Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I'm taking advantage of a profusion of bright yellow blooms! Daffodils are sunny and happy and work so well with all of the white in my kitchen!!!

They are only here for such a short time... so I have invited them into the kitchen...

The bright morning sunlight was streaming in the windows, making the vignette look soft and dreamy!

There are well over 100 blooms in this white pitcher!

They really are harbinger's of Spring around here.  

A big round baskets works well to put together this vignette.

A couple of nest were tucked in for an organic feel...

This nest was given extra fullness by sitting it in a small grapevine wreath.  I like how it sits up a little higher!!

Another twiggy nest tops off a small pedestal cake plate holding assorted white dishes. It is nestled in a creamy trio of bowls.

A small white pitcher is filled with all kinds of vintage spoons that we used to stir our coffee! It's fun to find pretty things and use them every day!

Here they are part of this vignette. I'm sure Bobby will be missing them... they are usually right by the coffee machine.

A stack of beautifully fluted plates are used as a riser for the little pitcher.  I bought these plates at a local shop awhile back and took every one they had!

The daffodils should last through Easter if I take good care of them.  Maybe a bunny or two will hop onto the vignette on Easter morning!

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  1. Beautiful Yvonne, I know I am treasuring mine...I think they brighten up the whole yard. Yours are lovely, and your vignette is gorgeous.

  2. I love the sight of daffodils this time of the year. They scream" Come on in Spring, go home Winter!! " :)

  3. What a beautiful vignette. Love the yellow with the white, so spring looking. I would love to have those little white plates. Have a great week. Sheila

  4. So beautiful, Yvonne. Your photos just make me swoon.

    I always love seeing daffodils popping up because I know it means spring is right around the corner. At the first signs of these bright pretty flowers, I pull my car over, get out with my daughters watching and wondering, and pluck just a couple to give to them. It has become a tradition. Simple tradition but full of love from me to them.

    Thank you for sharing such beauty and such wonderful inspiration. I think I would just love spending time with you and learning from you.

  5. Looks lovely! We have a crazy amount of daffodils growing wild here in TN! Love them! Happy Wednesday :)

  6. Beautiful and dreamy....closing my eyes to imagine the sweet scent coming from the daffs. Thanks for sharing this lovely vignette!

  7. ABsolutely beautiful! Our daffodils have not done well at all this year because of our crazy weather! We have had very high temps followed by temps below freezing and I think they are confused!

  8. those fluted plates are so fun! love your beautiful sunny vignette!

  9. GORGEOUS!! I love the little pitcher filled with mismatched silverware!

  10. A lovely vignette! I love those fluted plates so much. I can understand why you wanted them all!

  11. Very pretty vignette, Yvonne! Those daffodils are so beautiful. I can't wait until they start blooming around here. Gorgeous dishes! Love the fluted edge.

  12. Gorgeous...daffys are my favorite happy flower! Love the vignette you created! Always a treat to visit you!
    Miss Bloomers

  13. Luv and want those fluted plates! 100 blooms , such a show stopper, the bright pop of sunshine yellow in the other wise white vignette.
    Hugs, Gee

  14. This is so pretty! Your daffodils are so pretty and I love your curly edged plates! Happy Easter to you and your family.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. You so inspire me! I am new to your blog and love every thing I see. Thank you very much for sharing :) Just simply stunning!

  16. How beautiful! Daffodils are my favorite flower because they're the first ones to come up in our yard after the snow goes away (hopefully we'll lose a lot of it in the next week). They're so cheery!

  17. That is gorgeous! 100 daffodils? I'd never find that many to purchase here and of course mine are still under the snow. I have a very similar vignette on my dining table but only 9 daffodils. lol They look a little sparse next to yours but I love their cheery yellow. Blessings, Pamela

  18. I'm new to the blogging world, but I just love to visit your blog. It is so inspiring and beautiful; I feel like I know you.

  19. Daffodils are beautiful! Like a gorgeous ray of sunshine!

  20. Hi Yvonne ,what a great post ,so pretty and fun . I was telling a friend about your blog and your wonderful tablescapes and she too now ,loves your blog and ideas .I was visiting her today and she enthusiasticaly showed me her spring tablescape which she keeps on her dining table at all times, not just for a meal.You inspired an already talented homemaker to show the hospitality she loves to extend , not only for company ,but for her and her husband and she turned her dining room into a place you just wanted to sit and relax in. It was pleasent and inviting.We so often think these lovely gestures are only deserving of company ,but they can make a world of difference in our every day lives. I just love your inspiration ,thank you so much for sharing AND teaching that homemaking is a delight. Hannah

  21. Lovely daffodils, sure sign of spring. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  22. So very pretty Yvonne! Right now my minis are in all their glory:@)

  23. SO spring-y and Easter-y and beautiful!

    I love your photos, like candy every single time I visit.

  24. Love them too but we have none in bloom yet in the Kansas City area.

  25. Yvonne,
    Gorgeous Breakfast Bar vignette for Easter Sunday, dear friend!!!
    I agree, the PoP of yellow states Spring has Arrived, indeed!!!
    Your saucers are elegantly displayed...and perfect for toast or a muffin!!!
    Thank you for always inspiring!!!
    Have a blessed and glorious Easter!!!

  26. Those do indeed look perfect in your beautiful kitchen and arrangement. My neighbor has probably at least 100 in his yard and they are just sitting there. I just said this morning that I wanted to go and clip them and put them in our house!! Now I am even more envious! I must plant some this year for next spring. Yours are just beautiful. Have a wonderful Easter. Lori Lucas

  27. I remember last year your gigantic crop. I planted lots of bulbs, but we don't have anything coming up yet! I hope they do so I can have a great bunch like yours!
    Beautiful, the plates, everything!

  28. Those daffodils are magnificent...I so love them and the great part about daffodils is that the deer do not eat them!...What a way to brighten up your day by seeing that beautiful tray on the table filled with beautiful things...

  29. It is all so pretty and so springy:) Love the little pitcher with the antique spoons!

  30. So lovely and it's always fun to see them usher in Spring. The ones in my yard froze last weekend. I should have brought them inside to enjoy like you did. Love your posts!!!

  31. So beautiful. I am waiting for my daffodils to bloom along our driveway.

    They always say that spring is here and summer is on the way.

    So far just a few crocus' are blooming around the flag pole.

    Thanks for your beautiful spring kitchen shots.


  32. Yvonne:

    Did you see my tablescape this week? Clearly we were thinking alike from the daffodils to the white beaded plates.

    - The Tablescaper
