Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Raise your hand if you belong to a BOOK CLUB!!!! I can see hands going up all over bloggland!!!

If you are like me, you love reading and love talking about books with your girlfriends even more! The last book my book club read was "THE OTHER WES MOORE" (got a 9-10 out of 10 rating) and it inspired very interesting conversation!  Now we are reading "THE FORGOTTEN GARDEN"  and I already hear from some members that it is getting rave reviews! 

I recently hosted a book club dinner and was inspired to set a book themed table...

Black and white were the predominate colors of this well-read table... a take-off of the written word.  I added a dash of citron green for sass!

I mixed up the pattern and color of every other place setting for added interest... and to see if the girls noticed!

Some place settings look like this...

And the others look like this...

The bottom and top dishes in the stack were the same, but the two sandwiched in the middle were not.
I just could not make up my mind which dish stack I liked best when I was working on the table so I used both!
This is a great tip when you do not have enough of one kind of dishes. Mix it up... on purpose!


Did you notice the napkins were different too?
Each napkin was fanned and held together with a book-page posy.

Look for a Tutorial for these simple, economical and sassy napkin rings on Saturday.

Green handled flatware adds a splash of color to the table!

Small clear vases hold one single white tulip... a take-home gift from my book club girls!

White and citron green bubble glasses were alternated around the table. They rest on the cutest cocktail napkins that says, 'BLAH BLAH BLAH'... you know how we girls love to talk!!! 

The cocktail napkins came from Radel And Stauffer, a shop packed full of wonderful gifts and fine home furnishings here in Lancaster! (I had a little, teeney shopping spree while I was there... thanks Kathy.. you are a wonderful partner-in-crime!)

Covered books are used as risers in the center of the table.

 I used reversible gift wrap and gift wrapping tape to cover and decorate each book in black and white.

A simple pitcher of tulips is perched on top of the center stack of books. 

Their graceful shape brings softness to the table.

Our book club had a wonderful evening of food and lively discussion! 

I would highly recommend starting a book club if you are not in one... that's what I did... and I am so much richer for it!

Thanks girls for contributing to the meal!

Salad with Bleu, Walnut and Crasins
Broccoli Salad
Smoked Beef Brisket
Cheesy Potato Casserole
Baked Corn
"Save Room For Dessert" signature Pound Cake and Cannoli Stuffed Strawberries

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  1. How LOVELY! Can I be in your bookclub? :) Your tablescape is perfect in black and white! Menu sounds yummy, as well! Sounds like a wonderful evening! Blessings! Ana

  2. Absolutely gorgeous. I love black and white, and the touch of green is perfect. Sounds like a wonderful evening.

  3. Oh my gosh Yvonne I forgot how much I love your gorgeous blog! Stop by and visit mine sometime if you get the chance :-)

    New England Style

  4. Yvonne, I sat a table last week that will be on our blog soon, and guess what color it is? and green!! ;)

    Your table is beautiful. I love your paper flowers, and the covered books in the center.

  5. Yvonne when it comes time for me to put a tablescape together you are always my inspiration! Beautiful!

  6. I just love black and white with leaf green. Your table is just beautiful.

  7. An amazing tablescape, dinnrer menu and inspiring post.

    I am in a book club - over 5 years now, have taken a little bit of time off due to health issues and life's busy craziness.

    My daughter read the Forgotten Garden last summer and said it was one of the best books she has ever read - I have it and haven't started it but definately shall - hope you enjoyed it.

    We do appetizers - and oftentimes the food is themed around the book.

    I have had book club afternoon teas a few times, but never thought to do a book THEME on the table.

    Per usual, your tablescape is astounding. Thank you for the inspiration!

  8. Your table looks so beautiful! I love the black and white.The touch of green is so pretty.It's a beautiful tablescape.


  9. Your table is amazing. I'll be back to read the napkin ring tutorial, since I need some for my spring table.

  10. Beautiful and so creative. I love the black and green together. And, yes, I'm in a book club too. What are you reading?

  11. Our book club is reading Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz, and we will be getting together at the end of the month. Can't wait! Each meeting feels so different, based on the book we are discussing that quarter. Your table is beautiful -- never blah, blah, blah! Love those adorable napkins!

  12. How beautiful and inspiring! I am so glad that you've come back!

  13. What fun, Yvonne! I'm not in a book club but I love to read and this appeals to me for that reason alone. Love the books you used as part of the tablescape. Love the dishes and those napkin rings!

  14. Beautiful table, love the napkin rings! I'm sure you all had a great time:@)

  15. Stunning combination of colors!

  16. I did covered books (in plaid) on my Christmas table and was feeling so good about it. Then I saw yours. Oh my word. This book lover has just died and gone to heaven!! I LOVE it. Can't wait for the napkin ring demo. SO glad you are back. Wish you lived in Oklahoma and I would make sure I was in your book club! Lori L

  17. Beautiful post, love every item on the table especially the napkins and posy. Never thought about black and green but it is just great. Love, love, your blog, thanks for sharing.

  18. Oh I so wish you had been here to join all of us. We had so much fun. I am so glad you are back blogging. I have missed your posts so much and your tablescape is stunning, just fantastic. I love all of it. Hugs, Marty

  19. Yvonne, oh my how I have missed your beautiful tablescapes. I am so happy you are back! This is a perfect example of what works of art you create. Your dishes are simply amazing! I don;t have time for a Book Club sadly, but can I just come over and sit at your table and eat your yummy menu? :) Please, please hook up with our Egg-xellent Spring Party tonight at with Shirley. Its Tablescape Day. Blessings, Barb

  20. Love it, Yvonne!

    1. The black circles on white are so chic (the book covers) - reminds me of a Kate Spade I purchased on a special trip to Chicago (still use and covet!).
    2. Where do you keep all those dishes?!! I know, I know - you wrote about this some time ago. My husband and I just talked about adding some cabinets above the laundry room sink to store some of mine (and I do not have *anywhere* near the number you do!).
    3. A virtual book club for us via your blog? Just a thought . . . you know, with all of your spare time. WINK!


  21. Yvonne....this is a lovely and cheerful table! Thanks for your reply this morning....I think I may have fixed my problem...if you area reading this comment....I DID!

  22. This is such a pretty table, Yvonne, with a touch of whimsy {love the blah, blah, blah napkins!}. I love how you mix things up, too. I am looking forward to learning how you make the book page napkin rings!


  23. What a gorgeous table Yvonne!
    Wish I was in your bookclub.
    Love the pop of green with all
    of your lovely layers.

  24. Can you believe that I am NOT in a book club???? That is just plain crazy!!! I read all the time. Your table is INSPIRED! Gorgeous. I love white tulips too. Of course your dishes are beautiful. I love the mix:) XOXO, Pinky

  25. Wonderful tablescape! I'll bet your bookclub friends love it. Menu is wonderful also. Your posts are always very creative. Thanks for sharing. Carla

  26. What a beautiful table! I lead a book club for our church and will keep this in mind when I host it. Looking forward to the napkin ring tut.

  27. Beautiful Yvonne. I love black and white and this was truly stunning. What a wonderful reason for a dinner. If I were there I'd join up. We all need to read more. And it just seems like so much more interesting when you can discuss it with others. The menu looks good too. My last luncheon last week I had everyone bring something around a theme. It worked out so well and everyone felt they were more apart of it because they each contributed. I'll be sharing that one on my blog closer to May. But it did make it easier for me. You know the old saying...Many hands make heavy burdens light. I so believe that. Thanks for a wonderful post. Again I am so glad you're back. When you left just two weeks after I started my blog I was just devastated. You are one of my main mentors and I felt lost without seeing the flagship in front. Its just truly nice to see you here again and feel of your strength and spirituality.



  28. Yvonne~ I LOVE your book page flowers you created~ the perfect touch for a book club! Your stacks of dishes are always gorgeous but I'm especially fond of green, black & white! Your book club was in for a treat sitting at your table~ your menu sounds delicious :)

  29. Wow stunning!!!!!!! Trust me my book club meetings do not look like this one bit, but if they did I would want to meet weeky. How stunning!

  30. How wonderfully creative, Yvonne! I think the little book-page posy takes it over the top & I got a kick out of you using "black & white" all over. LOL Good thinking!

    My book club that I started back in 1999 is still going strong. I have to keep in touch via email with them now but when we go to FL, I get to join in again. I shall pass on your club's book choices as suggestions for upcoming months.

    Thanks for letting us share in all the fun ideas.


    p.s. "(I had a little, teeney shopping spree while I was there" LOL We know how THAT happens!!! *wink*

  31. Very pretty mix of colors and patterns. I love wrapping books and using them as risers, that makes it easy to switch them out easily. Tulips are such a common flower, but very elegant.

  32. I am sure your book club ladies were super impressed! Everything looks lovely, sharp and perfect for a book club.

    Mary From Virginia

  33. AMAZING!!!..Can I join the club?..I am not sure if I could focus on the discussion of the book as my focus would be on the beautiful table...I have seen so many wonderful ideas on your table that I am anxious to do...Just love the color combination!

  34. You are inspiring. What a beautiful table. You are going to LOVE "The Forgotten Garden". I just finished it Sunday night and I didn't want it to end. Kate Morton is a great author. Love your blog. You are my favorite of all!

  35. Wow...this takes me back to 1st grade when we would have to put covers on our books. I remember having such a hard time figuring it all out, but once I did...magic! These books look terrific covered in various bold patterns. I like the way you mixed it up but kept a consistent look going, and I LOVE the "Blah, Blah, Blah" cocktail napkins. So cute...and true to what we do when we get together! :-) Great napkin rings, too! Maybe someday I will find the patience to learn how to make them. I was in 3rd grade before I got the grasp of the book covers! ;-)

  36. Beautiful! A friend and I recently started a book club for the ladies of our congregation - I'm about to finish a blog post on our last meeting. =) And I aaaaallllmost used a black/white/green theme for that meeting, but changed my mind at the last minute! Seeing your ideas makes me want to do it for the next one! I LOVE the book page posies - I'll definitely be looking for your tutorial. =)

  37. Very creative and elegant. I love your choice of black and white and the punch of green. The paper flower is charming.
    Welcome back!

  38. OH MY GOSH you are so dang creative with how you put your tablescapes together...I am always blown away every time! I am in love with all of it. The books covered in the wrapping paper is ingenious! I love how you mixed up the plates...I do that when I don't have enough as well. I bet your book club ladies were in heaven! No one is going to want to have the book club meeting any where else but your house.

    You really should write a book about all your tablescapes and how to's etc... I'd buy it!

    Come link up to Centerpiece Wednesdays on my blog and share all this goodness!


  39. Beautiful Post! The Forgotten Garden is one of the best books I have read.

  40. What a lovely table. I love the mixture of pattern, the touch of green and the pansy floral napkin holders are adorable. You book club members are so lucky.

    Have a wonderful day.

  41. Lovely...especially the black and white. I was in a book club where we tried to decorate according to the theme of the book we had just read.

  42. What a fun and very pretty table Yvonne. I need to join a book club!
    Talk soon,

  43. Beautiful and fun! I love the black & white with a splash of green. I am sure everyone loved it.
    Have a great weekend.
    Blessings My Friend,

  44. Lovely as always! So glad you are back, missed you and your beautiful tablescapes. Also the delicious recipes.

    Mary L

  45. Hi Yvonne so glad your back...missed your blog...just a note ...(on the banner it says blook club)...knew you wanted to fix it as your blog is so beautiful and for a all your recipes...

  46. Now Yvonne, this wasn't the book club you were hosting the day after I was there, was it? You said you weren't doing anything special and this is indeed quite special. The different stacks of dishes are so fun and covering the books was a great idea. Such a fun table, I'm sure you all had a memorable evening.

    - The Tablescaper

    1. Yes it was! I just got carried away in the moment! BTW all 3 rooms are done... hardwood that is, not painted.

  47. Yvonne:

    What a beautiful tablescape.
    A book club sounds like a lot of fun.

    Have you ever posted a list of places to shop
    when visiting the Lancaster area?
    Hubby and I ahven;t been there in wuite a few years.


  48. Classic black/white and the fresh green is just so pretty and the paper flowers are sweet. How fun to enjoy the opinions and discussion of others in the book club. Sadly, I'm not reading as much as I used to. Too much blog time, perhaps? LOL

  49. This is definitely up my alley. I love all the elements, and I know your friends thought it was just too fun!

  50. What a pretty tablescape, Yvonne. The black and white mix looks great, but the green really makes it pop.

  51. This is so beautiful! I love the colors you used but mostly the mix of all the different patterns in the dishes,linens, book covers and napkin rings. Very eye catching!

  52. Yvonne, I just finished reading the 'The Forgotten Garden' which I thoroughly enjoyed . I read it while spending time with my hubby in Fairhope, Al. It's a beautiful quaint town on the eastern shore of Mobile Bay. They hosted their annual Arts & C Crafts Festival over the weekend. For you southerners in the area, there's a great book store downtown, Page and Pallet, who freely give recommendations for a good read. They also host various authors to come and speak. Wish I lived close. They recommended 'The Art of Hearing Heartbeats' by Jan-Phillipp Sendker. That's my next book to read. Please continue to share what your book club is reading.

    It is wonderful to see your tablescapes again. Loved it! I can't wait to try to make the napkin rings. I'm so glad you are back!!

  53. Yvonne,
    My favorite tablescape hues black, white and green! You taken these hues to new heights of elegance and whimsy! Adorable napkin rings! Too cute and sweet, dear friend!
