Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Happy August, everyone! What happened to JULY? I must admit that I am sooo ready for fall... but I don't want to get ahead of myself. There is still a month of great summer things to do!

Here are a few great things about August this year...a couple of my dearest friends are August babies... I 'm sure we will celebrate! I am going to the beach on a vacation with 4 of my very very favorite girlfriends... I hope to see the Dead Sea Scrolls in Philladelphia... I'm having eye surgery (not so fun!)...all of my children will be visiting this month...Bobby and I will be working in the gardens as the evenings cool in August... and we have 5 Tutorials, Tips and Tidbits this month! I hope you will all come and share, showcase and show-off what you've been doing!

Here are a few great entries from last week's TTT...
Jess, from SPOOL AND SPOON shows us how to make MERCURY GLASS using 2 ingredients. EASY! What great results!

I just love how Robin from HIGHPOINT CIRCLE described the lamps she transformed as having "Pottery Barn bones" I agree! Now Robin has a pair of great POTTERY BARN KNOCK-OFF LAMPS  

I have a thing for LANTERNS! So does Christie from THREE PIXIE LANE.  You will drool over her great kitchen eating area... and her lighting choices!


Look at this handsome piece. Literally a piece of "trash" on the curb picked up by Margaret from Chantilly Charm. She transformed this TELEPHONE TABLE into a chic, upscale treasure!

Let's all say YUMMY together for these CUPCAKE MUDDY BUDDIES  from BACK FOR SECONDS. These sweet treats will bring out the fun in us all... sprinkles!

We love all things French inspired... and Danielle at SILVER PENNIES made an old piano bench into a  FRENCH BENCH using FRENCH linen chalk paint and FRENCH  decals. OOH LA LA, Danielle!

And my tutorial this week is a DYI... How To Make EURO SHAMS with a patterned fabric.  I made a set to match the curtain I recently made for my Gable Guest Bedroom.

 If you have been featured at TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS please grab a "Featured" button from my sidebar.

Please visit our featured bloggers and see their creative blogs!

Now let's see what great TUTORIALS, TIPS AND TIDBITS  you have for us!
* Please link your post using your permalink
* Please link back to TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS in the body of your post. You can find my button TTT button on my sidebar.
* Visit other TTT participants... let's all visit at least 3 others and comment
* Please link up only photographs that belong to you.
* It would be nice if you would follow me, thanks!


  1. You picked some great posts to feature. Thanks for hosting!

  2. What fun features. I'm so honored to be amongst them. Thank you! Good luck with your surgery. x

  3. Fun features, Yvonne. My kids (ok so do I) LOVE the Chex Muddy Buddies so I am curious to go check out that recipe for cupcake muddy buddies.

    Thank you for hosting,


  4. What a fun August you have planned! Thanks so much for hosting your wonderful party.

  5. Yvonne, I am so excited to be included with your wonderful features this week! Thank you so much! Sounds like you have a busy month ahead of you. Take care!

  6. Thanks so much for hosting! I love that piano bench and all of your other fabulous features. Good luck with your eye surgery!

  7. Loved your pillow sham tutorial, nice and easy to follow! Sounds like you have a full August planned, best of luck with the eye surgery-take care:@)

  8. I SO wish I could sew. You did a great job on the pillow sham!!!!!! I'm sorry to hear that eye surgery is looming. Take care of yourself and don't try to push it!

  9. August looks like a busy month for you, Yvonne! Enjoy your vaca and wishing for a successful surgery:)Loved your latest project, you did a wonderful job on the shams, love the pretty pattern and color:)Thanks for hosting tonight!Have a lovely evening!Hugs,Poppy

  10. Thanks for hosting Yvonne! Hope your week is going great! I am sure that your surgery will go well! Have a wonderful visit with your children! Angie xo

  11. Thanks for hosting Yvonne! I've already peeked at a few links and they are awesome. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate it!

  12. Yvonne, the fabric you used for the shames is gorgeous!! Thanks so much for hosting the party!

  13. Wow!! So honored to be featured and be in the company of so many great projects..thank you so much!!

  14. Loved your post on the Euro Shams.. Loved seeing the "recipe" for the corners so precisely explained.. Thanks for hosting.. xo marlis

  15. Yvonne, thanks for the tutorial. I doubt that I ever make one of these shams myself, but I like to know and understand the construction. Great features and lots of inspiration in the posts. Thanks for hosting! ~ Sarah

  16. Hello dear Yvonne! I have linked up two DIY posts this week ~ creating an inexpensive drapery baton to help keep curtains clean and my 10 year old son providing a step by step tutorial on how to install a wall sconce. :)

    Be blessed dear one and thank you for hosting.

  17. Thanks so much for hosting. You have a beautiful many pretties to admire. Have a great week!

    Nici ~ Posed Perfection

  18. Off to read the tutorials Yvonne. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Art by Karena

    2012 Artists Series

  19. There are some great blogs to visit here, but first I have to check out your tutorial ;).

  20. Thank you for the feature! You're too kind. :)

  21. Great features from last week!...Sounds like your plans for August are filled with great fun, except for the surgery...I wish you good luck on that!...I so love the fabric you selected for the shams....gorgeous colors and pattern!...Would love to see the Dead Sea long will the exhibit be in Philadelphia?

    1. Hi Shirley, I believe the Dead Sea Scrolls will be at the Franklin Institute in Philly until October 14th. Hope you can get to see it!

  22. Dear Yvonne,
    Today's a great day! I am finally able to attend one of your parties!
    Thank you for hosting! I adore your blog!

  23. My gosh, Yvonne- What a lot of great entries and tutorials. I love your blog and don't tell you that often enough! It is a wonderful place to visit- xo Diana

  24. Hello Yvonne--Thank you for hosting the party today, and very pretty features you selected. I am frankly always inspired by your lovely photos in the sidebar of your blog--beautiful!

  25. I thought I had left a comment before??? Don't know where it went! The shams are beautiful. I don't sew but sure wish I did. See you soon. XOXO

  26. Beautiful Shams, Yvonne! I thought you were going to visit LI this summer?
    Thank you for hosting!
