Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Our family is BIG on tradition... down to specific menus for specific holidays! Our main Easter meal is a buffet-style Easter Brunch after church.  

If you are like me you probable serve a crowd on a holiday... and holiday meals are probably served from a buffet. Today's tablescape is  about making our buffets the real star of our Easter meal...

Every big holiday meal except Thanksgiving is served buffet style here at StoneGable. We just don't have enough room at the table to fit all the people and the food. And buffets make it easier for everyone to indulge as much as we want in our holiday favorites.

For those big buffet meals I have a simple rule.... the fancier the buffet the simpler the table and vice versa.

As you can see this is an elaborate buffet so my table will be simple. Most of the tableware is on the buffet.

Almost every Easter we use my collection of Fire King Peach Lustreware. I have been collecting it for years. It just suites Easter!

 Dinner plates and mugs are stacked in an old antique carpenter's tool box. It sits on my island all year and is often called into use.

  Click HERE to see another Easter Table using Peach Lustreware.

Linens are rolled and tucked into the side of the tool box. Everyone can just grab one as they go through the buffet line.

These antique flatware have wonderfully worn handles.  I remember flatware like this at my Nani's when I was a little girl! These have such a lovely subtle variegation of warm hues. They sit in a small white pitcher just waiting to be plucked out.

The island is covered with a white tablecloth. Pretty cabbage leaves (a hostess gift from my dear friend Fran, a million thanks, Fran!!!) are scattered here and there. They are one of my favorite springtime elements to use on a table.

The inspiration for my Easter buffet this year are these naturally dyed Easter eggs.

I always make onion skin dyed eggs every year. This is one of the thing I love most about Easter. I have made these eggs for decades... my mother made them before me (and still does)... and my Nani before her.  I am sure many generations before my Nani made them too. For a DYI tutorial click HERE.

But this year I played with the technique to get soft peach colored eggs as well as the traditional terracotta color.

I also made these stunning purple and lavender eggs using natural products. Eggs dyed purple with store bought kits tend to end up very blotchy and uneven. These came out better than I expected!  Look for tutorial early next week about dying eggs.

A twiggy Easter basket is filled with moss, pansies and colored eggs.

The highlight of our Easter brunch is an "egg fight". You have to see it to believe it! No we don't THROW eggs at eachother (we are not barbarians!). We try to crack eachother's egg by hitting it with ours. This once-a-year game has established rulers, cunning strategy, lots of teasing, a winner and a crown! SO FUN! Everyone, young and old plays.  Jonathan is the reigning 2011 Egg King! You better believe we will all be out to get him Easter day!  Competition is very stiff and we play for keeps!

The tulips, pansies and other flowers were chosen to match the color of the eggs... orange, purple and white. They make quite an intense bouquet!

A blown out egg dipped in onion skin dye makes a sweet little vase for a couple of blooms!

Two little bunnies (Wm-Sonoma) have hopped up onto the buffet. I think they were looking for tender cabbage for their supper! The bunny that is laying down is a candy dish.

The bunnies are safe here. This is a hasenpfeffer free zone at StoneGable. We had a pet bunny for years... I could never eat one!

Realistic faux white tulips drip over the side of the tool box. A pansy is potted in a demitasse cup. Tall purple flutes wait to be filled with an Easter libation!

Plates are nested in a twiggy charger on a cake pedestal. 

A smaller pedestal holds a bowl filled with eggs and pansies. Little bunny salt and pepper shakers continue the Lapin theme.

I have spread out the buffet a bit, so things could be better seen... They will be compacted and rearranged a litttle to make room for the food!

Arugula Salad
Easter Eggs
Honey Baked Spiral Ham
StoneGable Potato Salad
Pineapple Stuffing
Roasted Asparagus 
Nut Bread
Easter Basket Chocolates
 StoneGable Iced Tea

Printable Recipes:

Pin It

I am participating in:
Let's Dish at Cuisine Kathleen. Please stop by and visit Kathleen's first blog party!

Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps On The Porch
Centerpiece Wednesday at The Style Sisters

Tabletop Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life


  1. Beautifully done - wow, I just love your peachy plates again that cabbage leaf, look how well they play together.

    What an amazing feast table...your family must adore holidays!

    The colors are amazing and I ADORE your naturally dyed eggs - wow do they POP!

    WELL DONE once again, Yvonne!!

  2. Beautiful colors Love you whole Island vignette. Blessings ~Sara

  3. Just swooning over this Easter Buffet setting...gorgeous! Love your style and those lusterware dishes are such a pretty color for spring. Pretty eggs and baskets and those bunnies are too cute! You always set the prettiest tables and vignettes!
    Miss Bloomers

  4. Yvonne, what a beautiful buffet! Your vignettes are just stunning! All of the colors are so pretty and your eggs are gorgeous! Perfect!

  5. Yvonne I am not an orange kind of gal, but I must say you did it beautifully. I love the combination of purple and white with the terracotta. It all looks beautiful and your meal sounds wonderful as well. Kathysue

  6. Yvonne, Your buffet is beautiful! Your photos look like they came from Better Homes and Gardens. Just amazing, Yvonne. Welcome back to blogging - you're a natural!
    God bless, Beth

  7. Yvonne, you always do beautiful settings and no detail was left out.

  8. Yvonne that is one STUNNING looking buffet!! By any chance are you Slovak or Polish because our Easter tradition is a brunch also and we serve a lot of the same things as you.

    1. Martina, I have many nationalities in my background. My grandmother was Hungarian/Polish/German but closely associated with her Hungarian background so I most closely associate with my Hungarian background too.

  9. After seeing your Easter display I am ready to start planning. Love all your touches as always. Delicious menu too.
    Take care,

  10. Ooh....I remember these plates. I intended to go search for them and forgot last search is on again Magnificent color palate! Still so glad that you're back. Cherry Kay

  11. Yvonne:
    Your buffet tablescape looks amazing.
    Your menu sounds delicious.

    We will be just three this Easter. Everyone else will be on
    vacation. Some inthe Bahamas and some in St. Martin.

    No clue what we will make.

    I can't seem to find your potato salad recipe.
    I keep getting the arugula with parmesan cheese.

    Just loving that you are back with your great recipes and tablescapes.
    We had your steak fajitas for dinner and they were delicious.


    1. Thanks for letting me know about the potato salad recipe. I just fixed it! It should work now.

  12. I found it by entering stone gable potato sald into
    aol and it came up.

    Sounds delicious. Will make it soon.

    Thanks for all your work.


  13. Delightful! The tulips are gorgeous...

  14. Absolutely gorgeous!! What a great use for your fire king collection.

  15. You are amazing Yvonne! This is gorgeous!

  16. I think that once....just SHOULD throw the eggs at each other! Just see what happens! :-) I love the shimmer and rich color of that peach lustreware. It's just beautiful! The whole table is just gorgeous! Lots of beautiful details! I wish you would have posted this a week earlier...I could have referred it to my students as a "Do"!

  17. you make me wish i had time to do things like this! hmmm. some day when my babies are grown perhaps :) I always enjoy your posts

  18. What a lovely buffet table. Do you have room for one more? Lusterware is perfect for Easter. those little bunnies are so cute! Thanks for always sharing your incredible talent with us. Hugs, Linda

  19. So pretty Yvonne. I love the color tones, just a bit different. Hope you can find a use for the piece of Fire King I added to your collection. I have the same cabbage leaf place mats but never thought of using them in this way. I'll have to give it a try.

    - The Tablescaper

    1. Miss T, I love love love the Fire King you gave me!!!! I have already used it.

  20. Oh Yvonne,what can I say!!?? Your buffet table is stunning, yet has such a warm, cozy feel to it. I'm so glad that you're back to share your creativity with us.

  21. This is such a stunning tablescape! I love everything about it and the lustreware dishes are simple but perfect. Beautiful!

  22. Yvonne, I am enthralled with this buffet.. Totally!! I have some lusterware soup bowls. This is spectacular indeed. The colors are so pretty. I have to come back and see this again. xo marlis

  23. The buffet is gorgeous. I have always loved lavenders and purples. Stunning the way the flowers play off the plates and cups.

  24. Can't wait to see your potato salad recipe to see how ours compare:) The dyed eggs are GORGEOUS!!! Love the peach and purple, just beautiful. We sold those cabbage leaves at my old job and I never bought any.....that was before tablescaping:(:( I would LOVE to have some. Have always loved your peach dishes, what a treasure. BTW, if you get any noce boxes, could you save me some???? For the move. Talk to you soon. Love, Pinky

  25. You made me giggle. I can hardly imagine what it must look like to have all of that egg smacking amid all of that beauty. What a a combination of loveliness and playfulness.

    What are the rules to the egg figght? I think some folks in our family would love it

  26. Hi Yvonne, Gorgeous as usual! We always had the same egg fight, which my dad always won! Now he is no longer with us so anyone can win, and we always argue about technique too! i have a few lustreware pieces from my grandmother. I wish I had more, as they are so pretty. I'm curious to see how you serve your kielbasa--we just do ours sliced on a dish with mustard for dipping. I'll be back to soak in every detail. Linda

  27. Hi Yvonne
    I am so happy to see you posting again!
    I cant believe how similar our family's Easter menu is to yours...and we also do the same egg-bashing contest! Maybe we have similar family roots? I also dye eggs using onion skins and these are the ones we use for the contest, so they are boiled on Easter morning. Here is a link to my post about it:

  28. So very pretty. I love buffets for a crowd too and you have a lot of great ideas. When I lived in Romania (as a missionary) two people would try to crack each other's eggs and say Christ is risen / He is risen indeed while hitting them against each other! I learned to dye eggs with onion skins there too. Beautiful traditions for a beautiful holiday.

  29. Me again. Thanks for stopping by. To answer your questions...The black and white toile tablecloths and the yellow, gray, and white toile tablecloths were eBay finds. Because I bought the whole lot in each case, the sellers sold them to me for $10.00 each. The wood folding chairs really are wonderful. I buy them at Bed Bath 'n Beyond. They are $40.00 each, and with one of their discount coupons, they can be purchased for $32.00 each. They are about the same width as the Chivari chairs that people rent, but they are more comfortable. They've held up really well. The last time that I was at my BBB, they still had the chairs in stock. I have two styles. One is a criss-cross back, and it's back is shorter than the other...the vertical slat back chair. I like the vertical slats better because they have a nicer presence at the table with their taller backs. I think that you'd really enjoy them and get a lot of use out of them. Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Did you notice in the pics of the Wild Game Dinner that some of the men hosts had on camouflage shirts? They thought that they were really hot...LOL. Cherry Kay

    1. Cherry Kay, Thanks so much for all this info. Love the cammo... even right down to the cocktail napkins!

  30. We also love buffet style when we are feeding the whole big family. Yours is truly a feast for the eyes and I am sure a feast for the stomach as well. Thanks for sharing. Lori Lucas

  31. Beautiful, Yvonne. The lusterware is gorgeous and my favorite color. Lots of cute bunnies. xo

  32. I want to have Easter at your house!! This is absolutely gorgeous! The wonderful part of creating a buffet display versus a tablescape, is that you don't have to worry about sight-lines and you can add as much height as you like. I love the tall arrangements you've done as a backdrop to the colourful tulips. I am SO HAPPY you are back blogging again - you have a "God-given" talent for inspiring us all!


  33. Yvonne,
    Thank you for sharing. As usual, your settings are stunning.

    We are going to try out dying the eggs in silk this year (from old ties I bought at thrift stores).

    QUESTION: What is the color of your kitchen walls? I am looking for a similar color, and I'm wondering if it's close to SW Baguette? If you'd share, that would be great!


    1. Hi Amy,
      My kitchen is Springfield Tan by Benjamin Moore.

  34. Love, love, love your table setting! Beautifull colours :)
    I see you have Kielbasa on menu, do you have Polish roots? My family is from Poland, and we also have kielbasa on menu that day,so it was funny to see you have the same. Is this traditional white sausage or ant other kind?
    I dont leave comments on your blog very offten, but I am always checking on new posts/ I wanted to tell you that I am glad you are blogging again! :)

    1. I have both Hungarian and Polish in my background, as well as many other nationalities. My maternal grandmother was Hungarian so I more closely associate with some of those traditions.

      We have traditional kielbasa...and make it the way my grandmother did.
      Glad you asked.

  35. Thoroughly enjoy this site... beautiful and inspiring ideas for every aspect of celebrating, which is what life is all about!

  36. Yvonne, your buffet is absolutely GORGEOUS!

  37. Delightful! Love the purple flutes, and I'm enjoying your pretty cabbage leaves that I have seen but didn't buy (yet). Visiting from Let's Dish!

  38. much inspiration... I appreciate all your hard work! We are going to my inlaws in Florida for I am off the hook this year.

  39. Picture perfect..but I expected nothing less.........beautiful!

  40. Hippity-hoppity Easter's on it way... I'm doing a little bunny hop with happiness soaking in all the gorgeous details of this beautiful buffet!

    Your tulips, eggs, pansies, cabbage leaves & menu~ what delicious details~
    Your Fire King Peach Lustreware is stunning~ I remember it from your Easter gift pots table! Thank you for your inspiring return to blogdom :)

  41. Awarding winning brunch buffet!!..You certainly did not leave out a single detail....I have some of that lustreware from my mother-in-law...The way you showcased yours makes me want to take it out of the cabinet! Would love to be a fly on the wall when you play your egg cracking game!..Sounds like fun!!...Gorgeous buffet table...I think I would be hanging out, gazing at the table all day long!

  42. Oh my...such wonderful inspiration as always. I would have never thought to put the purple and orange together. You are such a master. I passed by purple stemware a few weeks ago at HomeSense. BIG mistake. I have regretted it ever sense, and especially after just seeing your stunning buffetscape. Wishing you all a most blessed Easter celebration!

  43. This is such a beautiful buffet, and the lustreware is perfect. I see it every once and a while when thrifting. The color combinations are perfect for an Easter buffet. Visiting from Let's Dish.

  44. Yvonne -
    I have to say that I've never been a particular fan of Lustreware, but seeing it here, I am DROOLING! How perfectly beautiful. Just goes to show that when used in the hands of a master, dishes take on a life of their own. I just can't believe how you totally flipped a switch here and made me love them. I sure missed you!
    Linda @ A Toile Tale

  45. Yvonne, you are truly inspiring! Everything is lovely and I pinned to Pinterest in hopes others will see how very gifted you are. The colors you put together are amazing!

    The menu sounds wonderful. I am going to check out your potato salad recipe. We are potato salad snobs at my house, ha ha, but I have full confidence that your recipe will be terrific!

    Did you ever hear anymore about your would be home invaders from Sunday morning?

  46. You have my mouth watering for Easter. Actually we will be out of town this year as it is Spring Break - our LAST- as our baby will graduate this May. I love to do elaborate buffets too and yours sure looks wonderful in your new kitchen!

  47. So many beautiful pretties, so many places to look, so many wonderful ideas. Thank you so much for sharing this Easter elegance.
    Blessings, Ginger

  48. so so pretty. Love your combination of spring flowers.

  49. I love the buffet, it is beautiful.

  50. Hi Yvonne - Your Easter Buffet is magical. I love all the colors and the different antique items. You have given me quite a few ideas and inspiration as I plan my Easter tablescape this year. I always have a crowd as well, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Hope you have a blessed Easter! Hugs, Dorinda

  51. I am so thrilled that you are back. I love your menus, recipes and the lovely tablescapes. Thanks so much for the tutorial on dying Easter eggs.

  52. The best!! So Gorgeous!! Come link up to Centerpiece Wednesday and share all this eye candy with us!


  53. As if you haven't heard it enough - I AM SO HAPPY YOU'RE BACK!! Your tablescapes are like a mini vacation.

  54. This is absolutely stunning!!! I love the drama of the colors and yet so simple for your guests to access everything. The glasses are a gorgeous color with the peach plates, etc. Easter Blessings to you and your family!

  55. Oh my, how breathtaking! Love your buffet! Wish I was dining with you...Hugs and blessing, Cindy

  56. Yvonne,
    Everything you do is always so beautiful. You are my inspiration. I never thought about tables before you entered the blog world.... now I am obsessed. Thank you for all your kind words. I really appreciate you stopping by.


  57. This buffet has really inspired me. I am hosting Easter this year and I've gotten some great idea from this (have to use the cabbage leaves!). As long as I can remember, we played the same game with the eggs. My grandfather always won and it would get a smile from him which was rare! Happy Easter!

    Robin Flies South

  58. Hi, Yvonne! Absolutely beautiful! Love those amazing peach dishes. You are the queen of dishware and centerpiece! So pretty.

  59. What a beautiful job you did. The floral arrangements mixed with the dishes look marvelous! I love to serve buffet style and this would be a fabulous way to do it!

  60. That is so lovely! I don't think I have ever seen those dishes! The color paired with the lavender is so pretty. I have made the natural eggs, but I am interested in seeing how you do the the colored.
    What a great tradition with the egg bump, just make sure you hard boil those eggs! I remember taking my gdau to an egg hunt and though they were colored, someone forgot to hard boil them, them were more like soft boiled! What a mess with all those little kids stepping all over them! :)
    Thanks for sharing this Easter Brunch Supreme with Let's Dish! Every Wed at 7 PM!

  61. love looking at all your pretty things! No matter how I try, my table never gets as pretty as this.

  62. This color combination just makes my ♥ sing, Yvonne! Soooo pretty together & it really accents your lovely peach Lustreware beautifully. The layering that you do is so wonderfully interesting. *sigh* I need to remember to do that!

    We always had an Easter egg roll with my father & now I repeat the tradition with my grandkidlets, too. I hope it is nice enough to do it outside this year, as it made a mess on my cherry wood floors last Easter. :/

    Thanks you for sharing all your pretty things with us. I always enjoy my visits to your blog so much. Now I"m off to find that recipe for the chicken thighs so I can make them tonight.


  63. Gorgeous, Yvonne. I just love your tablescapes and the little tips and hints you share with us.

  64. So lovely Yvonne. You always make everything look so beautiful. I appreciated your commentary on each element of the buffet. And your menu sounds delicious. I'm anxious to try your potato salad recipe. There are potato salads and there are potato salads. I am really quite picky. But yours sounds wonderful. I have never used dill pickles or juice before. I am going to give it a try.
    Thankyou for another amazing post.


  65. I've just discovered that you're back. Yay! You remind that joyful times and family are why we decorate and cook. I also love that you share your faith.

  66. Oh my goodness, Yvonne! This is stunning!

  67. Oh, my Lord! This is so gorgeous, Yvonne! I love everything you do! Especially this one!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  68. Oh wow, this is amazing Yvonne. I love the branches adding height to the flowers and your dishes in the amber and purple are so beautiful together. I just love everything. So beautifully displayed and so inviting. Super eye candy. Thanks tons for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  69. Your Easter buffet table is gorgeous!! Great color unusual and lovely. Thanks for sharing your tips on arranging all the elements.

  70. Yvonne...I do believe everything you touch turns to gold Just beautiful. Wish I could enjoy this setting with you. You shared some great tips too!

  71. Everything is so beautiful, Yvonne. Lovely colors and Easter and bunny accessories. Just so pretty to look at...Christine

  72. I have adored your lusterware since the first time I saw it. I will be on the look out when I go to my favorite anitque hangouts. This is a beautiful buffet!

  73. I absolutely loved this buffet--the combination of artistry and love is evident in every detail. Just beautiful!

  74. This is just gorgeous, love your tulips and your special Fire King dishes!!

  75. Hi lovely lady.
    How did I miss this lovely buffet table?. Lusterware is perfect for Easter. those little bunnies are so cute! Thanks for always sharing your incredible talent with us. I hope you have a wonderful Easter with your family. XXOO Diane

  76. HI Yvonne,
    Your Easter buffet is just gorgeous! I love the thoughtful and fun comments on family and traditons. Thank you for your gracious tips and sharing such wonderful ideas and recipes. You have inspired me to make my house a home. God Bless you and your wonderful family.
