Thursday, June 9, 2011


Asparagus Tart is a savory delight. The crisp crunch of the puffed pastry gives way to the soft melty cheese and the fresh taste of lightly salted asparagus! Do I have your interest yet? Well, I will when you see just how easy it is to make this impressive and oh, so delicious tart!

This is such a versatile recipe. The puffed pastry could be the base for many cheeses, or even flavored cream cheese, and other vegetable combinations. I just roasted tomatoes and I am using them in a tart with ricotta and Parmesan cheese, artichokes, roasted red peppers and prosciutto. YUMMY!

Try the asparagus tart then use your imagination to make many wonderful combinations!

Asparagus Gruyere Tart

1 package of puffed pastry
2 cups Gruyere cheese
1/2 cups Parmesan cheese
2 leeks, whites and light green parts
1 TBS butter
1 1/2 pounds medium asparagus
2 TBS olive oil, divided
salt and pepper

Roll out pastry to fit into a rectangle tart pan or free form pastry on a large baking sheet. Put pastry in the tart pan and fit it up the edges. Using a sharp knife score the edges around the pan. Dock the bottom of the pastry with a fork liberally. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Meanwhile, slice leek white and light green parts in two lengthwise. Cut into 1/4 inch slices. Put leeks into a large bowl of water and swoosh around to remove any dirt. Remove to a paper towel and pat dry.

Heat 1 TBS oil and butter in a large pan over medium heat. Add leek and cook for 20 minutes until soft and slightly golden. Take off heat and reserve.

Put puffed pastry in oven and cook for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, trim asparagus to fit in the tart pan.

Remove tart pan from oven and add cheeses.

Top cheese with leeks and asparagus. Line up the asparagus across the tart. Brush with remaining oil and salt and pepper.

Bake tart for an additional 20-25 minutes.

Remove from tart pan.

Cut into squares and serve.


I am participating in:
 Foodie Friday at Designs By Gollum
This Chick Cooks linky party


  1. Hi Yvonne!

    This sounds absolutely delicious. Fantastic combination of flavors and EVERYTHING tastes better when setting on puff pastry.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. This WAS so delicious! I hahve never used puff pastry but now I am going to try this after having tasted it! You are SUCH a wonderful cook!!!! XO, Pinky

  3. Oh my, this sounds delicious and perfect for a summertime meal!

    Kat :)

  4. I love those puff pastry sheets. I have them as a staple in my freezer now. So versatile! I am going to try this out on the tribe. It looks wonderful! I can just imagine the combos! Thanks for posting!

  5. Okay, now I am going to HAVE to make this. It looks delicious!!

  6. This dish looks so beautiful and delicious. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Yvonne,
    What a lovely post. Asparagus is a favorite in our house. I shall try this. Thank you for sharing. The photographs are beautiful too.


  8. Just beautiful Yvonne! I'm sure it's great:@)

  9. Oh yum! I just bought a package of puff pastry to try your Parmesan Breadsticks, and now I don't know which to try first!!

  10. THANK YOU for posting this!!!!! It is printing as I type this...this looks heavenly and is so beautiful.....cannot wait to try it. Thank you!

  11. I'm making this next week! You always have the best recipes, Yvonne.

  12. I love that your food is always delicious sounding and delicious LOOKING, as well. Your photos are wonderful.
    I featured your yummy puff bread stricks today. If you'd like, I have a FEATURED button at the top of my sidebar for you. We all LOVE those little FEATURED buttons. :))
    xo bj

  13. My favorite vegetable with my favorite cheese - it has to be delicious! So beautiful too. What a lovely presentation.

  14. Beautiful, Yvonne. Asparagus is on my list for tomorrow's farmers' market. The season is almost over here but I can get in one last recipe. Thanks.

  15. Hi Yvonne, I love every post you publish, you are so talented and have such style and grace. Thank you for providing such enjoyment, encouragement and explanations for all your recipes, decor table tops.Just could spend all morning studying your scapes and recipes, thanks so much,Emelia.

  16. Yvonne, this looks delish, of course, from your hands! Wishing you a lovely weekend~

  17. Yum, I love asparagus and am definitely going to make this!

  18. This looks amazing! Love puff pastry, love asparagus, adore cheese. Making this for sure!

    And thanks so much for your comment, I'm happy to have found you! I will have to go and seek out Spellbound, sounds lovely.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  19. That tart looks amazing and oh so fancy. I'd love to try some of it. Thanks for coming by to share your recipe :) Have a great weekend!

  20. Sounds absolutely delicious!

  21. Hmmmm, this looks and sounds delish! I will definitely try it. I've missed checking your blog ~ lots of stuff going on.

    Have a blessed Sunday!

  22. How did I miss this? It really sounds wonderful. You're so right that there are many alternatives to what you could put in this tart.

    - The Tablescaper
