Thursday, September 29, 2011


Cabbage is in season...and my Hungarian roots are showing! 

My Nani knew her way around cabbages! She made Halupki's (stuffed cabbage), Halushki (cabbbage and noodles) and Cabbage Soup! I learned from my grandmother. I remember how wonderful her kitchen smelled!

If you like Halupki's you will love cabbage soup. Even if you think cabbage soup sounds suspect, you should give it a try! It is delicious! Just perfect for this time of year!

Simple ingredients and easy to make, this tasty soup can stand on it's own as a meal! Of course I'll add a chewy Jewish seeded rye bread.

The measurements in Nani's Cabbage Soup are broad and liberal. I learned by watching, not measuring. This recipe is what I call "Peasant Food"...nothing too precise... people used what they had. These are my very favorite recipes! Adjust it as you see fit.

SG TIDBIT: This is NOT Weight Watcher's Cabbage Soup! It has lots of meat and a rich rich flavor.

Nani's Cabbage Soup
This makes a big pot!
1 large head of green cabbage, or 2 medium 
1-2 large yellow onion
4-6 TBS vegetable oil
4-6 thick bone-in pork chops and country ribs (I use 3-4 large bone-in pork chops and a pound of country bone-in ribs)
10 cups water
3 potatoes, peeled and diced
1 can tomato soup
1 can crushed stewed tomatoes
2 TBS butter
1/4 cup flour
salt and pepper

In a large stock pot, add oil over medium heat. Salt and pepper the pork chops. Add pork chops and brown on both sides, about 5 minutes each side.

SG TIP:  Make sure to use enough meat. You are making a rich base for your soup~ watery tasting soup is a big culinary faux pas!

Remove pork chops and reserve.  Add onions and a little more olive oil if needed. Cook onions until translucent.

Return pork chops and any juices to the pot, add water and bring to a boil. Simmer for 1 hour, uncovered. Skim scum from the top of soup if needed.

Rough chop cabbage and put into the soup pot.

Add tomato soup and crushed stewed tomatoes. Simmer for 1 hour, uncovered. Add potatoes the last 15 minutes of cooking time. Salt and pepper.

Remove pork chops from soup and let cool. .

Make a roux ~ melt butter in a large skillet. Add flour and combine. Cook for 3-4 minutes until lightly blond. Add 1 cup of soup broth and make a roux. Whisk until the flour is incorporated and no lumps. Add an additional 1/2~1 cup of soup broth and mix. Cook until thickened. Add the thickened roux to the soup.

Simmer soup for 10 minutes until soup thickens a little.

Meanwhile, shred or chop pork and return the meat to the soup pot.

Serve hot with a dollop of sour cream!

Printable Recipe


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  1. Oh lala and it is cabbage season:) Thank you..

    When my girls were little.. their friends..and thus their mom..was my friend..her mom had a Hungarian Social Club..very popular..

    She taught me how to make forgive my spelling..Palacsintas.?
    I have the hand written by me at that time recipe in one of my books..fond fond memories~

  2. Love your soup Yvonne look delicious and beauty!

  3. Looks like a very hearty soup, Yvonne. That would be an economical meal to serve a family which is a big concern to many people these days. I like the way you served it in the pretty bowl and the garnish of one of my favorite things, sour cream.------Shannon

  4. Sounds great Yvonne! I love cabbage in any way shape or form:@)

  5. I am half Ukrainian, Yvonne, so you know I'd love this soup! I will be joining your Monday event this week. Happy Foodie Friday!

  6. Looks so good Yvonne! My mom is Slovak so I know all about Halushki love love love it and Halupki's. This post is making me hungry!! Martina

  7. I have a head of Savoy cabbage in my fridge, I will be making this. I love cabbage. And I like that bowl, I love your attention to detail. xo

  8. I love cabbage and have had cabbage soup but never made it. I'm getting a copy of this recipe and making this for sure. Oh my mouth is watering right now thinking of this! Yum!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  9. I so wish I had your talent for presentation and photography and cooking and decorating and... :-)
    This sounds delish! I will definitely try it. I've never had Cabbage Soup but I love all the ingredients. Thanks so much for sharing!


  10. Great recipes. I love seasonal vegetables and have recently rediscovered the versatility of cabbage - even in a salad if its chopped extremely finely and has lots of freshly shaved parmesan cheese and some verjuice stirred through it.

  11. My husband will be delighted when I try this recipe, Yvonne. This is right up his culinary alley!

  12. This looks so delicious! I cannot wait to try it.

    Thank you for sharing.


  13. Food makes such happy memories, doesn't it?? I LOVE cabbage & this sounds so GOOD. I put cabbage in my Vegetable Beef Soup, too. I just don't understand people that "hate" cabbage, do you?

  14. I picked up the ingredients for this and will be trying it next week. It looks so good, and such a hardy meal!

  15. Your cabbage soup looks and sound delicious. I add cabbage to my vegetable soup, love the flavor. Soup is one of my favorites, love to make, serve and enjoy. I have a fav soup recipe on my post now. See if you might like it too. Great photos..........

    The French Hutch

  16. My Hubby loves cabbage in any form, so he will be thrilled when this shows up on the table!

  17. I have never had cabbage soup, but will be trying it soon. Thanks for sharing your family recipe.

  18. Yvonne...I make a wonderful beef-vegetable soup & the base is cabbage!
    Totally amazing how it changes in taste and doesn't taste like cabbage at all. I use lots of fresh tomatoes, celery, yellow onions, cabbage & the beef to make a great stock, then add veggies near the end. So so good. Thanks for this little tip of yours, cause now I can make 2 things !!

  19. Hello Yvonne,
    thank you for the great recipe of Cabbage Soup. I will definately try your recipe as I love to cook a big pot and to eat several days. I love to add a dollop of sourcream to each plate.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  20. Yvonne, one of the reasons I look forward to cold weather is so I get to make soup all the cabbage soup too! This sounds wonderful, will print out the recipe to add to my "Stonegable cookbook" :)

  21. I have never made cabbage soup but this sounds quite delicious. I will give it a try - my kids adore soup!

  22. I'm a cabbage fan as well and really enjoy a nice hearty bowl of cabbage soup. With the cooler weather coming, cabbage soup is always a favorite.

  23. I am a soup gal, but I confess I've never made cabbage soup. I think that's about to change. You always make your food look so delicious Yvonne.

  24. My Mom made cabbage soup when we were kids, but I don't think I ever have. This sounds really tasty and hearty. I'll have to put it on the menu!

  25. Boy-O-Boy, am I glad I never posted MY cabbage would have been a sad comparison. Yours is chock full of yummy stuff & I WILL be making your version very, very soon. DH LOOOOVES soup!

    Thank you for sharing the recipe & all the extra tips & directions.


  26. HUGE cabbage fan here -- this soup looks heavenly :)

    Happy weekend Yvonne :)


  27. Hi Yvonne. Your recipe for cabbage soup makes me want to run home and make some right now. I don't think I have any hungarian roots in me, but I absolutely love cabbage soup. I have been making it for years and I enjoy it every time. I have made it many different ways (like you said just throwing in what I have on hand) and it always turns out fantastic. I think I may have to make some this weekend to warm my bones from this cooler fall weather. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Hi Yvonne, I just shared your blog and recipe with Mr. P. He says sounds good. :-))He naturally wanted it now.. lol.. I told him I would pick up the ingredients and put it together tomorrow evening for him. With all his illnesses anything he'll eat I'll gladly fix, want you to know he's one excited man right now. Thanks for sharing the recipe.. hugs ~lynne~

  29. Oh this looks so good I have to try this tomorrow. Thanks so much for sharing!

  30. This sounds wonderful. I always say that if I could only have one food, it would be soup. This must make a ton, that is more meat than we eat in a week. I wonder if I could cut the recipe in half. With just the two of us...well, we'd be eating it 3 meals a day!

  31. Doesn't this slim our pre-holiday waistlines too?? I will try this!! xxoo ~A

  32. What a delicious and hearty soup for the fall I would love it tipped off with a dollop of sour cream! I love cabbage both cooked and raw and I know I would love your soup. Joni

  33. Made this yesterday - fantastic recipe, added paprika and garlic along with 2 chicken buillion cubes. Delish!

  34. Ok, you DID warn us that this makes a big pot.. I just didn't realize how big. LOL I'm just to the point of simmering the pork and onions and am already realizing I'm going to have to bring in the BIG pot from the garage. I'm sure it will be delicious but its going to be a lot of soup for us. My question is.. Does it freeze well? (Cabbage soup may be a hard sell with the neighbors since its still over 100 in AZ.) I think I may be in trouble here! :)
