Saturday, June 8, 2013


This morning was  perfect for taking pictures! Coolish and overcast. It had rained most of the day yesterday so everything was green and lush.

I have never really shown pictures of the whole front of StoneGable on my blog... only snippets. And I have never shared StoneGable's history.

So dressed in my pj's and crocks with a camera in hand I went across the street and into the neighboring farm field to share StoneGable on an early summer morning...

A few disclaimers first....sorry about the telephone lines going across the pictures... we live in the country and still have lots of telephone poles and lines! I could not edit them out.

And the grass needs to be mowed... a job Bobby is doing this afternoon. He would frown about pictures of StoneGable with tall grass... but he's not home right now to frown!

And lastly, I'm not quite sure why our American flag is lower than the state flag... a big no no. I think it's in the wrong flag pole hole. The American flag should always fly higher than any other flag.

Now that that's out of the way...

A familiar image of StoneGable... I can take this without telephone lines.

This picture was taken standing on the edge of the side yard.

I think it gives a good size perspective of our home.

We light up the gable at night... can you see the little box on the porch roof. It is a floodlight.

The stone on the bottom half of our home is Pennsylvania limestone. It is the bedrock of Lancaster county! When we drilled our well we went through 400 ft of limestone. It makes our water dreadfully hard but also very delicious!

StoneGable is a modern farmhouse inspired home.  We sit in the middle of farmfields. We thought a farmhouse inspired home would suite this land best.

The main part of our home has a foyer, living room, dining room, kitchen, eating area (breakfast room), family room and powder room... all downstairs.

Upstairs it has 4 bedroom and two full baths.

The secondary part of our home holds my study (see the second door) a laundry room and a bathroom.  We also have a second set of stairs going to the guest suite.

Over the garage is a guest suite and a full bath.  The gable over the garage is in the guest suite.

Part of our basement is finished and the rest is not. Someday I am going to turn the finished part of the basement into a sewing and craft room... someday! It has a fabulous "toy closet", just perfect for holding all my supplies. When the children were young the finished basement was where they would hang out with their friend!

This is the side porch.  We can access it from the living room. I must remind Bobby to hand our second American flag from it.  

StoneGable has a big big wrap porch on three sides. We make good use of this living area!

Here is the front porch ready for rocking, StoneGable iced tea and a conversation.

This summer's big outdoor job will be sanding and restaining our mahogany porch floor.

It's windy here at StoneGable. Even this morning there is a little breeze. We sit high up on the land... sorta on a crest of a hill, although our property is pretty flat.

When I first stepped foot onto this land I knew it would be our home. You just know some things!

 The view is marvelous... if you like farmland views!

We call the side yard the "croquet lawn".  When we first planted the trees they looked so small... now they are tall and sturdy. The tree in the foreground is a sugar maple and the tree flanking the croquet lawn are red maples.

You can see our neighbors barn in the background between the trees and the side porch.

Here is a better picture of the farm...

Our land is rich in history.

 The land we live on was originally settled 
by the Shawnee and Susquehannock Indians.

It was then granted to William Penn in 1681 and named Pennsylvania or Penn's Woods.

 This land was part of the original land (Lancaster Co.) settled by Hans Herr in 1708. It was considered the western front of Pennsylvania at that time. The original Hans Herr house is not more than 2 miles from us. It is a Lancaster county and national treasure.

One of Hans Herr's direct descendants lives in the farm below. We bought our land from him. As far as I know this land has belonged to the Herr family until we bought it.

All the land around us is state ag preserved. It can never be used for anything other than farming.  We will always have our bucolic view!

I love the view from the front porch.  It is always changing... the field is fallow so far this year. Last year it held neat rows of tall corn. Corn is my favorite crop! It makes all kinds of wonderful sounds when the wind blows through it! Do you know that on hot summer days you can actually hear the corn growing. It sorta pops!

I put three pictures together to give a glimpse of what we see when we are having coffee and rocking on the front porch.

StoneGable gets it's name from the center stone gable on our home.

We had a name plate engraved for the gable... this is an old Lancaster Co. tradition.   When the gable  is lit up at night you can read the name plate!

I always say, "StoneGable is a home that wraps it's arms around your heart". 

StoneGable is not only a home but a lifestyle. It's easy and earthy and friendly and slow and large and full of life and laughter.

StoneGable's front door is always open to friends... old and new!

This summer, I hope to bring you other unseen views of StoneGable and more of it's history.


  1. I so enjoyed this post, yvonne as I am familiar with the area where you live. My grandparents' home was made out of that stone, as were many homes that my grandfather built in the Philly area. Just love it! And I love your view from the front porch!

  2. What a wonderful post. I so enjoyed learning the history of where you make your home, and your home is so very beautiful.

  3. I figured you were in southern Lancaster County since you have mentioned several shops in that part of Lancaster. I visit often with my Bomberger friends in the Lititz area.

    Your home is beautiful, the views-well, they just make me jealous, but in a good way.

    Thank you for the fun history lesson-I think your history of your home and how it came to be is very interesting!

    From Virginia

  4. Oh Yvonne, I loved reading every word of this wonderful post. How I remember that PA flag from living there as a child. I love the history lesson. I remember canoeing down the Susquehanna river; I didn't realize it was named for the local Indians. Your house, the area, the views, it's all glorious.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing the history and beautiful pictures. I just love your home, but I agree with you about your description. Our homes aren't just buildings. :) Your blog is an excellent example of that lifestyle and I so enjoy reading!! :)

  6. Wow what a gorgeous view and Home
    LOVELOVELOVE the name plate
    too cute

  7. What a lovely and interesting tour Yvonne!
    This is just what I picture when I think of Pennsylvania Dutch country.
    My Mom's maiden name is Lancaster and we have roots in your neck of the woods.
    I am mostly Dutch and English heritage.
    Your home is just gorgeous and big too.

  8. Beautiful post! Thank you for taking us on such a cool tour of Stone Gable! Love the history, the views and all that GORGEOUS STONE! :)

  9. What a beautiful home and surrounding land you have Yvonne! I loved hearing the history and seeing the lovely landscape.

  10. Beautiful home and property, and it is set in one of the most beautiful areas in our country. I love Lancaster County. Haven't been in a while, though. Need to plan a mini getaway soon, I think. xo

  11. your home is so lovely and the perfect "family" home. loved hearing the rich history of the land. have a wonderful weekend!

  12. What a beautiful home in a gorgeous setting. Thanks so much for sharing some StoneGable history, and the wonderful photo tour!


  13. Your home is truly lovely, and I am amazed that the land is protected and can only be used for farming. I had no idea that land could even be protected like that. Amazing! It is interesting the lifestyles we choose, whether it be farm land in the country or urban living or living in the suburbs, there is something for every lifestyle that a person might want for themselves. My grandparents on my mothers side lived in Kane, PA and I loved going up there in the summers to visit with them, so incredibly different from where we lived in Southern Maryland in the country, where my father grew tobacco. Two very different lifestyles.
    Thanks, Patty

  14. Oh Yvonne what a beautiful post! Equally luvly home as well. Luved reading the history...
    Happy Weekend.
    Hugs, Gee

  15. Yvonne thanks for sharing beautiful stonegable. I loved hearing about its history. I love lancaster area. I went there as a child. Isnt that near hersey park. I remember amish communities as well. Mygrandmother us from that area. Last name lemchak. We are on 25 acres and its a lot of work but certainly worth it.

  16. its totaly stunning and what wonderful history to it also..

    thanks for sharing it with us and I am looking forward to seeing and hearing more.

  17. Oh, how beautiful!!! I love stories and history. This makes your blog all.the.more.charming...

  18. Yvonne, first of all, you must not have neighbors that can see you out and about in your pajamas. Secondly, thanks for sharing more views of your beautiful home and history. Wow, your home is huge and oh, how I love your porch.

  19. Beautiful home. I also enjoyed the story of it.

  20. What an incredibly rich history, one to be treasured. One can only imagine visitors to this part of Lancaster County in years to come looking up at your name plate with appreciation to Robert and Yvonne for building such a beautiful farmhouse surrounded by preserved farmland. When we built our house in 1987, my husband wrote into the concrete foundation pier at the front door the year the house was built. It's not visible to anyone, but I know it is there and cherish it since my husband did much of the actual manual labor building our house.

    I also smiled at the image of you in your pjs taking photos.


  21. Yvonne, thank you for sharing more of the gorgeous setting and home that is Stone Gable. What a legacy you are leaving for this area. It must be very special to live with the beauty that surrounds Stone Gable. Reminds me of the setting of Maggie's home in rural Normandy. I like that you named your home. That is such a charming tradition!

  22. Yvonne! Your home is just beautiful! Love everything about it even the phone wires.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  23. Yvonne, What a beautiful post! I love the idea of you in your pajamas taking pictures of your home from across the street!! Your hydrangeas have bloomed so nicely--what lush yet serene surroundings you have to drink your coffee each day. I have a farmer's field against my backyard and this year he is putting in corn! I know what you mean--I love the sound of corn and it also muffles sounds from the road, too. Living in Lancaster all my life, sometimes I forget just how special it is. Thank you for reminding me.
    Your neighbor in Lititz,

  24. Yvonne, Loved reading the beautiful story of your gorgeous home.
    I always wanted to live in Lancaster. Everytime we visit I just want
    to stay and enjoy the beautiful land and the quiet. Oh well,
    maybe someday if we win lotto we will be able to build a beautiful
    home in the beauty of a farm with such gorgeous views.
    Must make plans to visit this area again real soon.


  25. It was so interesting to read the history of your land. You certainly have a lovely home.

  26. Your home is beautiful and what a gorgeous countryside you have to enjoy! Love hearing about the tradition and history of Stone Gable! Your porch truly is perfection! Enjoyed your post!
    Miss Bloomers

  27. Yvonne, you have the prettiest house!

    I absolutely adore your wrap-around porch...and those awesome large black metal urns with the incredible hydrangea? SWOON worthy!

    Your views are spectacular- and to think it will always be like that? Priceless.

  28. I share your love of living in the country! There is nothing more serene to me than looking out at acres of fields. Your home is as beautiful outside as it is inside! I'd die for a big wrap around porch! Thanks so much for sharing!


  29. I am so VERY fortunate tyhat I am familiar with your home and have been your guest on several occasions. Stone Gable IS a warm, loving, arms opened place. And that is beacause YOU make it so. Your hydrangeas on the front porch are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are doing SO well! I am hopein to go back to the old house on Monday and cut some for my house. Hope you had a good weekend, we have been BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXO

  30. Your home is VERY lovely! I may be a wee bit jealous of that gorgeous PA limestone. ;) ~Rachel

  31. Yvonne,
    Beautiful home, dear friend!!!
    Living in a historic area and having such a new home that plays tribute to the surrounding area is quite refreshing in this day and age!!!
    I love the lawns and surrounding trees and shrubs!
    Front porches are not something you see on this side of the Prairie,
    perhaps due to the heat and constant wind. I am quite smitten with your wrap around porch!
    Thank you for sharing StoneGable with all of us. . .inside and out!!!

  32. Yvonne what a wonderful post. I do not think that I realized your house was in the country. Such beauty and rich history. I love the porch, and would love to sit for. Spell with you and share a lemonade, I am sure there is much I could learn from you.

  33. Such a great post Yvonne. I love learning about the history of homes and yours has such a rich, Americana one, I think it's fascinating that you can trace your land to the 1600s. Wow.
    Your home--like your blog---is so beautiful because it exudes your warmth and friendliness.
    Leslie aka gwen moss

  34. Stone Gable is beautiful! I love that it is so rich in history. You have done a wonderful job of loving this place into a home. Thank you for sharing!

  35. I loved seeing more of your lovely home, Yvonne. It looks and sounds like a wonderful place to live. I really liked your remark that Stone Gable isn't just a place - it's a life style. Look forward to when you share more.

  36. Yvonne your home is as lovely as I expected it to be. Having visited the area before I know how perfectly your home fits in. Love the flagstone accent and the wrap around porch. I would adore your view too! How great you have the wonderful history attached to your property! Our son lives in West Chester now are we do love it out there in PA. I love the style of your home and that center stone with your names is so neat! I must admit I've always been curious what the rest of the exterior of your home looked like- thank you for the tour! Btw the hydrangeas look fabulous in the planters!

  37. thank you for the tour Yvonne, your home and lifestyle seem like a serene and stress free way to live...what a great place to restore balance overlooking the wide expanse of farm land. Truly beautiful!

  38. Breath taking beauty! I love your farmhouse. I too grew up on a farm and loved every minute of it.

  39. Wonderful post, Yvonne and gorgeous home! I love the stone ... the character ... and the view is incredible! What a way beautiful way to enjoy life!

  40. Picture perfect, fascinating history and to me a front porch is just soooooo great to have, could it not be a more relaxing place. Love it! I also love your stunning hydrangeas by the front door.....just beautiful Yvonne!

  41. Stone Gable is as beautiful outside as it is on the inside. You can see that it is a true labor of love for both you and your husband. Absolutely stunning!~~Angela

  42. Sometimes I amaze myself at how stupid I can be.... first I was going to comment how I LOVE the stone work. Then after I read the history I was going to just say, this land was made for you and me. Then when I got to the bottom I liked the name sign and had my ah ha moment.... Stone Gable - took me the whole post to make the connection. Like I said, sometimes it takes more for my bulb to come on!


  43. Absolutely wonderful! I am moved as you and Bobby preserve the spirit of American life, inside and out! So perfect that a light shines on StoneGable!

  44. Your home is so beautiful. The hydrangeas are lovely on the porch, I wish a had a porch like that. I know the Hans Herr house the area is pretty.

  45. Thank you so much Yvonne for sharing more of your lovely home. What a blessing it must be to live in such a peaceful place. You are highly favored girl! Blessings to you, Patti

  46. Thanks, Yvonne, for sharing your beautiful views of Stone Gable. Love the hydrangeas on your porch, I didn't realize they could be grown in urns.

  47. Yvonne it is obvious that your beautiful home brings such joy to your heart and well it should! Very lovely and you have made it a home. I believe we lived only a few miles from you!

  48. What a beautiful home, thank you for sharing. It's such a treat to see such a lovely "new" home with its many touches that add the charm of age. Its grounds are as well-done as the home itself. It's a treat for the eyes.

  49. Yvonne, you are truly blessed to have such a lovely home & a strong, healthy husband to help you maintain it! The setting is just heavenly & I know it is your warm, welcoming nature that makes that house a HOME!

    Thank you for sharing the details with us. I enjoyed the "tour". LOL

  50. Can I tell you how relaxed I feel after enjoying all the tranquil views of your beautiful home and surroundings?! (Especially as I hear cars whiz by my house at 55mph!) Your home is really beautiful! At least there wasn't anyone to catch you out in your jammies, I'm outside taking pictures in mine all the time and when people drive or walk by, I pretend I don't notice them and go about my business:)
    Take care,

  51. I grew up in Bucks County PA and always loved stone homes! Yours is gorgeous and of course your view is amazing! Love that you are surrounded by farmland that can never be developed. It's a dream to run off to the country and have barn views in every direction.

  52. I loved reading about the history of your home Yvonne. Lancaster Pa is one of my favorite places here in the east. I have so many wonderful memories from my collage days there at Millersville. And the people in Lancaster I've always found to be very kind and friendly. I absolutely love the name plaque beautiful!Your StoneGable is simply stunning!
    Wishing you a wonderful week!
    XO Barbara

  53. Your home and surroundings are just lovely!

  54. Just beautiful! I can picture myself rocking on that front porch for sure! Yvonne, thanks so much for stopping by today and your "vote" on the floors. ;) Yes, I'm pretty sure it's going to be paint. Don't know why I started second guessing. I'm good like that.

  55. What a wonderful tour; I can just imagine sitting on the porch listening to the corn grow.

  56. Yvonne,
    I enjoyed reading the history of your homestead! Love your wrap around porch, in my area of Indiana we don't have to many homes with a porch on them.

    I am really enjoying your site


  57. Your home is lovely Yvonne! Love all the beautiful stonework, porches and your plaque is so very special!

  58. Yvonne, I just found your home tour from Rhoda's blog. Love your beautiful home and the views are amazing! I think I must be a country girl at heart. Thanks for sharing the history of your home...what a lovely place to raise a family. XO

  59. Just found your blog via Christy from Our Southern Home blog..Your home is the outside..and the area. We were just there at Sight and Sound in Oct. to see Noah with our church group. My husband has oddles of relatives living in Lancaster, Mt. Joy, Middletown, Lebanon and in Harrisburg area..His parents are buried in Hummelstown..I love that area and would love to have a summer home there. Gets too cold in the winter for us and you all get more snow than us.

    Looking forward to checking out the rest of your blog. I bookmarked it so I can go right to it.

  60. I just saw this post and realized that you are from Pennsylvania! I'm over the other side of the state west of Pittsburgh. In addition to loving all of your decor I also enjoyed seeing your flags. My Daddy always flew 3 flags....the American flag, the USMC flag and the PA State flag. It's been a while since I have seen anyone flying the state one at a private residence ~ it brought back great memories. Have a wonderful week.

  61. Yvonne, I so look forward to reading your blog. I "escape" to your gorgeous home with its beautiful decor and loving style. Really enjoyed the history of your home. Lancaster is to me the "real deal for America", the area is pristine and the people and the Amish are just so lovely. My girlfriend and I take a ride up right before the holidays to go to Flower Market and MapleShade (thinks the name) for some shopping and lunch. It is always a fun day whenever you are in Lancaster. Thanks so much for always sharing with us your home, your family and yourself. It makes my day! :)

  62. Hi Yvonne! I stumbled across this post while looking for photos for your home feature and made a note to come back and read it. I adore your farm views!! I live at the far western edge of the Chicago 'burbs so I have suburbia and city to the east and gorgeous countryside to the west (I prefer the countryside). We have lots of corn fields in our area and I love riding my bike on the country roads beside all those fields when the corn is tall. My hubby grew up in Pittsburgh and although the hills are pretty, when we go there to visit his family, I get claustrophobic. I hate not being able to see over the hills, if that makes sense. You're so fortunate to have all that beautiful outdoor space around you! Loved hearing the history, too!
