgery and it makes your regular daily posts that much more impressive. I often wonder how you keep up with it all and now I am really amazed. Take care and let others pamper you as I'm sure you have done for them. It's hard for us women to sit and let others take care of us - a hard lesson to learn, but needed. Enjoy your holidays, family and our precious Lord.

  46. Wow I'm so glad you are doing well. I never heard of knee cap surgery. My mom had both knees replaced (she was in her early 80's). She recovered really well and you'd never know it to look at her getting around. I know there's a hump period where you are darn sick of not feeling like yourself, but you can't do much about it, but that's a good thing because it keeps you motivated. It must have been terribly hard having both knees done but at least you don't have to go through it again. I hope our recovery continues at the great pace it has been and that you'll be back to normal soon! Have Merry Christmas, Liz

  47. Wow Yvonne what a story!!! I can't believe they went ahead and did both knees at the same time! That has never been heard of in my experience. (And I've worked a number years in the medical profession!) Glad to know you are on the mend. Keeping you in my prayers for a very quick recovery!
    XO Barbara

  48. Sounds like big daily improvements. I have runner's knees and it bugs me to no end, to not be able to run, squat or bend. Gardening is out of the question and no more kayaking! Horseback riding is my biggest disappointment, I miss it so much. Prayers for speedy recovery. Spring will be here before you know it.

  49. Yvonne, Thank you for the update on your surgery.. I'm so glad that your are making such good progress and in good spirits. The Costco chicken pie sounds delicious. I've had some of their made in-store dishes and they've all been really good. Wishing your and your family a wonderful Christmas, and I'll keep you in my prayers.

  50. God bless you and may your recovery continue. Hopefully, you will soon be writing to us that you feel as good as new. The knees make for a rough recovery because they are load-bearing. Have a Blessed Christmas with those you love! Sue

  51. Love U Girl!!! You will be right as rain in no time.

  52. Thanks for the update hun, I wish you all the best and will keep you in my prayers that with each passing day you see or feel the improvement you would like. Taking it easy and slow is good for now, I know how it can be so frustrating when you feel ok inside but the outside is just not working all that well yet. LOL Take your time and let yourself heal. ~Hugs~

  53. I've been out of the loop...Sweet Mister had hip replacement surgery in November, and I'm just getting back to blogland on a tentative basis. Knee surgery is a really big deal. I've had two total knee reconstructions, plus three other knee surgeries. Still looking at replacements, but putting it off as long as possible. Glad you're doing well with your therapy; it's a lifetime proposition. I know that you'll be thrilled to climb behind the wheel of your car again. Do you have the little ice chest with a motor and hose that pumps ice water through a wrap for your knees. It does wonders for that swelling. I pray that you continue to heal quickly and thoroughly. Merry Christmas! Cherry Kay

  54. Hope you have a lovely Christmas - one upside of your knees is that others will have to do most of the work! Enjoy. Cheers from Carole (Carole's Chatter)

  55. I wish you a blessed Christmas. I had one knee replaced four years ago and just came from a party where I stood for four hours in heels so recovery can happen. However, I still vividly remember thinking I had done a full days work just taking a shower and getting dressed for the first couple of weeks. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.

  56. Yvonne,
    So glad to hear you are making progress, slow but steady. You have such a great attitude, an inspiration tous all. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  57. Thanks for the update Yvonne. Continued prayers for a speedy recovery. Big hugs!
    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas.

  58. You still manage to put out the most amazing blog posts when you are dealing with post surgery…you are a wonder woman!…and chicken pie sounds great…as you know, it is not the food or the decorations that defines Christmas…it is gathering of loved ones to share the true meaning of Christmas….
    So glad you graduated to sweat pants!!! :)

  59. Best wishes for your speedy and complete recovery! Just think, spring will be here in no time!! Happy Holidays!

  60. Sounds like you are well on your way, honey! Praise the Lord! Oh and when this is all behind you - you will be SO GLAD you don't have to go through it all again ( if you had done at seperate times.)

    Hang in there, be good and God Bless! xxoo

  61. Dear Yvonne, You are such an inspiration ~~ to be coping with this surgery and still sharing your amazing posts and keeping your spirits so positive!! I will think of you all day today and not utter one sound of complaint or wonder how I will finish everything or worry about my one ever-painful knee! And even though I can't kneel on that one knee I will still be praying for you! Merry Christmas! Linda

  62. So happy to hear that you are doing so well from your surgery. My grandmother had both her knees replaced at the same time many years ago. I was a senior in high school at the time and she stayed at our house in a hospital bed in the dining room. My mom was so tired from taking care of her and the family all day that I offered to take care of her during the night for her so my mom could get rest. She said she didn't know why she did both at the same time either. My mom has arthritic knees, I should mention about the knee caps.
    I am sure you are so looking forward to doing everything you did before and now pain free.
    Wishing you and your family a very blessed Christmas and New Year!

  63. So happy your recovery is going well!! My prayers & thoughts have been with you. The physical therapy is so important and it seems like forever but e a full recovery. You have a good partner to help you along the way.

  64. Yvonne- thanks so much for sharing your progress. Your a tough cookie so I knew that you couldn't stay down long. My best to you as you continue to recover.
    Merry Christmas to you, Bobby and the rest of the StoneGable crew. Love and hugs, Laura

  65. I am so happy you are progressing well. Keep at it and before you know it you will be "normal" again! Merry Christmas!

  66. I've been wondering so it is good to see your update ! It sounds very hard though your recovery seems to be going well or better than expected ( ie the flexibility )
    Have a Merry Christmas ...someone in your family needs to get that cane decorated for you in red and white stripes for Christmas! :)

  67. Yvonne,
    So happy to hear you are healing and things are getting better. Wanted to come by and Wish you a Merry Christmas.

  68. Hi Yvonne,
    Sounds like you are making great progress, our God is Good! If I lived closer I would just bring you a big Christmas Dinner, but since I don't you know the thought is there. We will keep praying for you!
    Miz Helen

  69. This is simply splendid news! Just in time for a Merry Christmas with the family.
    I do not know how you were brave enough to do both of them at the same time, however, maybe doing one would have meant postponing forever the second one because of the ordeal. But surgery today is awesome, recoveries so much faster than they used to be. Happy Holidays, Miss Bright Red Lipstick....

  70. What good new progress is happening. Take it slowly and in the end you will e a new girl.
    Big Hugs Kay

  71. I knew you had surgery but had no clue it was both knee caps. Way to go girl. I am recovering from total knee replacement revision meaning I had a partial 11 years ago on that knee. I guess I'm sitting at 17 days, my treat today was an outing to Target! This is the second knee done in a year. Last year while I was having my surgery my husband was under going 39 days of radiation for prostate cancer. Keep up the good work! You have a great attitude and that's half the battle. Merry Christmas and keep rolling with the punches, I know how easy it is to get frustrated.

  72. Yvonne, I am so glad to hear that you are making such wonderful progress! God is good! Thanks so much for all of the inspiration that you provide! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family! God bless!

  73. THANK YOU for this update. I am dying to come see you!!! Please call me so we can set a date. I wish I were closer and could bring you food too!!! I am so glad you are progressing so well. XOXOXO

  74. You are such a brave lady to do the surgery right before Christmas and both knees! I'm so happy to hear that you have great flexibility and that you are slowly on the mend. Prayers going your way for complete healing. Have an amazing Christmas Yvonne and huge blessings to you and your family.

  75. So glad you are improving. Hubby needs double knee replacement & I'm not looking forward to that I can assure you. Have a Merry Chrsitmas

  76. ~Yvonne~
    There is light at the end of the tunnel !! Just remember he is there with you each step of the way .
    Thoughts and prayers

  77. It's funny how some things can make you change your perspective on what is important huh? So glad you are doing well and Merry Christmas to you. YOu have the right perspective! Hang in there. Spring is coming. Love your blog!

  78. that Christmas rush is over and I am catching up on your blog, I am just now finding out about your surgery! You are a real trooper! Your blog and posts still are beautiful as usual. Hope you have a full recovery and enjoy your new knee caps soon.

  79. I missed this! So glad the insurance okayed both surgeries and so glad to read that you're doing so well. Blessings to you! :D

  80. Oh Yvonne, I didn't know you had surgery. I had both my knees replaced in 2009 within 12 weeks of each other. You are doing great!! I love my new knees but it took about three months to really love them. The funniest thing my husband said the other day, he has trouble keeping up with me. I will pray for your full recovery!!


    1. How sweet of you to let me know you are doing so well with your new knees. Right now I am not feeling so great about them! Oh, it's been a long recovery. Everyone says I'm doing better than they would ever expect. But I want this to be over... yesterday! You made me feel so so good! Bless your heart!
