Sunday, August 26, 2012

ON THE MENU MONDAY~ Week Of August 27, 2012

Before we begin... a great BIG thank you to everyone who left a comment on my blog last week. I had eye surgery and  was recovering...I did not visit or comment much! I appreciate every sweet comment and every one who participated in ON THE MENU MONDAY and TUTORIAL TIPS AND TIDBITS! I'm much better and can see great... back to normal...ready to visit... thanks everyone for your prayers and good thoughts!

Are you capturing the last ounce of summer? Even though I can't wait for fall... I am giving summer it's last hurrah by hosting a Labor Day family weekend... so we will be celebrating the remains of summer in a big way...

Lot's of family... lots of food... lots of fun!

 I am looking forward to our big croquet tournament on the side lawn!!!! Everyone is to wear white and bring their most civil manners ( do you hear me boys?). I'm planning a great spread on the side lawn, old fashioned libations and prizes!  We are a rather competitive group, so this should be a blast!

When I say goodbye to everyone on Monday evening... I will also say a fond farewell to summer. The first sign of fall at StoneGable will be the big seasonal wreath I 'll be hanging on the front door!

Have a blessed, safe and fun LABOR DAY!

Now here's what's ON THE MENU...

Fresh Tomato Grilled Flatbread
Marinaded Artichoke Hearts

Crab Stuffed Crepes
Garden Salad With Champagne Vinaigrette

Heirloom Tomato Tart
Cucumber Salad

source~ My Carolina Kitchen

Asian Grilled Salmon
Leek And Potato Galette
Roasted Broccoli With Garlic Oil

Fresh Salsa And Nachos
Slow Cooker Pulled Beef Tacos
Black Bean Salad
Mexican Flan

Smoked Beef Brisket Barbecue
Corn On The Cob
It's Not Rocket Science Slow Cooker Baked Beans
Panzanella Salad
Peach Cobbler With Vanilla Ice Cream
(look for recipe on an upcoming foodie friday)
Old Fashioned Spiked Lemonade Punch
StoneGable Iced Tea

Leek And Potato Soup
Slow Cooker Tomato Basil Parmesan Bisque
Crusty Bread
Assorted Cheeses
New York Times Chocolate Chip Cookies

StoneGable Recipes
Fresh Tomato Grilled Flatbread
Cucumber Salad
Asian Grilled Samon
Fresh Salsa
Slow Cooker Pulled Beef Tacos
Black Bean Salad
Chicken Radcliff
It's Not Rocket Science Slow Cooker Baked Beans
Leek And Potato Soup

StoneGable Culinary Tutorials
StoneGable Salad Dressing
Panzanella Salad
Slow Cooker Tomato Basil Parmesan Bisque

Great Recipes From Other Sources
The Easiest Crepes You'll Ever Make
Heirloom Tomato Tart
Leek And Potato Galette
Mexican Flan
New York Times Chocolate Chip Cookies

FULL PLATE THURSDAY at Miz Helen's Country Cottage

Here are some great dishes from last week's ON THE MENU MONDAY...

Mary at HOME IS WHERE THE BOAT IS made these fabulous SKILLET APPLE DUMPLINGS! Don't you want to reach into the computer screen and pull one out! YUMMY! I just bought a small cast iron pan to make these!

Wouldn't these LAVENDER SHORTBREAD COOKIES be perfect with a cup of hot tea or tucked away as a treat in a lunchbox? You can find these beautiful cookies at COASTAL COTTAGE DREAMS... thanks Kelly!

I have heard so much about KING RANCH CHICKEN CASSEROLE lately. Nicki at POSED PERFECTLY has a great culinary tutorial for it! This is on my must-try list!

The recession is hitting everyone... and Sherry at THE CHARM OF HOME has a very informative AND yummy post on RECESSION ERA COOKING helping us stretch our already skimpy food dollars! Great post and good food!!!

Look at this GRANOLA! I always keep a big canister full of homemade granola out on my counter!  Run over to Creative Ideas for this touch-of-fall recipe!

Go visit Jo at LOBLOLLY LANE (cute name!) She has an adorable blog... and a recipe for adorable CORNBREAD SOUFFLE! So so easy and very impressive!

QUICK CHICKEN AND OLIVE PASTA SALAD is on my menu next week... it is amazing!!! I can always count on great recipes from Lisa at SIMPLY... THIS, THAT AND THE OTHER! I want to make everything she posts!

This weeks featured MENU PLAN comes from Alison at UNDER THE BIG OAK TREE. She has some delicious recipes and great foodie photos! Look at these mini barbecue meatloaves!


Thanks, for joining us and sharing!

* Please link your post using your permalink
* Please link back to ON THE MENU MONDAY in the body of your post
* It would be so nice if you followed me!
* Please visit other OTMM participants
* Please link up only photographs that belong to you. 


  1. Glad to hear you are doing well and recovering from your surgery. Thanks for hosting each week. It's a fun party and I enjoy participating.

  2. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, yummy menu and great features, Yvonne. So happy to hear that you're recovering from your surgery. Have a wonderful week and thanks for hosting.

  3. O! M! G! I'm a feature!..yip-pee!...I'm so excited!...I've never been featured before.Yvonne you have tickled me giddy!! Thanks for featuring my blowed up cornbread.This has made my day,my week,my evening,I'm just totally overwhelmed with joy in my heart.You are the sweetest!!...Got to go look for the "I'VE BEEN FEATURED" button,teeehehehehehe

    1. I'm can't wait to make your cornbread souffles, Jo! Thank you so much for the wonderful response! So nice to have such a FABULOUS comment!
      I'm sure this feature is just the first of many many more!

  4. I got so carried away,I forgot to tell you hope your recovery is fast and be blessed.Thanks for hosting this great foodie party...and wish I had a #2 wash tub full of those crabs,I could eat my weight in 'em.And those lavender cookies I've never had any but would love to try.

  5. Yvonne: Another week of great recipes. So making the cornbread that was feature.
    The tacos look very interesting.

    Glad that you are recovering well.

    Denise lamb

    1. Denise Lamb,Yes ma'am,followed the directions on the box and used evaporated can milk.I wanted to thank you for visiting LoblollyLane and inquiring about the cornbread souffle...I appreciate you!!

  6. Hi everyone,

    This week I'm featuring a recipe for homemade ketchup. With all the processed foods on supermarket shelves and most of them containing GMO ingredients, I feel it's time we ought to get back to basics and make our own foods with real ingredients.

    Thanks for hosting this awesome blog hop Yvonne. The recipes on here look so inviting!! Glad you're recovering from your surgery.

  7. Thanks for hosting. That croquet tournament sounds like a blast - Have Fun!

  8. YUM!! I always look forward to using some of the ideas from this! Saw a recipe for home made ketchup!!! Soo going to try that!
    Thanks for hosting Yvonne. Added out Sunday dinner to the line up!
    Speedy recovery!
    Cheers, Gee

  9. Yvonne, I'm glad to hear you are feeling better!! I agree that croquet sounds great! I looked at getting a set last year, but I don't know the first thing about it. I'd love to learn though. Thanks for hosting!!

  10. Always enjoy your menus and can't wait to try several of them this week. Glad your are recovering from your eye operation. Have a blessed week.

  11. Hi Yvonne,
    Your Labor Day Party sounds amazing, can't wait to see the photo's. I am so grateful that your surgery went well and that you have recovered. Your menu and features look so good I will be checking them out. Hope you have a great week and thanks for hosting!
    Miz Helen

  12. I hope you had a super weekend! Thanks for the party! Sounds like you've got some yummy meals planned. The features were great this week!

  13. So happy to be here and this is just the party for me because I love to cook!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  14. I am so happy to hear that your eye surgery went well, Yvonne!

    Your week's menu sounds so delicious! I am hoping that when I move close to my childen and grandchildren I'll be able to host many dinners and parties with them and get back to cooking large meals, which I've always loved to do! I know to look at your blog for inspiration each week!

  15. Hi Yvonne. So glad your surgery went well and that you are recovering quickly. Thanks for hosting this party each week and a huge thank you for featuring my King Ranch Chicken Casserole! I am truly honored to be mentioned in such a great lineup. I hope you have a great week and a wonderful Labor Day get together.

  16. I am so happy your surgery went well Yvonne. I thought about you a lot. What a thrill to see my heirloom tomato pie on your menu this morning. I'm so glad you liked it.

    I've linked something unusual today - pheasant eggs on sausage toasts. Hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy your lawn games.

  17. Good morning Yvonne, you are such a gracious host. I thank you for featuring my Granola because you know that your beautiful blog inspires me daily, So glad your doing well after your you know I am new to blogging and figuring things out as I go and to be featured on Stone Gable On The Menu Monday!.....Thank you!

  18. Yvonne, thanks for hosting. So glad everything went well with the surgery.
    Croquet? I haven't played in years but it can definitely get heated with the right group. My Grandparents used to host a family gathering every year and croquet will turn the most dignified person into a vengeful competitor! We always loved it. Have a wonderful time with your family and Happy Labor Day to you and yours.

  19. Glad your eye surgery went well and you are on the mend!
    Your menu and other recipes from the other bloggers are all amazing!
    The Chicken and Olive Pasta Salad looks great- definitely have to try that one and that Kind Ranch Chicken Casserole!

  20. Typing "yum" just never gets old!


  21. Glad your surgery went well! Thanks so much for hosting and have a great week!

  22. absolutely delish as always! Does your family know how luck they are? =)

  23. What are you serving "Chicken Radcliff" with? Re sounds wonderful!!

  24. I'm happy to hear you're doing well. Those recipes have got me really hungry! Have fun with your family and have a great labor day party. See you Thursday!

  25. Hi, Yvonne,
    I am thrilled to see your blog again. I followed it regularly and was so sorry when you left some months ago. I was just surfing around and typed in "Stone Gable" to see if your lovely tablescapes were available to show a friend and there is a complete blog again. Thank you so much.

  26. Glad to hear your recovery is going so well, Yvonne! Enjoy your upcoming family barbecue!!
    Tracey @ The Kitchen is My Playground

  27. Sounds like a delicious and fun week Yvonne! Enjoy your family and all this wonderful food!

  28. Your menu looks quite tasty! Thanks for hosting, Deb

  29. Yvonne~ So glad your eye surgery went well, I know that was a relief!

    All this deliciousness is making me hungry! I haven't played croquet in ages, what fun :) Thanks so much for featuring my Skillet Apple Dumplings~ I'm honored to be included among all these tempting recipes!

  30. I'm so glad to hear your eye surgery went well and that you're able to see ok again now - that has to have been scary (or at least for me it would have been!)... Thanks so much for hosting and I love the Skillet Apple Dumplings - mmmm...

  31. So many delicious ideas...I am making a mental note to ALWAYS visit on Mondays, too now.

  32. Oh, I was surprised to see my apple crisp! Thank you for the feature! Thank you also for hosting!

  33. Your recipes sound so good, Yvonne--I want to try the tomato with grilled flatbread. Thank you for the encouraging words on my Sweet cherry pie post today. I am such a neophyte when it comes to food photography, but I am on a steep learning curve and find much inspiration here at your beautiful blog! I appreciate your encouraging words, and hope to participate in the food party here next Monday.

  34. Hi Yvonne,
    So many wonderful recipes to try, I have my eye on that awesome Slow Cooker Tomato Basil Bisque, as a matter of fact I book marked it the day you posted it. Now that I am back from vacation I plan on making it. Hope you have a great holiday weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  35. Hi!
    Thanks for letting me share my own recipe of healthy, tasty and delicious Fast, Fresh,

    Mouthwatering Hummus!

    Here’s the link:

  36. Hi Yvonne,mso glad your surgery went well. Thanks for featuring my lavender shortbread last week.

  37. I have been looking around for this kind of information. Will you post some more in future? I’ll be grateful if you will.
