Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I'd like you to meet THE SWAN AT STONEGABLE

 He is such a handsome fellow. He has lived at StoneGable as long as we have... eighteen years.

I've had several people  ask about him lately..  here is his story...

We first met in an exquisite shop called HOSPITALITY in Alexandria, Va. It was packed with the most wonderful home decor! Unfortunately the shop is no longer there.

The moment I saw him I knew that he would grace the dining room at StoneGable... which, at the time, was under construction.

But there was a one problem... he was rather expensive... to be totally honest, he was very expensive! Although I love nice things, I really don't like paying for them... at all!

After much deliberation with my mother and sister I decided to bring him home anyway... and I am sooooooo glad I did!

I don't often indulge myself when I fall in love with something... but when I do... it has always paid off  BIG TIME!

Here is the point of telling you that the swan was expensive... once in a blue moon... when you know in your heart that it is right... making an investment purchase that is not a sofa or chair or a water heater will pay for itself over and over in the long run! 

 I could still pay the mortgage and feed my children and the electricity was not cut off. Bills, family needs and necessities are always first!

But, when you are faced with a piece you may never find again and you know that it will give you joy for a lifetime...seriously think about getting it!

He is so beautifully crafted!

His underside is marked...

 I love the feathers on his back. They even make the handle of the lid!

He plays so well with all of my dishes... especially the white ones!!

I've never served soup or anything else in him... he just swims in the reflection of my dining room table...splashing beauty all around!

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  1. love your swan. the fact he is so large really makes the room. I've learned it's too easy to pick up a lot of little things, which just seem to clutter a room without a large piece like your swan to focus one's attention. I think that's why he works so well in the room.

  2. He is a beautiful piece of art! We all get that feeling - we just know when to purchase and when to let it go.

  3. That swan is GLORIOUS!!! I'm so glad that you brought him're'll never see another one like him! I love him with the white dishes! xo, Kimberly

  4. I found it's better to buy a few good things than a lot of so-so things. And I try to follow that advice although sometimes I get caught up in "trendy" things which really don't work in my house! It's beautiful and I can see why you fell in love! He's perfect in your room!

  5. Oh yes, you HAD to get him! Beautiful piece Yvonne, definitely highlights your dishes and his reflection on your table makes it all even more perfect!

  6. Isn't he just beautiful!I can surely see why you had to have him. Perfect with the white dishes .
    Hugs, Gee

  7. I couldn't help but notice him when I read your post yesterday, even though I was mesmerized by your BEAUTIFUL upholstered chair, my eyes still spied him in the background. Your advice is well founded, every now and then you must splurge on something extra special, it will feed your heart. I can't imagine letting anyone sit on your new beautiful chair...when you finish them all, just rope off the dining room and turn it into a viewing gallery!

  8. Eighteen years of adding beauty and grace to you home was well worth the investment, Yvonne! That was great advice that you shared.

  9. Your swan is gorgeous-a beautiful statement in your dining room. I'm so happy you got it so I and the rest of us can also enjoy.

  10. If you'd bought a nice floral centerpiece each week for eighteen years, you'd probably have spent more with nothing left to show for it. :) You made a wise choice!

  11. If you'd bought a nice floral centerpiece each week for eighteen years, you'd probably have spent more with nothing left to show for it. :) You made a wise choice!

  12. Your swan is such a beautiful piece, Yvonne! You know you made the right decision just by the fact that you are still enjoying him 18 years later!

  13. It took "The Enchanted Home" to help me find a "neighbor"! Yvonne, I live in Lancaster also, and am loving your blog. Very lovely and lots to learn! It sounds like you do a fair amount of flea market, etc. shopping and I think that makes it all the harder to buy something expensive--we're not used to those prices(!!). But it is true, those items become prize heirlooms for years to come! Linda

  14. I love your fun swan and the story that goes with it. You are right about leaving something behind that you may never find again. I think that too often I spend money on "little things" that really don't mean anything to me and then don't have the money for a big thing that I would REALLY love.

    Be blessed today!

  15. The swan is beautiful. You made the right choice and it always feels so good when you do and still love the item years later.

  16. I love swans, well you know me and feathered creatures ;-) but swans are beautiful and very romantic (they mate for life) although not the friendliest sometimes. I used to have several swan pieces in my home, different rooms, now I miss them.....but this piece is stunning. xo

  17. Just think of the lifetime of regrets if you hadn’t brought this beauty home! The swan is beautiful and does look so lovely gracing your dining room table. I’ve never seen one, and I “look, not shop” a lot. A smart decision Yvonne.

    The French Hutch

  18. Love it!! This swan is definitely a keeper!

  19. Yvonne,
    Thank you for sharing the story of your exquisite swan!
    I agree, while most of my shopping these days is "shop the house"...
    when you find that one need to swallow and make the purchase!!!
    Grace and beauty...and Italian made!!!

  20. I could not have come home out that beautiful piece either. He really is a statement piece. He is gorgeous!

  21. King of the Dining room! think of how much you have enjoyed him gracing your home all these years! Wish choice. Sometimes you just have to go with your heart.

  22. I love him. I have an every old paper mache one that is dark grey... I love him too.

  23. I have always loved your swan! He is such a gorgeous piece and perfect on your table. XOXO

  24. Like I said in my comment yesterday... that is one stunning swan!

  25. I love your swan and was lucky enough to find one like it on Ebay last year It is same only smaller. Mine was damaged in the shipping , but we glued her together and just admire her no serving food from her. Sometimes she swims on snow or just on the table.
    Maybe my swan is your swan's cygnet?

  26. He is a handsome fellow, Yvonne. I agree with your advice. If something truly makes one's heart sing and it's a piece that will continue to bring joy though the coming years, then give yourself that pleasure. It's hyacinths for the soul! '-)
    Thanks for sharing the story behind your beautiful swan, and this piece definitely looks stunning with your stash of white dishes.

  27. I'm one of those readers who fell in love with swan and had to ask a few questions about him which you so kindly answered. He is such a statement piece and I love your advice in this piece. Thanks so much for sharing!

  28. I saw a sneak peak of him on an earlier post and just loved him....Chelsea House...a very nice piece...and I agree, if you are buying a quality piece and know that you will have it forever, then you go for it...As my hubby always says to me, for every 10 inexpensive pieces that I have bought, I could have spent that entire amount on one great piece and be happier!....The Swan of StoneGable is gorgeous and you will have many, many years of enjoyment!! He looks so majestic on the table.

  29. He is beautiful! And I agree, if you love it, and it will be a lasting love, :), make the investment!

    Do stop over and see my tonight's post, you are mentioned! :) Plus, I found a fabulous bargain at PB I showed.

  30. Yvonne, wow, that is some centerpiece! Your swan is so beautiful! Your white china is gorgeous too! What is it? I totally understand you. I have never regretted buying that special item but I sure have regretted NOT buying it.

    Have a peaceful day,
    Linda st The French Hens Nest

  31. What a beautiful swan. I am glad it has brought you so much joy!

  32. I have this same swan! My late husband gave him to me for Christmas about 25 years ago. He has graced my dining room table every day. He makes me happy every time I see him!

  33. I inherited a swan soup tureen from my Grandmother. My Aunt got it and displayed it while we were visiting, but had taken it outside to the carport, I talked my mother into asking her if she was trying to get rid of it. After a few years at my mothers home, it was sent to mine. Mine is a little different, it is all white. I feel the same waay about mine. You said it perfectly "...he just swims in the reflection of my dining room table...splashing beauty all around!"
