Sunday, August 12, 2012

SUNDAY SCRIPTURE~ Week Of August 12, 2012

This scripture was part of a prayer that Jesus would have prayed everyday... probably in the morning and evening. It is part of a bigger prayer called the Shema (pronounced shmah).... a prayer to listen and take heed of the commitment to follow the Lord.

  Jesus prayed these words and taught on them and called them the 'greatest commandment". But what does it mean to "love God with all of our soul'? If Jesus said that THIS was the greatest commandment isn't it important to know, really know what it MEANS...
We can have a deeper understanding of this scripture if we look at the meaning of "soul"~ NEPHESH. This word when boiled down to it's basic core means LIFE!

"Love the Lord with your whole soul" means we should love the Lord with our lives... moment by moment for our whole lives. Not just on Sundays during church, not just on Christmas and Easter... not just when we feel like it!

Loving the Lord on good days and on bad days and on all days in between. It means having an eternal love affair with Him because of his extravagant love for us!

Loving God with all our life is not a wishy-washy love. It is not controlled by feelings. It is a love born out of a decision... a choice... a commitment to love... to 'do' life with God!

Jesus is calling us to love God with our life... every moment... every day... and in every circumstance! Isn't that just what He did? He loved God and us with His whole life!


  1. Thank you for this mornings teaching and inspiration. I always love reading your blog.

  2. Yvonne,
    This is powerful! However, when we totally commit to a personal relationship, our lives reflect exactly the presence of Christ in our daily living. Some of the sweetest compliments have come from former students, co~workers and people I pass through life that have come back and told me,"You are like NO other teacher, co~worker, employee, friend that I've had in my life." I Praise God for the people He allows my path to cross with daily. Each is an opportunity to "Shine His light before men". We never know what the other may be going through and hopefully our encounter will ease their load and help them to find their WAY. Thank you for being His messenger through this precious weekly meme!

  3. THis was a beautiful start to my day. Well, I have been up but just seeing this. Thank you. Hope you are having a gREAT weekend. XOXO

  4. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful simple message this morning. :)


  5. I luv coming to you blog and reading your posts. But I so look forward to reading your Sunday Scripture post. I attend service on a Saturday evening and so, your Sunday postings gives me that special bit I need to start my Sundays off on a wonderful footing.
    Thank you.

  6. Preach it Sister!! Yes we do need to contemplate what it means to Love God with all of your heart, soul, strength, and mind. There must be much here that we don't fully comprehend. This is a good thought provoking question for today, thanks for sharing.

  7. That is so true, Yvonne. So often when thing are going along and our lives are running smoothly we forget to say Thank You....and remember that it is all His doing. Great post today- xo Diana

  8. How true this is! God bless you and your family for speaking the truth! Ana
