Wednesday, June 5, 2013


It's not always a good thing to live so close to a POTTERY BARN OUTLET! My car, if left to it's own devices, could probably find it's way there all by itself! When I go into PBO I feel a little like Norm from the old sitcom "CHEERS". "Everyone knows my name" and there's hugs all 'round!

These chunky white pottery jars are just one example of the great summer finds that end up at StoneGable...

Originally, they were meant to go on my family room mantle, but that was not to be. They look so comfortable in the living room and add a nice texture and pattern to the room.

Nothing dainty about these beauties! They are heafty and thick and remind me of Mexican or Moroccan  Pottery... only white.

They look stunning with candlelight coming through the cutwork.  Wouldn't they also look nice with Annabelle Hygrangeas spilling out of them?

They are partnered on my new coffee table with a little greenhouse from HOMEGOODS.

I've had several e-mails asking about them... as far as I know... the Lancaster Pa PBO still carries them.

This weekend I'll be working on the curtains for the dining room and living room. What a big project!!!!


  1. I love them. They are really "you'!!! How are you feeling??? XOXO

  2. Hope you are feeling better. Love the little lanterns. Love the new living room and family room looks great. Wish I had a PBO close to me. But I would probably stay in trouble with the hubs. Good luck on all the sewing this weekend. I have to finish a four ruffle bed skirt for my little granddaughters crib. I made the one for her big sis (it was just one layer) and now I have to do four layers for hers. But they are sooooo worth it. Have a great week. Sheila

  3. Wow ~ so pretty. Actually when in Lancaster I stop by the PBO also... sometimes lucky, sometimes not... you sure scored this visit!

  4. :-) They are really pretty. I can only imagine how they look with candle light spilling out.
    Hugs, Gee

  5. Hi Yvonne, will be heading to PA this weekend to close up my fathers home since he died. Always stop by the PB outket. Love your taste.

  6. Those are so pretty Yvonne! Your right, trouble to live so close. I am happy I don't LOL!

  7. Yvonne the pottery jars are perfect, I like their chunkiness and perforations.
    Well...wishing we had an outlet near. The Pottery Barn Store is right up the street though!

    2013 Designers Series
    Art by Karena

  8. I have been eyeing those beautiful lanterns at Pottery Barn...Went to HomeGoods today and no terrariums!..but will keep looking!.....You created a gorgeous vignette on the table those pieces there!!

  9. They look totally at home on your coffee table:@)

  10. I love them Yvonne and the pretty greenhouse too! I see them in HomeGoods all the time...think I might have to bring one home with me next time;)

  11. I spy brass lamps in the corner. I'm glad I kept mine in our formal living room now that I see you are still using yours.
    Beautiful lanterns. My daughter in law bought me a large turquoise one for my birthday.

  12. Love them! And I am so jealous that you have a PBO so near you!

  13. Wow this pottery looks great. It’s looks antic. I also like to use this type pottery for my home decoration.

  14. Yvonne,
    Had to chuckle to myself. . .when renovating On Crooked Creek, I do believe everytime I got into my SUV it headed directly to Lowe's all by itself!!!
    Your white pottery jars are such a great find!!!
    I adore Pottery Barn looks especially in our lower living Family Room!!!
    I'll be waiting to see the reveal of those drapes...pace yourself,dear friend!!!
