Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I have a special place in my heart for Thanksgiving!  I love the season, the food, the family and friends, the reason for celebrating and the preparation!

I also love our family traditions that have formed around this All-American holiday!

Traditions are a way of passing along our beliefs.... or customs... our ways.  They help us to belong and connect. They are a beautiful thread that stitches the heart and minds of one generation to the next.

We are folks that love and celebrate tradition, especially around the holidays...

Thanksgiving means family. Yes, it may mean football and parades and big balloons that look like funny cartoon characters, and the kick-off of the Christmas season, and shopping... but it means so much more to our family!

We have well developed traditions around Thanksgiving.

Aptly named, it is a time for giving thanks to God. He is the source of all blessings and goodness and Thanksgiving is a celebration of His goodness and mercy to our family.

What is a holiday without food? And this is probably the biggest meal of the year!  We eat the exact same thing every year. Everyone has their favorites!   Mine is stuffing with gravy! Just the thought of it makes my mouth water! YUMMY!

Everyone in our family gets involved... even the men. It takes a village to put on a Thanksgiving feast!

I'm famous for my turkey. I started making it as a young wife and over the years have perfected the technique.

I'll be sharing all my turkey making secrets with you next week.

Does the aroma coming from a kitchen smell the absolute best on Thanksgiving day?  It's not just the turkey, but the love that goes into making it!

We are not eat-and-run people. We like to linger! We take breaks, we talk, we play table games. Then we clean up the main meal and later that evening we have a dessert buffet!

Thanksgiving  is an all afternoon into evening event at StoneGable.

At dinnertime every year someone reads the Thanksgiving story. It's good to hear the old tale! When the children were little they would dress up in costumes and as we read they would act it out in a play.

Each year as we gather we find a creative way to go around the table and tell everyone what we are thankful for that year.

My favorite way to do this is using 5 kernels of corn.

It is a tangible way to literally count our blessings!

I've heard many versions of the  5 KERNELS OF CORN story, but here is how we tell it...

On Nov. 11, 1620 the Mayflower landed on the Northern tip of Cape Cod bringing a group of people searching for religious freedom. We call them the Pilgrims.

It was not easy to settle in a new place... a new world. It was very hard and the Pilgrims suffered greatly.

Winter set in and it was cold and food was in short supply.

It is said that during the cold and harsh winter of 1621, that sometimes only 5 kernels of corn were rationed out to eat.

No matter how small something is... if we see it as a blessing, that's huge!

 Five kernels of corn are put at each person's place to remind them to count their blessings, even if they are very small!

Taking turns, we go around the table and tell everyone 5 things we are thankful for.

We usually have some very loud laughs and some sentimental tears as well. But most of all we have a whole lot of head's nodding in blessing agreement as the warm presence of God fills us and the room!

In recent years, we have made it important to ask my mother questions about her childhood and growing up years. I want my children to know about my mom and how she grew up. I want them to hear about my wonderful grandmother and my father who have gone to be with the Lord.

We listen to stories of Thanksgivings long ago and the way things were done. My mother tell stories in glorious and vivid detail, filled with color and animation.

This year I'm recording the stories!

One last favorite Thanksgiving tradition of mine is to wake up Friday morning, when all the hustle and bustle is over and all the boys in the family go for a long walk with the dogs, and eat Thanksgiving leftovers in my pj's with the all girls in my family.

We are all exhausted and really not hungry, but we all still gather to have leftovers! ABSOLUTELY no frills! Piled on plates and microwaved! And  we only eat what we want.

That usually looks like a bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy with a big scoop of stuffing on the top for me...  with some canned cranberry jelly. NO JUDGING!! And the only veggie that night cross my lips is a little green bean casserole! All to be washed down with coffee and a slice of pumpkin pie topped with whipped cream.

We read magazines and chat and laugh and eat and stay in our jammies until almost noon! It's a girl thing and we all love it!

I hope your Thanksgiving traditions run deeply and richly through your family and those lucky enough to be at your table this year!

And may you always be able to count your blessing... large and small!

I am so thrilled to be participating in


with 24 other wonderful bloggers!

Make sure to visit these creative bloggers and be inspired!

Savvy Southern Style
Finding Home
Lilacs & Longhorns
The Inspired Room
The Crafty Woman

Stone Gable
What Meegan Make
s Maison de Pax
Confessions of a Plate Addic

Thistlewood Farm
Eclectically Vintage
My Soulful Home
Cedar Hill Farmhouse
Southern Hospitality

The Lilypad Cottage
A Little Claireification
Fresh Idea Studio
The Rustic Pig

Housepitality Designs
Country Design Style
The Everyday Home
Unskinny Boppy


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  1. Yvonne,
    Thank you for sharing your family's Thanksgiving Traditions!
    We, too, have many Traditions here on the Prairie.
    It is my belief that Traditions "ground"' us as a family.
    Many of your Traditions made me smile, shed a tear and chuckle!!!
    At our Thanksgiving table there will be many, many thanks given to God
    for the abundant life He continues to give to us!
    Your table is a lovely reflelction of the many talents
    you so generously share with all of us in The Land of Blog!
    Blessings to you! You continually bless my life, dear friend!!!

  2. Your Thanksgiving sound wonderful and perfect! I love the idea of everyone thinking of five things to be grateful for and hearing your mom talk about her life. Wonderful memories for the children in your family.

  3. Yvonne, thank you for sharing your family's Thanksgiving traditions and celebrations. A beautiful post that makes my heart smile. I thank God for you and other bloggy friends who share their many talents with all of us on a daily basis. Blessings to you and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  4. Yvonne, I want to come to your house and hang out in my jammies the next day. I can smell the food cooking now. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  5. Yvonne, I love hearing about all of your family's traditions, both large and small! Can't wait for your turkey tips! Oh, and I think I'll have a slice of pumpkin pie for breakfast the next morning now. Thanks for that one too. Wishing you blessings this whole Month of Plenty.
    Therese @ Fresh Idea Studio

  6. Yvonne, I love hearing about all of your family's traditions, both large and small! Can't wait for your turkey tips! Oh, and I think I'll have a slice of pumpkin pie for breakfast the next morning now. Thanks for that one too. Wishing you blessings this whole Month of Plenty.
    Therese @ Fresh Idea Studio

  7. You do well to ask your Mom about things past, all of you should! Not just for genealogy's sake, but for the pure memories. Time has a way of stealing that from you. Oh, and love this post, this blog.

  8. I don't know which tradition of yours I like more, Thanksgiving day...or the day after.

    Such a sweet post

  9. Thank you SO much for your inspiring story and details. I love your inspiring words. I LOVE pumpkin pie for breakfast-yummy! Thanks for being a part of the Thankful at Home tour Yvonne. Happy Thanksgiving! xoxo

  10. What wonderful traditions you share! I have never heard about the five kernels of corn. Thank you for that bit of info!

    It's a great idea to record your mom's stories. That is priceless! The oldest cousin in our family spent the weekend back in the 80's with who was then our oldest living relative so that he could get our family history. He subsequently wrote about it and I am planning on putting it on the blog very soon...perhaps in 2 or 3 short installments. Your mom's story will definitely be something your family will treasure!

  11. Yvonne…what a beautiful heart felt post. I am so honored to have you on our tour. How can anyone not want to be at your table? I love the 5 kernels of corn tradition. Many thanks for sharing.
    p.s. I am coming over on the Friday after with Kim in my pi's for leftovers!

  12. Yvonne, I want to come to your house! I like the way you think -- the main meal...the dessert buffet..eating the goodies in your jammies with the girls -- LOVE it all! And, I love the 5 kernels of corn story...what a great reminder. Thank you so much for sharing and have a fantastic Thanksgiving!

  13. I don't know what to say but, wonderful! Thank you for sharing your family traditions. I will be checking back for turkey tips. ~Jeanette

  14. I love the 5 kernels idea Yvonne and I will be asking Ma about Thanksgivings past! Sounds like you all have a wonderful time-enjoy:@)

  15. It sounds dreamy! We carry on traditions with my parents and in laws. We don't get all caught up with black Friday etc. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to pause and reflect. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Hi Yvonne, I love your story tradition around the table! I am asking my mom to tell of her holidays too, now, and wish I had done so with my dad. Your table is beautiful with the little pumpkins. And I won't judge you because the stuffing and gravy is my favorite part of the meal too!!! And although this is the one time of year I make my own cranberry relish I could eat that cranberry jelly straight out of the jar! Looking forward to hearing your turkey secrets! Linda

  17. Yvonne your table looks stunning as always my friend!! Loved hearing all your traditions! We always host Thanksgiving also and the next day is a favorite of mine too... pj's all day and my absolute favorite leftover is making a biscuit sandwich with turkey, stuffing, cranberry and a little mayo YUM!!

  18. Beautiful! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. LOVE the food, family, traditions and THANKFULNESS! I can't wait for the big day :) Life to the full! Melissa @ DaisyMaeBelle

  19. Thanks for sharing. You have a beautiful home and a beatiful heart. God Bless You and your family.

  20. Oops, meant beautiful heart. Dang keys!

  21. Yvonne: What a beautiful post about your families
    Thanksgiving traditions. Can't wait for your
    delicious Thanksgiving recipes. We love to add a new
    dish every Thanksgiving.
    We will have 18 for dinner this year and the missing
    7 that will not be here will really be missed and
    hopefully they will be able to join us in 2014.


  22. Beautiful table.
    Barb F

  23. Beautiful traditions you and your family contemplate, always and specially this time of year. My husband and me are very traditional people, so I continue with my Thanksgiving tradition from the USA, being that I am American as well. I loved the 5 Kernels of Corn. We used to ask my dear Mil for stories of C'mas and many other holidays traditions and with my mom we many times reminiscing all the Holidays in the USA with my dad, who is now gone. I love Fall and Thanksgiving and you are an inspiration, I love your table and the centerpiece is gorgeous! I love your dishes and place mats, simply wonderful perfect Ivonne!

  24. I loved reading about your Thanksgiving tradition...I love the part about staying in your jammies till Noon just enjoying each other's company and eating great leftovers...I never knew the story about the 5 kernels of corn...Your table is so amazing Yvonne...you have truly set it with such love....and I am sure that you look forward to the memories that you will make around that table this year...a table set from your heart for the love of your family!

  25. Dear lady - I live not too far from you - I would love to meet you and just glean so much from you! I live near Purcellville, VA, but you are probably not 2 hours from me! I just have this feeling from the Spirit I could learn a lot! And no, I am not a creepy stalker!!! Blessings! Lisa

  26. Beautiful, beautiful words and pictures. Love this post so much. The pinning frenzy will now begin!

  27. Love your story and the 5 kernels will be shared with my family this year as I host Thanksgiving for the first time in years. My SIL has always done it but she can't this year and I am thrilled to have the chance to create and plan for this special holiday. I love love love your centerpiece, thanks for all the inspirations and lovely memories

  28. Your family traditions sounds beautiful, as your table is just as stunning and warm Yvonne. So happy and blessed to be a part of this series and learn more about everyone.

  29. OH!!! What a beautiful post! I love hearing about your traditions. I am SO THANKFUL that this year we will ALL be at the table, Brian is coming up from Fl.!!!!!!!!!!! I had never heard the 5 kernals of corn story, that is wonderful too. We have the same menu every year too, and I love the idea of PJ's til noon with the girls but noone will be here:( Maybe I'll show up at your doorstep in my PJ"S!!!!! GREAT idea to record your Mom this year. We always TALKED about doing that and never did. Now we wish we had. It will be wonderful to have that and just the sound of her beautiful voice. OH, and your table is exquisite as always. MANY blessings to you all, my friend. XOXO

  30. Just lovely, my friend. I can just see you gals in your jammies gathered around eating leftovers and laughing and carrying on. I love Thanksgiving too - its about simply being together and remembering what is important. And laughing. In your jammies. With leftover. :) xxoo

  31. This is a beautiful post. Please tell us where you got the orange leaf bowls, they are Great.

    1. Hi Laurie, the orange leaf bowls came from HomeGoods. Happy Thanksgiving!

  32. Yvonne I love the idea of having the older family members talk about their Thanksgiving memories. We are all at the age we are seeing so many precious loved ones leave us and we have such a heritage to pass onto our children. I am going to make sure the Great Grammies tell us stories this year!

  33. Yvonne, I too love the tradition you have started of having the eldest family members share stories on Thanksgiving. This is so important, for each generation to know special things about each other. And when younger family members share these stories with their own families, the circle is not broken. Wonderful! Have a wonderful holiday!

  34. Five kernels of corn...what a wonderful story to pass on to your children. Jammies on Friday...another wonderful tradition to pass on.

    I enjoyed reading all about your Thanksgiving traditions and seeing your table set for your celebrations.



  35. I so enjoyed reading about your Thanksgiving traditions. It's a great idea to record those stories from your mama. The idea of the girls eating leftovers in their pajamas is priceless.

  36. What a beautiful table and beautiful post! I had never heard the story of the five kernels of corn what a perfect reminder this time of year- Thanks for sharing your traditions
    Happy Thanksgiving

  37. Thank you for sharing a beautiful table and some heartwarming traditions! Mom and MIL have both passed and I realize how they lovingly carried on and set forth all of those traditions, so now it's our time to do so. Thanksgiving is also my favorite Holiday and I truly enjoyed your stories, especially the one of the gals eating leftovers in their jammies!
    Here's to another Thanksgiving full of traditions -new and old, love ,laughter, and, gratefulness.

  38. I love 5 five kernel story Yvonne! And my family loves the canned cranberry glob too!! Hope you and your family have a perfect Thanksgiving!

  39. To the previous Anonymous, you seem to be ill informed. Please try to learn the truth of the Pilgrims, who were, factually, people in search of Freedom. They are the people you owe your life of freedom to, since America was the first country to be dedicated to the freedom of human beings. Previously, in the history of mankind no one was free. Humans were ALWAYS controlled by governments of one sort or another. working for governments, having no ability to change the lives and situations into which they were born. America was shaped by the Pilgrims and their search for Freedom. We as Americans have historically had the ability to Dream and the Freedom to make those Dreams come true. So, maybe thank the Pilgrims for the freedom you have to speak your mind. And also remember the men and women who have died to protect those rights, as they are always under attack both from inside and out.

  40. Yvonne what a beautifully written post. The traditions and family and friends is my favorite thing this time of year and cherish those moments because our family is very dear too me. Remembering what Thanksgiving is all about and how we are all blessed is so very important. I try to do remember that every day as well because I have so much to be thankful for in my small world. We enjoy the next too. We are all tired and we just eat the leftovers with no frills also.


  41. Oh, Yvonne your table is just stunningly beautiful. I am in love with your plates and bowls. I had actually never heard the 5 Kernels of Corn story - thank you so much for sharing that. What a wonderful idea to record your Mother's stories, too. So glad to have been part of this tour with you! Pinning this.
    PS: Stuffing and gravy is my all time favorite - my mouth is watering too!! :)

  42. Oh such a beautiful and sweet post Yvonne!! You never disappoint. The table is lovely and your story is told with such elegance I feel so blessed to be here.
