Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Grey and speckled... utilitarian and sturdy... galvanized metal remind me of summer.

Probably because I have a big obsession with aged galvanized watering cans.

I found some new galvanized tin for a little vignette in my summer kitchen...

The tray is from POTTERY BARN OUTLET and is very sturdy to take dinner out to the porch!

The buckets came from TUESDAY MORNING. 

They work well together.

I was thinking about aging them but the buckets have a very nice french label on them. If I age the buckets the label will be eaten off.

To see an easy and very effective way to age galvanized metal, click HERE

I found the geraniums at a floral design shop for 70% off. I'm not much for faux flowers, but I do loves these!!! 

The photos make them look yellow... they really have only a touch of butter yellow in them.

They fill up the buckets and fill up space on the island with summer!

I have a big bundle of cotton bolls that came from a spring trip to Williamsburg... I think they will look good in the galvanized buckets in August!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous! Love this look. Now I'm inspired to go track down some galvanized buckets! :-)

  2. Simple & beautiful...I love it!

  3. Those are fabulous. I love anything galvanized.
    What a crisp fresh look for a kitchen. I would never have known the flowers were faux! Gorgeous.

  4. I love your galvanized tray and buckets. It's a beautiful look!

  5. Summer simplicity! Fresh and beautiful Yvonne.
    Hugs, Gee

  6. Yvonne, I love the French writing on the buckets! Such a nice, cool, look for a summer time kitchen. I don't want to "bug" you, but I think you mentioned in an earlier post that you were going to give us a tutorial on your front door summer wreath. I look forward to it! Is it coming anytime soon?
    Love, Linda in Lititz

    1. Sorry, I forgot. I'll post a tutorial next Wednesday. Thanks for the remninder~ I think when you are going through that certain life change you also lose part of your mind!

    2. haha! Yep, I can attest to that! Thanks for the reply!

  7. i thought they were real. i do not have very many stores near me i wish i had a wished pottery barn outlet. i am new to you blog can you tell me what is your decorating style i like it and i what to add so to my home? love you kitchen. ang

    1. Hi ang! Gosh, I call my style casual/elegant/modern american farmhouse. I dont' know if that is an actual style... but it is mine.

      Classic furnishings that are a little on the formal side but casual with lots of farmhouse accents.

  8. I love your vignette! Two of may favorite things- galvanized tin and Hydrangeas! Great job!

  9. I really like galvanized tin. You are right - it does have a summery feel to it.

  10. Oh now I'm going to have to run off to TM to find these; we are thinking of using them for a wedding next year, and I really love the shape of these! The island and the vignette are perfect~

  11. So pretty.. Fits so well in your kitchen.. Oh as for the tree stand.. Love the bucket, but what I did is get a pizza pan, use tin znips and cut a an opening from edge to center and then cut a circle from the center for the tree trunk.. Keeps the cat out of the water, can be lifted to refill and the tree skirt isn't in the water pan!!! xo marlis

  12. In love with galvanized metal! This is beautiful!

  13. Beautiful galvanized buckets and tray. Your display is perfect for your kitchen.

    Would have not known your flowers are silk geraniums! They are amazing!

    I hope one day you have an open house. I'll be the first in line on your steps!

    From Virginia

  14. I've been having a love affair with galvanized anything lately and these are just perfect together. The softness of the flowers is just the right touch.

  15. Yvonne I love this look the galvanized with the geraniums( which do not look Faux!)
    Perfect for summertime!

    Art by Karena

  16. Love your galvanized goodies. I wish there was a Pottery Barn Outlet around me!

  17. just when I posted that I want to age down my Pottery Barn 3-tiered stand, you post this with a link to how you aged down your galvanized tub. YAY! I'm going to try to use your method and will link to your post when I do. Thanks again.

  18. These buckets and tray look wonderful especially filled with those beautiful blooms. They look very real.

  19. This is really gorgeous. I am loving the tray. I see so many possibilities.

  20. They look beautiful and the flowers are so gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  21. Love it, Yvonne! So fresh and pretty and simple.


  22. Pretty buckets yvonne. Hard to believe the flowers aren't real.

  23. This looks so pretty, Yvonne. Definitely says summer!

  24. love this, and I just ADORE your gorgeous kitchen!!

  25. I am shocked those flowers aren't real - they are true quality!

    Your kitchen is always such a nice place to "visit."

  26. Those tins look gorgeous on your kitchen counter. Love the look Yvonne. They will change the look too depending on the flower. Love it! and those flowers are not real?WHAT? Amazing!

  27. Beautiful Yvonne! You have the best kitchen. Blessings to you, Patti

  28. I'm crazy about galvanized metal and absolutely in love with your buckets and tray. They're such a nice summery addition to your kitchen.

  29. Love it! Galvanized containers are my new crush! Thanks for sharing at The Scoop!...hugs...Debbie
