Saturday, January 1, 2011

Organizing Christmas Past

Happy New Year! Have you made any resolutions this year? Me? Well, yes... of course!

I am dubbing this the year "GIVE AWAY, PUT AWAY, THROW AWAY". I hope to be much more organized in 2011. Clutter drives me crazy! And wastes so much of my time, money and energy.

I hear from my beloved readers all the time that I must be soooooo organized. Well, yes........ and no!
Some areas of my home are gloriously in order and there are some areas that could qualify me as a candidate for a guest spot on  America's Messiest Home! My basement is the albatross around my neck... and conscience!

Christmas is always hard to organize. If you, like me, have years of collected decorations, containing all the Yuletide fluff and sparkle is a nightmare! And if things aren't put away properly finding them the next year is almost impossible!

I have had an organizing system in place for years that works. I just don't always WORK it!

I am the queen of plastic containers! They come in all shapes, sizes, colors (I prefer clear) and configurations. There is a container to curtail everything imaginable.

Here is my organizing system. This is a tried and true system. It is not my original idea, it has been around forever, but it really works.

Overall Organizing~ it works for everything you need to organize! REALLY!

1- Go through all of your decorations with 2 large cardboard boxes and a large trash bag. Mark them Give Away, Put Away, And Throw Away. Put all items in the correct container. Be ruthless! Don't keep ANYTHING you don't use. (Yvonne, are you listening?)

2- Put the Throw Away bag in the trash immediately. Put the Give Away box in your car to take to your donation location. ( I have decorations set aside for my daughter~ if she doesn't come to get them, out they go- remember, ruthless!)

3- Now put EVERYTHING away! Make sure you complete this step!

How To Put Everything Away:

1- Put LIKE things in a box.
When I deconstruct an arrangement, garland etc. I put all elements in one big container first.

I put containers on my island.

I then put the decor away. Like things together.

2- Number  each box.
Each box that holds Christmas decor begins with "CH" and then is assigned a number.

3- Record the number and content of the box in a list.

This year I made my lists using Microsoft Office. I printed a copy and kept the Christmas list in a file. I also have it on my computer!

4- Put the boxes away.
Don't lose the list!
The list is saved on my computer. If I loose the file, I'll have one safe!

Really, that's it! And it works great... if you do each step.

Let's get started!!!!!! Here's wishing you a more organized 2011!

I am participating in Seasonal Sundays at my friend's, The Tablescapers!   Click HERE to join in all the pretty fun.


I am participating in thr 102nd Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps On The Porch. Click HERE  to visit all the creative before and afters!


  1. Great post, Yvonne. I truly find that if I don't put my things away in an organized fashion, I can't find them the next year. It's not worth rushing. Take it slow and do it right. I like your idea of the typed list. I'll have to incorporate that into my routine.

    Happy New Year. Here's to a whole new year of blogging. Please be sure to link your organizational tips to Seasonal Sundays. I've got it up early since I figure New Year's day is a good day for a bit of blogging. LOL!

    - The Tablescaper

  2. Wow, I noticed as I put things away this year that I really should have had a throw away bag. Didn't do that. Next year for sure. Love your system. I just need to follow it. Hope you have a super New Year. Hugs, Marty

  3. I, like you, am organized in many aspects of my life but there are a few areas that would put me in the running for messier-than-thou! In fact, in those areas, I could take on any challenger no matter how messy. I have a hard time letting go. I've given the boys many of their ornaments but many still "live" with us. I feel inspired and am truly going to try my best to deornamentate!


  4. Wow! It looks great when it's all put away. Last year I started going through my storage areas and I use the 'give away, throw away, put away' principle as I go. No new resolutions for me. I just want my house back and will continue to purge.

  5. I am a lot like you- I have everything in plastic containers too with the list posted to the outside of the box...(because my own aren't clear containers) and then a list on my computer. I NEED to do the SAVE/GIVE/TRASH thing though- I have been keeping some things forever---sigh---so sad to see them go...

    I am feeling more inspired to do that after reading this...Thanks..and have a Happy New Year! Hugs- Diana

  6. I organize all of my seasonal decor by numbering each container and listing what is in each one on an index card that I keep in a small file box. I love being able to easily find an item for a display when I am ready to decorate.

    Thanks for sharing your system.

    Have a Blessed New Year!

  7. I am so glad you did this post! I have all my decorations in containers but my Christmas has become a mess. I had already determined this year to organize them differently and mark them so I know what is what. I love your computer list! I'm heading now to start getting my tubs and containers out and let the organized putting away of decorations begin!

  8. This was great Yvonne! I too use the tried and true plastic bins but I do have a hard time getting rid ot things! :)
    I'm taking down my decorations now and just stopped for a break!
    Now you've inspired me to get back at it.
    Be a sweetie and Happy New Year!
    Shelia ;)

  9. Happy New Year Yvonne! Great tips! I just took down the tree and put all of the decorations away-feels good! Gonna bring out the snowmen and decorate a table top tree for Valentine's Day next:@)

  10. Happy New Year, Yvonne!

    I am gathering Christmas on the Dining Room table to begin the process of putting it away. Our goal this year is remember to gather everything from all corners of the house at the same time. Usually something gets left out and just hangs around in the garage all year. Not good.

  11. What a great, organized system!! I love that you made a list and added "comments"...I need to remember to do this next year!

  12. I organize same way and have a master list too. Thanks for all the good recipies all year long. I am going to make those pansy cookies in the spring!!
    Marie Arden Pink Living

  13. Great system! I use plastic containers too but I have just marked them by seasons rather than putting like items together. I like your system better!

  14. Organization is key to Christmas decorations ~ it makes it so easy next year...I learned the hard way. You have given me some wonderful ideas to organize. By the way, my basement is the same :0
    Have a great day!

  15. So you are an OrganizerDeluxe! Me Too! In fact, I did a Big ReOrg of my Christmas Stuff this year, and plan to carry that Big ReOrg into some other areas and collections!

    I've emptied quite a few Totes so far, and have Done the Dishes ReOrg. That was actually fun fun fun!

    Thanks for all the organization tips! Hope to see you often in Blogland in 2011....Happy New Year!

  16. Hi
    I love this post. I'm taking the decorations down today and tomorrow. I plan to have a garage sale in February and some of the things I don't want anymore are being put is a sale box. I also store things by month for blogging. I took your idea about putting the tablescapes in a big tub. That idea really works well. I'm so looking forward to 2011 and hope it will be a happy and healthy year for you. Oh how is your back doing?

  17. You and I are thinking along the same lines! A few days ago, I told a friend that I was going to go through all of my Christmas decorations and was not going to keep anything I can't comfortably use in my now smaller home, no matter how pretty the decorations are. I have already begun that task by purchasing a lovely, smaller tree on sale after Christmas, and my lovely larger tree has a good home to go to.
    We have our work cut out for us!


  18. I was just thinking about putting my things away. This post came at a great time! Carla

  19. Yvonne,
    Once again, kindred spirit. . .we're up to the same thing! I'm taking a break before tackling my last tree!
    I completely emptied each and every plastic tub and re~labeled. . .Upper Level Christmas OR Lower Level Christmas!
    Didn't stop there. . .went right on to the Thanksgiving, Summer / Autumn, and Spring. Seasonal changes should be MUCH easier this year! I admired your list and computer page, but the computer is on the Upper Level and the decorations are on the Lower Level. I did put a list inside the tubs on index cards, though, does that count? HA!
    At the present. . .I have six medium size boxes to donate to our local Thrift Shop (or Goodwill), took an oversized bag of recycleables to the recycle bin and took out two oversized bags of trash! Thanks, again, for the inspiration!
    P.S. Break's over. . .back to the Lower level!

  20. Great organizing of the Christmas ornaments, etc. They are so pretty, even in the plastic bins!
    Hope you have a great 2011, Yvonne. I so enjoy your blog!!!

  21. You go girl! I do need to trash a few things; we'll see if it actually happens. I had planned to put Christmas away today, but my husband has hurt his back and so it must wait another few days. I hope I still have the zeal to do a good job of it at that time! Happy New Year!

  22. Wow! You really do have a system and a lot of plastic containers. You are my organizing idol!

  23. I actually need to pare down my Christmas decor. It seems so hard to let it go to be loved by someone else. You have inspired me.

  24. What great ideas. I may have to hire somebody to come do that for me....LOL.

  25. I use a similiar system. I have every box labeled with the ROOM it goes in and the contents. For example:" dining room server". Or "kitchen hutch". My dear hubby made me a closet in the basement for alot of it but there is also Christmas in many more places: the tree and trimmings in the attic, the Hummel Nativity in an armoire in the guest room, etc. All my linens I hang on hangers. Dishes and tablescaping things I need another clost for them:):) Our outdoor sleigh actually HANGS in our garage, Joe made a pulley system for it!!!! I really do need a bigger house!!! But, like you when I put all of it away I am going to get rid of some things. Hope you had a very happy new year!!!!! XO, Pinky

  26. Yvonne,
    I do so enjoy and appreciate your lovely site. Thank you so much for everything you share.It has been said we are composed of bits and pieces of everyone who has ever crossed our paths and I'm glad I found your site. I am grateful and hope you have a healthy and God blessed 2011.

  27. Oh my gosh, your blog is AMAZING!!!
    SOOO many awesome recipes and inspiration galore!!
    I'll be back for sure!

  28. Wow.. I love plastic boxes too.. tubs in all sizes and preferably clear. The funny thing about this is that I put the decorations that I'm replacing in those tubs and then when it's time to bring in the tubs, my husband says they are all full... Where do you think i put the stuff I took out of the room??? You are soo right,, i need to purge. this year I didn't put up half my "stuff" and it was just fine. Thanks for inspiring me to include Christmas stuff into my word for the year - simplify...

    Happy New Year blogging friend, your blog has been my blessing.

  29. Thanks for bringing your organizing ideas to Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  30. I like to do it by room. This year I decided not to do the dining room , no one was coming, so I knew I wouldn't miss it that much! So that room's bins never came up. Less work for me!
    I do linens , napkins and napkin rings in one bin. I wish all my bins were clear, any new ones I buy will be, but it would be too costly to get rid of the others.
    It's all the lose little do dads that need to be organized.
    AND, like you said, give it away!
    I have a bag ready for Savers.
    I also gave a lot of serving platters etc to son and dil, as they host Cmas now. I don't need as much!
    My friend told me , once you hit 60 you should pare down, and I did, so I am trying. It is true, most of us have way too much, and it overwhelms!
    Happy 2011! Come over any time and organize my basement, LOL!

  31. Yvonne, you are organized! I'm working in that direction. Last year I began labeling all the storage boxes as to exactly what they hold. This year I'm going to tackle the closets one at a time and get rid of things. Thanks for sharing your system.
    Happy New Year to you! ~ Sarah

  32. Hi Yvonne!
    Happy New Year!
    My basement is a 2011 project too!
    It is also on my conscience all the time...
    I can't do laundry without dealing with the shame of it!
    The Give-away, put away and throw away management system I read years ago... in a book I bought after listening to Focus on the Family. I can't remember who wrote the book on organization...but it was great...
    I need to find it and revisit the page by page help!
    I need to join a "mess-watchers" group and report progress each week! LOL
    *Wishing you a year of hope, peace and JOY*
    blessings to you always*

  33. Hi Yvonne....good system. I organize my decorations in clear storage boxes by room...such as...all my kitchen things go in one box, etc. But before I put them away I clean them all and take pictures of each room so I can remember what I used and how I used them from year to year. It's a good system. I can always find what I need easily. Happy New Year.

  34. Your system is brilliant! I enjoyed this post so much. We're in such a state of flux with the house on the market and half of our stuff in storage that I'm having such trouble organizing things. You've helped a great deal this year.

  35. Yvonne, I really appreciate this post. I am an organized person as a rule, but this year I will incorporate your listing system as well. It will probably help me find things a lot faster saving more time for the fun part! Thanks ever so much for your continued inspiration -

  36. Great planning! Just yesterday I posted my current goal to do just what you are. I have many plastic containers too, but I am not quite so organized. This is inspirational to get me on the track I want to be.

  37. Love this Yvonne! I organize things the same way with the clear plastic bins. I like everything to match and they are so nice because you can see what is going on. I need to take your advice though and have a bag ready and waiting for the things I need to toss.

    Best wishes for a wonderful year ♥

  38. Yvonne, thank you so much for this post. I can be an organized person, just not so much lately and my life has gotten way too cluttered as a result. 2011 is the year for taking back my organized life.

    It's no wonder I had to share your post with my husband and say, "See why I just love this woman?!"

    I look forward to many more of your inspirational posts in 2011.

  39. For Tammy,
    You made me laugh out loud! Thanks!
    xo Yvonne

  40. Wow ~ you really are organized and I thought that I was good!! I am purging some things this year as I am in the middle of putting everything away today. I am hard core ~ large rubbermaid totes and 2 cardboard boxes hold my loot. Love the clear ones though.... Happy New Year to you!!

  41. Just found your site and I love it! Wish you had an email subscription option.


  42. Hi just had to stop by and see what was up.

    Oh my...could you come and do all that at my house????? I need help!!!

  43. Excellent, most excellent!
    I love to get rid of things. Unfortunately Chickie and Mister tend to have packrat tendencies...I really think if you have a box of stuff that you don't look at for several years, it's probably something to part with. But that's just me!

  44. Even your storage boxes are pretty!

  45. Oh my goodness, I think you are the new queen of organization. When do you get your own show;-) I thought I was fairly organized, but now I'm just not feeling it.
    You have some wonderful ideas here. I love the clear boxes. I still have mine in big red and green containers in the rafters. At least that tells me it's the Christmas stuff.
    Happy New Year

  46. You have some great ideas here. I too love the clear plastic boxes and put similar items in each box, by color. However, I felt a little christmas dirty when I realized I had 25 boxes of christmas stuff. Really? That is wrong in so many ways, but just can't seem to help myself:o)

  47. Great tips. Looks like your Christmas is all put away already. Wish I could say the same for me. Each year I try to organize but there's always that last box with a bunch of whatever.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comments.

  48. Wow!! You are organized. Looks great!

  49. Wow, when can you come over? I just throw it all in some rubbermaid totes and hope for the best! I think it does help me change things up each year though because I sure can't remember what went where when I get it out again.

  50. Great post! I also hope to finish my decluttering and organizing in the near future. I use to be a very organized person - not sure what happened.
    Happy New Year!

  51. Yvonne,
    What a great post. I am tossing and donating this year. I have learned so much from blogging this year and I think the process has defined the way I look at my "stuff".

    I have a pile and a bag in the garage right now. They will go today.

    Thanks again. Your blog is wonderful and very inspiring.


  52. Boy, I thought Jim was organized! The hint about tossing was a good reminder. I did all of that as I was putting out decorations. Next the attic!!

  53. Well, I applied your method, it took me a week, because I had to sort everything I already had. I am so glad I did it, now it will be so much easier to figure out what and where the items are that I will want. Now I can send hubby to fetch my boxes and give him numbers! He loves it!
    You have a beautiful blog. I also posted a potato soup recipe that I picked up from the Martha Stewart website over 10 years ago. It's thick and full of flavor. Your's looks great too.
