Friday, June 7, 2013


Arugula in my garden is riotous this year! It must love all the cool weather we are having!

Ooops! Did I just say the best summer salad? What I meant to say was the best and easiest summer salad!

Arugula Salad is ON THE MENU at least once a week... and now a whole lot more!

Here's how I make it...

This salad can be made with any fresh greens, but the slightly peppery taste of arugula is my very favorite!

Add grilled chicken or salmon and you have a beautiful dinner salad!

garden greens


1 bunch of fresh arugula or other leafy green
3-4 TBS pine nuts
shaved Parmesan cheese
1 or 2 lemon
1/4 cup good olive oil
1/4 tsp Dijon mustard
good pinch of salt

Wash salad greens and pat dry with a paper towel. Put greens in a salad bowl.

just picked and ready to be washed

Toast pine nuts in a dry pan over medium heat, turning often. Watch pine nuts very closely, they go from nicely golden to burnt very quickly!

When the pine nuts are toasted turn them out of the pan on to a paper towel and let cool.

To make the vinaigrette... squeeze lemon juice into a small jar with a tight fitting lid.  Add olive oil, mustard and a good pinch of salt. Shake vigorously to emulsify. 

Pour the vinaigrette over the salad greens. Add the shaved Parmesan and toasted pine nuts and toss. Serve immediately.

This is my go-to favorite salad... I hope it will be your too!


  1. Yum...this fast & fresh salad is just the thing for a hot summer day. I can't wait till we have one of BOTH! :-p (its raining AGAIN!)

  2. LOVE the way it looks and I bet it tastes even better.. delishioso

  3. Your salad has all my favorites! Pine nuts are crazy good, parmesan adds so much flavor with just a small amount and ARUGULA ~ YUM in my book there's no other salad green that compares! Lovely pictures! ~Ann

  4. I could eat arugula almost every day...and I practically do! Sounds like a great recipe! Lately, I have been mixing it with cranberries, feta cheese and walnuts but I am always looking for new recipes! Thanks and have a great weekend!

  5. This is one of my favorite salads. Just simple and delicious, although I'm sure the fresh picked arugula makes it taste even better (I'm a little envious)!

  6. Just purchased arugula at the local Farmers' Market. Thank you for your recipe. I hope to serve it often this summer.

  7. This sounds so delicious, Yvonne! I do love that peppery arugula, and toasted pine nuts are so addictive. Can't wait to try the lemon vinaigrette as well...yum yum!! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Sounds like a very flavorful salad Yvonne! Boy, you're right about the cool weather... I'm sitting here in sweats tonight! Happy Weekend:@)

  9. Believe it or not, I've never tried arugula! This sounds so good, I'm going to pick some up tomorrow! Thanks, Yvonne!


  10. Looks sooo good! I love arugula and like the idea of adding pinenuts...definitely going to try this!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I ate a lot of arugula while in Italy. My parents have lots of it too and it just keeps growing.

  13. Oh Yvonne. You had me at shaved parmesan and pines nuts :) This looks wonderful!
    Leslie aka gwen moss

  14. my mouth is watering. What a great recipe!!

    Thanks for visiting me and leaving such a sweet comment. Have a lovely weekend xox

  15. So beautiful and looks delicious. Now I need to buy some arugula. Thank you for a fun recipe.

  16. We love arugula salad and often make it a meal by adding chicken...Once I discovered how easy it was to make homemade salad dressing, I have never bought a "bottled" dressing off the shelf again...Great salad Yvonne...Have a great weekend!!

  17. What a lovely salad! I am so guilty of not eating salads enough. I love them but really don't like to make them. If someone would sit a salad in front of me every day I'd be a happy girl! (That's so not ever going to happen though. ha!)

  18. I make this all the time....(even get my pine nuts at Costco and the meyer lemons from our tree)...sometimes I serve it on home made pizza with cooked prosciutto. Perhaps tonight! Thanks for the inspiration!

  19. Beautiful salad Yvonne. I make my vinaigrette the exact same way.

    Hope you are having a great weekend.

  20. I wish you were my neighbor. My gardening skills are pretty poor. I do manage to keep my herbs alive. Your post was so cute. I don't know if you realize it, but you sounded like Jacques Pépin when he says, here is how I make it. You are so right about the pine nuts but they are so delicious.
