Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Paperwhites and Christmas just go together... like hot chocolate and marshmallows... and Christmas trees and strings of tiny white lights!

The add a showy, yet simple beauty to any Christmas decor!

Now is the time to "force" them so they will be blooming for Christmas!

Paperwhites are so so easy to plant and grow... I'll show you how and share a few tricks to keep them fresh and pretty for the whole Christmas season...

Here is all you will need....

a wide mouth container
dirt or stones
pebbles if using dirt
Paperwhite bulbs

I get my Paperwhite bulbs from our local greenhouse. They should be very easily accessible this time of year.

Put a layer of pebbles into the bottom of a bowl for drainage. Add potting soil.  Press the bulbs, root side down, into the soil with most of the bulb above the soil.

The soil is strictly a vehicle to hold the Paperwhites upright and to deliver water to the roots.

Pack them in close together. 

Water liberally.  Keep the soil moist and put in a light room.

The Paperwhites should  be in full bloom in about 6 weeks... just in time for Christmas!

Here are a couple of tips to keep your Paperwhites healthy and beautiful...

* add Reindeer moss or other pretty cover over the dirt and let the Paperwhites grow up through it

*make sure to keep the Paperwhites well watered

* Grow Paperwhites in tall glass cylinders with white pebbles

*keep Paperwhites out of direct sunlight when blooming

*Paperwhites last longer if they are cool once they start to bloom. You can place them outdoors or in the garage at night as long as it is not below freezing.

*rotate the Paperwhite container so they grow straight

*as the Paperwhites grow they may need to be staked up. One pretty way to do that is to find thin branches and spray paint them white. Stake them up among the branches. Or use red branches for a Christmas look!

* Tie a big satin ribbon around a large clump of Paperwhites to self stake

*Remember to take in their perfumy, heady scent!

Paperwhites make the most delightful gifts for hostesses, teachers, hairdressers, etc!

Here's a VERY easy tutorial for


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  1. Hi Yvonne - Do you need to have drainage holes at the bottom or do the pebbles give enough room for drainage? I wanted to grow these in an ironstone soup tureen. Great post - definitely goint to do this.

    Mary @ Orphans With Makeup

    1. Hi Mary, you don't need a drainage whole, just put a layer of pebbles in the bottom of your soup tureen and that will act as drainage. Hope this helps.

  2. Thank you sooo much for this post! I have always wanted to try to grow them just never have. This is the year! :) Yippee!

  3. This couldn't be more perfect- I just bought paperwhite bulbs yesterday but haven't planted them- (I have mixed results with plant life so I'm procrastinating) I just love the look of graceful white flowers in winter! Many Thanks for the great tips (using a white branch- so clever!) and the gift jar is a lovely idea!

  4. Thanks you - have always wanted to do this and you just made it simple. Must find bulbs soon.


  5. Yvonne,
    These will be beautiful when in full bloom by Christmas. Thanks for the tips.

  6. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    I love paper whites in December and January too! They're so delicate and pretty.
    I've never planted my own, but after reading your simple tutorial . . . I know what I'll be out looking for this week :0)
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Have a beautiful week!

  7. Thanks for sharing these planting tips for the paperwhites… I love them, can't wait to try planting them. Thanks for sharing! I am a new follower!

  8. I love paper whites - my son Shaun gave me some quite a few years ago and I planted them. They are producing more and more bulbs and they are now in bloom. I was surprised that they started blooming so early.
    I like how you made a gift out of them. Great DIY - thanks so much. Stop by my Fall Garden and you can see my Paper Whites in bloom.
    Have a great day.

  9. Just beautiful! I always forget about planting these, so thank you for the reminder!

  10. Thanks for the reminder Yvonne! I will plant my paperwhites this week!

  11. Good advice! I often forget to plant them early enough and end up missing the holidays with them.
    Last year I put some in big clear jars with some stones and set them in a wood box with pine boughs.
    It's amazing how easy they are to grow!

  12. Thank you for reminding me and for all of the lovely planting ideas!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  13. So pretty! Thanks for the reminder-I need to pick up some bulbs.

  14. I so love paperwhites and always forget to get them started…I love the container you used and great idea for a gift…you think of everything!!!!

  15. Yvonne I just love when these beauties pop up for the holidays with their lovely fragrance.

    The Arts by Karena

  16. Thank you for the reminder, Yvonne! I've been thinking about when the perfect time is to start them. Great tips!

  17. Because of this post, I will be heading out to my favorite garden nursery to pick some up. I can't wait! I'm such a brown thumb but I think I can even be successful with these! :)

  18. I plan 3-4 batches of paperwhites each winter - first one is going now - 10 paperwhites on stones.
    I use a fish bowl - the sides hold the greens up. Paperwhites are great gifts for anyone, especially shut-ins.
    I don't use dirt, just stones. Keep the root ONLY wet. You can do 3 in a mason jar to a large amount like have planted. PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! they will go on sale IF any are left after Christmas. They are a worthy expense to get me thru the Delaware weather on my sun porch.

  19. My local garden center told me that paperwhites are poisonous to cats and dogs. Please be careful!

  20. My local garden center told me that paperwhites are poisonous to cats and dogs. Please be careful!
