Tuesday, March 6, 2012

FEATHER YOUR NEST... Creative Ways To Decorate With Nests

I have not seen my first Robin yet. But I am looking with a watchful eye. I have heard it on good report that they have returned home to the mid-Atlantic area from their long winter vacation. Welcome home little yellow-sock fellow!

 Robins are the most welcomed harbingers of spring... a true sign that warmer weather is just around the corner!

Each year Mrs. Robin decorates my front door wreath by building a nest in it. We watch as her blue eggs are laid and hatched and little chirpy, bug eyed babies appear. We watch those hungry babies grow as their mother feeds their little open birdie mouths. We watch as they develop feathers and then one day... off they go...winging into the world... on their own.  And then my husband repaints the front door. It is a wonderful spring ritual!

Mrs. Robin is not the only one who decorates with nests. You will find nests tucked here and there around StoneGable... harbingers of warmth and welcome!

Here are some nest to inspire you...

Place nests on a stack of pretty tea cups in a cupboard or on a table.

Use a little "fluff" and make a nest in an unexpected container. Here I used a silver creamer to hold this handcrafted nest.

Spring and nest... a natural combination!
Embellish a plain nest with floral stems and moss. Nestle small eggs down into the moss.
This nest finds a home in my guest room each spring.

Pussy Willow branches and little feathers embellish this lovely nest.

Use unexpected elements instead of eggs. Here willow balls give this nest a very organic feel.

A simple willow wreath acts as a nest and holds a pretty pansy in an egg.

Rest a little nest on a mossy bed under a tall cloche. 

And these little eggs make me swoon! Easy to recreate (look for an upcoming SG post). Who needs a nest when you have an eggcup?

Little nests become placecards on a spring inspired table. These nest can then be lined up on a window sill or table holding pictures, recipes or tags.

Spring loveliness in a nest!

Nests, all dressed up for Spring, are beautiful and creative ways to welcome the season into your home!

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I am participating in Seasonal Sundays at THE TABLESCAPER


  1. All these are so pretty, Yvonne. So good seeing your beautiful posts again.

  2. What beautiful photos and inspirational ideas for feathering our nests, Yvonne!! I'm so thankful that you're back. xoxo

  3. These are all so beautiful! I especially love those darling little eggcups! :)

  4. So fantastic to see you back! Love the new look and like this post..its like a big burst of fresh spring air, absolutely gorgeous! Welcome back Yvonne!

  5. Beautiful, Yvonne! I missed your beautiful vignettes and tablescapes. Glad to see you back.
    Hugs, Sherry

  6. Welcome back Yvonne! Your blog looks fantastic with it's makeover. Love this post. Nest are a favorite!
    Blessings to you,

  7. Oh it is good to have you back in Blgoland Yvonne. Great ideas with these little nests!
    Hope to talk soon,

  8. Hi Yvonne! So nice to see StoneGable again! What a wonderful spring story! I love that your lady Robin nests right at your front door.

  9. I have missed you so much!!!

    so glad you are back. i am loving the new look too! take care! i am so ready to see all your yummy dishes & your glorious pictures.


  10. Wonderful ideas and wonderful to have you back.

    - The Tablescaper

  11. I love decorating with nests and eggs, Yvonne! Your displays are so pretty! The one under the cloche with the picture in the background is just beautiful. I recently stuck a small one with eggs on top of a teacup I have out on display. It goes so well with my egg prints just above it.

  12. These are lovely.
    I am SO behind on Spring decorating. This inspires me to get my act together.

    By the way....Welcome back. You were missed.

  13. Yvonne, so thrilled that you have returned, looking forward to the scrumptious eye candy. God meant for you to share your gifts.


  14. Oh Yvonne,
    It is so great to see such a lovely spring inspiring post. I did see robins in my front yard last Friday morning. It was so exciting to see them so early, up here in the central mountains of PA. However, there are no spring blooms popping up yet.
    It's so great to have you back,

  15. Love the tulips in the teapot. The nest just sets it off for Spring. Smiles, Susie (She Junks)

  16. Just thrilled to see you back. Was so upset when you said you had given up blogging. Your blog is the BEST. I could say you made my day but it goes way beyond that..

  17. Oh dear friend, I am SO glad to see you back here. You are such an inspiration to me -- truly an amazing woman. You are so often in my prayers!

  18. So pretty....and enormously Spring!

  19. This is so lovely....I've been feathering my nest...and I'm no through with my spring transformation yet but getting there. I love all your sweet nests! My favorite is the little egg cup filled with flowers sitting in the willow branch nest. I am planning on using that idea for a girls tea this spring! Hope you realize how much we all missed you and how happy we are you are back. Beautiful post!
    Miss Bloomers

  20. Welcome back, you've been missed! Such beautiful and springy images, I am ready for the robins to start building their nests. We've seen a few in our yard over the last 2 weeks, so it won't be long now!

    Kat :)

  21. Beautiful and helpful. You have such a natural talent for beautifying your space. I'm so glad you are back. I look forward to every post. I especially liked the nest in the silver dish. <3

  22. I haven't seen my first robin yet either....waiting for that plus the hummingbirds should also appear this month. I will put the feeder out on the first day of spring weather permitting and am looking forward to the first signs. Your nest makes a lovely display

  23. Welcome back Yvonne! Great to "see" you again!! The first sign of spring in NE Ohio is the return of the red wing blackbirds (which are here now, yippee). Robins are here all winter. I'm using the nest theme for my Easter Tablescape this year. They are so cute!

    I can't believe you have a robin who will nest in your front door. We have a weeping cherry next to our front door and it's in front of our foyer window. A robin made a nest in it one spring then refused to use it because she could see us in the foyer and hated when I drove into the garage or someone came through the front door. It's too bad. I had really hoped to watch her nest all spring.

  24. Yaaaay! You are back! So happy about this!
    Beautiful nests and eggs!
    Glad you're still hosting On The Menu Monday!

    BIG Hugs for a warm welcome back to blogland!


  25. Yvonne, I am so glad the Lord led you back to blogland! We have all missed you! I haven't blogged in several weeks, bc my house is shut down with some much needed renovations (3 appliances broke at Christmas and leak ruined our floors!) I pray you have a peace with the direction the Lord is leading you! We are all just glad it includes your blog! :) Best of wishes to you! Christie at Three Pixie Lane

  26. Welcome back Yvonne, I had a feeling it would only be a matter of time...you are so talented and creative and wonderful at sharing your talents on your blog...there are not a lot of outlets that really let you use so many creative avenues...so happy I will get to visit often...phyllis

  27. Glad to see you back Yvonne!! Love checking out your blog in the morning. Great way to start spring!! Looking forward to all the great posts to come. Blessings, Lorie

  28. Welcome back Yvonne, I've missed all your beautiful posts!! I too love decorating with nests.

  29. Adore all your precious birds nests! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  30. Welcome back to the land of blog, Yvonne. Good to see you and this gorgeous post!

  31. I think bird nests are just the most precious thing. Thank you for these great ideas!! I was so excited to see the robins back in Nova Scotia in February, until someone told me that because of our mild winter they didn't all leave this year.

  32. Hello dear friend, Welcome back! The robins and killdeer and bluebirds are back in Ooltewah. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Blessings, Capi

  33. Oh what wonderful ways to decorate with nests. Thank you for all the great inspiration.

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a sweet message.

    Have a great week.

  34. Beautiful images of pretty nests. Thanks for sharing these ideas with us. Pamela

  35. Yvonne, I'm so happy to see you back! I checked in periodically to see if you had returned to blogging and if not, to review old posts. I was delighted to see you new post about nests and look forward to upcoming posts. Your blog provides inspiration in more ways than one.

  36. So glad to see you posting again. =) I love all of the little nests. We have had several wonderful peeks of spring here in the last week and it is so exciting!

  37. So thrilled you are back Yvonne!! This post is so gorgeous and inspiring and reminds us all of how much we missed you! :-)

  38. Welcome back! You have too much to share to be kept away :) Adorable nests and I saw those egg vases on Pinterest too. So cute!!

  39. Perfect time to start anew!! So glad to see you back to blogging!! happy Springtime and welcome back, Yvonne,

  40. My favorites are the little egg cups with fresh flowers! I've seen 2 robins so far, one at work and one in the yard tonight when I got home. Bring on spring:@)

  41. I love them all, but my eye was really drawn to the nest under the cloche. So wonderful to have you back, I couldn't wait to get home from work and see your post! And you didn't disappoint, that's for sure :)

  42. Thank you for coming "back".....love your inspiration, style, graceful and gorgeous blog.Blessings and appreciation.

  43. Welcome back, Yvonne! What a wonderful post...all of these nests ideas are so pretty. I am on the lookout for robins and sparrows, but haven't seen one yet! Then again I have been waiting for snow, too! ;-D

    Happy Tuesday!


  44. Yvonne,
    Lovely feathering, dear friend! Like you, I have several nest out for the Season! I did see a Robin two weeks ago...but he must have been the Scout...as I haven't seen or heard any since! Thank you for sharing the nest in the tea cups and in the silver. I must try some of those ideas soon!

  45. All sooo pretty! Thank you for your sweet inspirations! God Bless, Lynn

  46. We say 5 robins a couple of weeks ago and I was tickled pink to see them but the poor babies ~ it is a tad bit early here in the northeast for them. Loving all yours nests and it is so nice to have you back! xo

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I love a good party. Thanks for hosting, I love your blog. I'm enjoying these entries, I'm so ready for Spring!!! Visiting from Wow Us Wednesdays!

  49. Loving all your touches of spring with your nests! Where did you get that fabulous script ribbon??

    1. The script ribbon came from one of my favorite local shops: The Old Millhouse Shoppes
      Hope this helps!

  50. Yvonne, I'm so thrilled that you're blogging again! I have missed your gorgeous table scapes. How precious that birds make their nest in your front porch wreath each year.

  51. Oh my goodness, Yvonne, you are back! So happy to find you again.

  52. Love your nests. One of my favorite decorating items to bring out in the spring.
    I'm a new follower, Mary Alice

  53. Your nests filled with eggs are precious! Very inspiring. I'll be back. I'm your newest follower.
    Ladybug Creek

  54. Hello my friend. What a beautiful post! All the pics are beautiful. Thank you SO much for all your help today. It was wonderful to see you and spend time with you. XO, Pinky

  55. Such darling nests!! A beautiful post! But, most of all, it's so wonderful to know you are back!! You have been greatly missed by so many!

    Evelyn in Missouri

  56. You were missed Yvonne! I wrote so many notes to you in my mind. Sorry, I did not get them on paper. Maybe one day.

    Glad you are back. Beautiful post. Such pretty pictures to delight us.

  57. Thank you for all of this gorgeous, inspiring, eye candy! BTW - I saw robins here in NC about three weeks ago. Hurry up Spring!!!

  58. Dear Yvonne,
    So thrilled to see you back! I truly felt that your blog was a ministry to many people, myself included, and I thank God that He led you back to it!!! I love the new look and I pray much blessing upon you!

  59. Welcome back, Yvonne! Your decision to begin posting again is a beautiful spring gift to the Land of Blog. A harbinger of good things to come! All your nests and beautiful vignettes are inspirational. Thanks for sharing. ~ Sarah

  60. I love the story about the mama robin making her nest on your front door each year. Obviously she feels you saying welcome home.

  61. How pretty all your Spring decorations look, Yvonne! Lots of wonderful ideas for using nests around the house BUT PLEASE caution your readers NOT to touch nests that they find outdoors??? Think about it...baby birds hatch, eat & POOP all over those nests!!!

    The problem is that bird nests are breeding grounds not only for cute baby birds, but also for harmful ticks, mites, fleas and a whole host of bacteria. Histoplasmosis is an incurable disease that can result from contact with bird feces. Spraying them with Lysol will NOT get rid of these air borne microbes.
    Tell everyone to BUY commercially made nests from Michaels or JoAnns & leave the real ones outside!

    Rett....the ever cautious nurse, watching out for people

  62. They way you present the nests in so many different vignettes is just stunning...I thought I was clever in placing one on a compote, but yours...well, just amazing...I cannot tell you how much I enjoy your blog and so glad that you are back....Thank you for sharing a piece of your life with us...

  63. Elizabeth IsabelleMarch 7, 2012 at 8:07 AM

    Good Morning Yvonne! Lovely way to start a beautiful day! Loving your new blog...

  64. Hi Yvonne,
    As I am sitting here reading this beautiful post, the birds are merrily singing away the morning in the garden. Natures own beautiful melody...
    What lovely ideas for bringing this incredible season indoors. Thank you!
    All the Best,

  65. Your nests are amazing! Thanks for the inspiration.

  66. I'm so happy that your blogging again, you inspire me! Love all your nests and I'm too looking forward to seeing my first robin return.

  67. Hi lovely lady.
    Just thrilled to see you back. Was so upset when you said you had given up blogging. Your blog is a Inspiration to all of us. I also love Your birds are so sweet.
    I hope you have a wonderful week.
    XXOO Diane

  68. So glad to see you again my friend...can't tell you how much I have missed you! As always you have inspired me....Happy almost spring!

  69. Wow! So many beautiful pictures. I love all the nests!


  70. Gorgeous inspiration for Spring! I found you today on Savvy Southern Style~following you now!

  71. How very wonderful to have you back Yvonne, arriving just like the Robbins, in time for spring!

  72. So happy to se your back! You have such talent with all things involving the kitchen, dining and entertaining! Looking forward to seeing all of your new posts! Your blog looks beautiful!

    Karin :)

  73. Love all the sweet, springy nests! I love decorating with natural elements and especially love sweet little spring birds! Lovely post!

    Blessings, Grace

  74. So lovely Estern pictures. I think my egg hats would be nice there.

    Hugs from Sweden

  75. Thank you thank you thank you for posting again! I don't blog but I love your blog for all the inspiration for my heart and my soul!

  76. I just bounced over from Savvy Southern Style when I saw your name. My name is Yvonne as well! How about that???

    I really enjoyed your nests and looking forward to spring!

  77. yay...you're back with a vengence. Love looking at all your nests.

  78. Yippee, you're back! I've been getting all of my nests out, thanks for some new ideas!

  79. Beautiful photos and fabulous ideas! I love to decorate with nests of all kinds in all sorts of unexpected places! These are all beautiful! They definitely make one think Spring!!!

  80. Come link up to. Centerpiece Wednesday!

  81. Love your ideas! And your pics are always beautiful. I did see two robins here in Northeast PA on March 1st. Ran to get my camera but missed them :(


  82. You have been missed and so thrilled to see you back!! I love this post on bird nests.

  83. Yvonne, The nests are so sweet. My favorite is the one with the moss and pink flowers. oh, and the silver creamer. So pretty.
    Glad you're back,

  84. Oh no! I'm in serious trouble! Your blog is absolutely amazing! I just said I'm going to look at a couple of pictures and then get back to work on my project. I'm going to be here forever looking at all of these gorgeous pictures and all of this amazing inspiration!

  85. I love all of the nests! You've given me some great spring inspiration. I found you over at Seasonal Sunday's and I'm a new follower now. Thank you for sharing this.

  86. Glad to have you back! I have missed you.

  87. Beautiful post, I just love your blog. I have been cruisin' your blog on several occasions and am so impressed. Great job and lovely blog.

  88. Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  89. Just lovely. Please please please post pictures of the real nest and chicks on your front door wreath when the time comes!
