Sunday, April 7, 2013


The GOSPEL ...

you have to see this!



  1. Deep with doctrine.
    Loaded with Life.
    How did the speaker fit it All in? Wow!
    Heavenly Hope.
    Thank you so much, Yvonne.


  3. Passing this one on ...thakyou Yvonne.

  4. Spoken with such eloquence.

  5. The Good News indeed! Powerful; could watch and listen again and again. Thank you

  6. Thank you for sharing....I am deeply moved by his words

  7. Great video! Thanks for sharing.

  8. As an avid reader of your blog, I am totally offended by your continued insistence that I view "Hip-Hop" Christianity to be reminded of God's love and sacrifice for me. You espouse to lovely china and beautiful flower arrangements along with recipes that would be received with much pleasure at distinguished social affairs along with comparable tablescapes. You lead me beside still waters and you restore my soul...Then you lead me to "hip-hop" artists in cornrows and you deliver a message of God's love in "rap" I cannot relate to this genre and it is offensive to me. Others who comment are able to accept this evangelism with grace but I am still "lost" and would love to be saved with "gentle persuasion" . Anonymous

  9. I loved this! I think it speaks to a generation that needs to hear the Gospel spoken this way. I know it moved me....knowing that this is absolute truth coming out of his mouth. To the anonymous reader above, I can understand that this may not be the way that moves you to give your life to Jesus, but may I encourage you that there are so many other ways that God can reach you...especially if you are seeking after Him. You may not have loved how this man delivered the message, but I encourage you to hear the words OF that message. It is truth. He's just speaking it in a modern-day form. God loves you so deeply, with a love that no one else on earth could ever provide for you. He gave His life..through Jesus...His perfect life...for you and for me....imperfect people. He did that so that we could have life with Him eternally...starting from the day we give Him our lives! =) I'll be praying for you as you continue to seek Him...He will show Himself to you in just the way you can relate to, if you ask Him to! =D

  10. I loved this!!
    Thanks for sharing it Yvonne, I'm passing it on.
    Leslie (Gwen Moss)

  11. Please know that I have no disparaging remarks in regards to the the evangelical hip-hop artist in the above video. I have to assume that his love for Our Lord is sincere. I was only testifying to the appropriate genre of the message in regards to this lovely conservative web site. I would be equally distressed if I were an avid watcher of MTV and suddenly was introduced to instructions for making flower arrangements. There is the preverbal "time and place" for everything. I question the owner of this site for her choice of messaging. Truth is truth ....... Personally I find that I am turned away from the culture of hip hop and therefore would probably not receive any loving messages in" rap" concerning my salvation. I stated that I am "lost" only because I question how the churches of my youth seem to have turned away from the word of Our Lord . I am sure that I will find my way. In the mean time, I want to say that this site is one of my absolute favorites and I certainly did not mean to cast any dispersions.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing your passion, creativity and all things beautiful in your wonderful blog. I especially appreciate you allowing God to use you to share His love through your experiences, travels, teachings and the hip-hop you tube artist. What a pleasant surprise this was-not quite what I expected from a blog on tablescapes, decorating, etc. A great reminder to avoid judgment, remain open to God's message and His messenger(s). Keep up the excellent work!!!
