Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top 10 Recipies For 2010, Oh YUMMY!

Yesterday I posted my picks for the Top Ten Tablescapes of 2010. So, today I wanted to try to highlight some of the best Foodie Friday dishes of 2010.

I posted 50 tablescapes and coincidentally I also posted 50 Foodie Friday posts! And choosing 10 dishes was just as hard as picking 10 tablescapes.

I did not include any recipes from the 53 weekly menu plans I posted, which hold many, many delicious recipes! (Don't ask how I got 53 weeks, probably one left over from 2009)

These are some of my favorites. Each has a special place in my heart and in the tummies of my family!

For original post and recipe, click name below the picture.


If you are have made a resolution to lose weight, this might not be the soup for you. But if your are resolved to find a fabulous soup that EVERYONE will love, make this! I get more e-mail singing the praises of this really yummy, easy soup!


I am not a huge breakfast eater. That being said, I do love these wonderful delicate tastes of scrambly delight!

I made a HOT breakfast every morning for my family when my children were growing up. We sat together as a family for breakfast and devotions before work and school. Even though it meant getting up super early every day, it was so worth it and paid off in BIG ways for all of us!

This was on the top of the most their most wanted  list!


Please make these and then eat them as soon as they come out of the oven! They will make you smile all day long! These are fabulous goodies and very easy to make. Everyone will think you toiled all morning... but you won't!


Breakfast, lunch or dinner, this totally delicious quiche is in a league all of it's own. It bakes so high and fluffy. If I want a NO FAIL brunch this is my go-to recipe. I really can't praise this dish enough!


Making herbed butter is almost a religious experience for me. I feel like I am doing something good and bigger than myself!

Silly as it sounds, seeing parchment rolls of this buttery goodness in my freezer let's me know that I can throw a delicious dinner together in no time.. and there is peace in the world!


My friend Capi (hi, dear!) brought these for her daughter's bridal shower I hosted last spring. Well, I was so taken with them that I could barely think of anything else until I made my own!

I think these are the most beautiful food I have ever seen! And they taste heavenly!  This is truely food as art!


Have you ever seen anything so precious? My family LOVED these darling little pies! You can make these up ahead and freeze them. Just pop them out of the freezer and right into the oven. I have a "thing" for individual serving size.



Salmon = Love at StoneGable. We have it almost every week. Wrap it in puffed pastry and it's a love affair!

This company worthy dish is so simple to make. And even better than that... it is impressive, exquisitely beautiful and decadently delicious!


This is the taste of Autumn! My friend Marilou brought Pumpkin Bread Pudding to Bible Study this fall and I could have eaten the whole pan! Brimming with full flavored ingredients all combined together in a perfect symphony of yumminess!

She generously shared the recipe so I could share Autumn-At-It's-Best with you!


This is another recipe that I get thank you e-mails for sharing! It is scrumptious and hearty. A meal in a bowl.

Wouldn't this be perfect for Superbowl Sunday.

Bonus Recipes!


 My first foray into the mysterious world of fondant was making daisy tops for a bridal shower cup cakes. It was ridiculously easy and had a huge WOW factor. Aren't they sweetness personified? Darling! And they taste pretty good too.


I think vanilla is my favorite flavor and  scent! When I saw how easy it was to make I just could not wait to share it. Real vanilla extract which can be refilled and lasts for years and years. What could be better.

Making Vanilla

OKAY... Just One More!

My Nani's Chicken Noodle Soup

This soup is a MUST TRY! There really are some simple secrets to making great chicken noodle soup. We are BIG soup eaters at StoneGable and this is our favorite hands down!

Chicken Noodle soup is a family recipe passed down for generations.

StoneGable Chicken Noodle Soup

As I look forward to a New Year full of Foodie Friday fun, I hope to bring my dear readers more delicious, easy and flavorful dishes full of love and yummines! (I think I just channeled Paula Deen!)

Be looking for SOME healthier versions of old favorites this year... I said SOME! And new bread recipes as I want to master breadmaking.

I am participating in Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescapers. Check out all the creative, timely ideas by clicking HERE.



  1. I have been wanting to try the chicken noodle soup recipe since I saw it a few weeks ago. We are just a little full of poultry currently with turkey for both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, followed by all the leftovers, but I will definitely be trying this recipe very soon. We are also big soup eaters in my home, vegetable, potato, broccoli and cheese for example, and I am excited about adding a new favorite. I may just have to try the taco cheese soup also, and cannot pass up those cinnamon rolls! Happy New Year!

  2. It was fun to look back at your yummy recipes! I am excited to see what 2011 brings on your blog.

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year!

  3. I wanted to pull that cupcake right off the screen! Thanks for sharing the top 10. Do you by chance have a good recipe for spinach soup?
    Happy New Year! ~ Sarah

  4. Sarah, I dont have a Spinach soup recipe, but that sure sounds good. I just might have to find a good one and make it. Can you imagine it with bacon, lots of garlic and some wonderful rich chicken stock. NOW I'll be on a search!

    I do make Italian Wedding Soup and I know spinach can be used in that.
    xo Yvonne

  5. Every one of your recipes is like a masterpiece! I love the baked potato soup! We (actually Joe) made black bean soup today for our dinner. OOOOHHHH, it is so yummy! I am full to the brim:) I so look forward to every one of your posts, I smile each time I see one!!!! Rich blessings to you, my friend in the new year. XO, Pinky

  6. Yvonne,
    I've used several of your recipes this past year! Everyone was easy to make and wonderful to the tastebuds! Thank you for this wonderful walk down memory lane!
    Happy New Year, dear. I look forward to blogging with you in 2011!

  7. Yvonne, Thanks for sharing your Top Tens. You have such a beautiful blog. Your food photography is exquisite/magazine worthy for sure! The pansy shortbread cookies, pie in a jar and your fondant daisies really piqued my interest! The salmon sounds great too. Lovely post!
    Blessings, Beth

  8. I am seriously going to start my grocery list right now to make some of these. So much for losing weight. They all look so yummy! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Oh, MY!! I drooled through every picture!

  10. Yummm...can I have a taste of each?

    - The Tablescaper

  11. I loved this post as I missed many of these wonderful recips and now I'll be searching them all out on your wonderful blog! You are not only a wonderful chef but a very talented photographer..all of these photos looked magazine worthy!

    Thanks and happy 2011!

  12. Several of these are my favorites of your recipes also! It's fun doing a top ten!

  13. You have shared a lot of fabulous recipes with us this year! One of my favorites was the Pansy Shortbread Cookies. Those were fabulous! I forgot to come back to tell you that I made them for a women's luncheon I hosted a few weeks after you shared the recipe with us. They were a huge hit! Thank you!

    ~ Tracy

  14. You do realize, I hope, that you are making it impossible for me to keep to my New Years lose weight resolution. Oh well, I will just have to learn how to eat less of each recipe. sigh!

    Thank you for sharing these wonderful and all your other recipes throughout the year. This blog is so helpful.

    Happy New Year.

  15. Oh my word! I just gained 100 lbs. looking at your photos!.
    I try to control my salt and cholesterol intake and it is so hard. It seems everything that taste so good is full of all the "bad" stuff.
    Have a healthy, prosperous, and Very Happy New Year!

  16. Yvonne! Your pictures are just about as pretty as your recipes are fascinating. I don't know which I like the best! :)

    Happy New Year!


  17. Hi Yvonne,

    Thank you for featuring my Bierocks in your upcoming weekly menu. I think you will like them alot as I always love the recipes you share and this seems like one I would have seen on your blog.
    I really wanted to stop by to share a story with you. Today I had a lady come into my shop from Arkansas. She is one of my blog readers so it was a fun surprise when she asked if I was Nancy. Anyway, she specifically mentioned how much she also loves Stone Gable and that she made some of your cinnamon rolls over Christmas for her family. She mentioned a few other blogs too...Carolyn at Aiken House Gardens, Susan at BNOTP. It was so fun to have someone come in and mention all of us. Of course I felt soooooo honored to be included amongst the blogs she mentioned because they are some of my favorites too.

    Hope you had a beautiful Christmas and will have a very Happy New Year!

    Kindest wishes,


    p/s I just made another Bierock for my son who just got home...I uploaded a couple more pics that I think are better than what was there originally.

  18. Your recipes are always such a treat and your photography and picture design just make it better. I would have to include the homemade mozzarella too, that just made my mouth water, although I haven't gotten around to trying it yet - on that long to do list! Loved getting to peek into your kitchen in 2010 and can't wait to see more magic in 2011!

  19. Delicious! Fantastic recipes my dear Ivonne!

    Wishing you a Happy and Yummy New Year!!!


  20. You have many mouth watering creations! Can't wait to try them out. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I'm following yours too! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  21. Oh how I'm enjoying your year-end recaps. They remind me why your blog is one of my 10 Ten!!


  22. Well, I am going to be busy, because I want to make every one of these recipes! The biggest problem is going to be deciding which one I want to make first!

  23. They all look yummy. I think I'll try the potato soup! Carla

  24. Thank you for sharing the top 10 yummy's for 2010. I am new to your blog and I missed them the first time around.
    Darn ~ now I'm hungry!
    Happy New Year.

  25. Yvonne, we just had Nana's chicken soup the other night, I've made it several times and now keep it in the freezer for quick dinners. It is the best chicken soup I've ever had.

  26. They all look wonderful:) I made the little cute!

    Happy new Year.. You have a wonderful blog~ Well done!

  27. I don't often respond but I do follow and I am making that loaded potato soup this weekend...AND the herbed butter is to die for...Now..I did NOT know you could freeze it...I must have missed that now I can make some ahead of time! Hugs and thank you for all your wonderful sharing! Diana

  28. HOLY COW!

    I think I just shocked my tongue from licking my monitor. :o) Everything looks so delicious.

    Happy New Year! I'm a new follower and can't wait to see what you have in store for 2011.

    Happy New Year! La

  29. Hi Yvonne
    What a wonderful buffet of fine food. You are an inspiration to me, thank you for sharing such a beautiful blog.
    Happy New Year!

  30. Just amazing pics Yvonne! I have to make a quiche soon! Wishing you and your family all the best in 2011! Go Birds and how 'bout them Phils:@)

  31. What a great collection of recipes and pictures! Thank you so much for re-sharing them with us. Any time I am in the cooking doldrums, I come over to your blog and get so inspired to try something new..I know they are all winners! Blessings to you and yours as we head into a new year full of surprises and adventure!

  32. Oh my, oh my - I am so inspired. I am bookmarking this page and making every recipe. I love the pie in the jar, what a sweet presentation! I can't wait to try the recipe. You are so kind to share these with us. Thank you for all your great ideas.

  33. Hello Yvonne,
    all your recipes are so fantastic.
    I wish you a very Happy New Year full of Health, Luck and Joy.
    Greetings, Johanna

  34. Yvonne Dear, I am enjoying your Blog so much. Helps keep me close to my home and loved ones. I'll try to do some of these "favorite" recipes as often as I can (and I have plenty of time here). Your favorite tablescapes were georgeous. Mine was the peoneys. Much Love, Mother

  35. Yvonne, your blog is such a great resource and
    I've gleaned many great ideas and recipes from it this past year. It's a joy to read each post. I love these top ten and more recipes---and your photography makes them even more enticing. Thanks for all the hard work this year--a gift to all of us. And God's blessings in this new year!


  36. Yes, I do have a question. I was wondering, do you recommend using wild salmon or farmed? Some favor farmed salmon because it is cheaper. However, I have also read that wild salmon has higher Omega-3 content and astaxanthin in it. I live in a remote area so it's not easy to find good fresh salmon so I end up ordering it online. But I never know what kind to buy? Should I buy Atlantic salmon? Or Pacific salmon? Or Alaskan salmon. Or should I order farmed salmon or wild salmon?

    Thank you for your wonderful and much appreciate blog wisdom and insights,

  37. Your Pansy Shortbread Cookies photo made my heart flutter. I clicked through to the recipe and let me say three words: Success! Success! Success! I am delighted to report that the Pansy Shortbread Cookies dish I made using your wonderful recipe was successful. Big time. I can’t believe that I did it. Thanks. It's no doubt due to your terrific and easy-to-follow instructions.

    A room full of appreciative applause to you from all of my dinner guests,
