Friday, November 30, 2012


In my house, breakfast is often "on the run". One of our favorite foods to grab-and-go are granola bars.  

Some granola bars are pretty good tasting and good for us... but others... well, we might as well eat a candy bar!

 StoneGable Holiday Granola Bars are chewy, full of oats, krispies, nuts and a trio of delicious dried fruit! My family loves them!!! And they make my whole home smell heavenly when they are baking!

Wrap them in parchment paper and they are very transportable!!!

I keep them in a big glass jar on my kitchen counter... they look festive... at least for awhile. They go fast!

These are much better tasting than their store bought counterpart... probably better for us ... and pretty!

1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup light brown sugar, firmly packed
1 egg
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup whipped cream cheese
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups rolled oats
1  1/4 cups rice krispies
1 cup dried fruit (I use dried cherries, blueberries and raspberries)
1/2 cup chocolate chips (I use 60 % caco)
1/2 cup almonds, sliced
1/2 cups pecans, chopped
1/2 cups Heath Bar bits (these can be omitted, but they are soooo good!)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a large bowl, beat butter and brown sugar until fluffy. Add egg and honey and beat. Add cream cheese and vanilla and beat until well mixed and smooth.

In a separate bowl add flour, cinnamon, salt, rolled oats and rice krispies. Mix. Stir into the butter mixture.

Add dried fruit, chocolate chips, almonds and pecans.

Spray a 9 x 13 pan with cooking spray. Dump the granola mixture into the pan. With wet hands, press the granola mixture into the pan, pressing it firmly to compact it.

Sprinkle the Heath Bar bits over the top of the granola and press into it.

Bake for 35-40 minutes.

Cut into bars while warm. Cool completely in pan on a wire rack. 

Granola bars may be frozen and re-thawed.

These are great as a snack and a light dessert too! I save the crumbs and use them to top yogurt!


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  1. Yvonne: These sound delicious and the packaging is beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I hope you will enjoy all of your preparations leading up to Christmas.


  2. Thank you, Yvonne! They seem delicious and they look so special all wrapped up!

  3. This recipe sounds so good Yvonne! The way you packaged them is so pretty!

  4. this is a keeper! sounds and looks delicious!

  5. Yvonne I have just printed this granola bar recipe,thank you so much,I haven't really noticed while blogging with you that we could actually print these recipes,this is awesome.
    I have these ingredients and I'm right now going to make these,can I blog about this on my blog LoblollyLane,I want to share your recipe,can I re-post from StoneGable.thank you Jo

  6. I have a granola bar as my mid-morning snack almost every day. It is hard to find packaged ones that I like. I think I'll put these on my baking list for next week...they would be great to take with us to Florida (although my husband would insist I leave out the chocolate). Do they pick up the taste of the greenery if you have them in the jar with it for very long? I love the way that looks!

  7. They look and sound delicious! I'm saving this! Thanks Yvonne!

  8. Oh my gosh, these look so yummy! And I love how you packaged them up; it's so cute! I love granola bars so these would be perfect for me :)

  9. It's so sweet how you wrapped each one!

  10. Good afternoon, Yvonne! I absolutely love this recipe! The bars look delicious, and the wee wraps make them all the more inviting. Thank you SO much for including them at Foodie Friday! I hope you have a peaceful, food-filled weekend. XX00

  11. Also, would you allow me to include a photo and link in next week's Foodie Friday's holiday spotlight?

  12. Yvonne you amaze me. My friend and I have a recipe for gluten free bars that we are going to make (have all the ingredients from the health food I know how we should package them!!!

  13. I am digging these granola bars! I love the addition of the cream cheese for a little richness.

  14. yvonne, these look delicious and such a nice diversion from so many of the traditional treats!


  15. This is a fabulous idea! I am making these this weekend or first of next week for sure! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Sounds delicious, looks delicious........and I've printed off your recipe. No to the kitchen. Thank you and bon weekend.

  17. what a great and healthy idea. I need to make some for snacks

  18. Yvonne, thanks for this recipe! Dear Hubby would love to have these available in the mornings! I think I'll make these this weekend and add them to the coffee/tea/hot chocolate station! Lol...he'll really appreciate these!

  19. Those look fabulous and I love the presentation so much, too. I'm going to have to try these, I know my sweeties will love them. XO, Aimee

  20. Yes, please. I will take a baker's dozen please. I have copied and pasted this recipe and would LOVE to try this. And as always, your wrapping and presentations are just beautiful! xxoo

  21. These sound delicious! The presentation is so special. I love the colors of the twine you tied them with. Where do you get it? As usual- you inspire me weekly! Susan @ Romancing the Home

    1. I found this little twine at a crafts store... it's a Martha Stewart product.

  22. These look soo good! The pictures make me want to grab one and just eat it right up!

  23. Yvonne these ARE healthy and filling! Some of the other bars don't even amount to a little snack!

    2012 Artists Series and Giveaway from The House of Edward!

  24. Mother of Marcy, woman is there ANYTHING you don't do BEAUTIFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!???????? I think not. I will print this recipe out and hope to make some soon. Thanks!!!! XO, Pinky

  25. These look sooo good, Yvonne! I love how you've packaged them so creatively, too. These would make a wonderful gift.

  26. Yvone, these sound and look delicious! Thanks for the recipe! Now I just need to find some time to bake. :)

  27. Yummy! These sound so good. I'm always looking for something quick to grab for breakfast. Question - what is 60% caco? I love how you've packaged them. Now I have an excuse to buy one of those ginormous glass canisters that I see at Walmart all the time! ;) Sharing this on the Worthing Court FB page today. And pinning it too, of course!

  28. Suzy, they make 60% Caco chips just like regular chocolate chips. I get them in the baking isle of my grocer's!

  29. These sound healthy and sinful! I am definitely going to make these... I might have to call them January bars, since I don't know if it will happen until then! Thanks for sharing this recipe.

  30. I love making Granola but having made bars yet. Looking forward to trying these.

  31. mmmmmm..... yummmmm..... mmmmmmm.


  32. Great idea...and oh some beautifully displayed!

  33. These look fantastic, Yvonne! Our family is also eating as they rush out the door in the morning. Once a month I make a large batch of breakfast burritos and store them in the freezer. These granola bars will add something different to our weekday repertoire.

  34. These look fantastic, Yvonne! Our family is also eating as they rush out the door in the morning. Once a month I make a large batch of breakfast burritos and store them in the freezer. These granola bars will add something different to our weekday repertoire.

  35. What a great idea and so beautifully presented! Thank you for joining HSH!

  36. These look and sound so good. I'm going to make them as part of my homemade gifts. Thanks for the recipe.

  37. What a lovely presentation! What is the greenery and where do you get it?


  38. These look awesome....I wanted to mail these but was worried about the cream cheese? How long do I keep on your counter?

    1. These go quick in my house, so I don't refrigerate them. I'm not sure how they would mail. I say, give it a try! Hope this helps!
