Sunday, March 31, 2013


street sign

I will never forget the first time I saw the TOMB.

It was an oppressively hot and rather muggy evening... in early July. I was studying in Old City Jersualem.

 There were four of us... American women dressed in "holy garb"... head covered, shoulders covered, knees covered. Our head scarves wet with perspiration stuck to the sides of our cheeks and rivulets of sweat ran down our backs...partly because it was stifling and partly because we were overcome with heart racing anticipation of where we were headed

We darted through the very crowded and close Arab market that was alive with strange faces and unusual aromas and brightly colored wares hung on each side of the narrow streets two stories high. The streets were so narrow that we could hardly walk four across...

Arab market in Old City Jerusalem by day

streets in Old Jerusalem

We had ventured out away from the rest of the students to visit and the Church Of The Holy Sepulchre ...the holy burial chamber of Jesus of Nazareth. The four of us decided that we did not want to visit the tomb as a part of a study course... but as a pilgrimage.  

And so it was.

We scurried along... huddled together, grasping at one another's hands and clothing just to make sure we were not parted in the crowd. The streets were a labyrinth of alleyways and passages. The ancient stone buildings so tall on both sides it felt as thought you were in a tunnel! 

Arab market in Old City Jerusalem by day

It wasn't long until we were completely lost! 

At one point in an attempt to find our bearings we stopped at a corner of a ancient stone building. Standing in the middle of the street, I could stretch my arms out and almost touch the building on the other side.  I could feel the panic starting to rise up inside me... I don't like the feeling of being closed in! It mingled with the heat and made me feel lightheaded!

I put my hand against the wall in front of me to steady myself  and touched something etched into the building... a cross and the word NIKA... which means "victory". 

I knew exactly what this was.  We had stumbled on to the VIA DELOROSA... the way of the cross and were standing in front of the eighth station of the cross! We were unknowingly walking the path that our Savior walked over two thousand years earlier as he carried His instrument of death to Calvary!  Right there in the midst of the market... and the noise and the smells and the heat and the crowds of strange faces was the Way Of The Cross!

Because of my early religious background I was able to remember the eighth station on the Via Delorosa... 


At this point I was totally overcome by the divine appointment that brought us to this exact place!

As Jesus walked to His death, a group of women met Him and were grief stricken. Jesus tells them not to weep for Him...but to weep for themselves and their children. As days would be coming that would be very hard for them. He felt great love and compassion for them even though He was steps away from His own death.

We were these women! We were out to meet our Lord!  And we were strengthened by the  peace and comfort those thoughts gave us!

When we finally got to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre it was dark.. and the church not overly crowded.  

How could I ever explain this "church". Think of a fortress the size of a football field. Nothing to me resembled a church... or Calvary or a garden tomb... which are all in such close proximity that they are housed inside the "church".

The church was lit by hundreds and hundreds of ornate oil lanterns in different jewel toned colors and  shapes hanging from above... and the whole huge place smelled like burning oil and incense! There was nothing western or familiar about this place. It was old and oriental and orthodox!

We made our way to an area in the huge complex-of-a-church that was the tomb where Jesus was buried.

Of course it looked nothing like a garden and nothing like a tomb. It was a small church... inside the big fortress church. A church inside a church!

The tomb by day

I decided to sit on a bench near the opening of the church-tomb to reflect and get myself in a worshipful place.  My sister-in-law sat with me.

I spent a lot of time weeping quietly... the magnitude of it all... of Jesus' supreme sacrifice for me and the extreme and lavish gift of life everlasting at my God's expense pierced my heart!

Just before the Church closed for the night, four American women in holy garb got in line to go into the tomb... into the holy sepulchre!

There are just some things about the tomb visitation I still want to keep locked in my heart... things that I ponder and treasure. Things I don't want to share because if I do I'm afraid they will slip out of my mouth and float away into thin air and I won't get them back inside me again!

Things between me and God!

But this you must know...

I was in the inner tomb... inside where you could see that it was actually a cave. Where they laid the dead body of Jesus of Nazareth.  It was a small cramped space. Only a couple of people could fit in at a time. I could not stand upright. It was a real tomb.

 I knelt down at the stone slab where my Lord's body once was.  I draped my arms over it and laid my cheek against it and the thirsty stone drank up my tears!

The tomb was empty! Jesus was not there!

Again, I thought of a few women over two thousand years ago who came to this very tomb looking for Jesus

 ... they found it empty too!

An angel met them and said. "Why are you looking for the LIVING ONE among the dead? He is not here...


He is risen, indeed!

 I have seen the empty tomb with my own eyes!


  1. Beautifully written and I have seen it, too back in 1983. He is Risen, indeed!

    Happy Easter, Yvonne.

  2. You have truly touched my heart this early Easter morning. :)

  3. Hallelujah, He is risen indeed! Praise Him \o/

  4. Giving praise and thanks! Wishing you a Blessed Easter!
    Pieced Pastimes

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post! Happy Easter!

  6. Oh you have brought such emotion to me this Easter morning. Thanks for allowing me to take a walk with you that I know I will never physically take.

  7. He Has Risen Indeed! As I read about your journey I wipe the tears from my eyes being overcome with emotion. I can't imagine how it felt to actually be there and experiencing it first hand or long ago on that day when Jesus gave himself up for us. Thank you for sharing this with us. God Bless. Love, Wanda

  8. I have only been in my thoughts and imaginings, but you have taken me there this morning. thank you for sharing this today. Blessings, Yvonne, have a wonderful day!

  9. Thank you, Yvonne. I loved living through your experience this morning. I will think of this all day today.

  10. What a beautiful memory. I love tha tyou
    don't want to teel us. Maybe someday we
    all will be able to see for oursleves and feel
    what you have felt.

    God Bless and Happy Easter.


  11. Thank you for taking me there if only in my mind, you did it beautifully!

  12. Yvonne, Thank you for sharing the beautiful story of your visit to the tomb where Jesus was buried. Happy Easter and God bless you and your family.

  13. Yvonne, you brought tears to my eyes when you entered the inner tomb. How blessed you are to have laid your cheeks against the tomb that held the Body of our dearest Lord. I know I will never live this moment that you were so very blessed to have lived but what you wrote has been added to my Rosary meditations. I will always treasure it. Thank you so very much for sharing some of your blessed moments!

  14. You have written this so beautifully, that I am quivering in my whole self. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful story. May God Bless you this Easter.

  15. Oh wow, what an amazing and beautiful journey you have shared with us! I read it with the love of God in my heart. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful Easter.

  16. Thank you so much for sharing your visit to the 'empty' tomb of our Lord Jesus. What an amazing experience to have and to see. Blessings to you this Easter Sunday. He is risen indeed!!

  17. He has risen! What a special post Yvonne. Thanks so much for sharing the experience with us. Easter blessings...Mary

  18. Our hope fulfilled that day...if not for our Savior's resurrection we have no jope of an eternity, with Him...He is Risen indeed, praise God!!! Suek

  19. I am having cold chills all over my body. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with us. Happy Easter.

  20. Thank You Yeshua!!! And thank you Yvonne for letting Him work through you to teach us!

  21. Oh , to be able to lay my face where Jesus laid , how very intimate and precious .No words to fully describe a heart in such a place .You were blessed and I am thankful that you shared such a holy moment with me . My husband has been there and maybe someday I can expirience such a moment for myself. Bless you .Hannah

  22. Yvonne,
    Thank you for your beautiful testament.

    God Bless You and your dear family.
    Glory to God. Alleluia!!

  23. A beautiful post and images. Happy Easter, Yvonne!

  24. That is so beautiful!
    He is risen indeed!

  25. I thought of you tonight while watching the finale of the Bible. To have laid your face on the stone where Jesus laid was priceless. He is risen! He is risen indeed!!

  26. This is so lovely, Yvonne. What a wonderful experience our Lord gave you. I wept as I read your words and know exactly how you feel about keeping some of your memories locked away in your heart. One of my greatest desires is to visit the Holy Land one day. He is risen indeed!

  27. What an amazing retell of your experience. You have brought tears to my eyes as I put myself in your place imagining what you saw and experienced. Thank you and may God bless you.

  28. I love reading your Sunday posts, this one in particular. You took a journey so many of us can only dream of, and I can't tell you how much it means to me to see it through your eyes and heart. Thank you!

  29. Thank you, Yvonne. Each and every day I look forward to reading your teachings,. And this was amazing. Your extremely lucky to have gotten that opportunity and how exciting it must of been to be where Our Saviour was. He is there no more! Praise God !!!
    Much love and blessings
    ~ Leslie

  30. I am only now seeing this post - BEAUTIFUL-WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE!! Thanks for sharing!!!!
