Tuesday, August 28, 2012


As the Summer of 2012 comes to a close... I am giving summer one last hurrah here at StoneGable!
Today's tablescape pays homage to summer sun, sand and surf...

As I was setting this table I just kept thinking how pretty it would be if it were outside on a dock by the water!  Let's use our imaginations and pretend my kitchen is a sunny dock. Can you hear the lapping water?

The inspiration for this tablescape are the shell napkin rings and these beautifully made bright orange napkins I picked up on a recent getaway to the ocean.

I purchased these and other goodies at a gorgeous shop called P Francis! If you are ever in Ocean City New Jersey don't miss this wonderful shop on Asbury Street! Paul, the owner has exquisite taste!

A tablecloth, as white as a sail, is laid over the kitchen table. Orange ruffled placemats, that I bought on sale for $3.00 for all four, work with today's tablescape! (TJMaxx)

I love the crispness of navy blue complimented with bright orange!  

The square navy plates (HomeGoods) look very nautically chic to me! Rusty orange plates (Pier 1) with a raised dot edge sit on top of the navy.

A large shell bowl (HomeGoods) filled with prizes from the sea top off each place setting!

The "sand" is brown sugar. Doesn't this look like wet sand? I learned this trick from my friend Mary at HOME IS WHERE THE BOAT IS. If you have not been to Mary's blog... you will want to visit... AFTER finishing my post first... thanks!

I was so happy that I could finally use my orange flatware (HomeGoods). Who buys orange flatware... raise your hand... am I the only one with my had up in the air?

Cobalt blue drinking glasses (Pier 1) are striking against the white table. It's amazing how often I use these on a table. 

These darling little boat bowls have put down their anchors and are floating near each placesetting!

A blue and white sailboat has been marooned in the middle of the table! 

A long rectangle plate is filled with "sand" and jewels of the sea! Little tea lights dot the "harbor".

A happy little sea gull sit on top of a buoy. Watch your dinner... you know how these gulls love to steal food!

Dessert plates are ready for a sweet after dinner treat! A blue and white napkin is fashioned into a seaworthy sailboat!

Let's take one last big breath of the summer sea air... Ready to eat? The sand and sun always makes me so hungry!

The Menu...

Easy Shrimp Bisque (upcoming Foodie Friday)
Summer Garden Salad With Parmesan Peppercorn Dressing

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LET'S DISH at Cuisine Kathleen
Savvy Southern Style

Please join me for TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS... share your DYT's, great tips and any little tidbit you wish to show us and show off! Link goes live Wednesdays at 8:00 pm!


  1. Hi Yvonne, Your end of summer table is perfect! I never would have thought to use the orange on a beach table but those napkins are indeed gorgeous. And the gull looks friendly enough but keep him away from my serving of the crab and corn fritters! Blue and orange is a great combo. I did see orange flatware and thought--halloween--but this use is truly inspired! Your entire blog design is so attractive! Have a wonderful end of summer. Linda

  2. Yvonne~ Your Summer's Last Hurrah Tablescape REALLY floats my boat!! I love the warm orange sunset color paired with the blue & white! And I SO want to set sail with those adorable striped sailboat folded napkins~ brilliant! I would love to be marooned at your table! Fun, fun, fun including the brown sugar sand :) Thanks for the shout out!

  3. So pretty. Lovely summer and surf inspired tablescape!

  4. Yvonne, this is a lovely tribute to the waning days of summer. I love the bright pops of orange. The fabric for that napkins is fabulous.. ooh just drooling. You've set a lovely table again.. xo marli

  5. Love it Yvonne! Love the sailboat. How adorable. Everything looks so inviting on a summer day. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. oooooh, yvonne. the cobalt and orange look incredible and very swedish together. i love your styling and sense of fun.

    hope you'll visit soon.


  7. I love nautical theme and not just in the summer... Beautiful! :)

  8. (Raising hand to admit I have the same orange flatware)...
    I love your Navy and Orange tablescape! We are a family full of Auburn University fans, so Navy and Orange go together around here like bread and butter. I really like those place mats. The ruffled edge adds so much to your setting. You have truly set a spectacular setting to say farewell to summer, or in our case "Hello to Football Season in the South!!" Sorry, SEC football around here is a pretty big thing...it's all we think about for the next few months :-)
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful setting. I so enjoy stopping by and admiring your talent. So much inspiration to soak up, not just in table settings, but making our house truly a home. Thanks for allowing us to peek into your home. Have a wonderful week.

  9. Yvonne, what a wonderful setting to end the summer! As always, you have beautifully captured every single detail!

  10. So lovely that for some minutes I stopped wishing for Fall. Though I know you'll have amazing suggestions for it, too.
    Thank you for sharing!

  11. How lovely! Your color combination is great and I just love all your summery touches. I'd be there for supper in a heartbeat! Swooning with envy. :) Thanks for sharing.

  12. Morning!
    What a luvly table... luv the bold orange and cobalt against the crisp white. Very nautical indeed!A wonderful tribute to the summer days gone by..... and the few left to come.
    I looked about the room and saw no hands raised :-) . No orange flatware here... actually I have no with colour at all. I must remedy that shouldn't I? All I have are traditional silverware and stainless. Hmmm... Methinks I might need some colour!
    The menu... sipping coffee here and I find myself wanting food!!!
    Cheers Yvonne.
    have a wonderful rest of day..

  13. Fabulous as all your settings are. So glad fall is almost here.

  14. What an award-winning tablescape- wow.

    I LOVE it!

    Your use of colour and imagination is amazing.

    And yourphotos are calender and notecard worthy BIG TIME.

    LOVE this fun whimsical nautical tablescape!

  15. This is such a cute table. I love the unexpected color combination! Orange and Blue and it's perfect! Cute centerpiece! As always I would sit right down at this table any day! Hugs, Linda

  16. Hurrah for you and this tablescape Yvonne. I adore orange, perhaps because I was a teen in the 70's? I am a huge fan of Mary's too and her attention to detail is wonderful. Just like yours. Have a terrific end to your summer. We are now getting tropical rain bands and I am staying in my pj's all day, blogging, and washing linens. The perfect rainy day. hugs to you, olive

  17. Great colors! I sometimes have difficulty with tablescapes but you make it look so easy.

  18. I can feel the breeze with the scent with a hint of Fall off the ocean as we enjoy the last official days of summer. The orange gives a great pop. I never saw the flatware, but now if I did I would feel the need to own it.

  19. Your table is absolutely gorgeous. Wow lucky people who get to dine there.

  20. The fabulous thing about it is that all your materials are not that expensive. A very interesting ploy to do in your dining tables.

  21. What a great color scheme, Yvonne! Very nautical! A great place to have a meal after a long day of sailing! :)


  22. I hear lapping water.....Beautiful setting Yvonne. I for one can't wait to see the changing leaves....Autumn Breezes and cooler nights!

  23. What a beautiful tablescape as always, Yvonne. The blue and orange just complement each other so well, don't they?! Those placemats were such a bargain, too. I have the same flatware, only in red, and I've used them so much.

  24. This is so creative and lovely! You have thought of every detail. The navy blue with orange looks very bright and crisp. Love the brown sugar for 'sand'. Beautiful. xx

  25. It's so sad to say goodbye to summer but what a beautiful send-off! I love the orange and blue theme.

  26. This is such a beautiful tablescape! I love the nautical style and pairing the navy with rusty orange was an excellent idea.

  27. Yvonne,
    The orange combined with the cobalt blue is stunning, dear friend! Adorable napkin folded into a sailboat! You are such a creative lady! Now don't be embarrased about buying orange flatware. Why, you'll be the envy of us all during the Autumnal Season!!!

  28. Love the orange and blue together. Yes, I would have bought the orange flatware in a second, so my hand is up too. Great napkin fold for the sailboat on the dessert plate - clever idea. You always put together so many clever ideas. All is beautiful on your summer table.

  29. I love the table setting Yvonne, so pretty :o)

  30. That is a fabulous setting! Makes me wish I were at the beach right now.

  31. I adore this whole table! I think your orange flatware is perfect too. :o) I have been looking for yellow but have had no luck yet. My nearest Homegoods is almost 2 hours away so I don't make it very often. Hope all is well. I've enjoyed following you on Facebook!

  32. I DID think of Mary when you mentioned needing a dock! So funny!!! I had my hand in the air, too, when you asked about the orange flatware. I bought it a couple of years ago but have only used it once or twice. It's not that I don't like it. I just haven't had the need for it very much. I love the combination of blue and orange! It's always so edgy!!! Your little boats are so cool!!! If those napkins are any indication, then indeed Mr. Paul DOES have exquisite taste!!!!!!!!! Love those! I have that same Pier 1 cobalt blue stemware, and I just love it. The color is so saturated!!! They are the perfect addition to your table! I'm sorry to see summer (as it were....I hardly ever went outside because it was so hot!) go, but this was a lovely way to bid it farewell!

  33. Just gorgeous, love this color combo of orange and blue!

  34. I can hear the water lapping now! And I'm not from from Ocean City so I'll have to check out that shop!

    I love fall, but I am not quite ready to retire my flip flops just yet!

  35. Oh Yvonne, you have such a wonderful vision. Once again you've knocked it out of the the park! The table is just beautiful! Hard to believe that Summer is nearly over, but I can't say that I'll miss the terrible heat that we had this year.

  36. Yvonne, this is such a fun table! I love those orange placemats with the ruffles and I would be with you buying orange flatware, I 'm such a sucker for fun unique dishes and flatware!

  37. Magnificent table as always Yvonne!!...Just love the colors so many beautiful things that adorn the table!...Yes, Mary is great! I loved the way she used the brown sugar to make "sand castles"....I can just hear the sound of the fog horns in the distance against the lapping waves and beautiful sounds of seagulls!....Oh...that gives me an idea...a sound machine of waves playing in the room...!! Next dinner party!!!...

  38. Stunning, Yvonne. And, I love those placemats. And, your menu completed it to perfection.

  39. I would have "reeled in" that flatware in a second!!!! You know that!!! Love the sailboat napkin fold:) How cute. The color combo is stunning, I remember you doing this combo of colors before in the Fall. LOVE this table. Let's have lunch:):) XOXO

  40. This is gorgeous! I love the colors and the decorative touches are excellent! I'd love for you to share this at my linky party, Twirl & Take a Bow at www.houseontheway.com. I hope you can stop by and join in!

  41. So so beautiful...I love the color Orange and mixed with the different shades of blue is spectacular! I love all your pieces! I also read your other post about getting rid of lots of the extras around the house. I need to do that too! Come link up to Centerpiece Wednesday and share your tablescape with us us and enter my giveaway.

  42. Hi Yvonne, this is a beautiful tablescape. I love the burnt orange and cobalt blue combination. Almost fallish but still a summer seashore theme. Blessings, Pamela

  43. I would love to have this table on my dock by the water! It is a delight in every way. I do hate to think about summer soon being over. For us here in Maine, it ends this weekend.

  44. Wow, Yvonne this is so eye catching and striking. Where did you find the darling boats? Did I miss that? It really is a top notch tablescape with so many pleasing elements.

  45. such a fun table- the orange really enhances the cobalt blue! Great props on the table- love the boat! Susan at Romancing the Home

  46. This tablescape made me smile, Yvonne--such a fun place to have a meal! I want to check out TJ Maxx when they have sales now :) I am recently rather obsessed with pretty napkins, so I just love the ones you are using here. It's all so pretty. Thank you so much for visiting my blog today--it is always nice to hear from you!

  47. Yvonne, love the orange and blue details of this table. Yes, I can hear the water lapping up the sides of this perfect summer table. The blue and white stripes echoed across this scape make me smile! Hurrah for Summer! ~ Sarah

  48. Yvonne, I highlighted this post on my blog tonight...I just love the colors of this tablescape!

  49. I would never think to use orange with the boats, very interesting!
    Raising my hand for the orange flatware! Now if I could only remember where I put it!
    Sorry for being late, but better late than never! :)
    Thanks for linking to Let's Dish! Funny we both used our boats this week!
