Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Last month my family spent a wonderful week in Bar Harbor, Maine.  One of my favorite memories was watching my young adult children skipping stones from the sandbar into the Ocean. It was like watching them when they were little. They were having so much fun!

As we walked from the town of Bar Harbor across the sandbar to Bar Island I collected black flat shiny pebbles. I already knew what I would do with them. 

These shiny pebbles would go in a pretty jar and become part of a little "Bar Harbor" vignette. I literally was bringing home a memory and putting it in a jar!

As the pebbles dried they became gray and dull.

Nice, but not the way I remembered as I chose each one wet from the sand.  

A good coat of Polyurethane changed that... they were black and shiny again as if I had just picked them from the Maine sandbar!

The Bar Harbor vignette on the bookshelf in the family room includes a picture of  the Maine landscape...   

 a map of Dessert Island~ the red star is Southwest Harbor where we stayed...

 a picture of my 2 children on top of Day Mountain...

 and some old books bought at a Southwest Harbor library sale...

I made a tag for the jar...

These elements were put all together in a little vignette to remember our wonderful vacation. So much better than bringing home a T shirt!

Here is the bookshelf in the family room.

I hope this might inspire you to put your good times "in a jar" too. 

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  1. What a sweet vignette full of memories. We visited Bar Harbor many years ago and only saw a small part of it since we were on a church trip at that time. I have always wanted to go back.

  2. Very nice idea! That is a lovely vignette. I was forever collecting rocks and shells and other small items when I was first married and we traveled somewhere. Over the years, they've gotten forgotten or pitched. My last trip to Bar Harbor I bought a granite cutting board...alittle pricey, but I use it everyday!

  3. Very clever idea! Can you tell me where you purchased the leather chair and ottoman? I love it!

  4. I have some peebles in a jar same jar as you have but my peebles aren't so appealling as yours, Lady.
    I'll post them soon. I love the way they get older.

    TY a mill for sharing all your smart ideas, and the menus? D´Nics at D´Box and my family in Stockholm cherrish them.

    GB & happy day.

    Greetings from Stockholm,

  5. For Granna,
    The leather chair and ottoman if from a company called Smith Bros. The other side of my room has another one just like it.
    We love them. They are fabulously comfortable.

  6. What lovely memories to look at & enjoy everyday!!

  7. Beautiful children. I love this idea. I do have some pretties under cloches and I have pinecones from different states in bowls.. So much fun to remember. Thanks for sharing the idea with the polyurethane.. xo marlis

  8. What a great idea Yvonne and yes it's definitely better then a t-shirt! Love the vignette you put together, heck I love the whole room!! Martina

  9. Much better than a t shirt! You children and mantle are beautiful.

  10. PS-- The hubby and I went to Bar Harbor years ago and I haven't had a crab cake as good as I had their! Martina

  11. what a great trip and a great idea!

    cute family too ~

  12. What a wonderful way to preserve the memories!

  13. Your vacation sounds like a wonderful time spent making priceless memories. It's nice when adult children and their parents can have really good family times together. I'm blessed that way, too. The glimpse of your living room looks fabulous.------Shannon

  14. Just beautiful and I love how it represents such wonderful memories of time spent with your family. Bar Harbor is such a beautiful part of the country, isn't it?
    I love what you did with your special keepsake...thanks for sharing!

  15. What a great idea ~ I love it and the idea of putting the poly on them to give them that wet look was genius!

  16. Yvonne,
    Looks like a wonderful place to visit. Thanks for sharing!

  17. I have always wanted to go there, Yvonne!
    What a wonderful keepsake.
    Love that you poly-coated them for the shine! I would have done the same thing.

    Your room setting is so pretty!

  18. What a lovely arrangement! I adore the idea of a jar of memory pebbles. Bar Harbor looks like a wonderful place to visit.

  19. I love it! Great idea to 'polish' the rocks! I have jars of rocks and shells collected on vacations. I like your vignette and your family room is so cozy and pretty. I have been wanting to go to Bar Harbour this fall but may have to wait until next year :(

  20. Memories! Our last family vacation before one son married was Bar Harbor --- camping! Love your shiny pebbles in a jar!

  21. Memories! Our last family vacation before one son married was Bar Harbor --- camping! Love your shiny pebbles in a jar!

  22. My husband and I have always wanted to travel to Maine. I love the pebbles in the jar and the cozy corner in your beautiful home!

  23. Love coming home w/ stones..pebbles ..shells.. shark's teeth:)

    Your tag is so cute..

    Beautiful family:)Maine is just so nice to get away to.
    I love it..
    I loved that about Diane Keaton in Something's Gotta Give~

  24. I'm having "Something's Gotta Give" flashbacks!!!

  25. We took a cruise through the ports of New England in the fall of '06 and Bar Harbor was by far my most favorite stop! We ate lunch in the town square park with the leaves changing colors on the trees. Then we shopped all the sweet stores in town and took a tour up Cadillac Mountain. I always wished I had longer there and have enjoyed your photos immensely!

  26. Great way to bring some of the beach back to Pa.! When I was in grad school at Villanova I asked someone where the beach was. He looked at me and said, New Jersey! Growing up near the beach I just figured every place had one! :)
    Love how the room looks, and what a beautiful family you have, God bless them!

  27. This is the second blog I've visited today where the blogger has used this big glass containers to display personal treasures. I just love them. And I don't have any... So I will have to rectify that :) You've inspired me.

  28. Great idea. Much better than a T shirt.

    - The Tablescaper

  29. A lovely collection of sweet memories!

    I made your apple dumplings~ yummy!

  30. What a lovely display! I love what you did with the pebbles...great memories. Your kids are really attractive/handsome!


  31. I'm sure it won't surprise you to hear that I brought home flat, black small rocks from trips to Michigan. Mine live in a pretty bowl! I love to pick them up and remember the fun we have there. They told me to use clear nail polish to bring the color far, mine are still a bit gray.

  32. I love everything in jars and the pebbles are sooo much better than a T-shirt. What a great ide to finish them. We brought home some small pebbles from a trip to Oregon. The girls wanted necklaces made so I drilled some holes in them and for awhile they wore them. A Maine trip sounds so beautiful. I have never heard of this area before. Joni

  33. Great idea, Yvonne! Love your family room too. We also have a white fireplace mantel with bookshelves on both sides. Have a nice wknd!
