Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Scripture, December 12, 2010

The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our LORD and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever. 
Rev 11:15

And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS".
Rev. 19:16

HALLELUJAH, for the LORD our GOD, the Almighty reigns!
Rev 19:6b

Hallelujah means "PRAISE GOD"!


  1. I absolutely love these concerts put on around the country and in the world. I could only wish I could see and hear one in person!

  2. Thank you for sharing this !

    When I was in Chorus ( in a public school ) years ago.. we sang this song and I just loved singing it !

    Gee, wonder if they are still allowed to sing it in public schools nowadays..

    What an inspiring video ~ Praise God !

    Merry Christmas ~

  3. Yes, praise God. I love this video and although I've seen it many times, I could watch and listen over and over. Thanks for starting my Sunday morning with praise to Him.

  4. They are heartwarming these videos.Thank you .

  5. Oh my...
    Yvonne ... it is AWESOME!
    thank you so much for sharing this...
    I'm off to facebook to share with family!
    God bless you and let's keep that glorious
    Hallelujah in our hearts ALWAYS ♥

  6. Thank you for sharing this awesome video.
    This was the finale performed each year at my High School Christmas Concert, decked out in our choral gowns.
    This by was by far more special, to present His message in a modern setting.
    Love It,

  7. Yvonne,
    Another wonderful scripture Sunday! You are such an inspiration to me. Thank you for continuing this practice each week.

  8. My computer blocks the videos...we have small children so have many blocks on the computer! I am sad not to see this! Love the scriptures, as always! God bless you this Christmas season! I hope it is peaceful and calm and that you are surrounded by the people you love the most!! Christie

  9. Yes, Praise be to GOD! In HIM, we have a hope and future. Thank you so much for sharing this. May you be blessed! Merry Christmas.

  10. A friend shared this with me last month. I showed it to my family at th beginning of December.

    It must have left quite an impression on my 2 1/-year-old, because one day this week she was walking around the house singing it all day long!

  11. Merry Merry Christmas to you!
    Enjoyed this awesome video.

    God bless,
    d from homehaven
