Saturday, April 13, 2013


Today we are so lucky to have Kim from SAVVY SOUTHERN STYLE here, at StoneGable!  Her blog is a must read for me every day!!! She has a HUGE following... and no wonder! Her signature southern/french style and eye for a bargain combine to be a decor home run!

Thanks, Kim for helping me out and for this great post...

Hello, Stone Gable readers. I am Kim from Savvy Southern Style and I want to thank Yvonne for having me over. After Yvonne asked me if I could guest post for her while she was away I started racking my brain over what to blog about. Yvonne's blog is always full of great eye candy that I know her readers are expecting. I knew not to share a table setting because my oh my no one does those better than Yvonne.

Well, after I tried to not think so hard over it I was just walking through the house and then it came to me. Texture! I can talk about texture. Yes, I know that isn't anything over the top exciting, but most of us are surrounded by texture and we just go through each day without even thinking about it.

Of course baskets add texture like this large vintage market basket I placed in my fireplace for the warmer seasons and filled with some dried hydrangeas which also add texture.

Another large market basket filled with throws and pillows.

I used this vintage basket as a backdrop behind these blue and white jars to add texture.

Just look at your baskets or trays differently and turn them up on their side and place them behind things or hang them on a wall.

And another vintage basket is on top of this armoire in the master. The woven panels of the doors is also texture.

This is a triple whammy of texture. The grain sack, the concrete planter, and the plant.

Another large grain sack filled with pillows.

Demijohns or wicker wrapped bottles are in my kitchen in this little vignette which adds texture to the hard surfaces of the kitchen.

Bread boards and aprons hanging add texture to the hard lines of the cabinets.

Another grain sack and the burlap pillow piled on the wicker.

This bench with rush seat and an added throw in the master.

And a woven tray with a piece of driftwood and a plant for some texture in the sun room.

So now I bet I will have you looking at things a little differently in your home. 

I hope if you will come by and visit my blog if you haven't been before. I'm the crazy blogger that decorates and paints things and does them all over again. 

Thanks again, Yvonne for having me!

Thank you Kim! You DO work magic with your paintbrush that is for sure!!!! You really  should write a book!
 I'm so blessed to call you my dear friend!

 If for some reason (and I can't think of one right now...) you have never been to SSS you will want to go... like, right now ... by clicking HERE

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  1. Thanks ladies... Texture.. we tend to over look it or take it for granted. Great post Kim.
    Here's to a wonderful weekend.
    Cheers, Gee

  2. I totally agree that texture can MAKE a room, without it is appears "flat" to me. texture brings a room alive. Thanks for having Kim, she is one of my favorite bloggers too!!! XO, Pinky

  3. OH, Yvonne, I just love Kim and her blog and her style. Enjoyed her lesson on textures. Between you two, y'all blow us all away with your styles and techniques. Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Love every single picture and yes texture does add a lot to the beautiful layering effect of a room. Love it, and its so easy to do with beautiful baskets, she has such a wonderful touch as do you Yvonne!

  5. Kim is one of the first bloggers I followed. I love seeing what she is up to at her house - and she is always up to something.

    And I love the inspiration she gives me. I got 3 ideas for my house just reading this post today.

  6. Kim does an amazing job with display and always inspires with great ideas. Thanks for having her as your guest today. Blessings, Patti

  7. Well you could not have a more lovelier guest Yvonne! I adore Kim and her style of decorating, it is truly tops in my book!

  8. Kim's home is lovely, she has a gift for decorating for sure!

  9. love textures too! thanks for sharing Kim.... and I'm now following Stone Gable on Bloglovin' Little Bit

  10. Love all your ideas, Kim. I'm a huge basket and old! :) They add such warmth and texture!! Enjoyed this guest post ~

  11. Wonderful post from Kim @ Savvy Southern Style. Loved seeing all the baskets used throughout the house...

    Am now a follower of StoneGable... I've read several older posts and the recipes look scrum-dilly-umptious! Can't wait to try the Salmon-Asparagus-Bowtie Pasta; Asparagus Soup; Mini Key Lime Desserts; and on and on ....


  12. LOVE this! baskets and stone are the "go to " texture making pieces for me!

  13. Great post, Kim. It's amazing what texture can do for an otherwise flat room.

  14. My Two Most favorite Bloggers
    This was perfect and adding layering and texture
    really is important to add interest to your home.
    Thank You Kim and Thank You Yvonne
    I can't wait to Share....Lisa

  15. Love this post...combining textures certainly does make every vignette perfection...great ideas Kim!! Does Bailey count as texture?...:)

  16. What a great and relevant decor post. Thanks Yvonne for having the talented Kim over for a guest post.
