Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I like to think that I am a patient person!  That I can go with the flow... that I am chill, as my children say.

But I have a project to do! And I have waited and waited!

You were supposed to have a very pretty new tutorial on silver spoon markers today.

But my new alphabet punch set is not even here yet. It is late...very late!!!!

Sometimes Amazon purchases take FOREVER!!!! Come on, people... get it together!

In the meantime, you can still see a my original SILVER SPOON GARDEN MARKERS by clicking HERE.

I'll be here... waiting!

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  1. Sounds like a fun thing to make, hope they arrive soon. I hate wait too, once I have a project in mind I am ready to get started.

  2. Don't you just hate waiting when you're all ready to work on a project? Soooo frustrating. Hope they show up soon!

  3. It's a great idea to hide your silver in the garden. Who would suspect it? lol

    Cute idea. Hope your set comes SOON. Would love to see it.

  4. I would be so frustrated also-I'm not very patient when I want to get started with something. Hope they are there soon.

  5. I know it will be worth the wait, every one of your projects is nothing less than brilliant Yvonne!

  6. Worth the wait!

    GORGEOUS dill in teacup pic!


  7. I can't wait to see! I never heard of this little gadget. I love Amazon but they are very hard to contact if you have a question. :(

    Love that dill!


  8. I was just telling my husband about these stamp sets the other day Yvonne. I have some old silver that isn't any good to use and would love to do this. They would be cute in a herb garden or in pots. Have a great week. Pam

  9. I'm looking forward to your new tutorial...the picture looks lovely!

  10. Can't wait to see your tutorial :) Chill!

  11. Oh! Such a pretty idea . . . Now I am in the "can't wait boat" with you!
    I have that same love - hate relationship with Amazon too.

  12. Oh I know this one will be good. I love your GORGEOUS photo BTW, and I love that you are "CHILL"!

  13. Good morning Yvonne!~ I have always admired these darling little spoons. I must make one some day soon for myself:) Have a wonderful day. I love your tea cup too..very pretty.

  14. Yvonne,
    So~o~o sorry, dear friend!!!
    I'm going to sit right down here with you and we'll both wait for the mailman!!!
    Think these alphabet stamps might be a new creative outlet for "Mr. Ed"!
    Looking forward to your tutorial, soon!!!
