Friday, March 22, 2013


Want an impressive and fun food to feed a crowd? I made these pretty puff pastry cups for a recent bridal shower at StoneGable. They were filled with a delicate and yummy chicken salad laced with herbs.

What a hit!

 The best part of this recipe is knowing how to make these darling little crispy cups... they can be filled with both savory and sweet offerings making them so versatile!!!

Easy-peasy... I'll show you how...

Here they are ready to be served...

If you missed it, you can see the bridal shower by clicking HERE

Today I will show you how to make these great little pastry cups. Look for an upcoming post for the Herbed Chicken Salad...

1 box of pastry dough, barely thawed
1 egg, scrambled in a small bowl
assorted round cookie cutters (adjusted for the size you need them)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Flour a work surface liberally.

Open puff pastry and lay on the floured work surface. Do not roll out. It should be just barely thawed.

Using a round cookie cutter ( I used a 2 1/4 inch round) cut out 12 rounds per sheet.

 You will have 24 rounds in all.

Put 12 rounds aside.

Using a smaller round cookie cutter ( I used the fluted end of a 1 1/2 inch round), cut out the center of the 12 rounds.

Brush the egg wash around the edge of one solid round.

Top the solid round with a round that has the fluted hole cut out and brush just he top with the egg wash.

Put on the fluted top and dot with egg wash.  Be careful not to get the egg wash down the sides of the pastry or they will not rise properly.

If you make them for a sweet filling, a little bit of sanding sugar can be sprinkled over the egg wash for a sweet crunch!

You should have 12 pastry cups assembled. Put them on two parchment line baking sheets. Pop them into the freezer for 10 minutes or the frig for 15 minutes. This step is necessary to make them rise.

 Bake them for about 20 minutes, until they have risen and are golden brown. Remove the pastry cups and cool completely on a cooling rack.

To use, pop the top out with a fork and fill. You can add the top back on if you wish.

Puff Pastry cups will keep a few days in an airtight container.  Before serving crisp them up in a 350 degree oven for 5 minutes, and then cool.

I love the versatility of these wonderful buttery cups. They can be made in many sizes according to how they are filled.

Wouldn't they taste delicious filled with ice cream and dripping with chocolate sauce... topped with homemade whipped cream, of course!!!

Get the fabulously delicious HERBED CHICKEN SALAD recipe by clicking HERE


  1. I remember seeing those on the bridal shower post and thought they looked wonderful! And my mom gave me an appreciation for food that doesn't just taste good, but also looks pretty. Win win. :-)

  2. What a pretty way to serve a lot of people - quickly and gracefully. Love this idea! Susan @ Romancing the Home

  3. They look wonderful! Thanks for the great inspiration!

  4. How great! My hubby loves this, so finally I can make it for him, so thank you dear Ivonne. Have a fun weekend. Hugs,

  5. I have always used the puff pastry cups that are already in the cup shape, but I love having this option for when I don't have that version in my freezer.
    Many thanks for this great tutorial! I'm one of your biggest fans.

  6. Thank you so much for this helpful tutorial. I will certainly try this.

  7. Wow, this looks nice and elegant... thanks for sharing this!

  8. What a beautiful way to serve delicious chicken salad at a shower.
    Can't wait for the recipe for your chicken salad.


  9. These look amazing and your photos show so well how to make them - thanks for the tips and can't wait for the chicken salad recipe! Pinning this one for sure!

  10. Fantastic Idea!! Must pick some pastry.
    Now where's your recipe for herbed chicken??

  11. Hmmm, these look so yummy by themselves. Thanks for sharing and look forward to the chicken salad recipe!

  12. I absolutely am impressed with your gorgeous shower hosting talent!!! What a stunning tablescape and these little chicken salad puff pastries look divine! So cute in the cups! Thanks so much for sharing your idea!

  13. Fabulous tip Yvonne! Your presentation is flawless.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  14. I seriously think I could eat anything in puff pastry! These are cute and there is nothing better than the chicken salad/pastry combination (well maybe lemon curd)!

  15. Great idea! They turned out so well~ Keeper!

  16. Holy moly..those look sooo good. You are just too good, move over Martha!! I love these for a luncheon and may have to copy. Enjoy your weekend!

  17. I am so glad you have introduced me to puff pastry!!!!!!!! I had never had it til at your house. These little ones were so delicious and I see how versatile they are too. Looking forward to the chicken salad recipe. have a great weekend. XOXO, Pinky

  18. Yvonne, thank you for sharing this recipe and the tricks. I love this idea and will be using it for Easter brunch. They are so pretty! ~ Sarah

  19. They look like a great treat Yvonne! Very pretty too:@)

  20. Yvonne,
    These remind me of "Creme Puffs" I made in High School Home Ec.Class!!!
    Of couse, these are much simpler to make, dear friend!!!
    Hm~m~m...I'll be back to see more and for your recipe!!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  21. Oh my gosh Yvonne these are so pretty and look delicious. I adore puff pastry! It's nice to be able to make them ahead too. My daughter and I are hosting a bridal shower in May. I'm pinning your posts to refer to then. Thank you so much for sharing!

  22. I'll bet they are delish! If I wasn't gluten free I'd make them too. For sure...

  23. I love homemade chicken salad and I bet these were delicious! And I see the buffet table in the background that you repainted. Everything looks beautiful!


  24. Yvonne, Thanks so much for your tips on these delightful & beautiful puff pastry cups! I had to pin, so many wonderful ways to use them!

  25. Thank you for sharing the puff pastry process I am not a cook but this is so easy even I could manage it. I am still soaking in all the placement of food and decor from your shower post...big fan!

  26. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe! My mouth is watering already, :D
    Beth P

  27. Oh my goodness, what a lovely idea! So simple yet cutting them makes all the difference! So looking forward to the recipe as well, Yvonne : )

  28. Yvonne, FYI out in California Pepperidge Farm sells the puff pastry sheets and ALSO pre-cut pastry cups....just like you just pop them in the oven! After cooking, remove the insides if you prefer, fill and cover with top....they look exactly like yours. I thought I would share in case some readers would like an easier version.

  29. These are adorable, I'm hosting a bridal shower this April and these would be perfect. We're doing an English Afternoon Tea theme. Beautiful photos too.

  30. I had to pin this. I have savory people in my family that will love this.

  31. Oh, this is gorgeous! I am so afraid of puff pastry, but your tutorial is wonderful, and I feel brave enough to try it. The chicken salad looks divine. I hope you and your loved ones have a blessed Easter!
