Sunday, October 16, 2011

ON THE MENU MONDAY~ Week Of October 17, 2011

A big hug and THANK YOU  to all my dear readers who sent me well wishes and kept our family in your prayers. Last week was a sad week for my family. Even though I did not post or visit I did see all of your kind comments, e-mails, and facebook postings. I read all of them to my husband and he was very touched. I ask that you continue to keep us close in your prayers. The memorial service for my Mother-In-Law will be this week.

This is a busy week of "getting back to normal". I like normal! Exciting and adventurous and new is wonderful  but normal, for me, is just where I want to be right now! I like my busy routine... my empty nester home (as long as it is filled with friends and family often), my husband, my dog, my Bible study time, my chores, my friends, my fieldtrips, my projects, my blogging life... When things get a little out of control it is amazing how fabulous normal feels! Remind me never to complain about normal... ever again!

Whatever your normal is, take a minute and drink it in! Be thankful for it. Just for today.... just for normal!

Now here's what's on my normal menu...

Pecan Crusted Tilapia
Sauteed Rice
Roasted Butternut Squash With Onions, Brown Butter And Sage 

Recipe: Pecan Crusted Tilapia
1/2 cup Panko bread crumbs
1/2 finely chopped Pecan
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup buttermilk
a dash of Tabasco sauce
4 tilapia fillets
1 TBS vegetable oil
2 TBS butter
lemon wedges
fresh chopped parsley

Put bread crumbs, chopped pecans, salt and pepper in a shallow bowl and mix. Add milk and Tabasco sauce to a second bowl, mix. Pat tilapia fillets dry and dust with flour.
Dredge tilapia in the buttermilk and then in the breadcrumb mixture. Set aside.
Add oil and butter to a large skillet and heat over medium heat until butter is melted and just bubbly.
Add tilapia and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side until fish is done and flaky.
Serve with lemon wedges and garnish with fresh parsley.
Printable Recipe

Recipe: Sauteed Rice
My Nani (grandmother) made this homey rice dish and I just LOVE it. Certainly great memories of my childhood! I have made this for years. The amounts in the recipe are guesstimates! Thank goodness it is not rocket science!
1 large onion, finely chopped
1 large rib celery, finely chopped
2 TBS olive oil
1 TBS butter
1 cup white rice
2 cups chicken stock or water
2 TBS fresh parsley, chopped

In a large skillet heat oil over medium heat. Add onions and celery. Cook until translucent and slightly browned, about 6 minutes.
Add butter and rice. Cook, stirring occasionally for 3-4 minutes. Add liquid and cook covered until rice is done, about 20 minutes.

Recipe: Roasted Butternut Squash With Onions, Brown Butter And Sage
I have a beautiful butternut squash just waiting to be eaten, and the last hold-outs of my herb garden... sage! This is a beautiful recipe from Food and Wine that I cannot wait to try.
Click HERE for the recipe.

Orange Chicken
Sauteed Green Beans In Garlic Oil

Recipe: Orange Chicken
There are some dishes that are so good you can't resist them but they are not that healthy for you... General Tso's Chicken is one of them. But my friend Patricia from Butter Yum came up with a yummy alternative... this fabulous Orange Chicken. You will love her blog ( and don't you just love the name!!!) Her blog is one of my favorites! Click HERE to get this recipe and visit Butter Yum.

French Onion Soup
Crusty Bread

Recipe: Slow Cooker French Onion Soup
8 large yellow onions, Make sure to use YELLOW ONIONS, peeled, sliced in thin half-moons
2 TBS Olive oil
2TBS butter
1 1/2 TBS  sugar
1 1/2 TBS salt
3 cans Campbell's Double Strength Beef Broth
32 oz. chicken broth
1/2 cup good white wine, dry sherry or Marsala
1 dried bay leaf
3 sprigs thyme, tied with kitchen twine
1tsp pepper
1 baguette, cut into 1/2 thick slices
1/2 shredded Gruyere cheese for EACH serving

Combine oil and butter in a frying pan and put all 8 cups of onions in pan.  Add sugar and salt and toss to coat.  Cook onions on medium low heat for 40 minutes to 1 hour stirring occasionally. They will cook down to a fraction of their former volume and most of the liquid will evaporate.  You can do this step ahead, and put in refrigerator until you are ready to make soup.
Add onions to slow cooker. Add broth, wine, bay leaf and thyme to slow cooker and cook for 2- 3 hours on high.

Preheat oven to 350 degree. Put baguette slices on baking sheet and toast for 15-20 minutes until dry. Increase oven temp. to 400 degrees.
Put baguette in soup bowl and ladle soup over baguette. Grate cheese on top of soup.
Put bowl on baking sheet and bake in oven until cheese is melted and brown, 10 minutes.
Printable Recipe

White Farmhouse White Chili
Roasted Broccoli

Recipe: White Farmhouse White Chili
We are Chili lovers at StoneGable. I have several recipes that we make. But I was so intrigued by Maggie's first try at White Chili! Maggie has been a bestie blogging friend since I began blogging 2 years ago. She is hysterically funny (some of her antics leave me laughing out loud), has a heart as big as the sky... and she has that Midwest, pioneer, plow-ahead gumption that I so admire!!!! You will love her too! Click HERE visit The White Farmhouse to visit Maggie and get her White Chili recipe. I am doubling this recipe to have on hand for the weekend!

Savory Pumpkin Quiche
Mixed Greens With Goat Cheese And Pumpkin Seeds In A Champagne Vinaigrette

Recipe: Savory Pumpkin Quiche
This is a "dry run" recipe. I would love to use this next week when I am hosting an Autumn High Tea here. If this recipe is as good as I think, I'm going to make mini quiches for my guests!

I added the cheese and nutmeg to the recipe and used half and half instead of cream. I also changed up the short crust pie dough for phyllo. I may also use a couple of slices of bacon just for a little smokey taste. This is an untested recipe... are you game?
6 phyllo dough sheets
2 TBS vegetable oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
2 TBS butter
3 eggs, separated
1/2 cup half and half
dash of nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 lb pumpkin, cooked and mashed or 1 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup good smoked ham, cut into small cubes
1/2 cup good Gruyere cheese, grated (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Lay a phyllo sheet on a work surface. Brush lightly with oil. Lay another phyllo sheet on top of the first and brush with oil. Continue with the remaining phyllo sheets. Brush a pie plate(or cake pan), with a removable bottom, with a thin coat of oil. Line with the phyllo sheets. Tuck the ends of the phyllo into the pie plate to form the side crust. Refrigerate.

In a large skillet, heat butter until just bubbly. Add onions and cook until soft and translucent, about 5 minutes. Reserve.
In a large bowl, whisk the egg yolks. Add the pumpkin, ham, onions, cheese, nutmeg and salt and pepper.
Using an electric mixer, beat egg whites on high until stiff peaks form. Fold egg whites into pumpkin mixture.
Pour mixture into the phyllo lined pie plate. 
Bake for 30-35 minutes until set.  Let rest for 10 minutes before serving.
Printable Recipe

Anitpasto Plate
Assorted Crusty Bread

Recipe: Antipasto Plate
After a very busy week Bobby and I are kicking back, watching a movie and eating some fun tasty foods! I am going to Wegman's to pick up great goodies to make our Antipasto Plate. YUMMY AND NO COOKING~
Here are some delicious and easy ideas ...
marinaded artichoke hearts

fresh mozzarella cheese
marinated cheeses
port salut cheese
sopressata, prosciutto, capocollo  
cherry tomatoes
assorted marinaded olives
cut fresh veggies, carrots, celery
bleu cheese dressing
marinaded mushrooms
dates drizzled with honey
homegrown grapes
bread sticks
Marcona almonds 

Antipasto Leftovers
Broccoli Cheese Soup

The fall foliage is starting to get so colorful~ I just love a long drive in the countryside and a roadside picnic this time of year. I am packing some antipasto leftovers and a thermos of broccoli cheese soup from the freezer. I'm keeping my eye out for pretty naturals to bring home and tuck in my fall arrangements.

Recipe: Slow Cooker Broccoli Cheese Soup
6 cups fresh broccoli
1 large onion, chopped
1 large garlic clove, pressed or finely chopped
1 cup shredded carrots
4 cups chicken stock
¼ cup flour
2 cups whole milk ( or half and half, or a combo of both)
4 cups very sharp cheddar cheese,  1/2 cup reserved
Pancetta, 6-8 thin slices ( can also use bacon)

Wash and trim broccoli. Do not use tough ends. Rough cut and put in slow cooker. 

In a large frying pan, heat cooking oil and add onions. Cook onions on medium low heat until soft. Add a healthy pinch of salt. Add shreddedcarrots and continue to cook for 4 minutes. Add garlic and cook 1 additional minute. Add to slow cooker. 
Add chicken stock, pepper, and only if using low sodium stock, 1/2 tsp salt. Cook on low for 3-4 hours.

Remove 2 cups of cooked vegetables (mostly broccoli) and chop into small pieces, reserve. 
In a bowl, mix flour and milk with a whisk. (I use a large jar with a lid and shake) Add to slow cooker. Grate a little nutmeg (1/8 tsp) and add. Cook on high for 30-45 minutes until thickend. Replace lid and keep closed.
Add cheddar cheese and continue to cook until melted. Replace lid and keep closed.
Using emulsifying blender, blend soup until smooth. You can also use a standard blender and blend in batches. This will make the soup thicker and creamy. Add reserved chopped broccoli and stir.

Shred pancetta and cook in a large skillet until crisp. Use to garnish soup.

Printable Recipe

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I can't wait to see all of your delicious dishes. Thank you for joining ON THE MENU MONDAY! 

~Please link your post using your permalink.
~Make sure you have a link back to ON THE MENU MONDAY on your post.
~ Please visit at least 2 other OTMM participants.

I am participating in FULL PLATE THURSDAY at Miz Helen's Country Cottage


  1. I am so sorry for the loss of your Mother-in-law. My thought & prayers are with you at this time. You are so right, Yvonne, about the goodness in "normal"! Blessings to you for a "normal" week!!

  2. Good evening my friend! Today didn't turn out so well for Tracy and Dave. I will talk to you or e-maiol:( Your menu sounds like one I would like to just copy for every day next week! It all sounds delicious. I am kinda bummed right now. XO, Pinky

  3. I am sorry for your family's loss. I will continue to lift you guys in prayer.

    Your "normal" menu looks wonderful. You have such inspiring dishes. I think I will try the broccoli cheese soup in the next few weeks. Have a blessed week.

  4. So sorry to hear about your Mother-in-law....thinking about you & your family and wishing you a wonderfully normal week!

  5. Yvonne,
    During difficult times, it's often time that allows our lives to return to what we know as "normal". Give yourself time over the next few days and weeks ahead. My prayers for you and your family will continue. Thank you for hosting this weekly meme! I'll be back later in the week to try out some of the new recipes. We are beginning to get the furniture all in order...once again! The carpet (in our eyes) is lovely!Fondly,

  6. So sorry to hear about your Mother-In-Law Yvonne. Wishing you a peaceful week:@)

  7. Yvonne - thoughts and prayers to your family. May your memories of your Mother-in-Law bring peace and comfort to your family. I found your blog a few months ago and it has been a bright spot for me. I too am a recent somewhat "empty" nester as both of my kids are in college. Your blog is so very special to me as my husband and I recently re-located to the Pittsburgh area after living in Lititz for the past 17 years and my kids are still in college in the eastern side of the state. I LOVED living in Lancaster County and have many wonderful and special memories from our years there. Your blog allows me to feel connected while also being able to appreciate the joy in homemaking. Thank You! Kim

  8. I am so, so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with your family. ~ Courtney

  9. Yvonne,
    So sorry to hear about the loss of your mother-in-law. I dearly loved mine. We lost her 2 years ago, but I constantly feel her presence because we are living in her house.May you find solace in going about your normal activities.

  10. Yvonne,
    So sorry for your loss. I just now read this. Prayers are with you.

  11. I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother in law. You're so right about "normal" being good, there's a lot of safety and comfort in normal. Thank you for hosting your great party.

  12. Your family is in my prayers. It is hard to lose our parents, no matter the age, but we are blessed to have good memories of them.
    I hope your week is very normal. Thank you for your lovely menu.

  13. Oh sweet Yvonne,
    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of your Mother in Law. Bless your family...and especially your husband. I will lift a prayer for all of you. We lost my Dad and my Dad in Law in one year and it has been so hard. I too craved normalcy....I just wanted everything to be "normal" again. I understand.
    Thinking of you and praying for your tender days ahead.

  14. Oh, no! Yvonne, I am so, so sorry. Please give my deepest sympathy to your husband as well. My heart goes out to both of you and your other loved ones as you cope with this loss...



  15. I'm sorry to hear about your MIL and know this has been a challenging time for you all. I also prefer normal to what else life could be and would love to be home more puttering around and doing the "dailies." There is no place like home. I hope you can get back into your routine soon! Meanwhile hope the memorial service and all that involves goes well. Blessings, Dotsie

  16. Yvonne -- sorry for the loss of your MIL! I need to make that Orange Chicken -- Yum! Joni

  17. Dear Yvonne,
    I will be keeping you and your family in prayer ~ I know you will find comfort in the special Graces that flow from Our Loving Father.
    God bless you and comfort you all ♥

  18. My dear recent friend, I am sorry for your loss. I hold you and your family in my prayers, thoughts and heart.

  19. Just wanted to stop in to say that I'm so sorry for your loss. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers! (((HUGS)))!!

  20. Hugs to you and your family....... Normal is a good place isn't it.
    Joining in the fun with an old appetizer but a good one..... Love all your recipe ideas but the broccoli and then the onion soup recipes jump out ....... will try later this week.

  21. I am very sorry to hear about your mother in law. My condolences to you and your entire family and sending you a hug. I do agree with your sentiment about "how good normal feels' and you don't realize how good it is until things are not that way!

    On a lighter note, great round up of recipes, will have to definitely try the broccoli cheddar soup as its one of my sons faves, the tilapia sounds heavenly and the white chili is a must try. Thanks for so many great ones and wishing your family peace during this time of sorrow.

  22. I'm so very sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. You and your family are in my thoughts, my heart, and my prayers.

    Beautiful post on seeking "normal" Yvonne!

  23. My thoughts and prayers have been with you and your family this week. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I know what you are going through and normal, whatever it is, feels good now. Sending big hugs your way. Take care of yourself and know we all love you.

  24. Praying your family will find comfort in His love for you. Last spring we had two family funerals out of state in the same week...I know exactly what you mean by enjoying normal after all of the travel and emotional ups and downs. God Bless.

  25. I'm so sorry to read that your husband's sweet Mother has passed on to live with our Lord, Yvonne. Mega {{HUGS}} to both of you as you walk through this sad time in your lives.
    I will offer up special prayers that His Peace surround your entire family.


    p.s. Thanks for featuring Pat's orange chicken...I had missed seeing that one & can't wait to try it!

  26. Today is the 36th anniversary of my mother's passing so I know the chair in which your family sits. May the grace of our Lord continue to be with you.

  27. I've been away and have only just learned of the death in your family. I want to extend my condolences to your husband and your extended family. It is terribly hard to say goodbye to those we love. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings...Mary

  28. I am so sorry to read about your mother-in-law, Yvonne. I read she had taken a turn for the worse but didn't know she had passed away. My deepest condolences to you, your husband and your family. If good food can be of comfort, then you will certainly supply lots of loving hugs with your menu this week.

  29. Yvonne, I'm so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I'm praying that she knew our Lord an Saviour. There is such a peace, even in the midst of grieving, knowing she is in a better place.

  30. I did not understand what has happened to you ......
    because of the language .....
    but if you need prayer, I make you very happy .....
    I'm writing this message with the translator .....
    And the good Lord be with you and help you .....

  31. Yvonne,
    My deepest sympathy on the loss of your loved one. I will continue to lift you and your family up in prayer. Thank you for being an example to us all to continue on.
    Miz Helen

  32. That French Onion Soup looks really good. I am going to have to try it for sure.

  33. Im so sorry for your loss dear Yvonne all my prayers with you, hubby and family.Take care dear, love yah! gloria

  34. You and your family remain in my prayers!

    I wish I could come and spend the week at your table ~ everything looks and sounds delish.


  35. You and your family remain in my prayers!

    I wish I could come and spend the week at your table ~ everything looks and sounds delish.


  36. I'm joining your link up for the first time, found you at This Mama Says. Thanks for the wonderful recipes!

  37. I'm so sorry for your loss Yvonne. I hope you and your family are doing well.

  38. Hi Yvonne,
    I was so excited to see you here today. Your menus are always so beautiful. I just come to your blog and dream! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great week end and come back soon!
    Miz Helen
