Saturday, October 8, 2011


Today's Sunday Scripture is different. 

Today's "Sunday Scripture" has no Scripture. But it does have great relevance for for all the Christian parents out there.

This was a recent post written by my son on his blog, One Beat. Christopher is a young youth pastor working along side parents to win the hearts and souls of youth for Christ. 

I hope God blesses and encourages you through this message.

Over the last three weeks my student ministry has been going through a series called “The Good Fight”. In this series we have been encouraging both teens and parents to fight for relationships with one another. We live in a day where there seems to be more problems in the family and less communication…less love…less fight. In conjunction with this teaching series we held an event for all of our teens’ parents. As we discussed the need for relationship I began to realize that parents must take the lead and go after their children with love. As we wrapped up the evening we implored all of the parents to think about the following points and to apply them into their daily family lives (ReThink Group, The Good Fight,
  • Make the first move
  • It may seem awkward
  • It may seem messy
  • Don’t stop trying
  • Carve out priority time
When I was in high school my favorite TV show was 24. I loved the plot line of a secret counter terrorism unit quietly waging war against a realistic threat. What really made this show so great was none other than Jack Bauer. This was just about the time that I was enlisting in the army so the idea of Jack Bauer enthralled me. I wanted to be the ex Special Forces tough guy who stood for all things good.  Honestly, what guy doesn’t want to save the world…100 times. Jack Bauer was the perfect blend of all things manly…somewhere between the Dark Knight and Chuck Norris.
You may be asking yourself, “What on earth does Jack Bauer have to do with parenting?” I think there are a few things that we can learn from Jack Bauer and his unwavering resolve. He might be able to help us grasp the action that is needed to fight for our families. Under Jack Bauer’s romanticized tough guy nature were ideals that drove him to never quit and to keep fighting for what was right. He believed in the establishment and the mission of the United States of America. He believed in the defeat of evil and the protection of the innocent.
We, as parents and family members must come to a point where we firmly believe in the establishment and mission of the family. God has given us the family unit for support, instruction, and the furtherance of the Gospel. Do we really see it as a reflection of His grace? Do we really believe in it?
Assume the Responsibility:
When terror struck no one ever needed to ask Jack Bauer to step up. He always seemed to be charging toward the front line ready to defeat the enemy. He assumed the responsibility. It was automatically his burden to carry because he was prepared. I am calling all parents to assume the responsibility to fight for their families…to fight for a relationship with their teens. As previously stated we must be prepared to make the first move. God has made you the head and leaders of your families. It is the responsibility of the parent…the one who has been prepared for the task…to put aside all difference and continuously fight for a relationship. Be the starting point and initiate the change.
Never Quit:
It seems that many families have come to a place where they have given up. The differences seem overwhelming. You might be thinking, “I have tried to fight for a relationship with my teen, but they just don’t want one…I give up!” Jack Bauer was a military man. Not just any grunt though…he was SF. The price of service was ingrained into his very being…he more than anyone understood the ethos of never quitting. When I was in the Army we learned this belief from day one. It has helped to shape who I am. I am asking you to take hold of this mindset and NEVER QUIT! Keep pushing. Tirelessly seek after your teens. Continue communicating your desire for them and God’s love.
Put in the Time:
Too often parents try to develop relationship with their teens, but come back after a few attempts saying, “Well, I did all I could.” We need to relentlessly put in the time and energy needed to pursue this relationship. Along with Jack Bauer’s never quit attitude was an unstoppable pursuit of his mission. He would put in countless hours piecing together the clues and developing a plan of attack. As you all know parenting is not a fly by the seat of your pants operation. There must be strategy and planning. Create for yourselves a plan of attack. This is part of carving out priority time. You must be strategic about creating time and an environment that best helps you grow together with your teen.
There is a very real battle going on for the hearts and minds of our teenagers. We have allowed ourselves to make excuses and give up. I want to encourage you that you can make the difference in your home. Pursue your teens with fervor. Continue instructing them in godliness. The battle is not lost…you can turn the tide.
If you would like to visit One Beat, click HERE.


  1. May our loving God pour His favor on your son's ministry. Thank you for encouraging parents who read your post. Cherry Kay

  2. Your son brings God's word in a powerful way and at the just the right time for our family.

  3. Your son did a fantastic job with this!!! I'm adding him to my prayer list!!!


  4. He is so young to be so wise..He writes beautifully also..
    Must warm your heart to read his words~

  5. Oh, Yvonne, what powerful words your son writes. I can tell his dedication & commitment to parents & their families. What a special ministry he has to fulfill. Blessings!!

  6. What a wonderful powerful message. He truly has the gift of communication. Thank you for sharing your sweet son with us! What a blessed momma you are.

  7. I love this! And I know the kids did too.:)

  8. Yvonne,
    Christoper is definitely on the right path with this blog! I'm retired from Middle School. I so~o~o remembering hearing students say,"Why do you care? You don't know me." I wished I'd have photographed their expressions for they are forever etched in my mind when I replied, "I care, because I can and I choose to care about you." "Over the course of the next year, I hope to learn about you. To know you better." Those were the same students that wept when they had to leave to go to High School. The same students who greet me in society and wait on me when I enter the establishment where they are employed. Why...because I cared!!!

  9. Chris is such a special young man! I am so happy to have met him. I know he will be an invaluable source for families in his ministry. XO, Pinky

  10. Thanks for sharing this, Yvonne. As I watch Satan relentlessly attacking the family unit, it is wonderful to hear a young man stand up for Godly parents. He is wise beyond his years! Take care.
