Thursday, October 20, 2011



Do you know someone that needs love in a box?

One of my favorite way to show someone that they matter... that I care... is to make them a meal. It does not have to be gourmet or fancy... just good, easy and filling! When a family is facing a crisis or illness or a sad time, a meal... love in a box can be a very welcomed gesture!

When I take a dinner to someone, I usually take it in a box... just a plain brown box.
All food containers must be  throw away or ones the recipient can keep. This makes it so much easier, no dishes to wash and return. It is not as pretty as bringing food in a basket with matching dishes and gorgeous linens, but it is so much more practical.! 

 I always ask about preference, food allergies, special needs etc when planning to bless someone with a meal. I write them down on an index card so I won't forget and make something that can't be eaten.

On that index card I also write the date and time the meal is to be delivered or picked up as well as the recepient's  address, if I am not familiar with it. All other info or requests go on that index card and it goes on my bulletin board in my study.

have a couple of no-fail, kid friendly, easy to transport and reheat meals that I use over and over again.

Here is my favorite easy family friendly meal to let someone know that you care...

SG TIP: Put the hot main dish on the bottom of the box. Cut cardboard to just fit inside the box and place on top of your hot main dish. Put the rest of the meal on top of the cardboard "shelf".

Chicken Bangladesh
Roasted Brown Sugar Carrots
Salad or Homemade Applesauce
Cookies or Brownies

Recipe: Chicken Bangladesh
4-6 large boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
1 16 oz sour cream
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 large container Stove Top Stuffing Mix

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Put the chicken in a large skillet and cover with chicken stock or water. Simmer over medium high heat until cooked through. Remove from pan and set aside to cool. When cool to the touch, dice. I often cook a big batch of chicken and freeze it to be used in recipes like this one.  

Mix sour cream and soup together in a medium bowl.

Make Stove Top Stuffing according to package directions.

Put diced chicken in the bottom of a large deep square 9x9 disposable pan. Cover with sour cream and mushroom soup mixture. Top with Stove Top Stuffing.

Bake for 30-40 minutes until bubbly and hot.

This dish can be frozen and reheated. So if the family you are making dinner for can't use it that night, it can be frozen and used when it is convenient for them.

Recipe: Roasted Brown Sugar Carrots
1 bag baby carrots
2 TBS olive oil
pinch of salt and pepper
1-2 TBS brown sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Put carrots on a large rimmed baking sheet. Drizzle with oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Roast for 20 minutes. Remove from oven. Turn. Roast for 15 minutes more.

Add brown sugar. Toss to coat and bake for an additional 10 minutes.
Carrots will be caramelized and slightly collapsed and so sweet and tender!
Here are some tips to make your LOVE IN A BOX even more special!
~send along a bouquet of garden flowers or a little plant
~collect dish towels on sale to wrap up the hot disposable pans and let the receiver keep the dish towels
~~ tuck in a personal note
~send along a homemade CD of music
~send along a recipe for the dish
~tuck in a great magazine (even if you have already read it)
~ make a hot chocolate mix, put it in a pretty jar and send it along
~ make enough for leftovers
~ send a coupon for a couple of hours of cleaning, driving or errand running and follow-up to set a time and date
~ follow up with a phone call or e-mail and ask if they would like another meal or need anything

Do you have a good idea or tip for taking a meal to someone... I would LOVE to hear!

I am participating in FOODIE FRIDAY at Designs By Gollumn


To celebrate my 2nd Blogiversary the great folks at Mikasa are partnering with me to give away... not 1 but 2 fabulous prized!!!!

8 Place Settings Of Italian Countryside Dinnerware

Italian Countryside

This BEAUTIFUL creamy white dinnerware is the true "workhorse" of my kitchen. I have had these dishes for years and years and I use them everyday! I love them as much now as I did the day I got them! 

as a bonus prize...

 Italian Countryside 5 Piece  Serving Set

5 Piece Serving Set

This beautiful set includes: 
~an 8 1/2 inch vegetable bowl
~a covered sugar bowl
~a covered creamer
~ a 12" buffet platter

This giveaway is so exciting for me because I know the winners will be so thrilled!

Click HERE to enter to win!

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  1. Congratulations on two years blogging. Your tablescape is elegant and beautiful and creative as usual. I am a long time follower. Your giveaway is spectacular. Thank you.

  2. What a thoughtful gift. I think taking a meal to someone is always a welcome gift of love. I like the addition of beautiful flowers. ~ Sarah

  3. It will be a welcome gift. When my husband died so many people brought loads of prepared food. Lots of it already frozen, making it easy for me to feed out of town friends and relatives who were staying until after the funeral, and then afterward when I really didn't feel much like cooking.
    The most unusual, but really welcome, was what the kindergarten teachers from my school brought - a huge bag of disposable paper and plastic goods. Napkins, towels, plates, cups, etc. to cut down on clean-up.

  4. What a thoughtful and lovely way to share with a friend Yvonne. I so agree with taking the initiative and don't wait to be asked. Love the idea of including flowers or a little plant.

    I'm a faithful follower of your blog and also on Facebook. Good luck to everyone. This is a fabulous gift to win.

  5. Yvonne, your "Love in a Box" is just beautiful, and it is just beaming with love.

    This is such an important ministry. I am involved in this as well. Our church calls it "Alongside Ministry", because we come alongside people in a time of crisis.

    There is a great way to organize meals for people through facebook. It is called "Meal Train". Someone sets up "the particular need" and messages or emails contacts and you can sign up for whatever day you want. We have just started using this.

  6. These are great tips for taking a Love in the Box meal. Thanks for sharing them, Yvonne. Many times I want to do something and just get stuck trying to think of what to make and how to take it. I'm going to print your post out for future inspiration and guidance.

  7. What a beautiful box! Thank you so much for the wonderful printable recipes-so very nice!

    Lovely flowers!

    From Virginia

  8. Yvonne what a sweet and thoughtful thing to do, I know it is going to be much appreciated! The bouquet of flowers are beautiful and I'm sure will put a smile on someone's face! Martina

  9. Your ideas in this post are so wonderful-thanks so much for sharing - I'm trying to figure out how I can print it out for future reference.

  10. Happy Blogaversary, Yvonne.

    I have sent food to friends' who had a death in the family and it was always welcomed and appreciated. I use disposable items, too. Baked ziti, oven fried chicken and sausage and peppers are the usual items, plus a pound cake. xo

  11. Marvelous giving ideas for sharing. And, those recipes are very inviting.

    Congrats on your anniversary ... what a lovely giveaway celebration. Your florals are fabulous!

    Have a wonderful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  12. I love this idea! I am one of the ladies in charge of baby meals at our church. Every time a family has a new baby, different families provide 3 meals...I help organize the dates and deliveries...what a great idea with the box and beautiful and such a picture of love!

  13. Love the "love in a box" post, especially the part about using disposable containers. I like to pick up casserole dishes or Fiestaware platters at flea markets, and when I give an edible gift to someone, I tape a note on the bottom that tells them to keep it. Another suggestion is to buy a stack of Chinese food containers at the restaurant supply store and use them for smaller side dishes in your "box of love."

  14. Thanks for the TIPS! I do this too but now so beautifully! It has usually been just a casserole in a dish! I think I better "step up my game"!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! How inspiring this is!!!! I am going to write this all down for the next time I want to give a "BOX OF LOVE"!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  15. Your timing for this post couldn't have been better. My sister is having to face the horrible decision to have her dog put down (has bone cancer) and you have inspired me to take her A BOX OF LOVE! I'm going to make her favourite Green Pepper Steak along with some sides and a bouquet of flowers with a card. Stone Gable is the blog to go to for the best ideas! Thank you so much Yvonne!



  16. If I can find a nice dish at a garage sale or thrift shop I will use them for a "take in meal" for someone and just tell them it doesn't need to be returned.

  17. I love the thought of "love in a box" It definitely shows someone you care. These recipes sound wonderful, too. We have a couple at church that just had their first baby the other day. I think I'll fix them up a box. Thanks for the great recipes and ideas.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  18. Yvonne, what a wonderful post! I actually do the exact thing with the toss aways, I make sure there are even paper plates, cups, forks if needed. I've provided various meals and always add something special for desert, and my heart fills with joy knowing they like my cooking.
    I find the local dollar store has wonderful containers and even large serving spoons and forks together in a package of four you can use for two separate meals.
    It's a small thing but means so much, kudos to you on posting this, but then you're always so very thoughtful. xxx tami

  19. What a wonderful idea to package up a meal in such a clever way! Your chicken recipe sounds great; I'll have to give it a try.

    P.S. Happy anniversary!

  20. Wow I love the "love in a box" and few things show a true sentiment as much as a homemade meal and getting a meal from you would be a mega treat!! Congrats on 2 years, you are doing a sensational job, wishing you many many more.

  21. How sweet your boxed meal..personally I appreciate all the tips on added extras for these boxes.
    Well done.

  22. What a sweet and kind gesture! You do have a heart of gold! Great idea and tips!
    Congratulations on two years of blogging! You have a lot to offer (the quintessential Martha Stewart of Pennsylvania!!)

  23. I know what I am making this week! It sounds so good! What a lucky person to get this love in a box! I bet everyone feels oh so special getting this from you. So thoughtful of you to go all out for someone.

  24. Wonderful post, Yvonne and some good ideas. Especially since two of my friends had surgery yesterday. I call this "hospitality on wheels."

  25. What a wonderful idea...and thank you for sharing the recipes!

  26. I love the thoughtfulness of "Love in a box". Food is always a welcome gift & so appreciated. Thanks for your tips on the transportation of the goodies!! xoxo

  27. what a great post, maybe one of my favorite! I take meals to friends and sick folk quite often so these are wonderful ideas. Thanks for sharing them with your readers! I too, think a meal in time of need is a pratical and yet full of love means to minister.

  28. The flowers are gorgeous! What a wonderful giveaway! Have a delightful weekend, Kellie xx

  29. I am sure your friends look forward and appreciate your love in a box!

  30. How thoughtful...what a wonderful idea to share.

  31. Hi Yvvone, Hope you are OK this week, you are in my prayers for your loss.I love this idea. I do this when I can for sickness etc., and will keep these recipes on hand. I loved seeing the photos of the box together. We had 3 close family losses since last October and would have dearly appreciated this. Now going thru difficult time with my Father very far away but ,near passing on and would have loved this as well. Thank you for your kind and gentle reminders of hospitality and ministry to families that are in need of support and love and everyday kindnesses.

  32. Yvonne, you must have been taking a peek at my life. This is perfect timing as I do know of two such sweet souls who deserve a bit of love in a box.
    Your tips are perfection wrapped up in a lovely bow.

  33. This is such a special gesture and shows what a kind and thoughtful friend you are. Your family and friends must be grateful to have you in their lives.

  34. How lucky those are that call you "friend". Lori L

  35. Oh my word, I so wish I lived near you! Of course, for many reasons. :-)
    This is such a lovely way to bless others. I love doing the same thing, however, I haven't thought of the box idea ~ that's great!

    When I take food to my kids, they always say "Meals on Wheels" is coming. I used to volunteer with MOW so they adapted that to me long ago.

    Thanks so much for sharing your lovely ideas and recipes!

  36. Oh my word, I so wish I lived near you! Of course, for many reasons. :-)
    This is such a lovely way to bless others. I love doing the same thing, however, I haven't thought of the box idea ~ that's great!

    When I take food to my kids, they always say "Meals on Wheels" is coming. I used to volunteer with MOW so they adapted that to me long ago.

    Thanks so much for sharing your lovely ideas and recipes!

  37. Congratulations on two years of blogging. I have just found you recently and love a beautifully set table. You have given me some nice new ideas!

  38. As a caregiver who delivers meals weekly to my 97-year-old Mother, I cannot wait to try your Love in a Box Menu! I must add that my late evening visits to your blog, after days filled with caregiving, are like finding an oasis of beauty and warmth. Thank you for this post and for your generous heart.
