Friday, July 2, 2010

Pie In a Jar

Want a fun delicious dessert for your holiday weekend? These darling little fruit pies made in ball  jars are real crowd pleasers! They are very easy to make and can be frozen ahead and baked later!

Pie In A Jar
4- 4 oz. ball jars 
 pie crust dough
2 cups fruit
2TBS sugar
2TBS flour
1 TBS butter
pinch of lemon zest
(cinnamon is optional)
sanding sugar

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Make pie dough. I use Martha Stewart's pie dough recipe. It is SOOOOOOO easy to work with. Click HERE for recipe.

Using clean 4 oz. ball jars, pinch off a quater size piece of dough and roll into a ball. Press dough into the bottom of the jar.

Break off another quarter size piece of dough, roll and press into the side of the jar. Continue to press quarter size pieces of dough in the side of the jar until the whole side of the jar is covered. Press dough to the top of the jar.

Mix washed fruit in a bowl with sugar, flour and lemon zest. I used what I had on hand. Blueberries, blackberries and sour cherries. Because these fruits are high in water content I added an extra TBS of flour.

Depending on the fruit you could also add cinnamon, vanilla bean, nuts, dried fruit or other spices.

Divide butter between jars and dot each jar with butter.

Roll out the remainder of the dough, and using the lids of the jar as a template, cut out circles for the top of the pies.

Pies must be vented to let out steam, cut out a small design using a mini cookie cutter or cut vents slashes with knife.

Secure the top crust to the dough in the side of the jar. This is very important. Just press them together by pressing the them to the edge of the jar.

Make an egg wash with 1 egg and a little water. Brush tops of pies with egg wash and sprinkle with sugar.

At this point jars can be frozen. Just seal with lids and freeze.

Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minute, or until crust is golden brown. Frozen jars can be placed in a cold oven and then heat oven to 375 degrees. Bake for 50-60 minutes.

Get creative! Think up delicious fruit combinations, make a crunchy crumb topping or freeze and give these little delights as gifts!

Happy Birthday America

It has been brought to my attention that the Manufacturer does not recommend baking with Mason Jars because they may crack or explode. I have not had any trouble making these little pies. So please keep this in mind if you use this recipe.


  1. Oh my gosh! Those look so yummy! And, they are so cute!

  2. I was drooling over these cute little pies in jars when I saw your picnic. Thanks for sharing the how-to.

    Enjoy your weekend.


  3. That sounds very yummy. I will be at the hospital with my husband though this weekend. I've been printing out these recipes out and when my husband comes home we will celebrate with them then... Home is a ways off yet...

  4. I think my heart just skipped a beat! Those look incredible! I can't wait for my next get together to make these! Thanks so much for sharing...and your pictures are spectacular too! Happy Long Weekend to you! ~Stacey

  5. What fun and darling little pies! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your long weekend.


  6. Yvonne, I have been waiting all week for this!!! They are so cute, and a great tutorial as always. I can't wait to make these. Have a safe and Happy 4th of July!

  7. Sorry Yvonne, maybe I was wrong in my wording for a "field of sweet peas". They actually grow wild on the country side road around where I live. The space is about 30 feet wide for as long as the road and on a bit of a slope {almost ditch like} and they are absolutely amazing! ~Stacey

  8. Sending a sweet hello from Frog Hollow Farm. Can't wait to make these adorable little desserts - and being able to freeze them before baking is fantastic!! Thanks so, so much!! Ciao, bella!

  9. This is the cutest sweet treat EVER! I can just hear the oooh's and aaaah's now.:)

  10. OH MY GOODNESS!! how lovely and yummy and yes I am going to the store to get me some more jars, we have company coming and these are just sweet!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  11. I was waiting anxiously for this afetr seeing the picnic! So great that you can freeze them too!!! Can you use premade pie crust dough? I am going to try these! Hope you have a great weekend. I wish it wasn't going to get so darn HOT again! XO, Pinky

  12. I LOVE these little pies in a jar. What a beautiful presentation, Yvonne, and your step by step instructions explain assembly very well. I can't wait to impress my family.

    Have a great 4th of July holiday.

  13. GORGEOUS! I've done this before with just a pastry cap (not lining the whole jar with pastry) but I like you idea so much better! I'm doing these soon :)

    Have a great 4th!


  14. What a FABULOUS idea and recipe! Thank you for sharing... I think my little girl and I will try these!!! Happy 4th! ;)

  15. They look so good! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Your 4th of July picnic and menu looks wonderful!
    Will be back to checkout more of your posts when have more time.
    Happy 4th!

  16. That is the cutest pie I have
    ever seen! Amazing recipe and
    great instructions! I am going
    to share this with lots of friends!

    Happy 4th of July
    Flora Doora

  17. These are just sweet ~ I love them and they look yummy!! Happy 4th to you!

  18. These are fabulous and especially for the 4th! Thanks for a great tutorial and have a happy and safe one...

  19. I noticed these. I have all these leftover ice cream balls from Tablescape Thursday and I was wondering what to do with them. This would be the perfect addition. How clever. I loved all the Ball jars you incorporated. Thanks for sharing this clever recipe.

  20. Cute ande delicious idea! Thanks for the recipie.


  21. These look fabulous!!! I can't wait to find them, but first Ihave to get my hands on some 1/2 pint jars. I wonder if ramekins would work?

    - The Tablescaper

  22. Oh goodness this is a wonderful idea! Thanks so much for the recipe and the wonderful tutorial!! Can't wait to give it a try. :)

  23. I am going to try this out for a little party that I am having. My best friend from high school and her husband are coming over in a few weeks for a BBQ. I can't wait to try it out! I haven't seen her in years and this will be perfectly special for them!

  24. You always amaze me. What creativity. I'm not going to be home baking for the 4th of July but I'm going to try this for something else. Thank you so much for sharing this creative and yummy pie.

  25. Looks great Yvonne! Everyone loves getting their own individual little treats! Happy 4th!

  26. Oh my...these are the cutest things ever! I am headed to the store to get everything so I can make them...I already have the jars so I am a little ahead of the game;)!

    Your patriotic picnic in the previous post is absolutely to die for! Every detail never miss a thing...GORGOUS!

    Another beautiful post...dear girl!

    Happy 4th!

  27. Thanks for the cute idea and the great tutorial! Yum! Joni

  28. This is just so clever. I will definitely have to try this. Thanks a bunch for the tutorial and the recipe. Have a Blessed 4th. Hugs, Marty

  29. Mmmmm! I'm having company next week and I just might have to try this recipe out!

    This would be perfect to serve at an outdoor party; no plates! The last issue of Fresh Home had a recipe for BBQ'd chicken that was served in half pint mason jars for outdoor parties. I use mason jars all the time but it never occurred to me to bake in them, or to use them to serve anything other than drinks. Great post!

  30. What a great touch of Americana to eat!

    I think you could publish a book on decorating, entertaining, and cooking.

  31. I have been waitig for your Friday post............the pies are so cute! This is the best recipe ever. I can't wait to try them. I have raspberries growing in my garden and I think I will make raspberry pies. I really enjoy your blog:)

  32. I saw this done before, but yours is adorable!!!!!!! You amaze me! Everything you touch turns to beauty!

    Have a wonderful 4th sweet lady!
    Blessings, Linda

  33. Yum!! They look so very festive!

  34. Kudos, Yvonne! Charmingly delicious always works. I have a dozen of these little jars awaiting some treasure and I've found one.

    Happy 4th!


  35. Amazing! Thanks for sharing with us. I love this idea! Happy 4th and be blessed. Cindy

  36. What a charming way to serve pie. These are so cute and look delicious too. I also like the fact that they can be frozen ahead of time.
    Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. I can't wait to try it.

  37. I LOVE this idea! I'm planning to make these this weekend! I have some blueberry pie filling in my freezer that I made last year and this would be so cute to make these individual little pies!

    A friend of mine recommended your blog and said I'd love it...and I DO!

  38. Bonjour Yvonne,
    I love the idea of freezing them, perfect for unexpected guests. Love the stars for the 4th!
    Bon week-end, my friend,

  39. Hi, Yvonne, wow, your pics are just beautiful. Loved your 4th of July post that Kate featured & all that goes with it. Really pretty blog you have here. You take some beautiful shots with your camera. I just got a new one, so am really noticing good photos.

  40. Thanks, Yvonne,
    I'll be trying these. Did you make this recipe up? or did you get it from somewhere?

  41. OMG such a clever idea and one I will really use a lot!! Cute too
    Happy July 4th to you too

    Of course my pies will be pink (cherries or pink berries) ha!
    Maire Arden Pink Living

  42. Hi Yvonne,

    I loved your tablescape post and had to stop back by to see how you made these. You do the BEST tutorials! Your instructions are always easy-to-follow and your photographs are always amazing. I love how you made pie dough look beautiful! That's a gift, my friend!

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

  43. Those are adorable! Thanks so much!


  44. What a nifty idea! You are so creative. Thanks for sharing.


  45. Now these are just too cool. I'll have to show these to Chelsea.

    Becky K.

  46. Yvonne, I've been waiting to see how these are made. Thank you! I've been saving small jelly jars for some time now, but didn't know what I was going to do with them. I think I have a plan! :-)
    Happy 4th of July! ~ Sarah

  47. Oh Yvonne,
    You have sooo just tantalized my sweet tooth! Now how clever are those tastsy creations? You outdo yourself every time! I want to come to your house for the 4th, it looks absolutely amazing. You must be the best hostess :)
    I hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend and are staying cool!
    See you soon

  48. You just continue to amaze & inspire with every post, Yvonne! I tried doing these little treats once & they bubbled over & made a mess. Guess I over-filled them. Yours came out sooo much nicer!

    I have a tiny ♥ cutter but I am putting a tiny * cutter on my list!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  49. Those look like so much furn to make. I have to try these!

    Thanks so much!

  50. Adorable, Yvonne! I love them in the jars, these are just perfect! You are so talented and creative, I am soo impressed by everything you do!

  51. I'm back and a day behind in letting you know, you made this week's Top 5 Hits at Singing With Birds. Love this adorable pies! Come check it out, grab a blog button and happy 4th!

  52. LOVE these pies in a jar! Perfect pictures & love the steps. How great that you can freeze them too...

    Thanks so much for your comments, that's the highest of praise coming from you. Happy 4th :-)

  53. Oh my those are so cute and look so pretty and delish! I love that they can be frozen! Just perfect!

    Happy 4th!


  54. Just wonderful, Yvonne!
    An fabulous tutorial for a delicious dessert! And... what fun it must be to serve! I can hear the Oooooo's and Aaaaaaah's!
    ~Happy 4th!~

  55. You make it look so easy, but I KNOW you had to do a lot of work to make these little pies look perfect. I'll have to print your instuctions because it does look fun; can't wait to try them.

    Have a happy 4th!

  56. Hi Yvonne, thank you first for sstopping by my blog and sayin hi! Next, I must make these pies, my mouth is just watering looking at them..oh my. outstanding!

    Have a blessed 4th!


  57. Dog Mom Diva tol me I should see this recipe so here I am! Oh YUMO!

    I'd love for you to join my recipe exchange and spread the word so we can get wonderful recipes like this.

    Here's info.

  58. I love them as much this time as the first!

    Do me a favor and provide a link back to "Summer Sundays".

    Thanks Yvonne.

    - The Tablescaper

  59. ABSOLUTELY CUTE! I love this idea. Guess what I'm doing for my next girls' get together??? :-)

  60. What a great you gave us all for the holiday!! I love this idea. I will copy the recipe for sure.

  61. Just amazing! How clever and yummy looking! I could dive right in! Is there ever room for ice cream on the top? Great summer post--Jacqueline

  62. Thanks for the fun yummy easy looking dessert! I just love this idea. This will be so much fun to make with me kids. Thanks for the great idea. So glad I found your blog tonight.

  63. These little pies are adorable! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe! I also love your patriotic picnic! What a beautiful post! The photos are gorgeous! Happy Fourth! Patti

  64. Your blog is like reading a wonderful magazine...Why did it take me so long to discover it!!
    your recipes look so good and I love your weekly menus...looking forward to becoming a follower...

  65. How darling! I just want to take a bite...they look so delicious and inviting. Hope you had a happy 4Th~

  66. These look delish and adorable:)

  67. Great tutorial. I have been planning on baking a pie in the jar also.. Great minds.


  68. Yvonne, I made these this weekend and they were a big hit with everyone. I can't wait to serve them for a summer party. Thanks so much for your beautiful pictures and great tutorial.

  69. I'm here by way of Holly's Tickled Pink feature. Your post really stood out, and I'm so glad I came by. Your blog is gorgeous! I love your style. Your projects and ideas are really quite exquisite! Holly and I are real-life friends, as well as bloggy ones, and are both big fans of treats baked in a jar. Over the holidays she always bakes some amazing Italian Rum cakes in jars. Currently, I'm featuring a post about some cute little baby shower cakes baked in jars, so I guess we're all kinda kindred-spirits in that regard ;)

    So happy to be following a new, inspiration-filled blog! Jenn

  70. Oh my! These look fabulously delicious!

  71. This is the cutest recipe I've seen in a LONG time! And it certainly looks tasty, too! We'll be giving these a try for sure! Thanks for sharing such a fun idea.
    Have a blessed weekend and Memorial Day!

  72. I will be trying these for sure! Thanks for the recipe and making it look like something I could actually do. Everything looks better in a canning jar doesn't it?

  73. Absolutely LOVE these! Thanks so much for the easy instructions. But, one question I have is, do you place them on or in any particular pan (inside the oven) or just a cookie sheet? Thanks!

  74. These look so good and they are so cute! You've just given me a great idea for thanksgiving.

  75. I just wanted you to know how much I loved this! I bookmarked this post since I first saw it in July, waiting for the right time to try this. The time came this weekend and I made this for a dinner party we were invited to, and it was a hit! I used the blueberries I had on hand and tried Martha Stewart's crust, which is easy and delicious. Our hostess kept saying how good the pies were and raved about the presentation.

    Thank you.

  76. These look great!! I can't wait to try these. I would be great to have a froxen homemade treat in the freezer for whenever I am in the mood. Thanks for sharing! I'll be sharing these on my blog.

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