Friday, August 3, 2012


Do you love the idea of eating hot sticky buns... right out of the oven... your OWN oven? Warm and gooey and delicious?
Me too... but they are just too much work... until now!

I found a scrumptious recipe for yummy sticky buns without all the work! That's yeast kneeding... no rising... no punching down... no rolling... nothing time consuming! This recipe is a real impostor... a delicious fake!

PUFF PASTRY STICKY BUNS are part of the Fabulous Foodie Fake Out~ foods that are not necessarily what they appear to be! Check out the bottom of this post to visit other fakers... er, participants...

At first glance these sticky buns look like they took me half the day to make... not so! Instead of making a real, time consuming dough I use puff pastry! What could be tastier than that?

The original recipe is from Ina Garten, The Barefoot Contessa! All of  Ina's recipes that I make become my favorites! And this one is at the top of the list!

You won't believe how easy these are to make... and they taste even better that the real thing!


  • 12 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1/3 cup dark brown sugar, lightly packed
  • 1/2 cup pecans, chopped 
  • 1 package (17.3-ounces/ 2-sheets) frozen puff pastry, defrosted

For the filling:

  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled
  • 2/3 cup light brown sugar, lightly packed
  • 3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 cup raisins
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Place a 12-cup standard muffin tin on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper.
In the bowl, combine the 12 tablespoons butter and 1/3 cup brown sugar and mix using a mixer until well incorporated. Place 1 heaping tablespoon of the mixture in each  muffin cup. Sprinkle the pecans evenly over the sugar mixture in each muffin cup.

 Unfold 1 sheet of puff pastry on a lightly floured surface. Make sure the long ends are at the top and bottom of the work surface. Brush the pastry with the melted butter. Sprinkle 1/3 cup of brown sugar, 1  1/2 tsp cinnamon and 1/2 cup of raisins over the puff pastry. Leave a small 1 inch border around the edges. I made 6 sticky buns with raisins and 6 with pecans. I used about 1/3 cup pecans and sprinkled them over the pastry just like the raisins.

  Starting with the end nearest you, roll the pastry up snugly like a jelly roll and end by placing the roll seam side down on the floured surface.

 Cut off about 1/2 inch from each end.

 Slice the roll in half. Then slice each half into 3 pieces. 
Place each piece, spiral side up, in 6 of the muffin cups. Gently press the spirals in the muffin cups.  Repeat with the second sheet of puff pastry to make 12 sticky buns.

Bake for 25~ 30 minutes, until the sticky buns are golden brown and bubbly on top. Make sure they do not feel too soft or underdone. The sticky buns are extremely HOT, so be careful! Cool in the pan for 5 minutes only, scoop out each sticky bun with a spoon and invert on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.  Scoop out any pecans and caramel sauce and drizzle over each sticky bun.

To get the printable recipe and to see a very informative video of Ina making this wonderful sweet treat, click HERE

I'm sure you will want to visit the other FABULOUS FOODIE FAKE OUT PARTICIPANTS...
ICE CREAM SCOOP COOKIES from our organizer Stephanie from BACK FOR SECONDS
Thanks for inviting me Stephanie! This was so fun!

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FOODIE FRIDAY at Rattlebridge Farm


  1. What can be better than a warm sticky bun right from the oven. I love using puff pastry with desserts. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You know, there used to be a place in NYC that made buns with this dough. They were brilliant. Haven't thought of them in years. Thanks for the spectacular recipe!!!

  3. Oh Yvonne, it is time for breakfast and I am so hungry but I don't have the pastry to make these mouth watering buns. That is a terrible situation to be in so I will put puff pastry on my grocery list and settle for cereal today. Can't wait to make these. Thanks!--- Shannon

  4. these look gorgeous, yvonne - what amazing photos! and of course, they sound beyond divine, too. =) Ina is one of my favorite chefs - i've never made a recipe of hers that i didn't love!

  5. Pinning now!! Looks toooo good! I got my permalink issue figured out and look forward to participating with you and your wonderful blog. I haven't had breakfast yet.....hmmm do I have any puff pastry? I will tomorrow when I go to the grocer! Have awonderful weekend!! :)

  6. Wow!!! They look amazing. :-) Thanks for sharing one of your recipes. LOVE your Blog. :-)

  7. Wow! This one is saved on the home screen of my iPad, so I don't have to go searching for it. When I was in Jr. high and High School, everyone always beat a path to the cafeteria on Fridays because they always served amazing Sticky Bottom Buns. This will be a trip back in time. Thanks for sharing Ina's recipe. Cherry Kay

  8. What a clever idea! I can't wait to try this. I have a party called Mix it up Monday; 8pm on Sunday night. I'd love for you to share this recipe. I'm so happy that we both participated in the Foodie Fake Out and I look forward to joining your party on Monday as well :)

  9. Oh my, please pass me one right now! I am trying to take my finger and just get a taste of that wonderful caramel. I love puff pastry and this is so smart using the muffin tin, really helps the bus keep their shape. Pinning! And this just might be for breakfast tomorrow morning.

  10. My goodness, this is fabulous, I'm saving it right now, this way I can just make it one on these days, almost asap!! Totally love puff pastry dear Ivonne. Enjoy your weekend.

  11. yes, yes this puff pasty works and it so yummy - been making these for a few years and they are a hit in my family.. Thanks for remiding me to get with it.. It's been so hot these days and I am not use to hot heat yet.. So eating stuff so "crazy yummy" has been kept off the mind and off my shopping list --- buuuuuuuuuutttt no more! Got it on my list now - just had to pop in here to be reminded. By the way I just got the idea this morning and got-up real early and baked some oat meal cookies- real earrrrrrrrly this morning for my's cooler then.. MUCH!

  12. Wow! Your zucchini chocolate chip bread was a hit at our house last week. Wait till I make these scrumptious sticky buns.

  13. Yvonne, I am drooling over here! This look so gooey and so easy too, yay! Wish I could reach out and grab a few :) i am so happy you joined the Foodie Fake Out fun! Ihad so much fun and I just love your recipe!

  14. Oh, my goodness. This will be a must to my Christmas morning brunch. I bet they could even be made ahead and refrigerated to bake just before guests arrive!

  15. I've seen Ina make these on her show and I always wanted to try them. They look so incredibly gooey and delicious!! Thanks for sharing with us.

  16. They look great! We used to go for a Sunday drive with my grandparents and they'd always pick up sticky buns-fun memories:@)

  17. Yum. I need to try and make these. They look delicious. x

  18. Yvonne,
    These look simple enough that even I might give them a try!"Mr. Ed" loves sticky buns...and anything with pecans!!! Thanks for the recipe with the tutorial!

  19. OMGoodness. I LOOOVE sticky buns and it is LATE. I want one of these right now:):) Bobby is a lucky man!!! Had a great day today. Thanks! XO, Pinky

  20. Oh my I have made these before!!! So delicious!! I LOVE Ina Garten!!!

  21. GASP!! So quick... So easy... In muffin tins! I almost can't believe it! Yum, this is a keeper! Thanks for stopping by to take a peek :)

  22. One of my favorite foods. I wonder if you could bake them together in a baking pan and then invert the whole thing like one would normally do? ThaT way avoiding havingmtomscoop out all the stuff in each muffin cup. Have you tried that way? Or did Ina warn against doing thatZ.

  23. These look absolutely delicious Yvonne. Wish I had one with the coffee I'm drinking now. This looks so easy I will try this. I like Becky's idea, a must for Christmas morning! Thanks so much for sharing.

    The French Hutch

  24. I don't know that I've ever had a sticky bun, unless that's another name for cinnamon rolls. These look melt -in -your -mouth delicious.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  25. OMG, these sticky buns look absolutely decadent! And easy to make too - bonus! My grandma used to spend a day every year at Easter making sticky buns, so I know how time-consuming they can be. These buns definitely have to go into my recipe box! Thanks for sharing :-)

  26. I Love all Ina's recipes!! Thank you so much for sharing this and
    inspiring me to give them a try!!!

    Rene' @ BargainHoot

  27. I'm waiting to try this on Saturday. Thanks for this delicious recipe.

  28. Last time also I was reading your blog and it was very interesting. I'm very happy to see delicious food recipes here.
