Friday, May 27, 2011

An Unexpected Trip

I have missed my blogging friends and dear readers this week, but an unexpected trip to the hospital has kept me out of commission! I had an almost fatal reaction to some back pain meds. Luckily, a three day stay in our local hospital kept me out of danger. I returned home yesterday weak, but in good spirits! Thanks to all my friends and family for your prayers!

Look for "On The Menu"  Sunday evening. Until then, I am taking it easy and getting my strength back.

I wish everyone a very happy Memorial Day.

I am so grateful for our brave heros who serve our great country and for the one's who have given the ultimate sacrifice so we can all be free. God bless you and your families! You are our true national treasures!


  1. I was wondering why you were MIA. I thought maybe you got wrapped up in getting SG ready for the holiday. So sorry to hear you were doing so bad. Glad to hear that you are feeling and doing a bit better. Take it easy and get your rest!

  2. I knew something must be going on with you...I always look forward to learning more about SG. You are truly missed my friend! Take care, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. --Marti R.

  3. Wow! That must have been some scare. I'm so glad that you are OK. Do take it easy. Blogging will be here. Actually with all of the Blogger issues this week, it was a good week to miss.

    - The Tablescaper

  4. I'm glad to hear that you are alright. That must have been scary for you. Missed your posts and look forward to next weeks!

  5. I wondered where you were. So glad to hear you are home and recovering well. Reactions like that are scary!

  6. Dear Yvonne,

    Thank the Lord you are okay and recovering ! Goodness !

    Yes, thank the Lord also for our military ! They are the heros and treasures for sure !

    May you have a Safe and Happy Memorial Day !


  7. You have my prayers for a speedy recovery. Take good care of yourself.

  8. Scary, but glad you're home and feeling better! Take care of yourself Yvonne:@)

  9. I was definitely missing your posts, but certainly am sorry to hear the reason. Wowzers, Yvonne! Thank goodness someone knew exactly what to do and I am so happy you are recovering. I know you gave your family a huge scare.
    Don't worry about blogging. Just get well. We should all pray for you and all of our military and their families. Sending many good good vibrations and much love, my friend.

  10. I'm praying for a quick recovery for you, Yvonne. That must have been quite a scare. And I'm joining you in prayers for our brave service men and woman who give so much to keep us secure and safe.

  11. Take good care of yourself.. I am glad you are feeling better..
    Don't do too much~ I know it's hard..
    You are in good more ways than one pair:)

  12. Hugs to you, and prayers for a speedy recovery!

  13. I think you've been busy with your kitchen and all the other things you do ... so maybe you can rest, rest, rest this weekend! Hope you are completely well soon, and the back as well.



  14. I am so relieved that you are OK, your family must have been so worried! Get the rest you need, my friend! I, too, kept thinking you were BUSY getting everything ready for the weekend. Be well!!!!! XO, Pinky

  15. Thank God you are okay, Yvonne. I wondered why I hadn't seen any posts from you all week. Take care and get all the rest you can so you can get back to blogging.

  16. So sorry to hear this Yvonne ~ take the time you need to get yourself back into the swing of things ~ you know we will be waiting for you when you get back!! xo

  17. I'm so sorry, Yvonne, this happened to you. But thankfully you're okay. Just rest and make everyone wait on you hand and foot!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. I will be praying for a strong and speedy recovery. I'm so sorry to hear that you had such a scare, but I'm glad that you are alright now.
    God bless our military, past, present and future!
    Take care!

  19. Wow, Yvonne. Hope you feel much better soon!

  20. Oh my goodness!! I am so sorry you have been sidelined. Glad to see you back and hope you take it easy for a full recovery.


  21. Would you mind posting the name of the medication you were taking. It may save someone from having the same problems you had.

  22. Oh blimey! I'm so please 'they' have sorted you out and you are back home Yvonne.
    Take things easy.
    Best wishes from across the pond.
    Rose H

  23. Good Grief, Yvonne!! That had to be very scary, Hon! I am SO glad you're okay now. Whew!

    I thought that perhaps you were one of the thousands of us who couldn't sign into our blogs this week. Blogger is STILL having issues, esp. with those who use FireFox brousers. I haven't been able to comment or post or access my blog for over a week!

    Gentle {{{HUGS}}} to you, Sweet Lady. Take it easy & make sure you're fully recovered. Will be keeping you close in thoughts & prayers.


  24. Oh goodness; glad you have recovered...three days in the hospital!! Sending a little prayer of thanks and good wishes for a lovely weekend~

  25. glad you are well now, enjoy your holiday~

  26. Goodness, that is scary! Thank the Lord you are ok now. Have a wonderful relaxing weekend and rest!

  27. Yvonne, I'm so sorry you had such a scary thing happen to you, and I'm glad you are alright. Allergic reactions to medications can be very dangerous! I hope you are resting and that you will be 100% in no time.


  28. I'm so sorry for what you've been through. I am glad you are now ok and hope that you are recovering well.

    I made your Green Goddess dressing tonight. It was sooooo good. Thank you for sharing that recipe.

    Rest and relax!

  29. Yvonne, I've missed your posts the last few days & had actually started to get a little concerned.....was hoping you were just busy! Isn't it funny how we can get concerned about blogger friends several miles away that we've never even met? I'm so glad you're doing better. I'll continue to pray for a quick & complete recovery for you! God bless. Shae

  30. Yvonne, I hope you are feeling a lot better. I wondered where you were - no beautiful table for us this week!!! I bet you picked up some great tablescaping ideas from your hospital meal tray!!

  31. Hugs to you, Yvonne. Please do take it easy and take good care of yourself. That must have been quite a scare for you. I'm so glad you are on the mend.

  32. I'm popping over from Savvy Southern Style, saw your blog on the sidebar.
    I'm glad that you are doing well.
    Looking forward to checking out your blog!

    I am your newest follower!

  33. Gonna have to try that pie in a jar - it looks SO cute!! have a great weekend!

  34. That is terrible, Y! I am so glad you are ok, but what a terrible experience for you to go through. I will keep you in my up!

  35. Dear Yvonne,
    SO glad you are back home and recovering. You know you were on my mind this week and I prayed for you. you, the Lord know everytrhign dosen't He? You take care and concentrate on getting well my friend.
    I'll join you in prayers of safety for our brave men and women.
    Blessings and a big hug,

  36. Hi Yvonne!
    I am so glad you came through that okay! I will keep you in my prayers for continued health and regaining of strength. God bless you and may you feel His healing presence ♥ Maria

  37. Oh my goodness, Yvonnne!! So glad you are OK! Praying for a speedy recovery for you! xoxo

  38. Yikes! Meds are not something to take lightly. My hubby developed an ulcer when taking pain meds after surgery a few years ago. Now he has to be real careful what he takes. So glad to hear you are doing better. Take care of yourself and take however much time you need to recover. In another words, milk it for all it's worth. ;-) Sending up prayers for you!

  39. Oh no!!! I'm so glad you're ok! That's really scary to have a reaction to meds like that enough to put you in the hospital...Glad your home and hope you and yours have a wonderful weekend!

  40. Well, I'm sure glad you are doing better. We miss you out here in blogland. Rest up and keep getting your strength back.

  41. How scary for you! I am so glad you are home and doing well, Yvonne. Take good care of yourself. We missed you. Blogging wouldn't be the same without your talented touch!
    Lots of love and prayers,

  42. Oh my goodness...I am so sorry! I had a feeling something was wrong! I certainly will be praying for you! Your blog continues to bless me and I think God is using your gifts to bless others! So, I am grateful He took care of you! Hope your weekend is good!!!!

  43. Oh no, Yvonne - I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. I'm glad you're back home now. Take it easy and rest up!!

  44. I praise God for the blessing of your renewed health/great doctors to take care of you in the hospital! We surely missed you!

    The world would have been a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH sadder place without you, so we're glad you're "up and at 'em"!

    MANY blessings to you,
    Lana In Italy

  45. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I missed all your beautiful posts and kept checking ....knew there was something wrong. My prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Take care, Yvonne
    Blessings from Shel

  46. Although I visit your blog regularly, I rarely post a comment-so glad that you are on the road to recovery!

  47. Oh, my goodness, I am so sorry for your scare! Thank goodness you got good care and are back home where you belong! Take care, and I hope you're soon feeling yourself again!

  48. Holy Moly! How scary for you and your family that must have been. Glad you are okay!

  49. wow. so sorry to hear of your scare and so glad you're recovering. missed your blog presence this week. take it easy and enjoy your weekend. thoughts and prayers are with you.

  50. So glad that your recovering after such a scare!
    God Bless...Ann

  51. So very glad you are recovering well! So glad you are still here. Love you friend

  52. Thank goodness you got to the hospital in time! That must have been scary to hear 'almost fatal'.

    Hope you are feeling better and have a wonderful holiday weekend!

  53. Oh my word, what a horrible experience but glad to see you're feeling better. Have a blessed Memorial weekend!

  54. Yvonne,

    I am so sorry to hear that. It is good to know that you are home and on the mend. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you....I'm pass your way many times a week.


  55. what a scare! Hope you're better soon. Love the blog! Hugs Carol

  56. Yvonne, I'm so glad you are okay from that frightening experience. So good to hear you are healing. You've been missed, but we will all be here when you're able to get back to blogging. Take care, Pam

  57. girl, you take it easy ya hear!

    God is so good.

    rest rest rest
    and then check out my newest post about cooking

  58. What a scary thing Yvonne, I am so glad your OK and back home! Rest up, Martina

  59. Prayers for a very speedy recovery.


  60. Hi Yvonne...

    I was just stopping by to see your Memorial Day post when I read this. Ohhh my have such a bad reaction to medication is soooo scary! Thank the Lord for His protection and healing power! I do hope that you are feeling much better and back to normal by now, sweet friend!

    Happy Memorial Day and God Bless America!!!

    Love ya,

  61. Rest and get better! Such a scary thing.

  62. Oh my gosh! How scary! So glad that you're ok ---hope you never have such a reaction again! Mercy!

  63. Oh my dear friend! What a scare. Thankfully you are now at home safe and sound. Be well.

  64. Yvonne, I think my trip home kept me from reading about your trip. So sorry that happened to you. But glad you're better. That can be scary. Take it easy and don't over do things. xxx
