Monday, March 5, 2012


HELLO DEAR READERS!!!! I'm back... and oh-so-ready to be a part of the blogging world again! How I have missed all of you ! I never thought this day would ever come... I thought my blogging days were over. NEVER SAY NEVER!
But with lots of prayer and seeking God's will, I feel it is right for me to come back to StoneGable at this time. God and I have been working on my purpose and priorities. I'll tell you more in a later post.

I don't have words to adequately thank all of your for the hundreds and hundreds of kind comments, e-mails, phone calls and prayers. I am so overwhelmed by your care. I only hope I can bring to you some of the love and joy that you have shown for me.
THANK YOU! You are the BEST!!!!!

As you can see there are big changes here at StoneGable. A whole new look! Thanks to Julie at Blogger Boutique for giving StoneGable a much needed makeover. More about her later this week.  Julie, you really listened to my vision and created a design that reflects my tastes and style. BIG HUG!

 Look around the new site... it was created with you in mind. I am still working on the layout so please be patient. I hope you like it!

The ON THE MENU format is new too. I streamlined the menu and put all the recipes in one place for easier access. 


Now, here's what's ON THE MENU...

Herb Crusted Pork Loin
Muffin Tin Onion Gruyere Stacked Potatoes
Roasted Asparagus with Lemon

    StoneGable Chicken Salad on Greens 
    Fresh Veggies Sticks

    Smoked Brisket Killer Fajitas
    Black Bean and Corn Salsa

    Triple Citrus Glazed Grilled Salmon
    Sauteed Spinach With Garlic Oil
    Fried Rice
    Oh, Triple Citurs Glazed Grilled Salmon is one of those magical sounding recipes! The ingredients make me swoon. Here at StoneGable, beautiful marinades and glazes equal foodie love! This glaze is amazing! Thanks to the adorable Neely's from the Food Network for this wonderful recipe! Head on over there... they even have a VIDEO to show us how they do it (WHAT CUTIES!).

    Slow Cooker Sausage Onions And Peppers
    Crusty Rolls
    Homemade Coleslaw

    SATURDAY~ Home Movie Night
    Yes, you read right... I am having popcorn for dinner. This is my guilty pleasure. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE POPCORN. Not the microwaved kind, or the kind sold in bags... but good homemade popcorn. Homemade popcorn is so delicious and easy. Once you make it you will be hooked too! I could eat the whole pot~ Look for a Foodie tutorial coming soon ( just an excuse to make more... for me)!
    Italian Wedding Soup
    Italian Bread
    My children loving called this "pond scum soup"! Really...?  I think it is a beautiful and scrumptious soup! Anyway, who would ever serve pond scum at a wedding... give this gorgeous soup a try!


    ON THE MENU MONDAY will return next week. Linky goes up Sunday, March 11th at 8:00 PM.

    Bring your recipes, menus, food ideas and join in!!!
    Hope to see you here!!

    Pin It
    I am participating in:
    Menu Plan Monday at Organizing Junkie


    1. So good to have you and your recipes back in our lives.


    2. Welcome back, Yvonne! I have so missed reading your post.

      Everything on the menu looks so yummy...especially the popcorn!

      Have a wonderful week.

    3. I am THRILLED to have you back posting again. My thoughts are you sensed God knew what a blessing you were to so many and how you witness for Him while brightening many lives at the same time.
      Welcome back Yvonne.

    4. It is indeed a blessing to have you back in my home.

    5. So glad you're back! Nice you were able to find balance in your life and look forward to your story about it :)

    6. So glad you're back, Yvonne! You (and all your yummy recipes) have been missed.:)
      PS Love the new look of your blog. Tres chic!

    7. Hi Yvonne,
      Welcome back, love the new look and I also look forward to the up and coming events you have planned for us to enjoy. You have so much talent and give us so much inspiration, I'm so glad it was right for you to come back.
      In anticipation....

    8. I almost teared up when I refreshed the page and there you were! Welcome back. You've been missed.

    9. Welcome back Yvonne! I heard a rumor yesterday and here you are today. Love the new blog look.
      I'll look forward to your new posts, recipes, and tablescapes. Blessings ~ Pamela

    10. Your menu sounds great but I got hooked up on POPCORN night ~ I love popcorn for supper ~ guilty of doing it myself at least once or twice a month! And true, homemade is the absolute best!
      'hugs from afar'

    11. Welcome back, Yvonne! Your new design is beautiful. (I was rather smitten with the old one, too.) I look forward to visiting frequently. Thanks for sharing your talent! Jane

    12. How nice to have you return with a new look but same graciousness. Will look forward to new ideas, recipes and words of wisdom.

    13. I'm *so* glad you are back! I can't tell you how many of your recipes I have tried and how your posts and photos inspire me!

    14. I'm over the moon! Welcome back. You always add a spark of beauty to my day!

    15. Oh...I was so happy to see you back! Was just getting to know you and were gone. Love reading your blog...happy you've returned.
      Have a lovely day!

    16. WELCOME BACK, my dear friend. The NEW LOOK is beautiful! Looking forward to OTMM each week again. XOXO, Pinky

    17. Thank you for coming back! You have been missed by so many people! I can't wait to try some of your recipes. I wanted to see the recipe of the potatoes, but I couldn't pull it up. Not sure what's wrong. We are definitely going to try the Pork Loin. Welcome back, I look forward to your posts!

    18. True to your word and timetable, you are back! It's good to have you here and I like your fresh new look! Looking forward to your posts!

      hugs, dotsie

    19. Yeah! Yvonne is back. :) I have missed you my friend.

      Please stop by and enter my $50 Kirklands gift card giveaway.

    20. Welcome "home", Yvonne! : ) You have been missed! I am glad that you have found a way to continue sharing with all of us while doing what you need to do away from the blogging world. That pork loin sounds delicious and I am printing out the recipe for when I make up my food shopping list!

    21. Welcome Back, Yvonne!!! Oh, how I've missed you, your thoughts, recipes and your beautiful blog!! I'm definitely going to try your Pork Loin soon.

    22. So happy you are back! I'm looking forward to trying the Herb Crusted Pork Loin recipes this week when I have a dinner guest.

    23. Oh, I am so happy to see you back! You are such an inspiration to me! Blessings to you!

    24. Oh we missed you! It is good to have you back. I adore your recipes and love the new look too. Can't wait to keep on reading.

    25. Hmmmm, I'm starving right now! I'm just thrilled that you're back and your blog is beautiful.

      Thanks so much for sharing!

    26. I had just found you when you took your break; so glad to see you back! I have been looking for the instructions for making a linen keeper. Can you send me the link? Thanks, and so glad you are back!

    27. Yvoone,
      Welcome back from your..."come apart and rest awhile" session! Your sweet Christian voice and inspiration has been greatly missed On Crooked Creek! I am ready to sit in your presence and soak in all of His goodness as it unfolds before us! Thank you for being a true Child of the King and heeding His instructions! I am ever so ready to hear all you have to share, dear friend!

    28. Wow, it's great to see you Yvonne! I'm so thrilled!! Your blog looks amazing too!

      Welcome back!

      Best wishes,
      Natasha In Oz

    29. Welcome Back Yvonne!
      I am so excited to see your post today and am looking forward to your wonderful inspiration in the future. I am doing the happy dance! Hope you have a wonderful week and thanks so much for being here and sharing with us once again!
      Miz Helen

    30. I love popcorn for Sunday night supper. My mother did this for years. Home-made popcorn as you say, home-made chocolate fudge, apples and milk. And we survived just fine!

    31. Hi Yvonne!! So happy to have one of my absolute first and fav blogs back!!! I love the new look!!!

    32. So glad you are back! I have missed you and your beautiful blog. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    33. So glad to see you back with us, Yvonne! You were truly missed. I'm so looking forward to your wonderful inspiration again! Will join in next week for sure. xoxo, Andrea

    34. Joy, joy, joy! Yvonne, I've missed you! I love everthing about your new blog dress. I'll have two links for next week's OTMM. I hope to see you at Foodie Friday! XX00

    35. I am so happy you are back! Your blog looks amazing! I will have to try some of your new recipes!
      Blessings My friend,

    36. Great to see you back, Yvonne!

    37. Yvonne, glad to see you back and look forward to your upcoming posts.

    38. All seems right with the world again. Glad you're blogging again. Your blog is in my top fives. Looking forward to what you have planned for us. :0)

    39. Yvonne, I am thrilled to have you back!! I think you have a special ministry right here at your beloved Stonegable. I look forward for your inspirational posts, ideas and messages for us!! xoxox

    40. Welcome back. I have missed your blog. :)

    41. Welcome back! I see you're still eating amazing meals:@)

    42. It is nice to have you back. The blog looks great. I'm doing the "healthy eating" thing right now. I fell off the wagon on Saturday (and posted pictures today). I've been eating lots of salmon and your recipe sounds great!

    43. You have truly been missed by your readers! So glad this is God's path for you right now. Anticipating each new post with joy.

    44. So glad you are back!! You were missed!!!!!!!!!!!

    45. As I said before, you were SO missed. I went to lunch with one of my girlfriends today and she said how much she wished you would come back to blogland. I told her you would be here today. Isn't this lovely? And, now for the lesson of the day: The Lord gives us all special talents to use and to share...sometimes it takes awhile for us to understand how this all works out...your special talent, Yvonne, is the huge beautiful heart you have for all creatures + an very unusual, creative gift to share with all of us...the joy of your home...which makes all of us want to be just like you. Inspirational? I would say YES X10. You are back, so you must already know all of this. I love you.

    46. BTW: LOVE the new header and format.

      1. Marsha, You are such a constant in my blog life. Thank you dear brought me to tears! Bless your heart for your kindness and friendship. You make my life better!!!!
        I love you too!

    47. Welcome back. I am so glad that your schedule allowed you to return. I know that your followers will be flocking back quickly. Thank you for all that you do to inspire us.
      Beckie in Brentwood, TN

    48. Yvonne, I'm so glad you're back. As always your menu sounds yummy. I believe popcorn should be a food group! I love it and could eat it several times a week. Give me a good book, diet coke, and popcorn and I am a happy camper!

      Love the new look. Looking forward to all your posts.

    49. Oh I missed you.
      all your recipes sound sooo good.

    50. Welcome, welcome, welcome, Yvonne! It is so good to have you back in blogland. I have greatly missed your warm love and creativity!

    51. Yvonne, I am SO happy to see you back here with your beautiful and inspiring blog! As you know, God can work through you in many ways, and you should not underestimate the effect you can have on someone just by reminding them that God IS a force in your life! I am so excited to see what you will bring us in the future! Linda

    52. I can only imagine the enormous work you do to make your blog so successful. I'd be ready to quit! I always come here and feel inspired to do better in my life.

      For me, I am truly happy you have decided to return. As many people have said your blog is a ministry too. Think of all the folks you inspire to have beautiful homes, lovely and interesting meals for their families as well as friends. I think one of your best posts was the charming and clever way you packaged and presented a delivered meal to a friend in need.

      There is nothing more valuable than to make our families and friends feel important. A happy home life is a gift forever.

      So thanks Yvonne for your talents and willingness to teach us!

      How are your new hardwood floors?

      From Virginia

      1. Mary the hardwood floors are fabulous! My boys did such a great job. I'll show them to you when the rooms are freshly painted and the furniture is back where it belongs... right now my upstairs is a bit of a mess!

    53. I'm glad to see you back and I love the new look!!!

    54. The past couple of days I've been telling my husband several times that something else is happening on Monday....and I could not remember what it was. With kids dr. apts and other events I knew there was still something I was forgetting....and then it hit me....STONEGABLE returns today!!!!! Visiting your blog is my favorite kid nap time event. I visit you then I go to Pinterest (my other addiction). Welcome back Yvonne - oh how I've missed you. All is right in the world again :)

    55. So happy that you took the time off. I am also happy that after thought and prayer you are back. I did love reading your blog, and look forward to coming back.

    56. Welcome back. So happy that you were able to return.

    57. Yvonne, I am so very HAPPY that you are back! You are an inspiration in my life and I have gained so much through your blog. Looking forward to reading your blog again. Hugs from Barbara S. in Cumming, GA

    58. I'm so glad to see that you are back! I love popcorn too! My favorite is air-popped with browned butter! It is so delicious and I really do eat a huge bowl of it for my meal many nights!

    59. Yay! You were missed. So Happy to be able to visit again.

    60. I so happy you're back. I've missed your menus! Welcome Back!!!!

    61. I know that we have missed you and I am so glad that God has led you back to blogging. You have had such an impact on all of us. hugs, Linda

    62. I am so glad you have returned and look forward to hearing Gods plan for you!

    63. Yeah! So glad to see Stone Gable back on line. :-D

      Jenn in Boise

    64. So glad to see you back! You have been missed greatly.


    65. Happy Happy Happy dance! God is using your gifts here!! I can't wait to hear what has been going on with you. Welcome back!!! xoxox

    66. Welcome back, Yvonne! You are such a top-notch blogger; God has given you a wonderful talent and I am so happy you are back!

    67. Yay, Life is Good!!! My favorite blogger is back! God Bless and best wishes!!!!

    68. I'm thrilled! Best wishes to you, Lynn

    69. Ooooo, how pretty the new place looks! Very fresh & frilly & yet still familiar.
      I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad to have you back to posting, Yvonne! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us, Honey.

      Mega Welcome Back Hugs,

    70. Yay!!! Wish you could hear me clap and squeel!! LOVE the new look!!

    71. Welcome back, Yvonne! The new header is lovely!

    72. YEAH........ Yvonne is back. I am so happy to see you.

    73. Hi Yvonne! So wonderful to stop by~
      You have always created such a warm place filled with joy, love of family and such hospitality!
      Looking forward to it all!
      ~ God bless you, always,
      ps. I love how organized your blog is!

    74. The new look is great! I am so happy to have you back in the blogging world. Can't wait for all your ideas.


    75. You're back, you're back!!!!
      I am so happy you are back. I have missed you.


    76. We are all delighted that you are back! You have been missed! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us!

    77. Oh Yvonne, I am thrilled you are back! You were missed! You can spread the gospel through blogging! Looking forward to having you here for a...l o n g time!

      Love you!

    78. Welcome home! You've been missed! We are all richer because of your return. Cherry Kay

    79. Welcome back, Yvonne! I feel like a long lost friend has returned! It was wonderful to see you on Facebook and Pinterest, but so much more wonderful so have you back here. The menu sounds yummy, as always. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one that likes to have popcorn for supper!

    80. A big welcome back Yvonne. You've been missed. As always your menu sounds divine and can't wait for On the Menu Monday once again.

    81. Welcome back, Yvonne!!! I look forward to your beautiful posts.

    82. I had just found your blog when you posted that you wouldn't be doing it anymore.. One of the few blogs that I was sad to see go..I am glad that I kept it on my blogger roll.

    83. I just started following you and then you were gone..I was so disappointed but then again understood through your heartwarming story...However, YOU ARE BACK..and I am a very happy camper!

    84. Love the new look and it's so good to have you back again!

    85. I was shocked to see your e-mail in my inbox. Welcome back. You've been missed.

    86. YAY! You're back!!!! :) It was so good to see your name pop up on my blogroll. And it's the best time of year for you to be back...just in time to give me some inspiration for spring decorating! ;) I hope you enjoyed your break, but it sure is nice to have you back. PS - LOVE the new blog layout!!

    87. So happy to have you back. Your pictures, words and recipes are the best!

    88. Welcome "home" again! I am so happy to see your return. But I have been enjoying your "PINS" on Pinterest!!
      : ) Kris

    89. Welcome back...I have missed you!

    90. So happy you are once again part of my blog reading!! Welcome home.

    91. Woo-hoo! Happy dance! You have returned! PTL \0/

    92. Oh yummy to both the recipes and the new blog look :)

    93. I came across one of your yummy recipes the other day and thought to myself, "Gosh, I really miss StoneGable." I never gave up that you might find a way back to your blog, and I'm so glad you did. Welcome back, Yvonne!

    94. I came to your site late in your blogging career, part 1, so I was saddened (but understood) to hear you were retiring. I made the potato stacks over the holidays for my family and they were a hit. I am so happy you are back.

    95. Yvonne, you cannot imagine the joy I felt when the Stone Gable email arrived in my inbox. The new look is very haute couture, beautiful.. Love it. Welcome back, so looking forward to all the good things you have to share with us.. xo marlis

    96. Welcome back. I've missed you.♥

    97. So very happy to have you back. Very happy spring to you !

    98. WELCOME BACK! You were missed. I was so happy to receive your announcement that you were coming back. I always looked forward to your recipes and photographs of your beautiful home. Great recipes this week and love the new look.

      The French Hutch

    99. Welcome were greatly missed! Patsy

    100. Hi Yvonne!

      I kept your button on my sidebar just in case... Thanks for returning to us.

      xoxo Bunny Jean

    101. Yvonne....I am so glad that you are back! Yeah! What a welcome surprise. I have tried several of your recipes.......they are A-mazing......keep posting!

    102. janetchale@msn.comMarch 7, 2012 at 8:33 PM

      Yay!!! Happy days are here again. I am always forwarding your posts to my daughters. I can't wait to hear all about your spiritual blessings during your time away.

    103. Yvonne - I am SO happy you're back !! I happened upon your blog shortly before you left in December and I kept going onto the blog, reading through all the years and recipes, etc. Tried a lot of recipes, they were all "keepers"!! I shall look forward to reading and enjoying it again everyday. God bless you, Hugs, Dorinda

    104. So happy you're back!!! Your blog looks beautiful!!!


    105. I was a fairly new reader when you took your sabbatical, but I kept your link bookmarked in hopes that you would return one day. Yay!
      Here's to coming back..cheers, clink!

    106. I was a fairly new reader when you took your sabbatical, but I kept your link bookmarked in hopes that you would return one day. Yay!
      Here's to coming back..cheers, clink!

    107. I just discovered today that you were back! I truly was sad (no, actually, I was inspired me with every entry!)when you posted that you were quitting. The beauty and eloquence of your blog has been such an inspiration, and ministers to my heart and creativity, and I have told quite a few friends and family members about you, your son's ministry (I watched his first sermon like he was my own son!), and about all the gifts God has blessed you with, which you freely share. I don't have a blog of my own, but maybe someday... Thank you for the bright spot in my day today to see that my online friend is back and so happy! May God continue to Bless You and Your Family! Fondly, Jan of Richardson, TX

    108. God bless your returning to the 'blog'. I am at a loss for words to express my joy in your returning to Stone Gable. Everything you do is such a reflection on our lovely world that you make it so meaningful.

    109. I just found your blog. I love it.

    110. So glad to have the opportunity to enjoy you and your lovely blog again!

    111. So happy to hear you're back to your great blog, sweet lady! I will try to prepare something yummy to join next Sunday! Have a blessed week dear Ivonne.
