Tuesday, April 2, 2013


How many times have you said, "Why, oh WHY did I ever start this project". Of course, it was in the most pathetic and whiny voice...

I have said it a thousand times about painting and reupholstering eight eighteenth century mahogany dining room chairs!  

But finally... in between knee cap surgery... and laying hardwood floors in the living room and dining room and painting the living room and dinning room and throwing a bridal shower for my soon to be daughter-in-law and getting ready for a wedding... and day surgery on my back...


I'm still not sure I will let anyone sit on it... at least for awhile. It must be properly ooooohhhhhed and aaaaahhhhed over first! After all, it is my first chair masterpiece!

I really had no... absolutely NO NO NO idea what I was getting myself in to!

 I could see the final outcome in my mind's eye.  It was the journey getting there that was a complete blank. And that was probably a good thing. I would not have started this project if I were not totally naive about the travails of furniture reupholstering!

Here is the "before"... sorry I need a better picture with the old upholstery on it!

I have two other chairs painted and ready to be reupholstered but I need to get a compressor staple gun, as the electric one, actually two, I bought for the project are not powerful enough to sink the nails completely into the hardwood.

I am so pleased with how the paint color and the fabric work together.

To see a detailed tutorial of painting technique and colors click HERE

The fabric is called Swirl from Calico Corners. It was love at first sight!

The linen fabric is an odd color. Sorta light beige/gold with a very faint olive undertone. The nappy swirls match the color of my natural linen head chairs perfectly.

It was just so unusual and so beautiful to me. Totally my cup of tea!

The trim is braided burlap jute... plain and very simple. 

This is the third trim I put on this chair. The first one was piping I made but it looked too thin to me

... the second was... well...

(I'm whispering this part... it's a little risque...) hairy! It was all wild and fuzzy and I thought it would be cute... but on my chair... it-looked-like...  well....hair-down-there... if you know what I mean. If you don't, then bless your innocent heart!

I just could not sit at the dining room table eating dinner with guest... carrying on witty conversations... and smiling ... and saying, "Please pass the scalloped potatoes"... knowing we were all sitting on a p _ _ _ _  hair chairs! 

I really felt bad removing the hairy trim from the chair. The hot glue really made the fuzz stick! I finally got a pair of needle nose pliers and started ripping...sorta like giving it a Brazilian bikini wax!

I think this nice braided jute trim is fine. It does not remind me of anything the least bit personal and I am fine having dinner with it!

I plan on posting a detailed upholstering tutorial... but I want to get another chair or two done to work out any problems etc!

My goal is to have all the chair and the draperies done by Memorial Day!

Wish me luck!


  1. Love it! totally inspiring and love this post. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Oh my goodness, Yvonne...it's lovely!!! Your dining room is turning out beautifully! I love the jute trim and the combination of the paint with the fabric is seriously swoon-worthy! I'm sure that you'll get everything done by Memorial Day....you're off to a wonderful start! xo, Kimberly

  3. Can you tell me where you got your chandelier from? Thank you!!

  4. Too funny about the chair! I am tackling the beginning of my dining room remodel this week, as we are on "spring break". As always, I will look to your great design ideas for guidance. Happy spring!

  5. Absolutely perfect! The fabric looks like it was custom made to match the carving in the chair. I can see why you're delighted with the final result. So lovely. I look forward to your tutorial. Blessings, Patti

  6. Oh Just beautiful! My cup of tea also.

  7. Looks fan.tas.tic Yvonne! Way to go! I might have given up but you pursued and look at its beauty!

  8. As always, a truly inspirational post, Yvonne! Too funny about the fuzzy trim. I would've thought the exact thing as the hostess and changed it out as well. Love the new selection.

  9. The chair is beautiful - deserving of oohs and ahhs! You totally had me laughing with the hairy trim! Can't wait to see the rest of the chairs and the new draperies!

  10. Very beautiful fabric... compliments the design on the back of the chair perfectly.
    Still giggling at the second choice of trim... :-)
    The Mr and I tackled our 4 side chairs as well. Oh boy.... We bought them almost 8 years ago with the intention to paint them white or off white. he fancied 'living' with them for a bit, so we did, almost 8 years. Si this holiday weekend (of all things) we decided to sand and paint chairs . It took us 3 days, but we did it!
    I absolutely luv the fabric you used... and the colour of your chairs.
    Hugs, Gee

  11. Oh my goodness! Did you ever make me laugh. But first, let me say, "ooooh and aaaah!" Of course when you first started this adventure I thought you were crazy...but have to concede it is indeed gorgeous. Your life with all the events, projects & surgeries parallels mine exactly and I still place these impossible demands upon myself too...so I get that...:-) And your struggle with the second trim...HYSTERICAL! Thanks for sharing. Suzi pblapere@att.net

  12. Just beautiful. What a transformation, I presume the chair was a dark brown before...wonder if you have a before picture to really get the ooooohss and aaahhhhhhs going! Sure sounds like you're going hard right now. Hope you get a quiet spell at some point (although, then your home would begin to resemble mine with incomplete projects all around!)

  13. Yvonne, your home is absolutely beautiful. The chair looks fantastic. I am trying to get the nerve to paint a piece of furniture. You make it look so easy.

  14. just gorgeous!!! love love love that fabric!

  15. OK, you made me totally spit out my coffee...just needed to tell you. don't you love it when you can just be yourself?!! XOXO

  16. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!! And funny, funny, FUNNY!!!

    Love it!


  17. what a pretty look! It looks wonderful!!!

  18. Your chair is absolutely beautiful and it truly reminds me of you, your personality and StoneGable. But I have to say, you are so funny with the script! Your post almost turned into something risque, when the print became so small as if you were whispering about a taboo subject . . . oh,how cute is this!

  19. Yvonne, that fabric is stunning and I love the chair in white, so fresh and updated. I must say you gave me my first chuckle of the day!!
    Happy Tuesday,
    xo Kathysue

  20. They are just so beautiful-I love it all including the newest jute trim (I won't even go there about the preceding choice) Can't wait to see them all finished.

  21. Your chair looks beautiful and your story is priceless...especially the part in small letters. Hysterical!

  22. Yvonne, I had to call my daughter and read this post to her, tears are rolling down my cheeks, that is the funniest story. That being said, the chair looks amazing and you are doing a wonderful job. If I lived close to you I would offer to help.

  23. So pretty, I love the last pic. All your hard work is paying off:)

  24. I have 6 dining room chairs in my garage/shop, seats removed, waiting for me to get at them. The fabric arrived this weekend, so I have no excuses. Your chair looks wonderful and think how great it will look when all 8 are around your table! That's what I keep telling myself.

  25. So lovely! Seeing how pretty it is makes me wonder more & more if I'm brave enough to paint over mahogany. I have such a hard time deciding only because I remember when I was younger dreaming for the day to afford my good mahogany and/or cherry pieces. I just dunno. I love the look of what you've done but afraid I may one day regret it too. arghhh indecisiveness is such a curse!


    1. Karen,
      You could always put your beautiful mahogany chairs in storage and buy some at an antique store to paint. You can get scuffed, scratched chairs pretty cheaply and then you could have the best of both worlds. It seems like a shame to paint over mahogany that is not showing its age. Just my opinion. I like the painted look and the stained look, but if someone came near my mahogany chairs with a paint brush I would fight to protect them!

    2. LOL I've been thinking about your chairs all day since I saw them this morning & thought exactly what you wrote...great minds hey ;) but alas, as I scoped my house you can imagine my excitement when I eyed a bench that's perfect for a painting & reupholstery project! The bonus is it should be pretty quick & easy. I searched Calico Corners online for the fabric you used (not to be a copy cat but I LOVE it)...bummer but I'm sure I'll find something to my liking. So glad I discovered your blog. Our tastes seem very similar but love how your write about holy scripture most of all!!

      (sorry I don't know how to post other than anonymous. I'm such a dweeb with computers)

  26. Haa ha heee hooooo heee hawww I'll comment as soon as I can stop this belly laughter. Love it! What I wouldn't give for a picture.

    Read your Sunday post yesterday but didn't have time to comment. Oh my goodness. What emotion! Such an experience. Thank you so very much for sharing it with us.

  27. Amazing reupholstering. the fabric you chose is most pretty and blends well with the paint. and yes, that trim mas made to go with that chair.

  28. Stunning is what I thought soon as I saw it... Your tale of the process made it the best!

  29. Yvonne, your chair looks fabulous! Trust me that the rest will get easier as you go, this is from one who made EIGHT slipcovers for my dining rooms chairs with 'to the floor' inverted pleated skirts... still shiver over the thought of measuring and pinning all those pleats, but with therapy I'm doing much better now lol!
    I would love to know where you got that stunning swan tureen, care to divulge the source?

    1. The swan tureen came from THE HOSPITALITY SHOPPE in Alexanderia Va. I got it 19 years ago.

      Unfortunately I don't think it is still in existence. Sorry!

    2. I forgot to mention that the part about your chairs looking like they had 'hairs-down-there' was the funniest thing I'v read in blog-land in a good long time!

  30. Absolutely gorgeous, Yvonne! I can't wait to see the rest of them done, as well ... your already stunning room dining room is going to be incredible!

  31. Yvonne,
    E X Q U I S I T E!!!
    Gorgeously upholstered chair!!!
    The fabric and the trim are harmonious, indeed!
    Keep focused and you'll meet your goal for Memorial Day, dear friend!!!
    P.S. Too, too funny...nearly lost my 'cup 'o tea' I was sipping!!! :)
    The burlap is an excellent choice!

  32. BWUAHAHAHAHAH OMG Yvonne, I laughed till I cried about your whispered part. I needed a good laugh today and thank you for that one! TOO FUNNY!!!

    As for your incredible reveal, holy moly it is AWESOME!

    Your chair turned out incredible!

    Now what you need to do is hire someone to do the remainders.......just tell them you want them exactly like Awesome Chair Number One. And hold them to it!

    Well done, absolutley stunning work, my dear.


  33. Beautiful, Yvonne! I love how the fabric works so well with the chair. It's like getting new furniture when you do these kinds of makeovers!

  34. You did a fantastic job on that chair, Yvonne! I'm sure it will get easier with each one! Love the fabric you chose. So beautiful!!
    Mary Alice

  35. Wow - simply gorgeous. Love that fabric!!! I went to Calico Corners website but couldn't find it. Is there more to the name than "Swirl"? Love it - the texture is awesome! Linda

  36. Oh my goodness Yvonne, I loved how you whispered the risqué part about the trim on the chair! LOL!! Thank you, as I needed some lighthearted laughter in the afternoon!! The chair turned out so beautiful and just adds such a lightness to the room. What an awesome job. xo

  37. Giiiiirl, that is one amazingly beautiful chair!!!! Wow! Hats off to you working on eight on them! Chairs are such a pain to paint and yours have a lot of detail. But you will have one stunning room when they are complete! (p.s. your story about the trim had me cracking up!!)

  38. Wow -- gorgeous and hilarious!! Way to go! You are amazing!!


  39. Ooohhhhh.......aaahhhhhhh. I needed a good chuckle today. Thanks for that. Lovely.

  40. Yvonne~ I can see why it was love at first sight with your chair fabric~ their new painted finish is wonderful too! I don't how you've gotten anything done with knee surgery! I had to giggle over your trim dilemma :)

  41. I am glad you wispered that to me at the shower or I would have spit my soda out:):) The chair looks GORGEOUS, that fabric is fabulous!!! I know you will reach your goal. I promise, I will OOOO and AHHHHH all over the place to sit in one of the chairs. XO, Pinky

  42. Love the chair it is so beautiful'

    Your description of the old trim is hilarious.

    I could not stop laughing.

    I am so looking forward to seeing the dining room done.


  43. The chair looks awesome! The fabric so is lovely and the trim is perfect. I wish you good luck finishing everything. I know you can do it.

  44. Gorgeous, love the fabric...perfect for your newly painted chairs.

  45. What wonderful work. Thank you for taking time to share this with us. My husband-to-be inherited a beautiful dining table and chairs...but the upholstery on the chairs is horrid...so happy to know I can make the change myself. Bookmarking this for sure!

  46. Hi Yvonne, I just love the chair! I love the color and the fabric. You did a beautiful job and with all you’ve had going on. I don’t know how you’ve finished the chair. Hope your recovery is going well after the back surgery. You should have shared that other photograph! LOL..........

    The French Hutch

  47. Very pretty, gorgeous fabric! Lots of work ahead of you but you can do this!!

  48. Yvonne, that chair is gorgeous! Glad you switched out the trim...oh my goodness, that was just too funny! Wish you had a picture of it...or not. Hope you are recovering nicely. Good luck with finishing the chairs - it's going to look just fab!

  49. You made me laugh out loud Yvonne! I had a really good willow wreath that my mother told me reminded me of p----- hair. We laughed our heads off and I always get a giggle when I think of it. (I took my wreath down too after that!!)

  50. The chair is amazing! I have some reupholstering I need to do, but I just can't get motivated! Life to the full, Melissa

  51. Great transformation. I love that fabric and how a simple paint job can transform a piece of furniture.

  52. Beautiful transformation. Love the upholstery choice.

  53. Nicely done Yvonne! The fabric is lovely and it's perfect with the table color and style. So funny about the "curly" trim .. you don't want that! Lol!


  54. I have gone absolutely bezerk over this transformation. I have a table and chairs just like it and am dying to do something with it. Is yours Ethan Allen too? It's just a wonderful job you did. Just love it!

  55. I just love this...pinned it! Everything you do is just BEAUTIFUL..always look forward to receiving your emails...

  56. I have 4 chairs from hell that I was dealing with, 4 seats to redo in the simplest fashion and it took me 3 months. I think painting a room is easy peasy compared to chairs! OMG, after the painting it's the waxing that just about had me throwing them on a burn pile. They are better than our old chairs, comfy and look 100% better than the mess they were but I have a like/hate relationship with them right now! I hear your whining and you have my ear to bend. There should be a support group - I survived painting, waxing and upholstering multiple chairs! Patty/BC

  57. Absolutely stunning, Yvonne! Your hard work is really paying off. I can't wait to see the reveal of the entire room. I'll be featuring your chair on the Worthing Court FB page today.

  58. Dear Yvonne, I come to you by way of The Enchanted Home. Your guest post recently was just spectacular!!! And now this chair... our meeting was meant to be! (Apologies for the length of this post, but we are dealing with a monster here!!) I am at the tail end of reupholstering six dining room chairs. They are a gorgeous mahogany in perfect condition, with a cane-back. We bought them along with our table and hutch at British Cottage in Red Bank NJ (awesome store), but the seats came covered in a very blah black muslin. The fabric I chose is Royal Chevron in Cloud, by Robert Allen. A muted two-tone pale bluish/green and taupe.
    It took three chairs and several complete tear-off's for me to realize that I need to start at the rear of the chair first, where the cane back rises from, and then work my way to the front. The cutting and tucking is so frustrating, and I have over-cut my fabric several times. I thought to make myself a pattern but even that was impossible. I am a very handy person and can tackle just about any project with flair, but seriously reupholstry is incredibly difficult. I wish I never started it! I should have at least taken them to the local professional to get an estimate on cost... would have been money well spent, no doubt! I have three young boys, and they are all over me the moment I start working on the project. They think I am the monster at times!

    Anyhow.... please tell me where oh where you found the jute trim. I ordered a taupe gimp trim from Calico Corners several weeks ago, but experience with them has taught me that a promise of 2 weeks can turn in to a 12-13 week wait or even an eventual 'product has been discontinued'. I just cannot wait to hide my not-so-handy nips and tucks and staples! Thank you for listening to my rant. I wish it made me feel better this morning, but that can only happen with this project is behind me!!!!

    1. Hello Christine! I'm so so happy to meet you!
      The 5/8 inch jute gimp trim is from On-line fabrics. Here is the link: http://www.onlinefabricstore.net/decorative-trim/decorative-gimp-trim/5-8-inch-jute-gimp-trim-.htm
      Hope this helps.

      My best from StoneGable!

  59. I have nothing to say, except: Ooooooohhhhhhh, aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, aaaaamaaaazing!

  60. Just so beautiful Yvonne...so love the finish and fabric...you did an incredible job and so loving how your gorgeous dining room is coming along!!....

  61. Oh, my Lord! I need a respirator!!!!!!!! That is SO funny!!! I think this post will sustain me for weeks to come! Oh, Yvonne...TOO funny!

    The chair looks absolutely fantastic! I love the fabric and the paint job...everything is just gorgeous! I don't blame you for not wanting anyone to sit on it yet! You did a fabulous job! Congratulations!

  62. 'Ya think 'ya had a few things going on to side track you from getting 8 chairs done? Holy smokes! However it did turn out fantastic, just don't spill any of your cup of tea on it. That fabric is fantastic, love the raised design and texture. The room is going to look wonderful when it's all pulled together. I told myself, "self... this weekend get your chairs done". We will see if myself listened.


  63. After reading this post, I looked at my chairs with new (critical) eyes....:) Thanks for the laughs and the wonderful pix!...Desert Linda

  64. Have you ever just fallen in love with someone without ever meeting them face to face? I have...once with Beth Moore...you know she is so passionate and serious until she just makes you completely crack up with one of her funny stories. Well I have so loved reading your blog, getting inspiration from your impeccable taste and being so touched by your spiritual insight (Sundays are my favorite day to read), but then to crack up over today's post...well it sealed the deal for me...you are my new official stranger I'm in love with! Thanks for writing, inspiring and teaching....and especially for keeping it real! Many blessings!

  65. I love, love, love the fabric you chose. Simply beautiful.

  66. I really love this chair and all the detailing. The fabric is great and I can't wait to see the rest and the whole room put together.


  67. I love the chair, especially the fabric. I was one of your readers who was heart sick when you stripped your chairs. I was wrong and you were right. It looks smashing. Cannot wait to see the room finished.

  68. "a Brazilian bikini wax" LOL LOL LOL You have made my day with this post, Girlfriend!

    Your chair is divine but why don't you just send them out to be finished? Save your back & your nails. It can't cost too much more than the cost of BUYING a power stapler!! "Outsource, Mom...Outsource!" is my DD's mantra. You'll give some guy some much needed work & spare yourself any injury.
    Thedy are just going to be beautiful when completed.

    Commiserative hugs,

  69. p.s. Don't forget to SCOTHGUARD that fabric!!!!!

  70. I can't spell today worth a you-know-what! "Scotch Guard"

  71. Oh...my...gosh! How beautiful! Can't wait to see them all finished!

  72. Ficou muito bonito o forro da sua cadeira! Perfeito!

  73. I am laughing so hard about the hairy trim - question, did you save it to use for something whimsical!!? (Just kidding!)
    All jokes aside, you did a stellar job. Kudos to you on your patience to not rush through the project just to say it's done, but instead taking your time and getting a professional look! Thank you for sharing Stonegable, it's wonderful! I have great memories of our time in Lancaster County when I see Stonegable.

  74. Yvonne, I am shocked!!! I don't think I could sit on a hairy chair though! :)

    You did a great job! I am sure you will share many good times with guests enjoying them.

  75. The chair looks great. I wish I had the courage you do. Anyway, I will be interested in your upholstering tutorial, as I am curious how you got from the webbing to the nice finished look. I want to know how you everything in the middle. Thanks, and have a great day.

  76. Yvonne, I have never laughed so hard in my life! You are so witty and fun to be around! I love your chairs. They will be worth all of the trouble. The fabric is gorgeous.

  77. great dining room chairs... i just love those designs... thanks for this nice post!

  78. Yvonne, You nasty girl.....Nasty or not, you c r a c k me up.....(if you know what I mean. wink, wink. ;) Really the chairs are spectacular!!!! Good job. You are such a brave one. Thanx for the giggles. Cynthia

  79. These turned out so perfect and elegant. Thanks for sharing at the cabin this week:)

  80. So very nice! Thank you for sharing your amazing talent.
