Thursday, March 15, 2012


I may not be Irish, but I am celebrating St Patrick's Day... with soup! Luscious Leek And Potato Soup!

Unlike a hearty chunky potato soup, this one is quite elegant! It's ingredients marry together to form a deeply complex flavor, enhanced by it's smooth texture. So glorious!

Easy enough to make on a weeknight but oh so company worthy, this is a must-try...

I doubled the recipe and will use it for Sunday.

StoneGable Leek And Potato Soup

8 slices of thick bacon, cut into 2 inch pieces
3 -5 medium leeks, washed and sliced (only the white and very light green)
2 TBS butter
1 TBS bacon drippings
3 large baking potatoes, peeled and cut into small pieces
1 quart chicken stock
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup buttermilk
salt and pepper
chives, snipped for garnish

Put bacon in a large dutch oven over medium heat. Cook until crisp. Reserve bacon to drain on a paper towel.
Pour off all but 1 TBS of drippings. Add butter and melt over medium heat. Add leeks and cook for 6 minutes until leeks are soft. Reduce heat and cook an additional 20 minutes until leeks are golden and tender.

Increase the heat and add chicken stock to leeks. Cook for 15 minutes. Add potatoes and cook until soft, about 20 minutes.

Remove from heat. Using am immersion blender (or do this in batches in a blender), blend soup until smooth.

Add heavy cream and buttermilk. Reheat. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve garnished with reserved crumbled bacon and snipped chives.

Printable Recipe


A big THANK YOU TO Lesli at Beautiful Coastal Design for featuring me on FIVE THING FRIDAY...Five Delectable Dishes I'd Love To Eat Next Week.

What a clever and so fun idea!!!! Go check out her beautiful and and wonderful dishes she chose!!!

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I am participating in
FOODIE FRIDAY at Designs By Gollumn


  1. Yvonne, I'm going to make this, and I might even serve it cold. What do you think?

  2. sounds fabulous! I served a similar one a few months ago that we really enjoyed!

  3. Looks delish!!I'll have to try this recipe.


  4. I really need to try this, Yvonne! Your picture is calling me for a lovely serving.

  5. I just ran across your blog via one of my favorites Splenderosa - and scooted over here to check it out! It is lovely here and I am now your newest follower! Happy St. Patty's Day... thanks for sharing and hope you have a lovely weekend! Jalon

  6. That sounds positively amazing! I absolutely want to try it tomorrow for dinner. I'm just wondering, what is that cheesy, bacony goodness that's sitting on the plate next to the soup?

    Also, just a reminder that you're being featured in my blog post tomorrow :) Yumm!

    Lesli @

    1. Yes Lesli, I am so excited to be featured, Thank YOU!!!

      To go along with the soup is a Dublinder Cheese Croustini. To make it I used basil mayonnaise, Dublinder cheese, sundried tomatoes and crumbled bacon on a crusty batard. I broied it until the cheese was golden and the bacon super crispy. It was YUMMY!

    2. I die! That sounds so amazing I'm having to wipe the drool off my keyboard, LOL ;) Seeer-eee-ous-ly AMAZING!

      Lesli @

  7. Leek and potatoes are so delicious together - love the addition of bacon!! Hope you have a great weekend!


  8. Sounds wonderful! I still haven't cooked with a leek... gotta fix that:@)

  9. I made potato leek soup for Sunday supper, being French I call it warm vichyssoise! I have never made it with buttermilk, which I always have on hand...will have to give it try next time I make it.

  10. OMG that looks so good I drooled on my keyboard!

    You do magic in the kitchen, lady!

  11. That really looks delicious Yvonne. I just had a potato and leek sidedish for lunch and it was scrumptious so I'm sure this would be outstanding. And your presentation is so beautiful as usual. Love how you're celebrating St.Patricks Day with it. What a yummy meal!


  12. That looks delicious! Wonderful recipes! I love potato soup!

  13. Looks like a very flavorful soup, Yvonne. Potato soup in many forms is one of my favorite soups. This is another different one that I am pleased to have in my potato soup collection. Thanks! -------- Shannon

  14. Hi my darling Ivonne! This is a great recipe, I love this soup! Sorry I haven't been around, I had a horroble week last week! I've missed you and I'm elated you're back sweet lady and I'm linking Monday to your fun and yummy party. Have a happy week.

  15. This looks os yummy! Thank you for sharing:)

    Irish smiles,
    Kay Ellen

  16. I can't wait to try your recipe Yvonne! Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. Thanks for another wonderful recipe!!! Have a fabulous weekend! XO, Pinky

  18. I will be trying this recipe for tomorrow looks so warm and delicious...the weather has just turned a little cold and this soup will be perfect for warming us up...

  19. Hi Yvonne Dear, I'll definitely try this soup. Even if it's just Jim and me.....we'll be fancy. Love you, Mother

    1. Mom! I miss you so much! May cannot come soon enough. Give me a call tomorrow. I love you bunches! xo

  20. This is my very favorite soup, and this recipe sounds great. I am making corned beef tomorrow, but don't like it...I just decided what I will have! Patsy

  21. I totally want to make this tomorrow. You are sooo inspiring.

  22. This looks absolutely delicious! Pure comfort food. As soon as my husband finishes dieting, I'm making him this soup. XX00
