Friday, June 24, 2011


Before we jump into the Strawberry Tart recipe, I want to remind you of the Mikasa Giveaway going on until Wednesday, June 29th.

Mikasa is giving away 5 place settings of their gorgeous MIDNIGHT BLOOM dinnerware to one lucky StoneGable reader.

5 Piece Place Setting

Wouldn't this set a beautiful table? Rich and upscale, this china would be a most welcomed additon to anyone's collection!

To enter this giveaway:

1~ leave a comment mentioning the giveaway

2~ become a follower of StoneGable

3~ Visit Mikasa and come back to tell me what pattern you would like to have

4 & 5 Become a follower of MIKASA or STONEGABLE on Facebook.

6~ Post about this giveaway or put the giveaway on your sidebar.

MIKASA MIDNIGHT BLOOM GIVEAWAY will end Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 7:00 PM and the winner will be randomly selected.


This little gems-of-a-tart was made at the end of the locally grown strawberry season. The great thing about strawberries is that good strawberries can be found almost all year round!

This recipe can also be tweaked to fit any seasonal fruit. Try it with lemon curd and blueberries, peaches and mascopone cream, rasberries and raspberry glaze or a tasty mix of fresh fruit!

These desserts have that WOW factor that will leave a memorable impression!

I enjoy making and serving almost anything that is an individual serving. It's like saying, "Look, I made this just for you!"

1 recipe Martha Stewarts' Pate Brisse (Pie Dough)
2 quarts fresh strawberries
1 cup sugar
2 TBS cornstarch
Whipped cream

Make pate brisse according to directions. For recipe, click HERE.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Roll out dough.

Place dough in mini tart pans with removable bottoms.  Dock bottom of pastry with a fork.

Line pastry shells with parchment and fill with beans.

Blind bake for 15-20 minutes until done but not too brown.

Cool on wire rack and  remove from tart pans.

Meanwhile, combine sugar, 1 quart of strawberries and cornstarch in a saucepan.

Mash strawberries.

Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Simmer for 10 minutes until thick and glossy.

Cool and refrigerate until firm.

Pour cooled glaze into cooled tarts.

Slice strawberries and arrange in a fan design around the edge of the tart. Fill in with a closer circle of strawberry slices.

Add a dollop of whipped cream and serve.

Printable Recipe

Don't forget ON THE MENU MONDAY, a weekly menu and event planning linky party starts here this  Sunday evening at 9:00. Please join me in linking up all your menu idea, pictures and creativity!

For more imformations click HERE.

I am participating in:
Foodie Friday at Designs By Gollum

SWEET TOOTH FRIDAY at Parenting And Life With A Side Of Chocolate

FUN WITH FOOD FRIDAY at Paisley Passions


  1. Coming here I am always in for a treat....this looks heavenly and is so pretty too, great idea for a dinner party!!

  2. beautiful tarts, and berries....mmmm one of the treasures of Spring, I guess Summer now! Lovely photos as usual.

  3. Those tarts look so delicious. I am a follower, and have often used your menu ideas, and love your photos. The giveaway...sounds I'm going over to Mikasa...

  4. These tarts look beautiful and delish! Your photos are always so incredible.

    I'd love to win this giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.


  5. I've never thought I could make a tarte - but I've already made Pate Brisee, so this is actually really doable! Plus we have a ton of strawberries in our garden. Thanks for the great idea. ~ Courtney

  6. I think with all the blue in my house I would pick the indigo Bloom.

  7. I did visit the Mikasa site and I'm following them on FB.

    I would like to have the Stone Ridge Black set.

  8. You can't beat the sweetness of summer strawberries, and your tarts looks delicious!

  9. My mouth is watering, Yvonne! There's one thing I just love and that's pie crust! This looks divine! Strawberries, cream and crust =)
    I have to tell you that I couldn't wait to make those rose napkins! I made six of them to decorate a table at school for a retirement luncheon! Everyone raved about them and I told them I discovered them at "Stone Gable."
    The theme colors were red/white and silver. These decorated the dessert table which I set with a white tablecloth over a larger red one. The red rose napkins made a semi-circle around the desserts! Soooo pretty! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the idea!
    Bless you*
    ♥ Maria

  10. Just gorgeous! Love the lemon curd and blueberry idea!
    PS-forgot to mention that I LOVE the rose napkin fold in your last post:@)

  11. oh so lovely...I just want to enjoy that with a nice cup of TEA! I just get GIDDY when I see you have a new post.

  12. This tart looks so beautiful and delicious!
    And the Mikasa setting is so lovely. Please, add me for the giveaway.

  13. the MIKASA MIDNIGHT BLOOM GIVEAWAY sounds lovely - would really like to win! :) I'm already a blog follower too! thanks!

  14. Greetings from Tennessee!!!! Thank you, thank you thank you for the recipe! I am a constant visitor at Stone Gable and love all your posts! I have already signed up for the giveaway.....

    Have a blessed weekend there at Stone Gable!!!!


  15. I love visiting here. That tart just jumps off the page, unfortunately not into my mouth, though! I have the giveaway on my sidebar. xo,

  16. I always think tarts are so special and your strawberry ones are beautiful and delicious looking. I think I'll use a pre-made crust though as my luck with making pie crusts is iffy at best. I'm a fair cook but I didn't inherit the pie crust making gene.
    Have a great weekend,

  17. Great tarts! I love to make them and eat them too! Thanks for this recipe, step by step and so yummy looking!! I love pies and so does my hubby, he even loves the chicken pie! I will try this one too. Thanks for hosting the give away...hope I win it! I don't know how to put it in my side bar, but my daughter will, so hold on a little, I'm not compu savvy, you know. Love, FABBY

  18. Oh my, Yvonne, the tarts looks heavenly! Your pictures are a delight for the senses!!

  19. First of all the strawberry tart looks wonderful! I enjoy baking, so I'll have to make this soon. The Mikasa give away is so generous! If I had to pick a pattern, I think the Italian Countryside is beautiful. Although the English Countryside is pretty too!

  20. You sure know how to use your camera and rolling pin . I am tasting your delicious strawberry tart through the page.

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. It would be hard to choose because I like all the patterns.

  21. Those plates are beautiful, i'd love to win!

  22. Thanks for having this great giveaway!

  23. I like the Mikasa "Parchment Red."

  24. Yvonne, those tarts look delicious! Strawberries are just barely coming into season here. Your new dishes are absolutely beautiful! What a nice gift from Mikasa, and a beautiful giveaway.

    I am a follower.

  25. Trying to catch up on your posts! I fiorgot to mention that I am a follower of you AND Mikasa on Facebook too!!!! I also have been LUCKY enought to TASTE these wonderful strawberry tarts!!!!! Heavenly! Thanks again!!!! XO, Pinky

  26. Beautiful strawberry tarts, Yvonne! I do love this sweet, strawberry time of year.

    That is such a gracious giveaway and beautiful pattern.

    I'm going to try your rose napkin fold too. I think napkin folding is so much fun!

  27. Your strawberry screams SUMMER!Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays. So sorry that it took me so long to visit as I've been away.
    Hope to see you this Sunday.

    - The Tablescaper
