Saturday, November 30, 2013


Decorating with pops of metal is a big trend right now... and so are garden stools!

I combined the two and brought a big dose of chic to my living room.

This was such an easy project... here's the BEFORE...

This bright yellow garden stool was on super sale... and I used it in my bedroom for several years!

Before the garden stool could decorate the living room it had to go through a transformation.

So out to the driveway it went, and got several thin coats of Rust-Oleum HAMMERED DARK BRONZE

The effect was amazing!!!! It really did have a hammered texture!

Here's a closer look...

So when it was dry, in it came to live next to the ETHAN ALLEN BRANT CHAIR

I'm getting a little spray paint happy around the house these days..I have my eye on an old urn... and a simple night stand that I think would look great upcycled in hammered metallic!

Don't you love little changes that make big differences?

Remember to 

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  1. I love it !!!!

  2. Whoever invented spray paint? Bless his or her heart. Your little bench looks great. I do like the metal touches in the house. I felt guilty because I had let my copper pieces get dull. I got on a cleaning spree and now they look great. Love that chair also :) Marisa Franca

  3. I've used the hammered spray paint in silver and was just amazed how great it worked. I have no idea how they make that look happen out of a spray can, but they definitely do.

    Great up cycle project!

  4. Beautiful Yvonne! I am going to try this on one of my Garden Stools.
    Enjoy the holiday weekend!

    The Arts by Karena

  5. I love those metallic spray paints - it looks great :-)

  6. Love it, I found one at Ross not long ago that is a combinations of Bronz, Gold and Silver, love it and it really does add a little chic metallic to my bedroom. Yours turned out so beautiful. Love that chair too. Hugs, Marty

  7. I love it! Why haven't I thought of this before? Every garden stool that I see on sale is a gosh awful color! Now, I know what to do, put that ugly thing in my buggy!! Thanks for the inspiration. Hope you are making progress on your recovery!

  8. Love this idea! I'll be on the lookout for a garden stool!

  9. Now that is pretty brilliant! Looks great! How are the knees? Yikes, so sorry, hope you are back hopping around in time for Santa!

  10. Used this type of spray paint on plain black Ikea tables and was very happy with the result.

  11. Yvonne,
    Amazing transformation!!!
    It looks like hammered metal, indeed!!!

  12. DId you rub alcohol over the ceramic or sand it before painting?

  13. Hi Yvonne, Wow, you picked the perfect paint - it is awesome!

  14. How awesome is this!!! You never cease to amaze me! hugs...

  15. I removed all my light fixtures in my guest bath and sprayed in Rust-Oleum Rubbed Oil Bronze along with all the hinges and door handles thru my whole house. They key is light even coats to avoid runs. Rust-Oleum is awesome and so are you Yvonne! Fairly new follower but, love your ideas. Keep em coming.

  16. The stool looks great - I can't wait to try it. I really love your chairs, too. I am wanting some of these really bad. Thanks for sharing.

  17. I do not like the garden stools....I can't understand why they are all the rage....Maybe a copy-cat kinda thing...Some have more of an import look...I do like the paint! ;-) Have a nice day!

  18. That stool looks amazing, I love it!!! So glad I didn't miss this. Hope you are doing MUCH better! XO
