Wednesday, July 24, 2013


In the story Alice in Wonderland, the Queen of Hearts, a very bossy and demanding woman, was ALL ABOUT the color red!!! 
She loved red so much that even the her white roses became red! She ordered her card-shark knaves to slap a coat of red paint on the snowy blooms in her royal garden!

As I was painting my curtains, the song "Painting The Roses Red" from the Disney movie Alice In Wonderland kept running through my head!

But here at StoneGable, the zippy little tune went something like this... 

"I'm painting the curtains white... I'm painting the curtains white... do-Do...
I'm painting the curtains white!"

I'll show you how I did it...

The idea to paint my curtains just popped into my head one day!

To be perfectly honest, I haven't been very satisfied with the family room curtains for a long time.

Replacing them was out of the question. They are Belgium linen from Restoration Hardware... very very nice... but very very blah in my neutral family room!!!

Because they were staying, I thought painting a bold pattern on them would give them the umph they needed to bring a shot of interest to my room!

Here is how the curtains looks "before"... YAWN!

And here's the "After"...

This was a SUPER EASY project... especially after I got over the initial hold-your-breath-fear of ruining the curtains!

I really should have read up on painting curtains or at least seen a couple of youtube videos!!!

I had heard somewhere that Annie Sloan Chalk Paint could be painted on fabric... and that is just what I did!

And yes, you can paint on fabric and the result is fabulous!!!!

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Stenciled Curtains
Large Scale Stencils  ~I got mine HERE
Curtains~ iron them first
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint ~ I used Pure White
Small Sponge Roller
Paint Tray
Painter's Tape


Put down a plastic drop cloth and then a cloth drop cloth. Paint soaked through my curtain and the cloth drop cloth


Think through how you will stencil. Where will you begin stenciling? Your stencil design will dictate where you begin and how you proceed from there.

My stencil was a big damask print. I measured my stencil and a curtain panel and determined that I would start at the top left side and work down and then across.

Because I did not want an all-over pattern I stenciled in three rows. Left ... then right... then an accent down the center.


Lay the stencil down at the beginning point. Tape it to the fabric.

As I got more confident stenciling, I just taped down the top and rolled the paint on in a downward direction only.


 Use a small sponge roller and the paint of your choice in a small paint tray. Wet the sponge roller thoroughly and squeeze out any excess water in the roller.

 You might want to practice before you commit your roller filled with paint to your curtains!!!!


Here's what worked for me... I thinned down my paint a little and used a damp roller to stencil. The paint went on very easily. It was important to me that the stenciled pattern was not painted solidly, but had areas of light paint application. This gave the pattern an old, washed-out look.

I rolled over the stencil primarily in a downward direction. 

This is not rocket science and mistakes aren't noticed.


I lifted the pattern off the curtain and placed it to the side to dry. This is a project that should not be hurried. Make sure your stencil is dry before stenciling the next spot on the curtain.

I used a small fan to keep the process moving along.


Let each curtain panel dry completely before you hang it. 

I was surprised at the weight and body the paint gave my curtains.

I don't know if the curtains can be washed or dry cleaned. I sorta doubt it since ASCP is water soluble. 

 I have no intention of dry cleaning these drapes. I'll vacuum them and maybe Scotch Guard them.

 When they get faded or dirty, I'll probably be tired of them and ready for new curtains!

You can see how my newly painted curtains look in my family room by clicking, HERE.

Since this was such an easy and successful project I'm  thinking about all the other great painting possibilities... stenciling fabric and using it to cover a seat of a chair ...stenciling lamp shades...or even painting it!!!!

I have 4 smaller curtain panels just kicking around. I think I'll be making some pretty stenciled pillows!


  1. Absolutely stunning, Yvonne! Love your house and the finishing touches that you add to make it so homey!!! Thank you for sharing!


  2. I am loving these curtains....I have had plans to make new cushions for my porch furniture from painter's canvas drop cloths and then stenciling. I have stenciled on fabric before and successfully washed these projects but have always used fabric acrylic paint and a stencil brush. I would think that heat setting with an iron would give you a permanent bond but not really sure. At any rate, these are beautiful and you did an outstanding job.

  3. I hope you won't change it cuz I got such a kick out of it, but you wrote " at Stonergable" instead of Stonegable. The stenciling is wonderful! Annie Sloan dips the whole drape in a paint wash and lets them dry. I saw it in a magazine. I like your stenciled ones so much. Lovely. I just copy-katted your coffee bar in my last post. It will take me another year to stencil my curtains!

  4. You are so brave to paint those. my husband would have a heart attack if I even mentioned painting anything that was that nice (and expensive) in the first place, but look how FABULOUS they turned out!!!!!!!!!1

  5. Nice! Curious as to what the window frame to the right says? I just picked up some old window frames and am planning on placing some vinyl quotes on them.

    Thanks so much. I enjoy your blog and Facebook updates.

  6. I am amazed at how easy this SOUNDS. I can see you stenciling alot of things now!!! I really LOVE the curtains, they looks beautiful. XOXO

  7. Beautiful! You did a great job---I would be tooooo chicken to even think of a project like this!

  8. These really turned out fabulous, Yvonne! They look like brand new drapes. I really love how the colors work with the rest of the room and house. Great job!

  9. It looks absolutely wonderful. Your home is so gorgeously decorated. You've got the touch to be sure. The curtains came out beautifully.

  10. boy, that REALLY made a significant change...for the this room! who'd have thought? i love the added blue
    lamp & pillows also. i paint with acrylics on fabric frequently & use a textile medium which makes it washable. but the fabric must be prewashed first so not for your linen drapes but for chair seats possibly. suzi

  11. You are so clever - I really am in awe, they look FABULOUS.

    And it makes sense about the cleaning care - thanks for addressing that for us.

    Bravo and well done. You have nerves of steel, ma'am!


  12. I just love this idea, I don't know if I am brave enough to try this right now but something to keep in mind. ;-) Thanks for sharing, have a blessed day! :-)

  13. There was no link to the home tour today, or did I miss it somehow? I've enjoyed looking at the others.

  14. This is the best craft idea I've seen this year Yvonne. The results are stunning.

  15. If I sing that song in my head, will be painted curtains turn out even half as fabulous as yours?! They look fantastic, Yvonne ... thanks for the great tutorial, too! And, thank you so much for your kind note about our summer house tour!

  16. Yvonne, The curtains turned out wonderful! I have the same stencil and plan on using it in the dining room.

  17. Stunning my friend, wow! You amaze me every time with your never ending talent Ivonne!!! The curtains turned out totally FABULOUS and elegant, as well! Thanks for your sweet and kind comment. Big hugs,

  18. They look fabulous! thank you for sharing...

  19. Yvonne:

    What a wonderful idea. These turned out great!

    - The Tablescaper

  20. What an amazing transformation Yvonne! It would have NEVER occurred to me to paint drapery panels! Beautiful results, I predict you'll start a trend!

  21. Well done! It's amazing the things that we can paint. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  22. Yvonne,
    Gorgeous, Yvonne!!!
    . . .and you answered my question about laundering them!!!
    I think they took your Family Room to the next level!!!

  23. Than you for sharing your idea - this is great - I have similar curtains and can't wait to try your technique!


  24. These look great! And you know, I painted some outdoor burlap pillows with craft paint from the $ store, and they are completely waterproof -- they were left out in the rain, and didn't smudge a bit! Maybe the AS does the same once it's dry.

  25. Your curtains are beautiful and I love the washed out look of the pattern. Great job!!

  26. Curtain is very beautiful, like this style. If you are willing, please visit: ogotohome

  27. Yvonne, these are gorgeous! I wanted to tell you that I painted my outdoor cushions with A.S. paint. They've been left out in the rain. I was afraid I'd come outside and find paint dripping on to the patio after a rain, but the paint has stayed on them. They've faded a little from the sun, but they still look pretty good. laurie

  28. Where did you buy the curtains? Love the color and texture.

  29. Where did you buy the curtains? Love the color and texture. Perfect combination for you stencil. <3

  30. Hi Carina,
    I got these curtains from the Restoration Hardware Outlet. They were on a major sale. I had to hem to get them to fit. But it was little work for such good curtains.

  31. Hi Carina,
    I got these curtains from the Restoration Hardware Outlet. They were on a major sale. I had to hem to get them to fit. But it was little work for such good curtains.

  32. Beautiful...trying this. Can you tell me more about the blue and burlap lamp. I have to have it!

    1. Cheryl, The lamp came from the Pottery Barn Outlet near my home. Sorry, but I've never see another like it. Check on ebay.

  33. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas. I painted just one side of a pair of dropcloth canvas curtains last summer. I love them and really don't care if others don't. The best part was when my mother asked me where I bought them. Score! Please keep your ideas coming. : )
