Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Under Glass ~Spring Cloche

Put almost anything under glass and it takes on a whole new element of sophistication! Pheasant under glass, snow globes, terrariums, Tiffany's jewelry and cloches!

This cloche will bring a touch of  Spring to my kitchen.

Don't you love Spring...under glass?

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  1. Wunderschöne deko!Schöne Frauentag heute!Bussi.Luciene,

  2. We had six or seven sweet nests full of baby birds around our house last year. I enjoyed watching them grow and seeing them learn to fly. Since then, I've taken to decorating with more nests and bird items...I love the reminder of God's continuing life cycle! I love your nest under the cloche.

  3. Yvonne,

    I love the treatment of the photos. I wish you would share which program you used to turn them into such lovely paintings.


  4. Love your cloche (and photography fun). Your nest and eggs look so pretty and the ribbon is such a wonderful touch. *Becca*


  5. Hi Yvonne!

    Love your spring cloche! The nest and eggs are so pretty and I love the ribbon you have used..so nature inspired..beautiful!

    Miss Bloomers

  6. I couldn't find a cloche I could afford, BUT I found a grand old birdcage, so I use that instead. And the plus side to it is I don't have to worry about it getting broken by my wandering cats! It's a great alternative. I'll just come visit your wonderful site and admire yours!

  7. Lovely, Yvonne, and I love the wire ribbon you tied off on the top of your cloche, too. I've been keeping my eye out for some nests and robin's eggs in the stores. Right now there are a lot of pastel eggs for Easter, but I'm sure I will find them! I always like the look of a nest with eggs under a cloche.

  8. Love it Yvonne!! Spring is almost here!!

  9. I loves des cloches:) For so many things..Yours is adorable.

  10. Your cloche is beautiful Yvonne. I love all things that remind of spring and a nest full of eggs certainly does the trick. Your imagery looks like a master piece.

  11. Spring! Love the artsy look!

  12. That is so lovely!
    We have a cloche in our sunroom, right by the door. We put "found" things under it from our adventures! Feathers, a bird nest, a broken pocket watch found in the dirt...
    Every time I glance at it I am reminded of our family time together!

  13. Lovely cloche Yvonne. I love Spring and I am ready and waiting. Especially after this particular winter.:-)

  14. Love it!!! I have plans for the nest you gave me: You'll see it soon:):) I ahve several nests that I saved from around the yard too and have to decide how to use them this year. Happy almost SPRING!!!!!!! I have THE FEVER!!!!!

  15. Hi Yvonne,

    It is so nice to meet you and I enjoyed visiting your beautiful blog - your cloche is lovely and your photographs look like art.

    Thank you for following my blog.
    Have a wonderful day.

  16. I just found your blog today and I love it. Your pictures are beautiful and you have so many
    great ideas. I'll be following! I am new to blogging, would love to have you stop by sometime.

  17. So pretty.
    It does look like Spring!

  18. Happy Spring Ivonne, love your nest cloche!


  19. I love these cloches!!! The nest makes it so sweet!!

    Pamela xo

  20. Great idea! Such fun and lovely pictures

  21. Yvonne,
    I love anything under glass! Where did you get your sweet nest?
    I have to tell you that I tried your chicken sausage, bean and orzo soup and it's TO DIE FOR!!!!!!!! I found myself slurping it right out of the pot. mmmmmmmmm!
    thanks so much.

  22. Your photos are really lovely this week. A few of them look like they were taken underwater or through a prism. They are very, very nice. I hope you have a wonderful evening. Blessings...Mary

  23. Oh this is so funny. Oh my. I was just putting my cloche together for spring and have a bird and a nest and some twigs.. and then i come here.. Yours is stunning. I love the use of the nito charger under the cloche. Perfect for the look.

  24. Very pretty! Thanks for sharing. I am really enjoying seeing everyone's touches of Spring. I wanted to take pics today, but another gray/rainy day here.

  25. How pretty for the kitchen. Again, need to see more of your kitchen though.... just saying.... and throw in the rest of the house too! I don't ask for much do I? Love the painting pics too!

    I can't wait to show you what I got today! Heehee! I am just as giddy as a school girl!

  26. I love how everything looks so pretty under glass. I didn't have a cloche in my house until I started blogging...now I'm always on the look for more:) I love that ribbon (ribbon is my weakness). I've never seen any like that around here.

  27. I love this! The colors just scream spring -- now if it would only hurry up and get here!!

  28. Your cloche looks so pretty and Springish! love the pretty little eggs and nest. Very sweet.

  29. What a beautiful blog! Thank you for sharing!

  30. A "Renoir touch" is entered in your blog! Very raffinate!

  31. A beautiful Spring post!I love your blog!

  32. Beautiful touch for Spring. I enjoyed catching up on your blog this morning. So much inspiration!

  33. How lovely! I can see I am going to have to get a cloche. This is a great display, and I love that ribbon!

  34. Yes, so very pretty! Everything in your seems magical to me!

  35. Simply lovely, Yvonne! With the rough ribbon & the texture of the nest & eggs, you've created a beautiful contrast. Boy have I missed not being able to see what you've been up to! I have lots to catch up on, I see.

    ♥♥♥ the colored sugars...you can be sure Ms. C. & I will be making some of that in a rainbow of colors on her next visit. What a great inspiration you are, my friend! I've missed *talking* to you!


  36. Yvonne,
    Lovely photography! Birds nest and eggs are definitely signs of Spring!

  37. Love your cloche, Yvonne. Sometimes, just a simple nest and eggs makes such a lovely statement. And your photo enhancements are pretty too. I love using those programs. I have to try some of your recipes- they sound so good! ~ Sue

  38. Love your framed nest on your easel in the background of your nested cloche!


    your cloche and of course your pictures are just amazing. i've always loved a nest with eggs. it's so peaceful.

    your photo paintings?? are wonderful. everytime i visit your blog, i'm so inspired.

    honored to have you link up with the FLING.


  40. I'm visiting from Marty's party.

    I think there is something magical about cloches and agree that you can put something under them and they become sophisticated.

  41. What a beautiful cloche, Yvonne! I like the eggs you displayed....Christine

  42. Gorgeous pictures! I love how you displayed your cloche. Martina


  43. So so lovely!! The ribbon is beautiful too!

  44. Hi Yvonne...

    Ohh yes...I just love spring any ol' way...but I do admit that it is awful pretty under glass! My friend, your sweet little bird nest and speckled eggs are sooo pretty and they just sing of spring! I also really like your pretty french writing ribbon that you embellished the cloche with! I sooo enjoyed your beautiful spring post, my friend! Loved your photo effects...they would make a pretty piece of art to hang or a beautiful card!

    Warmest spring wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  45. Beautiful cloches Ivonne...spring looks beautiful under glass, I love all your inside lovelies. Great pic of the eggs, it looks like a painting. To cool.
    I'd love your visit Ivonne, I'll be honoured to have you over.
    Have a nice weekend

  46. Your cloche vignette is gorgeous and I love your pictures. So pretty. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty
