Friday, April 12, 2013


Today, Anita is guest hosting here at StoneGable! We are in for such a treat! Anita is one of my dear friends... and she oozes with creativity and beauty! I literally sigh when I see her work!
Thanks. Anita... for sprinkling your magic around here too!

Hello, it's Anita from Cedar Hill Ranch.
I'm so honored to be guest hosting at Stone Gable today.  Yvonne is a dear friend of mine, who has the most most amazing sense of style and an incredible blog.

I'm here today to share one of my design secrets with you.  If you want to add instant interest and coolness to your room, use a vintage crate or tote box and fill it with goodies.  The one above I found hidden underneath some things at an antique mall recently.  It was from France, for $26, I said, "SOLD!!"  

What do you put in the boxes?  Well, this is where it's fun to use your imagination. Below I filled one box with linen fabric and an old coffee bean bag. The other box is loaded with books, blue Mason jars filled with sewing notions, some seltzer bottles, and a movie reel.  

Here I used a vintage box to hold bath towels. 

I love, love dishes, and I thought the boxes were a wonderful way to display my dishes.

How about using them to coral vintage books,

Or using them with vintage books, silver and a seltzer bottle?

Below I used a coke crate to hold bluebonnets from our pasture. This was a photo from a our wildflower party, you can see more of the party here

Vintage boxes with handles, or tote boxes, are even more versatile. I love using them in a buffet line for parties to hold drinks and glasses. Here, I used a green theme,   

and below, a pink and red theme. 

The crate or tote box doesn't have to be vintage to add interest. Below I have two photos with new tote boxes.

If you haven't tried decorating with wood boxes, crates, or totes, I sure hope you will give it a try.  It's fun shopping your house for treasures to fill them.  
When I'm not filling crates with goodies, I'm hanging out here on my back porch.  I would love it if you would come visit me here at the ranch.   

Speaking of the back porch, did you miss my interview with Yvonne of Stone Gable on the back porch?  If so, you can still catch it here

If you have not visited Cedar Hill Ranch... what are you waiting for? Click HERE to let the magic begin!
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  1. Such great ideas
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love using boxes too! They are easy to find and change to match any decor!

  3. I love using boxes too! They are easy to find and change to match any decor!

  4. I have boxes like that, but so far most of them are just sitting around. What an inspirational post! :-)

  5. What a fun and interesting collection of crates. Love them.

  6. A few years ago, I found a stack of old soft drink crates at an antiques sale for $5/each. I snapped up several. I love old boxes and crates, and use them similarly...around the house, as serving pieces, etc. Thanks for the validation. :)

  7. Anita is very special! the creative crates!

  8. Beautiful and lots of wonderful ideas...I love that she loves, loves, loves dishes. I'm definitely a dish alcoholic.

  9. I love crates, trays, toolboxes and anything else I can find to decorate inside and with. These are all great ideas. Hugs, Marty

  10. WOW! These are amazingly beautiful.....always so much inspiration here!!

  11. Great creative crate ideas...thanks so much for sharing!

  12. Great ideas! I'm planning to do just that with my sewing drawers this year!

  13. Yvonne,
    Thank you so much for having Anita share with us amazing ways to dress our boxes!!!
    My favorite is the photo of the china...dishes, dishes, dishes!!!
    I, also, adore the one filled with the drinks with a green theme!!!
    WoW!!! What inspiring photos with creative talented design!!!

  14. Love the rustic feel! That green one makes e want to throw a party!

  15. Thanks for having Anita share her wonderful and creative ideas. She is such a beautiful decorator and very special lady. It has been wonderful getting to know her via blogging! I love the box with the DISHES....of course, and the ones with the color themes. CUTE!!! XO, Pinky

  16. These are some great ideas and SO pretty! I have to keep my eye out for crates!


  17. Anita's photos are so pretty and those are some great ideas for using wood crates and totes. Thanks, Yvonne.

  18. I love Anita and her style. I also love crates!!! :)

  19. Oh Yvonne, she is really an amazing gal, I completely agree with you on that!

    What a great guest blogger. I am always so impressed with her awesome - yet simple- design ideas and AMAZING photography skills.

    Now I am going to head over and re-read your guest spot on her blog. : - )

    Have a truly awesome weekend. Hugs.

  20. Y-

    I just read her post with you as guest again - not sure how I missed where you said you LOST OVER 80 POUNDS??????????????

    GOOD GOLLY, wow that is incredible! You must feel awesome! I love to swim too but it just ruins my hair and so that is my excuse but every single person I know who swims regularly looks and feels better and is dropping weight. It is inspiring, I have never been this heavy before and need to do something soon.

    Congrats on that, is it awesome. Keep it up, girlfriend!

  21. Anita surely IS the Queen of crates! love how she styles them in so many different ways!

  22. How beautiful, each and every one! Blessings, Patti

  23. I am in awe of your beautiful displays and uses of those crates...gorgeous!..

  24. Beautiful pics. What a find, your french crate is. Thanks for the tips on what to use them for. Blessings!

  25. Anita is a woman who knows how to style her tote!


  26. Very good information,It will be very beneficial for me, thanks for sharing
    custom gable boxes
