Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Did you ever see something and think it was so cute and adorable... and very chic and earthy at the same time... and made of nubby burlap...and you just had to make it!

Yes? know that experience? Good!  Well, that happened to me when I saw burlap acorns on pinterest.

I just had to make them... and tweak them a little... 

This was a really fun project. Very easy and fast! I made all 4 acorns in just over an hour. Of course, that does not count the time it took to treat the 3rd degree burn I got from my hot glue gun! But I digress...


1.   Materials Needed
toile fabric
Styrofoam eggs
small twigs

2. Cut a circle of burlap large enough to  cover all but the top of the smaller end of the Styrofoam egg.

Put hot glue in the center of the burlap, place the large end of the egg on the center of the burlap and smooth the burlap to adhere to the egg. BE CAREFUL not to burn yourself (and you thought I was kidding about treating my burn!).

3. Hot glue the burlap around the egg, smoothing it the best you can. The toile is not as forgiving as the burlap, so I made small folds here and there.

4. Cut apart the scales of the pinecones with sturdy scissors. Hot glue them in a circle near the small end of the egg.

Continue to glue the pinecone scales around the egg until you get to the top.

Push a small stick into the top of the styrofoam. Finish adding pinecone scales until the top of the egg is covered.

See what I mean...I bet you are thinking this is so cute and adorable... and very chic and earthy at the same time... and made of nubby burlap AND FRENCH TOILE...and now YOU can't wait to make them!

I know just how you feel!

The Fall Tour of Home is still going on! Make sure you stop by and see all the beautiful homes decked out for fall!

Monday, September 23

Tuesday, September 24

Wednesday, September 25

Thursday, September 26

Friday, September 27

Enter to win this gorgeous hand painted Sarasota Chest in Crème Brûlée from Somerset Bay, a prize valued at $1,500. 

The contest is open to U.S. residents only.


  1. Love those - and I just collected pine cones yesterday! Thank you!

  2. Stunning! Will definately give these a go! And thank you for the gorgeous tour of your elegant home.

  3. Dear Yvonne, I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy visiting your home. You have given me such great ideas and inspiration to use the many beautiful things I own or have inherited. I am from Lancaster but now live in RI. How I miss Lanc. County, Roots Market and the beautiful rolling hills of PA. Visiting your site brings me home for a few minutes each day. Tried the sort ribs and they were delicious. Going to try your fajitas. Heading to Pa this weekend and will get some pepper jelly from Kitchen Kettle. God Bless. Maureen

  4. Really love these. I have lots of pinecones so will have to give this a try. Many thanks for sharing. x

  5. So simple but so effective. Thanks

  6. I love these and they look so cute! Can not wait to pick up the eggs to make these. :-) Thanks for sharing.

  7. Love these! They will be perfect in my black and white kitchen :) Thanks Yvonne! xoxo

  8. I am crushing on your acorns big time! You are so right when you said now I have to make them. In the mean time, I'm getting out all my xmas acorn decorations and making them work for Fall.

  9. Love these! Great texture! Great Fall project. I can see a lot of hot gluing going on. :)

  10. oh my gosh these are so freaking cute.. and I have everything on hand to make a few.. thanks for sharing how you did it.

  11. I LOVE these, Yvonne! They are so cute and I love the fabrics.

  12. Oh how cute, simply delightful addition to your fall decor!

  13. I love to come visit you every day, Yvonne! Your home is the just right combination of elegance and Lancaster County farmhouse. I get inspired every time! Your house tour was fabulous! Thank you so much for all the work you put into each and every blog. You are inspiring!
    Linda in Lititz

  14. Very, very cute, my clever blog friend!
    Loved your tour! I too, avoided the yearly crawl under the house for Rubbermaid Autumn decor storage box!
    Happy Fall, Yvonne!

  15. Simple and beautiful! Pinned these to hopefully put together this weekend! Thanks for the tutorial!

  16. love the look.. might have to give these a try..
    thanks so much for the detailed tutorial..

    so sorry you got burned.. also vera would help if you have some.
    Happy Fall

    1. so does yellow's not just for hot dogs! Takes the pain away after a few minutes. Kind of messy but it really works!

  17. love the look. Good Job!

  18. ADORABLE! I may just give these a try!

  19. Yvonne, you are just so freakin' awesome! Have I told you lately how much I love your blog? My problem is that I don't have enough table-top space for all the cute ideas I've "borrowed" from you! Bless you!

  20. This is sooo adorable! I wish I had time to go and do these this fall~I am saving in my folder for "when I graduate" which by this time next year will be accomplished! Thanks for sharing you are always a lunchtime favorite of mine! Jennifer

  21. Adorable! Thanks for sharing a great tutorial! I really love this idea!

  22. Very cute! I love the pinecone tops:@)

  23. Those are adorable and I think the burn was worth it.

  24. Yes, that's what I'm thinking! These are just darling. Thanks for the tutorial : )


  25. These are cuter than a bug's ear Yvonne! So sorry about the burn! 3rd degree?! When you go for it, you don't kid around!

  26. Absolutely love these and there are so many things you could do with them to decorate for the season!

  27. Aren't you one creative soul! Those acorns are so adorable!

  28. Yvonne, The acorns are adorable and I love them! What a cute idea for Fall.

  29. Hi Yvonne! These are adorable!!! I must try them, although I am also hot-glue-gun-impaired. I always keep a bowl of ice water at the craft table when I use hot glue. It really helps! I hope your burn is better soon. Linda

  30. I LOVE these! I'm pinning them as they are definitely on my to do list. Thanks for sharing!


  31. I love these acorns, Yvonne. I want to make them! xo

  32. Those are adorable!! Funny that you should do this DIY as I've got a project on my 'to-do' list to make fabric acorns...but they don't involve a hot glue gun! lol You've inspired me.

  33. Tjismay be my favorite TYI of yours yet!!! I was at Tracy's all last week so am trying to catch up on blogs. SO glad I didn't miss this!!! They are adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo

  34. Love this! Pinned it!

    <3 Christina @ I Gotta Create!
    Wildly Original link party is open.
